There is much in the news about this recent change of decriminalizing brothels and it got me wondering why this occurred when we're heading into election time. Then I though, oh yes, it's something to take our dim little minds off the real issues. Give the minions something to get upset about and we'll forget about the state of the economy and misuse of public funds.
I don't have much faith in politicians. When I watched our local politicians totally screw up the Pan Am games by bickering like 3 year olds, unable and unwilling to handle the situation with logic and consideration for the citizens, I wondered once again why we can't seem to elect decent leaders.
I'm voting this year for the first time in ages because I know my city needs change before it deteriorates altogether. The present council, bar a few, are a bunch of idiots who were elected by mistake. Sometimes it's just because they happened to be the best of a bad lot and that's a hell of a way to run a city.
McGuinty has proven over and over that he is a twit so why is he still Ontario's premier? There have been so many scandals over misuse or downright theft of public funds that it should embarrass the man.
In my city, you can't drive anywhere without wondering why so many roads need repaving and why a city with crumbling roads really needs a monstrous new sports stadium. Politicians have ignored the infrastructure in favor of making headlines with grandiose schemes that they hope make them look like movers and shakers. Keep the public excited or incensed about the prospect of a multi million dollar stadium and they'll forget the potholes, right?
Some politicians become thieves just because they so easily can. There is so much accessible money that their greed overcomes them, thinking no-one will miss it. Then one day their greed and poor leadership crosses an invisible line and they are in the spotlight, disdained by the same people who once supported them.
I'm going to vote for a new mayor and then watch him closely to see if and when he crosses that line. I really wish I had more confidence in him but it doesn't pay to trust any politician completely.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Brothel in Your Neighborhood
I've thought for a long time that it made no sense to treat prostitutes as criminals. It also made no sense to arrest and fine their customers. Government has no right to tell us how to use our own bodies and they have no right to tell us who we can have sexual contact with.
That said, this new Ontario law that allows prostitutes to legally use their homes as brothels doesn't sit right with me. No-one in their right mind would want a brothel operation as their next door neighbor. And don't think that it can't happen in your nice, expensive neighborhood because prostitution is a lucrative business.
When I was a child, we were very poor and lived in a once upscale townhouse that had been converted into 4 apartments. A prostitute lived in one of those apartments and that's where she ran her business. As a child, I often saw men going into her apartment and also heard what went on. What she and her customers did in private was nobody's business but when it affected the other, innocent tenants it became a matter of disgust.
That is my worry. Can a brothel now be legally allowed to open in any family neighborhood? Can it be allowed to open a few houses up from elementary schools?
There will no doubt be unpopular and unexpected fallout from this newly revamped law. Prostitution is still looked upon as a seedy and dirty occupation by most people. I think it would be more accepted if there was a designated area in the city that allowed it to operate freely. That way, people would be aware of where to go or where to stay away from. It would give them a choice.
But government doesn't use logic. They announce laws or changes in laws and then leave the populace to deal with it. They will seldom admit they made a mistake or that it could have been done with more forethought.
So now we wait and see who and what moves into our nice, tidy little neighborhoods.
Post script: I hadn't noticed before but this new law also allows prostitutes to openly solicit on the streets and, I'm assuming, on the internet and newspapers. Now, if that isn't mind boggling, I don't know what is. I thought our laws were supposed to represent the wishes of the majority but I can't believe the majority of Ontario citizens want open prostitution on the streets and in their neighborhoods.
That said, this new Ontario law that allows prostitutes to legally use their homes as brothels doesn't sit right with me. No-one in their right mind would want a brothel operation as their next door neighbor. And don't think that it can't happen in your nice, expensive neighborhood because prostitution is a lucrative business.
When I was a child, we were very poor and lived in a once upscale townhouse that had been converted into 4 apartments. A prostitute lived in one of those apartments and that's where she ran her business. As a child, I often saw men going into her apartment and also heard what went on. What she and her customers did in private was nobody's business but when it affected the other, innocent tenants it became a matter of disgust.
That is my worry. Can a brothel now be legally allowed to open in any family neighborhood? Can it be allowed to open a few houses up from elementary schools?
There will no doubt be unpopular and unexpected fallout from this newly revamped law. Prostitution is still looked upon as a seedy and dirty occupation by most people. I think it would be more accepted if there was a designated area in the city that allowed it to operate freely. That way, people would be aware of where to go or where to stay away from. It would give them a choice.
But government doesn't use logic. They announce laws or changes in laws and then leave the populace to deal with it. They will seldom admit they made a mistake or that it could have been done with more forethought.
So now we wait and see who and what moves into our nice, tidy little neighborhoods.
Post script: I hadn't noticed before but this new law also allows prostitutes to openly solicit on the streets and, I'm assuming, on the internet and newspapers. Now, if that isn't mind boggling, I don't know what is. I thought our laws were supposed to represent the wishes of the majority but I can't believe the majority of Ontario citizens want open prostitution on the streets and in their neighborhoods.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Check Expiration Dates
I seldom take drugs of any kind. If I have a headache, I let it go away on it's own. If I have stomach ache, I stop eating. Because of this I apparently had a pile of outdated analgesics in the medicine cabinet when I went looking for something to ease my cold.
Before I thought to check the expiration date, I took a dose of a vitamin C drink guaranteed to kill my cold and make me sleep. I was so sick that day that checking the expiration date of the package never entered my mind. Turned out it was 2001. The darned drink could have killed me!
I've had a constant headache with the cold probably from swollen sinuses but tried to ignore it because it wasn't severe, just irritating. I ended up taking a couple of Tylenol but, after swallowing them, checked the expiration date on the bottle. 2003! Then I pulled all the analgesics out of the cupboard and checked them all. Most were far outdated and it's a wonder more people don't die from this kind of thing.
When I was through disposing of various little bottles of Tylenol, Advil, etc., there were just 2 bottles left that don't expire until 2013. I have no idea why I have all this stuff, anyway, since I seldom use them. I think what happens is that every so often I feel the need to medicate myself and buy a new bottle, not knowing what I have at home.
It gives me the creeps thinking of drinking the mixture that expired in 2001. Yuk!
Before I thought to check the expiration date, I took a dose of a vitamin C drink guaranteed to kill my cold and make me sleep. I was so sick that day that checking the expiration date of the package never entered my mind. Turned out it was 2001. The darned drink could have killed me!
