I just found a very interesting item listed for sale on Ebay....store discount coupons! Ebay is one of the most fascinating concepts that I have ever encountered and it continues to amaze me every time I find something as unique as this for sale. The lady who is selling these coupons tells the whole story in her listing. She collects all the local newspapers, clips out the coupons, and then sells them at a much lower price on Ebay. She doesn't make a lot on each listing but what a slight paying hobby for a shut-in! I think this is ingenious.
For instance...someone purchased 10 $1.00 off coupons for ice-cream and it cost them $3.25 plus 70 cents shipping. They saved almost $6.00. The seller's cost for listing and mailing was about 75 cents plus her time. She seems to sell in large volume so her earnings probably come out to a substantial amount in a day. Smart and industrious lady!
When someone can do something like this on such a small scale why do we have so many able bodied people sitting on their asses on welfare doing absolutely nothing?
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Free Roaming Cats
In the wee hours of the morning I could hear the mournful wails of a cat somewhere in the neighborhood. We seldom hear this anymore because most cats in the city are house cats who aren't given the opportunity to roam and search for another cat to mate with.
I thought how lonely the wail sounded, with nary another loose cat within hearing distance to answer the call.
When I was a child the streets were filled with loose cats, most of which actually belonged to someone but cats were allowed to roam in those days. And so were dogs. I had my first sex education lesson by watching 2 dogs mating on the street. A crowd of kids had gathered to watch the spectacle, most giggling, but some (like me) unsure of what was happening. The older kids informed us younger ones that the dogs were just stuck together but we soon figured it out...even if we couldn't understand the logistics of the act. I can't say I do to this day. It has to hurt at least one of those dogs.
I loved cats and caught many a one to bring home with me. My grandmother would always say, "No, it belongs to someone", but I felt a loose cat was fair game for me to keep for myself. Only once did I have a cat of my own but I don't remember where I got it. My cat owning days ended when I was 12 years old and developed allergies.
There are a few free roaming cats in the neighborhood now and that's unusual. I don't mind them wandering around my yard at all because it keeps the squirrels and mice away. If these loose cats refrain from using my veggie garden as a toilet then they can hang around all they want.
Speaking of animal matings, I noticed when I was a child that cats don't mate the same way as dogs. They both put up a fierce battle that is filled with spits, snarls, and scratching. Then the male cat mounts the female from the back as she barely tolerates his presence, looking like a bundle of tightly restrained fury. The male finishes and then runs for his life. I always thought this was a strange way for mother nature to have made these animals behave. It's as though the female doesn't want to mate but she is genetically programmed to reproduce and does so very reluctantly and very bad tempered. It's a wonder there are any kittens in the world. The male cat quickly disappears the same way some human males do after a one night stand. Isn't nature interesting?
As for the lone wailing cat I heard last night...I hope you find a mate far away from here so I don't have to listen to the ensuing fight.
I thought how lonely the wail sounded, with nary another loose cat within hearing distance to answer the call.
When I was a child the streets were filled with loose cats, most of which actually belonged to someone but cats were allowed to roam in those days. And so were dogs. I had my first sex education lesson by watching 2 dogs mating on the street. A crowd of kids had gathered to watch the spectacle, most giggling, but some (like me) unsure of what was happening. The older kids informed us younger ones that the dogs were just stuck together but we soon figured it out...even if we couldn't understand the logistics of the act. I can't say I do to this day. It has to hurt at least one of those dogs.
I loved cats and caught many a one to bring home with me. My grandmother would always say, "No, it belongs to someone", but I felt a loose cat was fair game for me to keep for myself. Only once did I have a cat of my own but I don't remember where I got it. My cat owning days ended when I was 12 years old and developed allergies.
There are a few free roaming cats in the neighborhood now and that's unusual. I don't mind them wandering around my yard at all because it keeps the squirrels and mice away. If these loose cats refrain from using my veggie garden as a toilet then they can hang around all they want.
Speaking of animal matings, I noticed when I was a child that cats don't mate the same way as dogs. They both put up a fierce battle that is filled with spits, snarls, and scratching. Then the male cat mounts the female from the back as she barely tolerates his presence, looking like a bundle of tightly restrained fury. The male finishes and then runs for his life. I always thought this was a strange way for mother nature to have made these animals behave. It's as though the female doesn't want to mate but she is genetically programmed to reproduce and does so very reluctantly and very bad tempered. It's a wonder there are any kittens in the world. The male cat quickly disappears the same way some human males do after a one night stand. Isn't nature interesting?
As for the lone wailing cat I heard last night...I hope you find a mate far away from here so I don't have to listen to the ensuing fight.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Garden Pictures Explanation
I don't know what I did but all the comments I made about the pictures came out in columns of 1 or 2 letters at a time so I had to delete them. The point I was trying to make is that every plant in our garden has it's own story. We remember who gave it to us or why we chose it.
The garden angel in the first picture was a Mother's Day gift from my daughter and, even though the picture is a bit fuzzy, it is one of my favorite items in the yard.
My garden is eclectic, like me!
The garden angel in the first picture was a Mother's Day gift from my daughter and, even though the picture is a bit fuzzy, it is one of my favorite items in the yard.
My garden is eclectic, like me!
Gas Price is Up Again
I don't have to go to work every day or drop kids off at school or day care, either, so I can pretty well pick and choose when to hop in the car. The huge increase in the cost of gas has still made a big difference in the way I run my life.
I have a flea market stall that I used to run out to at least once a week but have long since changed that to once every two weeks. I used to go for nice, long drives out in the country when the mood struck but that has been completely crossed off my list.
Banking, bill paying, grocery shopping, etc., have always been done as a bulk driving trip so that hasn't changed. To take the bus to do all of these things would be foolish.
Summer holidays which require long distance driving has also been abolished. I drive to Florida for the winter and that's all the vacation I need. My backyard is pretty to look at and enjoyable to be in so why leave it in the summer?
If gas prices reach the heights that are predicted, my fears are more for the residual fallout caused by those high prices. Many people will lose their jobs because the dollar can only be stretched so far. Job loss means more people on welfare, therefore more tax dollars needed to support them. Public services will suffer, again because the dollar can only be stretched so far. I fear we are a society on the edge of collapse if something is not done quickly.
The oil rich countries are gouging us and I don't think there's a darn thing we can do about it. Maybe our high salaried politicians can find a way.
I have a flea market stall that I used to run out to at least once a week but have long since changed that to once every two weeks. I used to go for nice, long drives out in the country when the mood struck but that has been completely crossed off my list.
Banking, bill paying, grocery shopping, etc., have always been done as a bulk driving trip so that hasn't changed. To take the bus to do all of these things would be foolish.