I've had a constant headache with the cold probably from swollen sinuses but tried to ignore it because it wasn't severe, just irritating. I ended up taking a couple of Tylenol but, after swallowing them, checked the expiration date on the bottle. 2003! Then I pulled all the analgesics out of the cupboard and checked them all. Most were far outdated and it's a wonder more people don't die from this kind of thing.
When I was through disposing of various little bottles of Tylenol, Advil, etc., there were just 2 bottles left that don't expire until 2013. I have no idea why I have all this stuff, anyway, since I seldom use them. I think what happens is that every so often I feel the need to medicate myself and buy a new bottle, not knowing what I have at home.
It gives me the creeps thinking of drinking the mixture that expired in 2001. Yuk!
Feeling Better
I'm feeling better today than yesterday but not well enough. I don't suffer in silence and I'm getting bored being stuck in the house so that explains another blog about my cold.
I should probably use a day like this, rainy and cold, to get some work done around the house but then I blow my nose and think I don't need to work if I'm not well. That's my excuse, anyway.
I'd had a prescription renewed that needed to be picked up but the weather is pretty awful so I called and asked for it to be delivered. A very nice looking man close to my age delivered it and I thought, hmmm! Maybe I'm feeling better than I thought. Most men my own age don't appeal to me at all.
My daughter, Kim, phoned me this morning with some sad news. Her mother-in-law passed away after being ill for a short time. It's so hard to lose the people in your life. This lady had worked hard all of her life and had a large loving family who will miss her something fierce. She'd had symptoms for a while which she ignored and didn't even mention to her family so her passing so quickly is a terrible shock to everyone. It makes no sense to not seek medical help when it could actually save your life. But I'm sure her reasoning was to spare the family any worry. I wish she'd thought of herself for a change. I liked her a lot.
Well, I think I'll go medicate myself. The sooner this cold is gone, the sooner I can go about my happy, busy life.
I should probably use a day like this, rainy and cold, to get some work done around the house but then I blow my nose and think I don't need to work if I'm not well. That's my excuse, anyway.
I'd had a prescription renewed that needed to be picked up but the weather is pretty awful so I called and asked for it to be delivered. A very nice looking man close to my age delivered it and I thought, hmmm! Maybe I'm feeling better than I thought. Most men my own age don't appeal to me at all.
My daughter, Kim, phoned me this morning with some sad news. Her mother-in-law passed away after being ill for a short time. It's so hard to lose the people in your life. This lady had worked hard all of her life and had a large loving family who will miss her something fierce. She'd had symptoms for a while which she ignored and didn't even mention to her family so her passing so quickly is a terrible shock to everyone. It makes no sense to not seek medical help when it could actually save your life. But I'm sure her reasoning was to spare the family any worry. I wish she'd thought of herself for a change. I liked her a lot.
Well, I think I'll go medicate myself. The sooner this cold is gone, the sooner I can go about my happy, busy life.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Anatomy of a Cold
Yesterday I felt like I was at death's door. My nose was running like a tap, I had a headache and swollen sinuses. I know I had a fever but not how high it was. My preferred treatment of a bad cold is to try to sleep it off so I slept most of the day.
When I awoke about 4 P.M., my fever had broken and I knew my immune system had done it's job while I slept. My nose was still running but not constantly and the headache was manageable.
I've been doctoring myself with cold and flu medicine just to make the symptoms less irritating but I know a cold just has to take it's own time passing and nothing you take will make it disappear faster. By sleeping, I took the stress off my body and that allowed my immune system to deal with the cold germs.
I slept very well all night considering how much sleep I'd had yesterday and awoke feeling better. You know that feeling you get when you're getting over an feel stronger and more alert. I have all the cold symptoms of yesterday ( no fever, though) but at a much reduced level. I'm over the hump, so to speak.
But...I ran out of milk yesterday morning and I like my coffee with 1/2 cup of milk. This morning I had to settle for a cup of hot water but I do this every once in a while, anyway, because I like it. I'm hoping that I'll feel well enough today to do some grocery shopping but, if I don't, hot water in the morning is not a bad alternative.
I'm still mad that, after all these years and all the medical accomplishments, no-one has been able to discover a cure for the common cold.
When I awoke about 4 P.M., my fever had broken and I knew my immune system had done it's job while I slept. My nose was still running but not constantly and the headache was manageable.
I've been doctoring myself with cold and flu medicine just to make the symptoms less irritating but I know a cold just has to take it's own time passing and nothing you take will make it disappear faster. By sleeping, I took the stress off my body and that allowed my immune system to deal with the cold germs.
I slept very well all night considering how much sleep I'd had yesterday and awoke feeling better. You know that feeling you get when you're getting over an feel stronger and more alert. I have all the cold symptoms of yesterday ( no fever, though) but at a much reduced level. I'm over the hump, so to speak.
But...I ran out of milk yesterday morning and I like my coffee with 1/2 cup of milk. This morning I had to settle for a cup of hot water but I do this every once in a while, anyway, because I like it. I'm hoping that I'll feel well enough today to do some grocery shopping but, if I don't, hot water in the morning is not a bad alternative.
I'm still mad that, after all these years and all the medical accomplishments, no-one has been able to discover a cure for the common cold.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Gotta Cold
I am so miserable with this darned cold. My nose runs so much that I have to walk around with a Kleenex stuck in it...gross, I know, but that's the nature of colds. My runny nose even woke me up over and over all night. Colds are nasty, uncomfortable things and I don't know why science hasn't been able to find a cure.
I'll bet that colds are responsible for more lost work hours than any other illness. We might be lucky enough to sail through life with no serious illness but most, if not all, of us will be struck down with many colds. Why, oh why, is there no cure?
My head feels as though it's stuffed with cotton puffs and my eyes are sore. I'm coughing a bit but I know that will increase once the cold leaves my head and travels down to my chest. I can see this misery lasting for days yet and I'm not a happy camper.
I'm supposed to go to a show/play with Faye today but that's out of the question. I'm supposed to look after Nolan for a few hours tomorrow but I don't dare go near him. I'm supposed to meet Donna for lunch on Tuesday and then come back here for Swedish weaving...I still have hopes for that. Colds interfere with a person's busy life.
The one good thing about this cold is that it didn't settle upon me next week. That's when I begin a series of doctor's and dentist's appointments. Rescheduling those would be a big pain. They are only for check-ups and cleaning but it takes months to arrange these appointments.