Summer holidays which require long distance driving has also been abolished. I drive to Florida for the winter and that's all the vacation I need. My backyard is pretty to look at and enjoyable to be in so why leave it in the summer?
If gas prices reach the heights that are predicted, my fears are more for the residual fallout caused by those high prices. Many people will lose their jobs because the dollar can only be stretched so far. Job loss means more people on welfare, therefore more tax dollars needed to support them. Public services will suffer, again because the dollar can only be stretched so far. I fear we are a society on the edge of collapse if something is not done quickly.
The oil rich countries are gouging us and I don't think there's a darn thing we can do about it. Maybe our high salaried politicians can find a way.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Labelling Children
I happen to have a 9 year old grandson who is exceptionally bright. His father is in the military and has had to move his family to foreign countries occasionally over the last few years which, besides being stressful on the family, is immensely stressful on a young boy. The language barrier alone is hard on the family.
My grandson, although very polite and well mannered, has had a few anger issues at school...none of which resulted in parents being called or him being sent to the principal's office for discipline. They were mainly mild temper tantrums and crying jags. True, that needs to be looked into to see what is bothering him so much but is it something that needs to be "labelled"?
One teacher suggested he might have a rare form of Autism called "Asberger Syndrome" (not sure of spelling). Since when can a teacher diagnose a child with a mental condition? Sound silly? Well, teachers have been diagnosing young children with ADHD for years so why not go even deeper with their uneducated diagnosis? There are many, many children today taking the drug, Ritalin, on the advice of their teachers, not their doctors.
This nasty trend of labelling a young child by an unqualified adult scares me. Label anyone and it follows them throughout their lives. Label a bratty child with ADHD just because you're having difficulty handling them, and then suggesting drugging them, is criminal.
Children today are subjected to stresses that were almost unheard of even 30 years ago. Families are on the move more often and their children can find it difficult to blend into a new school or neighborhood. 9 year olds do occasionally have temper tantrums which, if serious enough, require a teacher to notify the parents if there is a concern. A teacher's place is not to diagnose and label children but to educate them.
I believe some teachers have stepped over the bounds of their qualifications. Labelling has become a popular habit used to glorify their positions.
Like my oldest daughter once said about her troublesome son, "He has B.R.A.T., not A.D.H.T.". Now that's a label we can all accept.
My grandson, although very polite and well mannered, has had a few anger issues at school...none of which resulted in parents being called or him being sent to the principal's office for discipline. They were mainly mild temper tantrums and crying jags. True, that needs to be looked into to see what is bothering him so much but is it something that needs to be "labelled"?
One teacher suggested he might have a rare form of Autism called "Asberger Syndrome" (not sure of spelling). Since when can a teacher diagnose a child with a mental condition? Sound silly? Well, teachers have been diagnosing young children with ADHD for years so why not go even deeper with their uneducated diagnosis? There are many, many children today taking the drug, Ritalin, on the advice of their teachers, not their doctors.
This nasty trend of labelling a young child by an unqualified adult scares me. Label anyone and it follows them throughout their lives. Label a bratty child with ADHD just because you're having difficulty handling them, and then suggesting drugging them, is criminal.
Children today are subjected to stresses that were almost unheard of even 30 years ago. Families are on the move more often and their children can find it difficult to blend into a new school or neighborhood. 9 year olds do occasionally have temper tantrums which, if serious enough, require a teacher to notify the parents if there is a concern. A teacher's place is not to diagnose and label children but to educate them.
I believe some teachers have stepped over the bounds of their qualifications. Labelling has become a popular habit used to glorify their positions.
Like my oldest daughter once said about her troublesome son, "He has B.R.A.T., not A.D.H.T.". Now that's a label we can all accept.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The Library
I went to the library today for the first time in ages and had to renew my card because the old one has long since disappeared. I explained to the man who took care of me that retirement has given me less time to spend at the library and laughed to realize how true that was. I used to read 30 books a month when my husband was working and I hadn't found other outlets. Now my books gather dust before they get read.
I picked up a couple of books on beading and will copy some of the relevant pages for my new hobby. Reference books of any kind are terribly expensive so borrowing them and copying some necessary pages is a cheap way to go.
I really should get some housework done but I've sort of lost interest for the time being. It's been too hectic around here what with squirrels and water leaks and my brain seems to be begging for a rest. The basement is still the main concern because I still haven't finished clearing out my husband's workroom. I only need to walk in there and I'm overwhelmed. Oh well, soon.
In the meantime I'll pour through the library books I picked up and forget the petty little problems of the day.
I picked up a couple of books on beading and will copy some of the relevant pages for my new hobby. Reference books of any kind are terribly expensive so borrowing them and copying some necessary pages is a cheap way to go.
I really should get some housework done but I've sort of lost interest for the time being. It's been too hectic around here what with squirrels and water leaks and my brain seems to be begging for a rest. The basement is still the main concern because I still haven't finished clearing out my husband's workroom. I only need to walk in there and I'm overwhelmed. Oh well, soon.
In the meantime I'll pour through the library books I picked up and forget the petty little problems of the day.
Monday, June 23, 2008
More Rain
The fairly warm weather and lots of rain have given us a lush landscape so far this year but I'm sick of cutting the lawn before it's time because it might be the only day without rain. Yesterday we had a torrential downpour and a bit of water came into the basement where none has been before. This house is going to be the death of me.
I don't ever remember having such constant headaches with the house when my husband was alive...maybe because he didn't tell me about them but just fixed them. My house was built in 1953 so simply the age means there will be defects. It's becoming more apparent with each passing year that I'm not up to the job of keeping the house in tiptop shape so maybe my 5 year plan will have to be shortened. Not the worst thing that could happen, I guess.
I don't ever remember having such constant headaches with the house when my husband was alive...maybe because he didn't tell me about them but just fixed them. My house was built in 1953 so simply the age means there will be defects. It's becoming more apparent with each passing year that I'm not up to the job of keeping the house in tiptop shape so maybe my 5 year plan will have to be shortened. Not the worst thing that could happen, I guess.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Making Jewellery
I got out all my old costume jewellery today plus all the new parts and pieces I've been putting together to make necklaces. Mary bought amethyst beads at the store the other day and wanted to make earings out of them so I thought this would be easy. No.
Apparently there are certain little doodad parts that you need to hang a bead from the hook that goes through your ear but we didn't know this. I tried taking some old earrings apart to get these little pieces and managed to put her amethyst earrings together but it took us forever to do it. I won't be making earrings again.
We spent most of the time taking the old jewellery apart and storing the pieces in nice little boxes I got from the dollar store. Each box has about a dozen compartments so I could organize the parts according to color and usage. This was all much more fun than making the darned earrings.