Today, I'm staying in my nightie and snoozing on the sofa. I'll try Dennis' treatment for a cold...lots and lots of water to clean you out. I think the water also makes you feel better by replacing all the moisture that escapes from your nose. I know...gross.
I'll bet that colds are responsible for more lost work hours than any other illness. We might be lucky enough to sail through life with no serious illness but most, if not all, of us will be struck down with many colds. Why, oh why, is there no cure?
My head feels as though it's stuffed with cotton puffs and my eyes are sore. I'm coughing a bit but I know that will increase once the cold leaves my head and travels down to my chest. I can see this misery lasting for days yet and I'm not a happy camper.
I'm supposed to go to a show/play with Faye today but that's out of the question. I'm supposed to look after Nolan for a few hours tomorrow but I don't dare go near him. I'm supposed to meet Donna for lunch on Tuesday and then come back here for Swedish weaving...I still have hopes for that. Colds interfere with a person's busy life.
The one good thing about this cold is that it didn't settle upon me next week. That's when I begin a series of doctor's and dentist's appointments. Rescheduling those would be a big pain. They are only for check-ups and cleaning but it takes months to arrange these appointments.
Today, I'm staying in my nightie and snoozing on the sofa. I'll try Dennis' treatment for a cold...lots and lots of water to clean you out. I think the water also makes you feel better by replacing all the moisture that escapes from your nose. I know...gross.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
I've Got a Cold
Every year, for as long as I can remember, I get a bad head and chest cold in January that hangs on for about 3 weeks. I haven't had a cold at any other time of the year in ages. Yesterday my throat began to feel scratchy and my nose was running. Oh oh!
It was difficult to sleep last night because my throat was sore and I'd developed a screaming headache along with it. At first, I thought maybe I was having some kind of physical effect from the bug spray but, no, it's a darned cold. I don't think it's the strange weather we're having, one day, cold and wet the next.
I don't eat properly and my immune system is not A1 so I'm abusing this poor old body something fierce by not taking care of it. To be honest, I think it might be too late for me to start taking better care of myself but that could just be an excuse. I did start taking a multi-vitamin this summer so that's a step in the right direction.
I don't worry as much about having a cold now as I do when I'm in Florida. I'm at home and only a phone call from my nice family doctor if it gets too severe. In Florida, I have no family doctor and would have to go to the hospital emergency if I was really sick. That's something that is always on the minds of us Canadians, especially, when we're in Florida. We don't want to alert our insurance companies that we're sick because it could affect our insurance rates for the following year.
So far, my cold consists of a mildly sore throat and runny nose so maybe it won't last long. I hope not because I'm not a good patient...and I also have to be the care giver to myself. I can't stand to hear myself whine.
It was difficult to sleep last night because my throat was sore and I'd developed a screaming headache along with it. At first, I thought maybe I was having some kind of physical effect from the bug spray but, no, it's a darned cold. I don't think it's the strange weather we're having, one day, cold and wet the next.
I don't eat properly and my immune system is not A1 so I'm abusing this poor old body something fierce by not taking care of it. To be honest, I think it might be too late for me to start taking better care of myself but that could just be an excuse. I did start taking a multi-vitamin this summer so that's a step in the right direction.
I don't worry as much about having a cold now as I do when I'm in Florida. I'm at home and only a phone call from my nice family doctor if it gets too severe. In Florida, I have no family doctor and would have to go to the hospital emergency if I was really sick. That's something that is always on the minds of us Canadians, especially, when we're in Florida. We don't want to alert our insurance companies that we're sick because it could affect our insurance rates for the following year.
So far, my cold consists of a mildly sore throat and runny nose so maybe it won't last long. I hope not because I'm not a good patient...and I also have to be the care giver to myself. I can't stand to hear myself whine.
Friday, September 24, 2010
My Mantra
Many years ago I decided to learn how to meditate. I wasn't in a normal frame of mind for it to work and so I discarded that interest pretty quickly. Now I'm interested again and realized that my mantra hasn't changed in all those years.
A mantra is personal and not to be divulged...I think. Mine is quite innocuous but I can read a lot into why it became my choice then and now. First, it's in French of all things. I'm not sure, but I think it represents something to me that I've desired all my life and never felt I'd achieved.
Being a staunch believer in psychoanalyzing myself, just delving into the reasons for my choice of mantra could keep my busy for years. In any case, I'll try to teach myself how to meditate efficiently until I find someone to do it properly.
When I took relaxation exercises, they only worked for the external me and tended to put me to sleep. Meditation should go deeper and hopefully teach me something I should know about the inner me. I'm hoping that "something" will be beneficial in helping me understand life's purpose. So far, I've only been able to grasp that we were meant to procreate but there must be something beyond that.
It's written that we only use 10% of our brain so just imagine how much more there is to discover in ourselves. If I have any success or even something of interest that occurs with my feeble attempts at meditation, I'll write about it.
It can't hurt to try and I've got the time to follow any notion that comes to mind, thank heavens.
A mantra is personal and not to be divulged...I think. Mine is quite innocuous but I can read a lot into why it became my choice then and now. First, it's in French of all things. I'm not sure, but I think it represents something to me that I've desired all my life and never felt I'd achieved.
Being a staunch believer in psychoanalyzing myself, just delving into the reasons for my choice of mantra could keep my busy for years. In any case, I'll try to teach myself how to meditate efficiently until I find someone to do it properly.
When I took relaxation exercises, they only worked for the external me and tended to put me to sleep. Meditation should go deeper and hopefully teach me something I should know about the inner me. I'm hoping that "something" will be beneficial in helping me understand life's purpose. So far, I've only been able to grasp that we were meant to procreate but there must be something beyond that.
It's written that we only use 10% of our brain so just imagine how much more there is to discover in ourselves. If I have any success or even something of interest that occurs with my feeble attempts at meditation, I'll write about it.
It can't hurt to try and I've got the time to follow any notion that comes to mind, thank heavens.
Lisette and Nicole's Afghan

Anyway, my sweet girls, I hope you love it and I'll be making bedroom afghans for you both in the future.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
More Spraying
I got so fed up with spotting centipedes that I spent $170 to have a bug man come to the house and spray. Well, he came back for the 4th time today because I'm still seeing the odd centipede and I don't think I should see any, especially after all these sprayings.