The funniest thing was not being able to find my neat little wire snips and having to use one of my husbands giant snips (I think they were used to cut sheet metal)to cut teensy, tiny little wires off the old earrings. We may not have gotten much accomplished today but we sure laughed a lot trying.
Apparently there are certain little doodad parts that you need to hang a bead from the hook that goes through your ear but we didn't know this. I tried taking some old earrings apart to get these little pieces and managed to put her amethyst earrings together but it took us forever to do it. I won't be making earrings again.
We spent most of the time taking the old jewellery apart and storing the pieces in nice little boxes I got from the dollar store. Each box has about a dozen compartments so I could organize the parts according to color and usage. This was all much more fun than making the darned earrings.
The funniest thing was not being able to find my neat little wire snips and having to use one of my husbands giant snips (I think they were used to cut sheet metal)to cut teensy, tiny little wires off the old earrings. We may not have gotten much accomplished today but we sure laughed a lot trying.
Friday, June 20, 2008
To Slap or Not To Slap
Politicians are trying to make it a crime if you slap your child. I don't believe in spanking anymore but if that had been a crime when my children were young I'd still be serving time in prison.
A father (somewhere) tried to discipline his unruly daughter by refusing to allow her to go on a school trip and she took him to court. She won. How the heck are parents supposed to live with these little beasts if they aren't allowed to give them rules to follow?
Being a grandparent brought out the softer, more reasonable side of me and I came to realize that spanking was usually not necessary. Time out and corner sitting worked just as well or even better. I still believe that a quick whack can sometimes be needed to remind the little terror that you mean business, though. That would probably bring me jail time.
Working parents have a hard enough time trying to keep their wild and woolly children in line. If they have to fear imprisonment every time they try to enforce house rules then they either won't want kids or they'll prefer the child leave home as soon as legally possible. If one of my children had taken me to court for grounding them I could never have looked that child in the eye again without huge resentment. I'm sure the love connection would have suffered and therefor the family bond would also have weakened. Is this what our bleeding heart liberal courts want?
We should be very worried about the state of families these days. There is so much divorce, gay marriages, and underage and unwed mothers that the family unit is disintegrating.
The courts need to not only stay out of the bedrooms of the nation but they should also back off about normal discipline handed down by the parents in a family. There is a massive difference between ordinary discipline and abuse but the powers that be don't seem to understand this.
Personally, I would never hit a child again but I also wouldn't get all bent out of shape if I saw a parent give a bratty child a whack on the butt. It's not the best approach to discipline but it certainly doesn't qualify the parent for shackles.
A father (somewhere) tried to discipline his unruly daughter by refusing to allow her to go on a school trip and she took him to court. She won. How the heck are parents supposed to live with these little beasts if they aren't allowed to give them rules to follow?
Being a grandparent brought out the softer, more reasonable side of me and I came to realize that spanking was usually not necessary. Time out and corner sitting worked just as well or even better. I still believe that a quick whack can sometimes be needed to remind the little terror that you mean business, though. That would probably bring me jail time.
Working parents have a hard enough time trying to keep their wild and woolly children in line. If they have to fear imprisonment every time they try to enforce house rules then they either won't want kids or they'll prefer the child leave home as soon as legally possible. If one of my children had taken me to court for grounding them I could never have looked that child in the eye again without huge resentment. I'm sure the love connection would have suffered and therefor the family bond would also have weakened. Is this what our bleeding heart liberal courts want?
We should be very worried about the state of families these days. There is so much divorce, gay marriages, and underage and unwed mothers that the family unit is disintegrating.
The courts need to not only stay out of the bedrooms of the nation but they should also back off about normal discipline handed down by the parents in a family. There is a massive difference between ordinary discipline and abuse but the powers that be don't seem to understand this.
Personally, I would never hit a child again but I also wouldn't get all bent out of shape if I saw a parent give a bratty child a whack on the butt. It's not the best approach to discipline but it certainly doesn't qualify the parent for shackles.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Curing Depression
Because I'm a psychology buff and also spent many, many years in deep depression I have a strong desire to understand how I slipped into depression and how I managed to be cured.
I remember all too clearly the dreary, purposeless days...and years. I didn't realize I was suffering from depression because the circumstances of my daily life explained why I was unhappy. Depression goes far deeper than unhappiness but I had no way of knowing this.
It wasn't until a life crisis when I was in my mid 40's that I was forced to search for help. My doctor, god love him, made sure I received excellent counselling and that's where the cure started. Along with the counselling I received an antidepressant which allowed me the chance to think more clearly and reconstruct my life. The counselling felt like baring my soul and having the demons scraped from my innards but my counselor managed over about 12 years to drill into my brain the need to look at all situations in more than one way. She taught me to think before I felt. I shouldn't say "taught". She guided my thoughts toward logic and clarity.
Too many times I weaned myself off the antidepressants before I was really ready and that caused repeated depressive episodes which delayed my cure. The counselling decreased as my mental health increased and I haven't needed it for about 10 years now. Some people believe that depression is a physical brain disorder and that sufferers will need medication to cope for the rest of their lives. I believe that depression is merely a symptom of difficulty in coping with our lives. Once we develop some coping skills we can gradually be cured of the depression.
I've joked lately that an expression I seem to use a lot is, "It's not the worst thing in the world", and that has become my philosophy. It could always be worse so we should enjoy any niblets of pleasure and happiness that comes our way and try to steer clear of bad vibes.
I'm happy now because I have peace. A depressed person may look collapsed and drained of energy but their brain is in turmoil. Sure, I worry a bit about my family and my future but I don't allow the worries to eat me up like they used to. I've learned to look at things in many ways until I can make sense of them. And that ability to slow my reactions has made my life calmer and happier.
Some of my blogs end up being read on the internet by strangers who key in specific words so I hope anyone who reads this will see that there is hope. There really can be a cure and no need for continued medication.
I remember all too clearly the dreary, purposeless days...and years. I didn't realize I was suffering from depression because the circumstances of my daily life explained why I was unhappy. Depression goes far deeper than unhappiness but I had no way of knowing this.
It wasn't until a life crisis when I was in my mid 40's that I was forced to search for help. My doctor, god love him, made sure I received excellent counselling and that's where the cure started. Along with the counselling I received an antidepressant which allowed me the chance to think more clearly and reconstruct my life. The counselling felt like baring my soul and having the demons scraped from my innards but my counselor managed over about 12 years to drill into my brain the need to look at all situations in more than one way. She taught me to think before I felt. I shouldn't say "taught". She guided my thoughts toward logic and clarity.
Too many times I weaned myself off the antidepressants before I was really ready and that caused repeated depressive episodes which delayed my cure. The counselling decreased as my mental health increased and I haven't needed it for about 10 years now. Some people believe that depression is a physical brain disorder and that sufferers will need medication to cope for the rest of their lives. I believe that depression is merely a symptom of difficulty in coping with our lives. Once we develop some coping skills we can gradually be cured of the depression.
I've joked lately that an expression I seem to use a lot is, "It's not the worst thing in the world", and that has become my philosophy. It could always be worse so we should enjoy any niblets of pleasure and happiness that comes our way and try to steer clear of bad vibes.
I'm happy now because I have peace. A depressed person may look collapsed and drained of energy but their brain is in turmoil. Sure, I worry a bit about my family and my future but I don't allow the worries to eat me up like they used to. I've learned to look at things in many ways until I can make sense of them. And that ability to slow my reactions has made my life calmer and happier.
Some of my blogs end up being read on the internet by strangers who key in specific words so I hope anyone who reads this will see that there is hope. There really can be a cure and no need for continued medication.
Speaking Up
I mentioned in another blog how sometimes we should speak up instead of remaining silent and fuming. Well, I got to do just that yesterday.
I had to do a bit of grocery shopping (even non-cooks need some groceries in the house) so went to my favorite grocery store, Food Basics. It's cheaper to shop there and it pretty well has anything I need. As I finished my shopping and got into a rather long line at the checkout I noticed a small basket of groceries on the floor in the middle of the line. I naturally assumed they belonged to the man behind them but, as the line moved forward, he shoved the basket aside with his foot so I noticed he was carrying a few items in his hands.
The line continued to move forward at a snail's pace and suddenly a man appeared from no-where complaining that someone had moved his grocery basket out of line. Then he picked it up and stepped right into the middle of the line. No-one said a word but I did. Keep in mind that I'd been in line for over 5 minutes and his basket was sitting there longer than that.
I sarcastically said, "Why didn't you just put your basket at the head of the line before you went shopping and then you really could have gone first?". He looked at me with surprise but didn't even have the sense to be embarrassed. He stayed in line and occasionally gave me a dirty look as the lady behind me and I discussed what a jerk he was.
I'm always amazed at how someone like this grown man could be so self centered and wondered how he behaves elsewhere. I bet he's a jackass wherever he goes.
I had to do a bit of grocery shopping (even non-cooks need some groceries in the house) so went to my favorite grocery store, Food Basics. It's cheaper to shop there and it pretty well has anything I need. As I finished my shopping and got into a rather long line at the checkout I noticed a small basket of groceries on the floor in the middle of the line. I naturally assumed they belonged to the man behind them but, as the line moved forward, he shoved the basket aside with his foot so I noticed he was carrying a few items in his hands.
The line continued to move forward at a snail's pace and suddenly a man appeared from no-where complaining that someone had moved his grocery basket out of line. Then he picked it up and stepped right into the middle of the line. No-one said a word but I did. Keep in mind that I'd been in line for over 5 minutes and his basket was sitting there longer than that.
I sarcastically said, "Why didn't you just put your basket at the head of the line before you went shopping and then you really could have gone first?". He looked at me with surprise but didn't even have the sense to be embarrassed. He stayed in line and occasionally gave me a dirty look as the lady behind me and I discussed what a jerk he was.
I'm always amazed at how someone like this grown man could be so self centered and wondered how he behaves elsewhere. I bet he's a jackass wherever he goes.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Healthy Lunch With Mary
Mary met me at my flea market and helped me clean up and restock. Then we went to a local restaurant for a healthy lunch of one whopping salad that we shared. I think the darned thing would have fed 3 people because I actually left a little bit.
I'd wanted to go to a jewellery supply store I'd found on the internet but stupidly left the directions at home and Brantford is not a city I'm very familiar with. I told Mary about it and thought the street might be named "Keith" or "Craig" and had a slight idea of the main street it ran off. Mary decided to come with me and we actually found the place. The prices were about double what I'd pay if ordering the stuff from Hong Kong but right now I only need a few items so it's not worth my while to order from overseas. I bought a bit and so did Mary so our trip wasn't for nothing. The lady who runs the business was very nice and very helpful so we'll go back there for sure.
Now to pull out all the jewellery making supplies I already have and re-acquaint my self with them. This should be fun.
I'd wanted to go to a jewellery supply store I'd found on the internet but stupidly left the directions at home and Brantford is not a city I'm very familiar with. I told Mary about it and thought the street might be named "Keith" or "Craig" and had a slight idea of the main street it ran off. Mary decided to come with me and we actually found the place. The prices were about double what I'd pay if ordering the stuff from Hong Kong but right now I only need a few items so it's not worth my while to order from overseas. I bought a bit and so did Mary so our trip wasn't for nothing. The lady who runs the business was very nice and very helpful so we'll go back there for sure.
Now to pull out all the jewellery making supplies I already have and re-acquaint my self with them. This should be fun.
Selling Spells
It is fascinating what you can find on the internet. I follow all kinds of links and sometimes end up finding things which shock or delight me. I just followed a few links to discover that there is a website for witches to auction off their spells. It isn't Ebay but seems to run on the same premise.
I read one listing that was for a spell to promote love and desire in your life from the victim or person of your choice. It costs $19.99 and offers no guarantees. The grammar in the listing is atrocious and the word content becomes increasingly large and colorful as it goes on...an advertising ploy we often see on disreputable ads. This listing happened to actually have a bid. It got me wondering about how it's possible for anyone to take your money and offer to send a thought your way in return. The gullible can't always be protected but this website is surely preying on them.
So I thought...if anyone reading this blog would like me to think good thoughts or bad thoughts about someone in your life, just send me $19.99 and it will be done!
Now isn't that pathetic?
I read one listing that was for a spell to promote love and desire in your life from the victim or person of your choice. It costs $19.99 and offers no guarantees. The grammar in the listing is atrocious and the word content becomes increasingly large and colorful as it goes on...an advertising ploy we often see on disreputable ads. This listing happened to actually have a bid. It got me wondering about how it's possible for anyone to take your money and offer to send a thought your way in return. The gullible can't always be protected but this website is surely preying on them.
So I thought...if anyone reading this blog would like me to think good thoughts or bad thoughts about someone in your life, just send me $19.99 and it will be done!
Now isn't that pathetic?
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
My New Tangent
One of the reasons I don't get much done is that I spread my interests far and wide. Now I've jumped into a new one...jewellery making. I bought tons of crystal beads and polished stones at a wholesaler about 5 years ago and haven't touched them. Now I've discovered how to buy pendants on Ebay to make simple necklaces so I placed my first order to Hong Kong today. None of this has cost much money and it just might be my calling. There really isn't enough time in our allowed lifetime to do all the things that interest us, though.