This last spraying must have been a killer because I had to be out of the house for 5 hours after he finished spraying. Either this stuff is going to kill all the centipedes or it just might kill me.
My problems started years ago when one of the basement walls allowed water to come in. I had it all fixed 4 years ago but then water began coming in another wall. I had this fixed, too, but by then the darned centipedes had moved in enmasse. I didn't realize just how bad it was until this spring and that's why I hired the bug man. I expected miracles for my $170 and still do. My guarantee expires in November and I expect my house to be centipede free by then.
I'm not taking any chances, though, and will hire my bug man next spring if he'll have me. I doubt he realized how bad my situation was when he started but he's been very good about returning over and over again. He always asks if the bug I saw was dead and I always tell him that, if it was dead, I'd be a happy lady and not calling him.
We'll see how the latest spraying works. I'm hoping for a miracle...again!
This last spraying must have been a killer because I had to be out of the house for 5 hours after he finished spraying. Either this stuff is going to kill all the centipedes or it just might kill me.
My problems started years ago when one of the basement walls allowed water to come in. I had it all fixed 4 years ago but then water began coming in another wall. I had this fixed, too, but by then the darned centipedes had moved in enmasse. I didn't realize just how bad it was until this spring and that's why I hired the bug man. I expected miracles for my $170 and still do. My guarantee expires in November and I expect my house to be centipede free by then.
I'm not taking any chances, though, and will hire my bug man next spring if he'll have me. I doubt he realized how bad my situation was when he started but he's been very good about returning over and over again. He always asks if the bug I saw was dead and I always tell him that, if it was dead, I'd be a happy lady and not calling him.
We'll see how the latest spraying works. I'm hoping for a miracle...again!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Monogomy vs Polygamy
We're hearing a lot about polygamy and open marriages and I'm wondering if we're really heading in that direction or if it's just something to titillate us with. I've often thought that a marriage between 1 man and 1 woman wasn't a perfect union and that a marriage between 1 woman and 2 men would make more sense. Pure polygamists never mention that combination, though, and seem to prefer one old man and a gaggle of young women. You couldn't ask for a worse combination.
I got my idea from a sister-in-law who shall remain nameless. She suggested a woman needs 2 to sleep with and one to dance with. Ever since she brought this up I've come to believe she's on to something.
A woman could find that very nice man who is good in bed but not much fun anywhere else. Then she could bring home the dancer who'd almost certainly be a fun guy she'd like to spend her spare waking hours with. And it wouldn't matter if he was gay, either, because she'd already taken care of bedtime. Husband #1 might be very satisfied to stay at home watching sports on T.V. while his wife was getting all that "foolish" dining and dancing out of her system, too. Everyone is a winner here.
Then think of the household income they'd create! It might be enough to hire a cook and housekeeper. But I'm getting a little carried away.
It's fun to think about, though.
I got my idea from a sister-in-law who shall remain nameless. She suggested a woman needs 2 to sleep with and one to dance with. Ever since she brought this up I've come to believe she's on to something.
A woman could find that very nice man who is good in bed but not much fun anywhere else. Then she could bring home the dancer who'd almost certainly be a fun guy she'd like to spend her spare waking hours with. And it wouldn't matter if he was gay, either, because she'd already taken care of bedtime. Husband #1 might be very satisfied to stay at home watching sports on T.V. while his wife was getting all that "foolish" dining and dancing out of her system, too. Everyone is a winner here.
Then think of the household income they'd create! It might be enough to hire a cook and housekeeper. But I'm getting a little carried away.
It's fun to think about, though.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Change in the Air
In my childhood, we had respect for the law, our teachers, our parents, and our elders. It would have been unthinkable to make any showing of disrespect for these people. But that was the old days.
We've come a long way in changing our attitudes about blind respect and meek obedience and this is usually a good thing. We shouldn't follow blindly just because the power figure is bigger than we are but there is a fine line between questioning and combativeness.
It's a good thing to analyse the powers over you...the church, the government...the laws. Quite often you'll find that there's something just a little illogical about the rules they lay upon us. That is why we need our free press and our right to vote. We, as a large group of people, can use our numbers to nonviolently overcome repression.
There exists small contingencies of beligerant people who aggressively attack the establishment using violence instead of legal means. They use violence because they are such a tiny minority of the total population and wouldn't be heard at all if they didn't cause an uproar. They are a minority trying to dominate the majority. Sounds like tyranny, doesn't it?
But change does occur once enough people are able to open their minds to possibilities and are able to understand that some of the rules and laws that cripple them are unjust.
Not all changes are for the good, though, and I don't approve of the ever spreading lack of what I consider to be morality. I understand it could just be my own rigid conditioning that makes me feel this way but that's how I feel. The sweet innocence and purity of childhood seems to be lasting a shorter time now. Children are exposed daily to sexual content on T.V. and movies and it's making them mature faster than they should have to. Maybe I'm just behind the times and worrying needlessly about a natural societal progression but it's unnerving to hear about young children behaving like adults.
The good old days weren't really that good in many ways so we wouldn't want to go back to them. The world is constantly changing and evolving...but toward what? I wish I could say that, from what I've seen in my life, the change is always progressively positive but that isn't so and I can only hope that one day we humans will be able to find our way to utopia. It's possible but it's sad there are so many dirt roads we might mistakenly take to get there.
We've come a long way in changing our attitudes about blind respect and meek obedience and this is usually a good thing. We shouldn't follow blindly just because the power figure is bigger than we are but there is a fine line between questioning and combativeness.
It's a good thing to analyse the powers over you...the church, the government...the laws. Quite often you'll find that there's something just a little illogical about the rules they lay upon us. That is why we need our free press and our right to vote. We, as a large group of people, can use our numbers to nonviolently overcome repression.
There exists small contingencies of beligerant people who aggressively attack the establishment using violence instead of legal means. They use violence because they are such a tiny minority of the total population and wouldn't be heard at all if they didn't cause an uproar. They are a minority trying to dominate the majority. Sounds like tyranny, doesn't it?
But change does occur once enough people are able to open their minds to possibilities and are able to understand that some of the rules and laws that cripple them are unjust.
Not all changes are for the good, though, and I don't approve of the ever spreading lack of what I consider to be morality. I understand it could just be my own rigid conditioning that makes me feel this way but that's how I feel. The sweet innocence and purity of childhood seems to be lasting a shorter time now. Children are exposed daily to sexual content on T.V. and movies and it's making them mature faster than they should have to. Maybe I'm just behind the times and worrying needlessly about a natural societal progression but it's unnerving to hear about young children behaving like adults.