I think I have a deep down desire to express myself in creativity but it's possible my talents aren't quite good enough. It could also be that my attention span is abysmally short and that's why I jump from one interest to another. Whatever, I continue to try things that are fun and dump them when they become troublesome. Beats vegetating on the sofa and waiting for death.
I think I have a deep down desire to express myself in creativity but it's possible my talents aren't quite good enough. It could also be that my attention span is abysmally short and that's why I jump from one interest to another. Whatever, I continue to try things that are fun and dump them when they become troublesome. Beats vegetating on the sofa and waiting for death.
Losing Weight
Mary, Faye and I are going on a cruise this coming January and Mary said we have to lose weight (she and I...mainly I). I like to blame Florida and all the restaurant meals I eat there for my weight problem but now I'm back home and I think I've gained some more weight.
I've allowed myself to go back to fries and potato chips after being off them for about a year. Then I developed a sweet tooth and stocked some butter tarts in the house. All of this and not restaurant meals is the reason for my weight gain.
Now today is the first day of the rest of my life and my aim is to stop eating fries and potato chips. Desserts are not a problem as long as I don't bring them home. Faye and I are going out for lunch today so I will be good and eat healthy.
Mary phoned about our lunch date tomorrow and we'd originally planned on going to our favorite Chinese buffet but we decided to go to a local restaurant for salads. Mary is diabetic and only a tad overweight but she needs to eat healthy to control her blood sugar. I think having her support will help me make better choices.
Since I eat so many restaurant meals I know there are always good choices available and it's time I developed a little self control. I'll keep you posted on my success rate.
Note: My darned lunch came with fries (I honestly didn't know beforehand) so I had a few but left almost all of them. I'm not perfect. I'll pay more attention to my restaurant orders from now on.
I've allowed myself to go back to fries and potato chips after being off them for about a year. Then I developed a sweet tooth and stocked some butter tarts in the house. All of this and not restaurant meals is the reason for my weight gain.
Now today is the first day of the rest of my life and my aim is to stop eating fries and potato chips. Desserts are not a problem as long as I don't bring them home. Faye and I are going out for lunch today so I will be good and eat healthy.
Mary phoned about our lunch date tomorrow and we'd originally planned on going to our favorite Chinese buffet but we decided to go to a local restaurant for salads. Mary is diabetic and only a tad overweight but she needs to eat healthy to control her blood sugar. I think having her support will help me make better choices.
Since I eat so many restaurant meals I know there are always good choices available and it's time I developed a little self control. I'll keep you posted on my success rate.
Note: My darned lunch came with fries (I honestly didn't know beforehand) so I had a few but left almost all of them. I'm not perfect. I'll pay more attention to my restaurant orders from now on.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Joyce is Making my Soup!
I just got the most flattering e-mail from my sister-in-law, Joyce. She's such a great cook that she could write her own book but today she's going to use my recipe for bean soup. It will taste even better than mine because she'll put more thought and expertise into it.
This just goes to show that even the worst cook can sometimes have something worthwhile to offer.
This just goes to show that even the worst cook can sometimes have something worthwhile to offer.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Simple Bean Soup Recipe
I hate to cook and I eat very little meat, mainly chicken when I do so it's important that I get protein in my diet. Hence the bean soup. I can just hear my relatives who read this blog snickering to themselves that I have the nerve to print out a recipe but this is for people like me...bad cooks/uninterested cooks.
The recipe has to be simple or I wouldn't be bothered making it. It also tastes great so here it is:
Use a very large pot because the beans swell up and you need lots of water.
I buy large bags of navy beans and toss about half a bag into the pot. Then I put in 2 heaping tablespoons of Knorr beef soup base. Added to that is about 1 heaping tablespoon of Bohio seasoning mix. I also add some lemon pepper and a bit of salt. Then I let the whole thing simmer for an hour or two...depends what else I'm doing.
I also buy large bags of frozen vegetables and, when the initial 1-2 hour simmering is done, toss as much as I feel like into the pot. You don't really need to add meat but sometimes I throw in some chicken or kobassa if it's hiding in my freezer. Let all of this simmer for another hour or so.
Then I gather all my plastic containers and scoop about a cup of soup into each one. They all go into the freezer so that I won't have to cook again for maybe 3-4 weeks. Some of the soup is left out so that I can enjoy it for today's meal.
Take it from me, this soup is easy to make and tastes wonderful. It's also healthy so that's a bonus.
Just a note: When one of the nieces got married all of the women in the family were asked to contribute their favorite recipe for a cookbook to be given to the new bride. My contiribution was "Make reservations". I have no shame.
The recipe has to be simple or I wouldn't be bothered making it. It also tastes great so here it is:
Use a very large pot because the beans swell up and you need lots of water.
I buy large bags of navy beans and toss about half a bag into the pot. Then I put in 2 heaping tablespoons of Knorr beef soup base. Added to that is about 1 heaping tablespoon of Bohio seasoning mix. I also add some lemon pepper and a bit of salt. Then I let the whole thing simmer for an hour or two...depends what else I'm doing.
I also buy large bags of frozen vegetables and, when the initial 1-2 hour simmering is done, toss as much as I feel like into the pot. You don't really need to add meat but sometimes I throw in some chicken or kobassa if it's hiding in my freezer. Let all of this simmer for another hour or so.
Then I gather all my plastic containers and scoop about a cup of soup into each one. They all go into the freezer so that I won't have to cook again for maybe 3-4 weeks. Some of the soup is left out so that I can enjoy it for today's meal.
Take it from me, this soup is easy to make and tastes wonderful. It's also healthy so that's a bonus.
Just a note: When one of the nieces got married all of the women in the family were asked to contribute their favorite recipe for a cookbook to be given to the new bride. My contiribution was "Make reservations". I have no shame.
Cursing in Public
I'm an old gal so it's murder to my ears to hear so many people using the "F" word in public. Teenagers are especially fond of this particular word and some can't say a sentence without using it a few times. It is their adjective of choice.
I've used the word myself so I'm not a puritan but I don't swear in public because I have respect for the people around me. I think that's what I resent most about people cursing in public...the lack of respect.
We used to have respect for our elders but that seems to have been bred out of too many youngsters. Their parents have become their friends instead of their mentors. I heard a man meekly explaining to his little son the other day, "My job is to let you know when you've done something wrong and when you've done something right". He said this in an apologetic way as though he wasn't sure he really believed it if it made his son angry with him. Like it or not, that is his job and that's how children learn to live in society.
A parent has truly failed his/her child if they fail to teach them respect for others. This actually begins with teaching a child to respect their parents. If anyone has watched "Nanny 911" and seen totally out of control children then you'll understand what I mean.