The good old days weren't really that good in many ways so we wouldn't want to go back to them. The world is constantly changing and evolving...but toward what? I wish I could say that, from what I've seen in my life, the change is always progressively positive but that isn't so and I can only hope that one day we humans will be able to find our way to utopia. It's possible but it's sad there are so many dirt roads we might mistakenly take to get there.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Rose of Sharon
My neighbors have a lovely selection of Rose of Sharon bushes in different colors. A few years ago they gave me a few which I planted at the side of the house but they were destroyed when I had that side waterproofed last year. Yesterday my sweet neighbors were nice enough to send over 3 more for my yard.
I have a large shade garden at the far end of my backyard but there are spots where it gets plenty of sunshine and that's where I decided to plant them. Anna brought over a white, a white with red center, and a lilac Rose of Sharon that I'm really looking forward to see in bloom next year. They are magnificent perennials that will grow into large bushes covered with blooms in mid summer into fall. It broke my heart to cut them back yesterday but that's always best when replanting. They would have needed cutting back before winter, anyway.
I love giving and receiving plants because, as you admire their progress, you also have the good memories of the people whose homes they came from. My garden is full of memories like from Joyce, variegated impatiens from Rochelle, hostas from Donna & Kim, cosmos from Faye, jacob's ladder from Mary, rose of sharon from the Trans, etc. Just writing this all down makes me realize how many of the plants I love came from people I love. Nice.
No wonder it gives me so much pleasure to walk around my garden. It's full of beauty and love, a really nice combination.
I have a large shade garden at the far end of my backyard but there are spots where it gets plenty of sunshine and that's where I decided to plant them. Anna brought over a white, a white with red center, and a lilac Rose of Sharon that I'm really looking forward to see in bloom next year. They are magnificent perennials that will grow into large bushes covered with blooms in mid summer into fall. It broke my heart to cut them back yesterday but that's always best when replanting. They would have needed cutting back before winter, anyway.
I love giving and receiving plants because, as you admire their progress, you also have the good memories of the people whose homes they came from. My garden is full of memories like from Joyce, variegated impatiens from Rochelle, hostas from Donna & Kim, cosmos from Faye, jacob's ladder from Mary, rose of sharon from the Trans, etc. Just writing this all down makes me realize how many of the plants I love came from people I love. Nice.
No wonder it gives me so much pleasure to walk around my garden. It's full of beauty and love, a really nice combination.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
We seem to have gone from summer into fall almost overnight. I wonder why it always seems to happen like that. One day we're squawking about the heat and humidity and the next we're turning on the furnace. If there's a higher authority up there, they really could have designed our weather a little bit better.
Fall is the time I start to think about packing away the patio furniture and planning how I'll store the flower pots for the winter. It's also the time when I plan the colors I'll use for next year's garden. How many of us know we'll take that annual trip out into the countryside to marvel once again at the gorgeous fall colors that nature displays for us every year?
The fall fairs have already started but I usually attend only two of my favorite. One is in Caledonia, small but close to home, and the other is the Simcoe fair because it's large and full of interesting stuff. It's always nice to admire the crafts that talented people have created, too. If I cared enough, I'd enter one of my Swedish weaving afghans but it's not a craft too many Canadians can take up. You have to be able to go over to the States to buy the fabric because it's much too expensive here.
Autumn also means leaf raking which I don't have to do. If leaves fall early, I just run over them with the lawn mower. The bulk of dead leaves will be removed some time in November by my precious grandsons, thank heavens, because it's a tough job for this old gal. Remember making a leaf pile when you were a child and then jumping into it? I even remember the smell...sort of musty but earthy.
This year I'm able to look around my house and see how much I've downsized the collectibles and unnecessary items. It's a comfortable feeling knowing I don't have to make big plans to get rid of much more. I try to keep in mind that one day in the near future I'll be moving into an apartment which won't hold a lifetime of possessions.
It's only mid September and there's still a lot to do to prepare for winter but there will be many sunny and fair days yet to work outside and get it done. Fall is the season of putting to rest, waiting through winter, and rebuilding again in the spring. Today is a perfect autumn day to begin those chores.
Fall is the time I start to think about packing away the patio furniture and planning how I'll store the flower pots for the winter. It's also the time when I plan the colors I'll use for next year's garden. How many of us know we'll take that annual trip out into the countryside to marvel once again at the gorgeous fall colors that nature displays for us every year?
The fall fairs have already started but I usually attend only two of my favorite. One is in Caledonia, small but close to home, and the other is the Simcoe fair because it's large and full of interesting stuff. It's always nice to admire the crafts that talented people have created, too. If I cared enough, I'd enter one of my Swedish weaving afghans but it's not a craft too many Canadians can take up. You have to be able to go over to the States to buy the fabric because it's much too expensive here.
Autumn also means leaf raking which I don't have to do. If leaves fall early, I just run over them with the lawn mower. The bulk of dead leaves will be removed some time in November by my precious grandsons, thank heavens, because it's a tough job for this old gal. Remember making a leaf pile when you were a child and then jumping into it? I even remember the smell...sort of musty but earthy.
This year I'm able to look around my house and see how much I've downsized the collectibles and unnecessary items. It's a comfortable feeling knowing I don't have to make big plans to get rid of much more. I try to keep in mind that one day in the near future I'll be moving into an apartment which won't hold a lifetime of possessions.
It's only mid September and there's still a lot to do to prepare for winter but there will be many sunny and fair days yet to work outside and get it done. Fall is the season of putting to rest, waiting through winter, and rebuilding again in the spring. Today is a perfect autumn day to begin those chores.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Itchy Right Palm
My right palm is quite itchy all of a sudden and I tried to remember the old wive's tale my grandmother used to tell me. I thought it was either money coming in or that you were about to meet someone new.
I did some internet surfing and found out that the superstition concerning an itchy right palm is that you have money coming to you. Whoopee! I wonder where it's coming from, though, because no-one owes me a cent.
When I was a child, I didn't exactly believe in old wive's tales but I took precautions not to bring bad things my way. For instance, I made sure not to step on cracks because it just might possibly break my mother's back and I was taking no chances!
Walking under ladders was to be avoided, too, just in case it brought bad luck. I swear I don't believe in this crap but you won't see me deliberately walk under a ladder if there is any other way around it. Silly, yes, but that's just the way it is.
I wonder why our parents tortured us kids with this kind of stuff? It only caused stress which stayed with some of us our whole lives.
I did some internet surfing and found out that the superstition concerning an itchy right palm is that you have money coming to you. Whoopee! I wonder where it's coming from, though, because no-one owes me a cent.
When I was a child, I didn't exactly believe in old wive's tales but I took precautions not to bring bad things my way. For instance, I made sure not to step on cracks because it just might possibly break my mother's back and I was taking no chances!
Walking under ladders was to be avoided, too, just in case it brought bad luck. I swear I don't believe in this crap but you won't see me deliberately walk under a ladder if there is any other way around it. Silly, yes, but that's just the way it is.
I wonder why our parents tortured us kids with this kind of stuff? It only caused stress which stayed with some of us our whole lives.
1 in 7 Americans Live in Poverty
I always wonder what people consider poverty to be. Is it 5 people living in 2 rooms and sharing one bathroom with 3 other families? Is it 3 people having to sleep in one bed? Is it always renting and never being able to afford to buy? That's how I grew up. But...I never thought of myself as poor.
The reason might have been that both my mother and my grandfather worked every day (until he retired in his late 70's). Our little apartment was spic and span clean and we always had good meals on the table and clean clothes (washed by hand) to wear. We never went on Welfare, either.
I know this isn't the only face of poverty but it could be. Just because your income is low it doesn't mean you have to live like pigs. Cleanliness is pretty cheap, if you think about it.
We never owned a car back then so we walked or took a bus. This never hurt us, either. Do you suppose that we've all become a little spoiled with unrealistic expectations? Both my mother and my grandfather worked hard for very low wages but they set an example for me and my sister. We had pride that what little we had didn't come from accepting handouts like Welfare.
I see nothing shameful about being on Welfare for a short while if you're really down and out but it shouldn't become a lifestyle. It's unrealistic for healthy and capable people to do nothing their whole lives while being supported by their neighbors. My grandfather had no education, couldn't read or write, but he worked for the city until he was well past retirement age dragging a cart behind him and cleaning up garbage on the streets. That's the epitome of a "work ethic".
I guess we were what people today would consider living in poverty but it just didn't feel like it. I'll bet that many of those "1 in 7" poverty stricken Americans live much the same as I did and would be insulted to be classed as impoverished. People can live quite comfortably on low wages. They just need to forego some of the unnecessary luxuries that others think they can't live without.
You really can't describe a family living in a clean, healthy home as living in poverty, no matter how minimal their income happens to be.
The reason might have been that both my mother and my grandfather worked every day (until he retired in his late 70's). Our little apartment was spic and span clean and we always had good meals on the table and clean clothes (washed by hand) to wear. We never went on Welfare, either.
I know this isn't the only face of poverty but it could be. Just because your income is low it doesn't mean you have to live like pigs. Cleanliness is pretty cheap, if you think about it.
We never owned a car back then so we walked or took a bus. This never hurt us, either. Do you suppose that we've all become a little spoiled with unrealistic expectations? Both my mother and my grandfather worked hard for very low wages but they set an example for me and my sister. We had pride that what little we had didn't come from accepting handouts like Welfare.
I see nothing shameful about being on Welfare for a short while if you're really down and out but it shouldn't become a lifestyle. It's unrealistic for healthy and capable people to do nothing their whole lives while being supported by their neighbors. My grandfather had no education, couldn't read or write, but he worked for the city until he was well past retirement age dragging a cart behind him and cleaning up garbage on the streets. That's the epitome of a "work ethic".
I guess we were what people today would consider living in poverty but it just didn't feel like it. I'll bet that many of those "1 in 7" poverty stricken Americans live much the same as I did and would be insulted to be classed as impoverished. People can live quite comfortably on low wages. They just need to forego some of the unnecessary luxuries that others think they can't live without.
You really can't describe a family living in a clean, healthy home as living in poverty, no matter how minimal their income happens to be.
Thursday, September 16, 2010

The top one was taken when he'd finally wound down and was in need of a nap. When he's tired, he sucks his bottom lip.
I only took care of him for a few hours today and it was so easy. He's a real mover but he actually pays attention when you tell him not to touch something and his good nature means he almost never cries. He's gorgeous and good!!
Nolan loves to eat, too, so there's no problem feeding him. We are so lucky to have this wonderful little boy and he's very lucky to have a large family who adores him. His Daddy was good like this, too, and he's grown into a terrific man...I expect no less from his son.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Striving to Succeed
I was telling someone about how a single, teenage mother brought her baby to my sister's one winter day and there was a cockroach in the hood of the baby's jacket. Disgusting, yes, but there is a happier part to this story.
This young girl had a huge load on her shoulders. Mother's Allowance was made available to her but it's not enough to pay the rent on a good apartment, hence the cockroach. She was taking advantage of re-education programs made available to her free of charge and babysitting free of charge. You have to admire a young woman who will better herself against all odds. You also have to be proud of a government that provides programs like the above in order to help people help themselves.
I've often wondered what became of her but I know she must have made a good life for herself and her child. She had spirit and determination and it takes a lot to beat that kind of spunk out of a person.
Too often we see and hear of people who whine and sit on their butts while accepting welfare checks every month. They do nothing to make life better for themselves or their families. They are the kind of people who somehow find the time and the resources to march on parliament demanding more free money for doing nothing. They either forget or just don't understand that every cent they receive from the government came out of some poor hard working person's pocket.
I'd be willing to pay more income tax if it meant offering programs to retrain people who are willing to work hard to rejoin the workforce. I resent every cent paid in income tax that goes to welfare freeloaders, the ones who have no intention of ever earning their own way.
I hope that young, single mother is proud of herself today and living a comfortable life she worked hard to earn.
This young girl had a huge load on her shoulders. Mother's Allowance was made available to her but it's not enough to pay the rent on a good apartment, hence the cockroach. She was taking advantage of re-education programs made available to her free of charge and babysitting free of charge. You have to admire a young woman who will better herself against all odds. You also have to be proud of a government that provides programs like the above in order to help people help themselves.
I've often wondered what became of her but I know she must have made a good life for herself and her child. She had spirit and determination and it takes a lot to beat that kind of spunk out of a person.