Years ago I had my two very young grandsons with me at McDonalds and we stood in line behind a group of teenage boys who loudly peppered their language with the "F" word. The place was packed and no-one else seemed bothered by this but I was. We didn't use that kind of language in front of our children. I stepped forward to face one of the boys (darned huge boys) and asked him to watch his language because my little boys shouldn't have to hear it. I fully expected to have those kids turn on me and curse me out but something interesting happened instead. The boy looked ashamed. The cursing stopped. Amazing how one person can change things just by speaking up, isn't it? Apparently those boys had received good training at home but forgot it once they got together in a group of their peers. It happens but I'm glad those boys showed respect by tempering their cursing once they were reminded it wasn't always acceptable.
My city is considering a bylaw prohibiting swearing in public but I think that's silly. First they need to get rid of the druggies, drunks, and hookers that walk the streets. We old gals can curb some of the swearing just by "speaking up".
I've used the word myself so I'm not a puritan but I don't swear in public because I have respect for the people around me. I think that's what I resent most about people cursing in public...the lack of respect.
We used to have respect for our elders but that seems to have been bred out of too many youngsters. Their parents have become their friends instead of their mentors. I heard a man meekly explaining to his little son the other day, "My job is to let you know when you've done something wrong and when you've done something right". He said this in an apologetic way as though he wasn't sure he really believed it if it made his son angry with him. Like it or not, that is his job and that's how children learn to live in society.
A parent has truly failed his/her child if they fail to teach them respect for others. This actually begins with teaching a child to respect their parents. If anyone has watched "Nanny 911" and seen totally out of control children then you'll understand what I mean.
Years ago I had my two very young grandsons with me at McDonalds and we stood in line behind a group of teenage boys who loudly peppered their language with the "F" word. The place was packed and no-one else seemed bothered by this but I was. We didn't use that kind of language in front of our children. I stepped forward to face one of the boys (darned huge boys) and asked him to watch his language because my little boys shouldn't have to hear it. I fully expected to have those kids turn on me and curse me out but something interesting happened instead. The boy looked ashamed. The cursing stopped. Amazing how one person can change things just by speaking up, isn't it? Apparently those boys had received good training at home but forgot it once they got together in a group of their peers. It happens but I'm glad those boys showed respect by tempering their cursing once they were reminded it wasn't always acceptable.
My city is considering a bylaw prohibiting swearing in public but I think that's silly. First they need to get rid of the druggies, drunks, and hookers that walk the streets. We old gals can curb some of the swearing just by "speaking up".
Saturday, June 14, 2008
I read an article in today's newspaper about the effects of dementia on the family. A woman's father was developing dementia and gradually losing memory of his past life...her past life. She felt as though her life was slowly being chipped away.
My daughter and I had a similar discussion just last week. She had become curious about my ancestors...parents, grandparents, great-grandparents...and there was much I couldn't tell her. Names have become foggy in my fairly normal memory but I've become the elder in my own family so there's no-one to ask. There was no-one left alive who remembered the circumstances of my birth, my first day at school, or even my childhood. I had to rely on my memory of what I'd been told but my memory isn't my strong suit.
We visited the cemetary where my great-grandfather, great-grandmother, their stillborn child, my grandmother, my mother, and her stillborn child are buried. I told my daughter all that I'd been told about their stories. This was her ancestry, too. I don't remember my great-grandparents but my grandmother raised me and I can still see her clearly in my mind. She was an extremely interesting woman who I never truly appreciated until she was gone. That's the way it often goes.
My birth father disappeared from my mother's life when he discovered she was pregnant and I never did meet him. His loss. I've always had this silly fantasy in my mind that he'd grow old and lonely and come looking for me. Maybe even leave me millions of remorse dollars in his will. Well, if he's still alive, he'd be in his early 90's by now. There's still time, I guess, but it would be a miracle. The truth is that it would be nice to meet him and look into the other half of me...millions or not.
My daughter and I had a similar discussion just last week. She had become curious about my ancestors...parents, grandparents, great-grandparents...and there was much I couldn't tell her. Names have become foggy in my fairly normal memory but I've become the elder in my own family so there's no-one to ask. There was no-one left alive who remembered the circumstances of my birth, my first day at school, or even my childhood. I had to rely on my memory of what I'd been told but my memory isn't my strong suit.
We visited the cemetary where my great-grandfather, great-grandmother, their stillborn child, my grandmother, my mother, and her stillborn child are buried. I told my daughter all that I'd been told about their stories. This was her ancestry, too. I don't remember my great-grandparents but my grandmother raised me and I can still see her clearly in my mind. She was an extremely interesting woman who I never truly appreciated until she was gone. That's the way it often goes.
My birth father disappeared from my mother's life when he discovered she was pregnant and I never did meet him. His loss. I've always had this silly fantasy in my mind that he'd grow old and lonely and come looking for me. Maybe even leave me millions of remorse dollars in his will. Well, if he's still alive, he'd be in his early 90's by now. There's still time, I guess, but it would be a miracle. The truth is that it would be nice to meet him and look into the other half of me...millions or not.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Global Warming or Menopausal??
Talk about blowing hot and cold, our weather has been so out of the ordinary that it doesn't make sense anymore. Last week there were days we needed the furnace on followed by days so hot and humid I actually put the air conditioning on. That passed and we had one perfectly gorgeous day followed by yesterday when we needed to wear jackets and now today will be another hot and humid one. Egads!
My memories of childhood summer days were that they were hot. Autumn was cooler, winter was cold, and spring was warm. What happened? Now maybe my memories are skewed a bit but I know our weather was never this mixed up.
I got the grass cut yesterday so today I'm going to do a bit of planting and just relax in the yard under the shade of the trees. I won't have to worry about the heat until bedtime when I just might have to put the air conditioning back on. This is so unusual for me because I fight air conditioning as long as possible, preferring the fresh air blowing through the windows. My house, being a storey and a half, makes the bedrooms upstairs very warm and difficult to cool down so I might need that air conditioning tonight if I want to sleep comfortably. Oh well, at least I'm lucky enough to have the choice.
My memories of childhood summer days were that they were hot. Autumn was cooler, winter was cold, and spring was warm. What happened? Now maybe my memories are skewed a bit but I know our weather was never this mixed up.
I got the grass cut yesterday so today I'm going to do a bit of planting and just relax in the yard under the shade of the trees. I won't have to worry about the heat until bedtime when I just might have to put the air conditioning back on. This is so unusual for me because I fight air conditioning as long as possible, preferring the fresh air blowing through the windows. My house, being a storey and a half, makes the bedrooms upstairs very warm and difficult to cool down so I might need that air conditioning tonight if I want to sleep comfortably. Oh well, at least I'm lucky enough to have the choice.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Today on my Homefront
My baby girl is still sleeping but this is the day she goes home. Mary and I are taking her first to the Lasik clinic so they can check her eyes once more and then across the border. We plan to do a bit of shopping first and then take her to the airport. She'll probably spend the next 2 years in Bolivia with only sporadic visits back to the States. I'll be so glad when she's settled in one place, preferrably within driving distance.