Too often we see and hear of people who whine and sit on their butts while accepting welfare checks every month. They do nothing to make life better for themselves or their families. They are the kind of people who somehow find the time and the resources to march on parliament demanding more free money for doing nothing. They either forget or just don't understand that every cent they receive from the government came out of some poor hard working person's pocket.
I'd be willing to pay more income tax if it meant offering programs to retrain people who are willing to work hard to rejoin the workforce. I resent every cent paid in income tax that goes to welfare freeloaders, the ones who have no intention of ever earning their own way.
I hope that young, single mother is proud of herself today and living a comfortable life she worked hard to earn.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Pediatrician/Child Porn Distributor
Just when you think this world cannot get any more disgusting, you watch the morning news and hear that a U.S. pediatrician is charged with distributing child pornography. This is a man who has trained and dedicated his life to looking after the health of children.
He was under house arrest and wearing an ankle monitor which he simply cut off and then disappeared, probably to Mexico. There, he will probably carry on with his medical training which will put more innocent children at risk.
When I hear things like this, I feel there is no hope for the human race. We seem to be sinking into a hole of immorality too deep to ever redeem ourselves.
He was under house arrest and wearing an ankle monitor which he simply cut off and then disappeared, probably to Mexico. There, he will probably carry on with his medical training which will put more innocent children at risk.
When I hear things like this, I feel there is no hope for the human race. We seem to be sinking into a hole of immorality too deep to ever redeem ourselves.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Downsizing Carnival Glass Collection
I'm trying, at least a tiny bit, to downsize my carnival glass collection but it is so darned hard. I gathered together a few pieces to take to the Mohawk College garage sale and did sell two of them. One was a green devilled egg dish which wasn't too hard to let go but the other one was the most beautiful purple jar that broke my heart to sell. I love glass and there is nothing as beautiful in my eyes as carnival glass with all it's spectrum of colors bouncing off each other.
I've never been a collector of anything until I learned about carnival glass about ten years ago. A Florida friend had a large collection and I thought it was absolutely beautiful. She taught me a lot about carnival glass and helped me buy my first two pieces. My collection is small in comparison and mostly what we refer to as new carnival glass (made after 1940) but I love every piece.
I love beautiful things, whether they are glass, fabrics, artistry of any kind, or nature. It warms my heart to look at them. I don't collect anything as an investment but as a daily treat to my eyes. Hell to me would be a world without color or art in any form.
My girls laughed at me when I struggled to let the few pieces of carnival glass go yesterday but they don't like it themselves. That's one of the genes that obviously wasn't passed down to them at birth but I just figure it's their loss. I'm looking at some of my remaining treasures now and it's making me happy. That's what it's all about!
I've never been a collector of anything until I learned about carnival glass about ten years ago. A Florida friend had a large collection and I thought it was absolutely beautiful. She taught me a lot about carnival glass and helped me buy my first two pieces. My collection is small in comparison and mostly what we refer to as new carnival glass (made after 1940) but I love every piece.
I love beautiful things, whether they are glass, fabrics, artistry of any kind, or nature. It warms my heart to look at them. I don't collect anything as an investment but as a daily treat to my eyes. Hell to me would be a world without color or art in any form.
My girls laughed at me when I struggled to let the few pieces of carnival glass go yesterday but they don't like it themselves. That's one of the genes that obviously wasn't passed down to them at birth but I just figure it's their loss. I'm looking at some of my remaining treasures now and it's making me happy. That's what it's all about!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
My Girls
I'm feeling a little melancholy this morning remembering how much help my girls were to me yesterday. I know I could never persue this little jewelry selling adventure without them. They do all the heavy work of handling that damned heavy tent and lifting that damned heavy suitcase filled with jewelry. But most of all, they enjoy being with me and aiding in my present enterprise. I am so grateful for them.
Both of my girls are extremely hard workers, a trait they inherited from their father. I'm more on the lazy side even though my ideas drag me into accupations like the present one. Oh yes, I've always been full of ideas but I never seem to be able to carry them out on my own. Kim is ever present and willing to help and she does enjoy chatting with potential buyers. Cindy is the bulldog, though, thoroughly pleasant to everyone but she is a born salesman. At one point I thought she was offering one of the children's necklaces to a pretty baby as a gift but she was actually putting a little pressure on the Daddy who did buy it.
Both Kim and I are more "stand back" people who offer information rather than actually pushing for a sale. Cindy is right out there joking with people whether they're buying or not but they seem to gravitate toward her anyway. It's fun for me to watch it all and I'm so, so happy my girls seem to be having fun, too.
The only one missing is Shelley, who lives in Florida, but I know she'd also be part of my jewlery empire (LOL!). She's a little more outgoing than Kim but not as outgoing as Cindy...but then, nobody is. Nothing would make me happier than to have all three of my girls with me. I am the luckiest mother in the world to have all three of my daughters grown into such exceptional women.
Both of my girls are extremely hard workers, a trait they inherited from their father. I'm more on the lazy side even though my ideas drag me into accupations like the present one. Oh yes, I've always been full of ideas but I never seem to be able to carry them out on my own. Kim is ever present and willing to help and she does enjoy chatting with potential buyers. Cindy is the bulldog, though, thoroughly pleasant to everyone but she is a born salesman. At one point I thought she was offering one of the children's necklaces to a pretty baby as a gift but she was actually putting a little pressure on the Daddy who did buy it.
Both Kim and I are more "stand back" people who offer information rather than actually pushing for a sale. Cindy is right out there joking with people whether they're buying or not but they seem to gravitate toward her anyway. It's fun for me to watch it all and I'm so, so happy my girls seem to be having fun, too.
The only one missing is Shelley, who lives in Florida, but I know she'd also be part of my jewlery empire (LOL!). She's a little more outgoing than Kim but not as outgoing as Cindy...but then, nobody is. Nothing would make me happier than to have all three of my girls with me. I am the luckiest mother in the world to have all three of my daughters grown into such exceptional women.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
The Burka is Inhuman
We had the Mohawk College garage sale today and it's a great place to "people watch". You see people carrying their newly found treasures as they stroll by and you really wonder why anyone would want some of them. One man's junk is another man's treasure, though.
At one point, a lady (I can only assume) wearing a burka came by. She looked so out of place and so unapproachable all covered in black from head to toe, even her hands were covered with black gloves. There was not a speck of skin to be seen. She seemed to sail through the crowds like a black ghost. It always makes me angry to see these women dressed like this. What kind of religion would brainwash their women in this way so that they can't socialize with others? I can't imagine being drawn into a friendship with a woman hidden inside a shroud, not even her eyes to make contact with.