I haven't heard any noise in the attic so maybe the squirrels have vacated the premises. The one-way cage is still on the roof vent but I'm a little afraid to have it removed and the permanent one installed. What if a squirrel is still inside? I'm afraid I'd have a nervous breakdown if that was the case.
The weather is perfect today... sunny, warm, and breezy.
The drug dealer's house is vacant and it looks like they aren't coming back. Whoopee!
It's so quiet and peaceful right now. The patio doors are open and a fresh, clean breeze is coming through them. The red/white impatiens I paid through the nose for is really beginning to fill out in the deck planters. The sound of early morning traffic filters through the trees and I can just imagine all the working people heading for jobs they love or hate. Been there. Done that. But today I have the time to savor a coffee while I play on the computer and wait for my daughter to wake up.
It will be hard to say goodbye to her but I know she's going home to a wonderful husband and 3 great kids. It's where she belongs now. But I remember when she was a tiny girl on my lap telling me the stories of her day at school. And I remember when her home was right here with me. Sigh.
I haven't heard any noise in the attic so maybe the squirrels have vacated the premises. The one-way cage is still on the roof vent but I'm a little afraid to have it removed and the permanent one installed. What if a squirrel is still inside? I'm afraid I'd have a nervous breakdown if that was the case.
The weather is perfect today... sunny, warm, and breezy.
The drug dealer's house is vacant and it looks like they aren't coming back. Whoopee!
It's so quiet and peaceful right now. The patio doors are open and a fresh, clean breeze is coming through them. The red/white impatiens I paid through the nose for is really beginning to fill out in the deck planters. The sound of early morning traffic filters through the trees and I can just imagine all the working people heading for jobs they love or hate. Been there. Done that. But today I have the time to savor a coffee while I play on the computer and wait for my daughter to wake up.
It will be hard to say goodbye to her but I know she's going home to a wonderful husband and 3 great kids. It's where she belongs now. But I remember when she was a tiny girl on my lap telling me the stories of her day at school. And I remember when her home was right here with me. Sigh.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Collect Welfare..Save money?
There was an article in the newspaper the other day that made me wince. A couple from Myanmar had immigrated to Canada a few years ago and were collecting welfare. No surprise here but as I got further into the article I discovered that the father was 39 years old, his wife a few years younger, and they had a 12 year old and 14 year old child. Still no surprise. The parents were capable of holding a job to support themselves but so are most people on welfare.
Then I read the true reason for the article. This family receives over $1200 per month thanks to the hard working tax payers but they have to pay out around $650 to rent their townhouse and, because of the rent cost, are unable to save any money. I was always under the assumption that welfare was given to pay for your essentials and not so that you could build up a bank account at the expense of the tax payers.
This is one of the things that are destroying our country. Welfare recipients can't or won't work but they have the time and energy to travel to Parliament Hill to demand higher payouts. Now they want enough free money so that they can have savings? Am I the only person in town who finds this insulting? Obviously my local newspaper editor and the reporter who wrote the above article sees nothing wrong with the scenario.
My grandparents and my mother worked hard at low paying jobs all their lives and weren't able to save a dime. My husband and I had to reach middle age before we were able to start saving a few dollars. Can someone please explain to me why a welfare recipient who doesn't work should receive enough free money each month that allows them to bank part of it?
Sometimes I laugh at bleeding heart liberals and sometimes I cry.
Then I read the true reason for the article. This family receives over $1200 per month thanks to the hard working tax payers but they have to pay out around $650 to rent their townhouse and, because of the rent cost, are unable to save any money. I was always under the assumption that welfare was given to pay for your essentials and not so that you could build up a bank account at the expense of the tax payers.
This is one of the things that are destroying our country. Welfare recipients can't or won't work but they have the time and energy to travel to Parliament Hill to demand higher payouts. Now they want enough free money so that they can have savings? Am I the only person in town who finds this insulting? Obviously my local newspaper editor and the reporter who wrote the above article sees nothing wrong with the scenario.
My grandparents and my mother worked hard at low paying jobs all their lives and weren't able to save a dime. My husband and I had to reach middle age before we were able to start saving a few dollars. Can someone please explain to me why a welfare recipient who doesn't work should receive enough free money each month that allows them to bank part of it?
Sometimes I laugh at bleeding heart liberals and sometimes I cry.
Monday, June 09, 2008
Fallen Canopy
We had quite a thunderstorm early last evening and it, along with the strong winds we've been getting, brought down my nice canopy of branches so that they blocked the patio door. I noticed the branches were dragging down the cable line and it worried me it would break and I'd lose T.V., computer, and telephone all at the same time. Yikes!
It was much too hot out to do any yard work but worrying about the cable line finally drove me to head out to the shed for the extension branch cutter. I love trimming back branches with this thing but it was kind of difficult to manage because of the high winds. I could just see me losing my grip on it and having it slam through a window.
It was amazing how the tree branches had bent severely but not broken. I cut them back as well as I could because they became too thick as they got closer to the tree trunk. My handyman is going to cut all the tree branches back from the house this fall in an attempt to keep the squirrels away. My trimmings today were only as far as I could reach so the trees still need a lot of pruning.
Today is our last day of unseasonably hot weather for a while. It looks as though we'll have excellent warm weather for another week at least and that means I get to enjoy my yard. Sometimes I wonder if all the work is worth it but it really is. I know I can't do it all but I'm very proud of how much I actually have done.
It was much too hot out to do any yard work but worrying about the cable line finally drove me to head out to the shed for the extension branch cutter. I love trimming back branches with this thing but it was kind of difficult to manage because of the high winds. I could just see me losing my grip on it and having it slam through a window.
It was amazing how the tree branches had bent severely but not broken. I cut them back as well as I could because they became too thick as they got closer to the tree trunk. My handyman is going to cut all the tree branches back from the house this fall in an attempt to keep the squirrels away. My trimmings today were only as far as I could reach so the trees still need a lot of pruning.
Today is our last day of unseasonably hot weather for a while. It looks as though we'll have excellent warm weather for another week at least and that means I get to enjoy my yard. Sometimes I wonder if all the work is worth it but it really is. I know I can't do it all but I'm very proud of how much I actually have done.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Busy Weekend
This has been a busy amd interesting weekend. On Friday I went with some relatives and relatives-in-law to St. Mary's and we managed to have a lovely time despite the heat which has suddenly descended upon us. On Saturday I went on the Paris Garden Tour with my sister-in-law and ex-sister-in-law and we had a great time despite the horrible heat. Today was a family birthday party for my oldest grandson and we had a terrific time despite the fact my daughter doesn't have central air and the temperatures were still up in the 90's.
I've always known that fun is where you choose to find it. If you allow yourself to feel lousy because every little thing isn't perfect then you lose the opportunity to enjoy yourself. The heat was a downer but the company more than made up for it and that's why we still had fun.
My youngest daughter had Lasik eye surgery yesterday and her eyesight has improved almost instantly and drastically. Personally, I'm scared to death to have anyone cutting my eyes so I'll never get it done but I'm glad she went through it with no complications. Strangely, she paid in U.S. dollars because she's an American now and was given a $400 reduction in price. Someone there doesn't seem to know that our Canadian dollar is now worth slightly more than the U.S. Hmmm!
All in all, it was a very nice weekend, thank you very much!
I've always known that fun is where you choose to find it. If you allow yourself to feel lousy because every little thing isn't perfect then you lose the opportunity to enjoy yourself. The heat was a downer but the company more than made up for it and that's why we still had fun.
My youngest daughter had Lasik eye surgery yesterday and her eyesight has improved almost instantly and drastically. Personally, I'm scared to death to have anyone cutting my eyes so I'll never get it done but I'm glad she went through it with no complications. Strangely, she paid in U.S. dollars because she's an American now and was given a $400 reduction in price. Someone there doesn't seem to know that our Canadian dollar is now worth slightly more than the U.S. Hmmm!
All in all, it was a very nice weekend, thank you very much!
Friday, June 06, 2008
Visiting the Cemetary
My husband passed away almost 3 years ago from esophageal cancer and visiting the cemetary brings out much anger in me to this day. I look at the little niche where his ashes are interred and remember him in his good days. He was a man so full of life and intelligence that it always seemed impossible that illness would ever befall him. But it did and he's gone.
Usually I feel the anger as I begin my journey to the cemetary but this last time it didn't hit until my car entered the parking lot. I'd begun to think maybe I'd gotten beyond anger to acceptance but, no.
My youngest daughter, Shelley, was with me and I kept thinking how hard this must be for her because she'd always adored her father. My girls and I agree that he was one of the best fathers a child could want. She was very quiet and circumspect as she looked at his resting place and she spoke with a calmness that belied her inner sadness. She loved and missed him but she accepted he was gone. I don't think I ever will.
I've written about the night he died and how I believe that Shelley and I saw his soul leave his body. Also, at that moment, the room was filled with a joy that was palpable and I believe it was his surprise that there really was life after death. He'd always thought that when you died you ceased to exist in any form. Remembering the intense joy I sensed in the room is the only comfort I can take from his year of illness and then death. I often wonder what happinesses he's found in the hereafter and it gives me a morsel of contentment to know he's just stepped away and not really gone.
Usually I feel the anger as I begin my journey to the cemetary but this last time it didn't hit until my car entered the parking lot. I'd begun to think maybe I'd gotten beyond anger to acceptance but, no.
My youngest daughter, Shelley, was with me and I kept thinking how hard this must be for her because she'd always adored her father. My girls and I agree that he was one of the best fathers a child could want. She was very quiet and circumspect as she looked at his resting place and she spoke with a calmness that belied her inner sadness. She loved and missed him but she accepted he was gone. I don't think I ever will.
I've written about the night he died and how I believe that Shelley and I saw his soul leave his body. Also, at that moment, the room was filled with a joy that was palpable and I believe it was his surprise that there really was life after death. He'd always thought that when you died you ceased to exist in any form. Remembering the intense joy I sensed in the room is the only comfort I can take from his year of illness and then death. I often wonder what happinesses he's found in the hereafter and it gives me a morsel of contentment to know he's just stepped away and not really gone.
The Heat Has Arrived
I had to put the furnace on just a couple of days ago and now today the air conditioning is on. This spring has been the wildest ride of changing temperatures that I have ever seen.
A gang of us old folk visited St Mary's today and found it too hot to do much sightseeing. We had lunch in an interesting restaurant which served so-so food but I was very disappointed that we couldn't check out the local stores. The heat was just too overbearing. We ended up driving back to the home of two of our group for drinks and conversation.
Ken and Pat are relatives of a sort and two of the most interesting people I know. They are experts on Coca Cola collectibles and their home is absolutely filled with all kinds of memorabilia...almost like a museum, but a fun one.
We all sat around sipping our wine, etc. in a room filled to the rafters (but neatly and decoratively) with everything Coca Cola. There were toys, posters, bears, signs, etc. etc. etc. I loved the little Coke propeller plane which quietly made circles above us. I also loved the little Coca Cola bear which spews bubbles into the air every few minutes. Pat and Ken could retire many times over if they sold all their Coke stuff. They buy constantly but also sell the odd item at a profit. They know their stuff!
Their's is a happy house. This is the second marriage for both of them and they are a couple committed to enjoying their elder years doing the things they love. They have a huge circle of friends and good family ties. The interests they pursue are interests they share together. Sometimes it takes 60 years to find your soul mate and I think they did just that.
A gang of us old folk visited St Mary's today and found it too hot to do much sightseeing. We had lunch in an interesting restaurant which served so-so food but I was very disappointed that we couldn't check out the local stores. The heat was just too overbearing. We ended up driving back to the home of two of our group for drinks and conversation.
Ken and Pat are relatives of a sort and two of the most interesting people I know. They are experts on Coca Cola collectibles and their home is absolutely filled with all kinds of memorabilia...almost like a museum, but a fun one.
We all sat around sipping our wine, etc. in a room filled to the rafters (but neatly and decoratively) with everything Coca Cola. There were toys, posters, bears, signs, etc. etc. etc. I loved the little Coke propeller plane which quietly made circles above us. I also loved the little Coca Cola bear which spews bubbles into the air every few minutes. Pat and Ken could retire many times over if they sold all their Coke stuff. They buy constantly but also sell the odd item at a profit. They know their stuff!
Their's is a happy house. This is the second marriage for both of them and they are a couple committed to enjoying their elder years doing the things they love. They have a huge circle of friends and good family ties. The interests they pursue are interests they share together. Sometimes it takes 60 years to find your soul mate and I think they did just that.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Sadie With Barrettes

Isn't this the cutest dog you ever saw? Her name is Sadie and she's a mixed breed of some sort. My daughter, Cindy, adopted her just recently and she was a little hellion for a while but is calming down as she grows out of puppyhood. She's so darned cute that she's easily forgiven any naughty behaviour.
It almost makes me want one just like her but then I remember how much I like my freedom to come and go at will with no worry about when to be home. I think I'll just settle for dogsitting once in a while.
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