The anger I feel is not directed at these women but at their men and their religion. I feel profound compassion for the poor soul so hidden from view. Will their daughters and granddaughters follow suit or will they develop Canadian standards where women have equality...or, at least, are supposed to be considered equal? Will these women, invisible in their coverings, ever be able to integrate into Canadian society?
I assume they have some kind of vision through their veils but do they drive their cars with such limited vision? As far as I know, women are not allowed to get a driver's licence photo ID without exposing their face but I could be wrong. They are an enigma to me. I can't understand a culture that inhibits their women like this and I grieve for the opportunities of friendships they are losing.
My sincere hope is that future generations are able to discard these primitive shackles without fear of retaliation from their religious leaders or their male relatives. I'm betting their freedom will come sooner or later but not without bloodshed. It's very sad.
At one point, a lady (I can only assume) wearing a burka came by. She looked so out of place and so unapproachable all covered in black from head to toe, even her hands were covered with black gloves. There was not a speck of skin to be seen. She seemed to sail through the crowds like a black ghost. It always makes me angry to see these women dressed like this. What kind of religion would brainwash their women in this way so that they can't socialize with others? I can't imagine being drawn into a friendship with a woman hidden inside a shroud, not even her eyes to make contact with.
The anger I feel is not directed at these women but at their men and their religion. I feel profound compassion for the poor soul so hidden from view. Will their daughters and granddaughters follow suit or will they develop Canadian standards where women have equality...or, at least, are supposed to be considered equal? Will these women, invisible in their coverings, ever be able to integrate into Canadian society?
I assume they have some kind of vision through their veils but do they drive their cars with such limited vision? As far as I know, women are not allowed to get a driver's licence photo ID without exposing their face but I could be wrong. They are an enigma to me. I can't understand a culture that inhibits their women like this and I grieve for the opportunities of friendships they are losing.
My sincere hope is that future generations are able to discard these primitive shackles without fear of retaliation from their religious leaders or their male relatives. I'm betting their freedom will come sooner or later but not without bloodshed. It's very sad.
Friday, September 10, 2010
No Mosque, Yes Mosque
Oh well, sometimes news reports are wrong and this one was. Apparently there was mistaken information and, from last reports, the mosque near the twin towers will still be built and the Koran burning might still be on. Why can't responsible adults behave like responsible adults?
I'm as tired of this subject as I am of the eternal debate in my city of whether or where the new stadium will be built. It's frightening to think that all of the people in both situations are sort of public leaders. They are the ones who make crucial decisions that the rest of us have to live by...and their feet are made of clay.
This is what I would do in both situations:
I would not insult any religion by burning their Bible or Koran.
I would not insult the families of people who lost their lives in the twin towers by building a mosque so close to it.
I would allow the tax payers of my city to vote on where and if they want a new stadium to be built.
Of course, I'm thinking logically and the people who will actually make those decisions are thinking with their testicles.
I'm as tired of this subject as I am of the eternal debate in my city of whether or where the new stadium will be built. It's frightening to think that all of the people in both situations are sort of public leaders. They are the ones who make crucial decisions that the rest of us have to live by...and their feet are made of clay.
This is what I would do in both situations:
I would not insult any religion by burning their Bible or Koran.
I would not insult the families of people who lost their lives in the twin towers by building a mosque so close to it.
I would allow the tax payers of my city to vote on where and if they want a new stadium to be built.
Of course, I'm thinking logically and the people who will actually make those decisions are thinking with their testicles.
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Two Shockers
Shocks to my system or mind don't come all that often but today I got two biggies.
My first shocker came as I was watching the local news on T.V. at suppertime and found out that an old acquaintance who I hadn't seen since he was in his 40's and who had worked with my husband was running for mayor. No, that was a surprise and not a shock. The shock was when I heard that someone had voicemailed the T.V station and said that "The elderly have their place in politics...etc. etc. etc.". He was referring to my old acquaintance! I almost choked on my noodles but then I realized that, yes, he would be in his early 70's now and, yes, that is elderly. Hot damn! I'm elderly! I refer to myself as an old gal but I guess I haven't really believed it in my heart.
Shock #2 was also a news article on T.V. The crazed preacher who had planned to burn the Koran on 9/11 has changed his mind and won't do it. BUT...the reason he won't do it is because the imam of the planned mosque near the twin towers has also decided it isn't a good idea and will build elsewhere. Could this really be true???
I am utterly amazed at this change of events, can't really comprehend how it all came about, and really wish I had listened to the interview with the imam last night.
If this is factual, it's the imam who is the hero...who would have thought?
I can't wait to watch the 11 P.M. news tonight.
My first shocker came as I was watching the local news on T.V. at suppertime and found out that an old acquaintance who I hadn't seen since he was in his 40's and who had worked with my husband was running for mayor. No, that was a surprise and not a shock. The shock was when I heard that someone had voicemailed the T.V station and said that "The elderly have their place in politics...etc. etc. etc.". He was referring to my old acquaintance! I almost choked on my noodles but then I realized that, yes, he would be in his early 70's now and, yes, that is elderly. Hot damn! I'm elderly! I refer to myself as an old gal but I guess I haven't really believed it in my heart.
Shock #2 was also a news article on T.V. The crazed preacher who had planned to burn the Koran on 9/11 has changed his mind and won't do it. BUT...the reason he won't do it is because the imam of the planned mosque near the twin towers has also decided it isn't a good idea and will build elsewhere. Could this really be true???
I am utterly amazed at this change of events, can't really comprehend how it all came about, and really wish I had listened to the interview with the imam last night.
If this is factual, it's the imam who is the hero...who would have thought?
I can't wait to watch the 11 P.M. news tonight.
Fancy Shmancy Garages
Garages used to be places to park your cars and for husbands to keep a little workshop where they (most of them) could pretend they were handymen. I half watched a T.V. program this morning that showed other types of garages, some that people had built and decorated to "show who they were". Some actually had chandeliers and kitchens.
I believe in the past that the only thing a garage told about it's owners was whether or not they were neat. These new, outrageously decorated garages tell a different tale about their owners. Ostentatious is a word that comes to mind.
I cringe when I watch home buyers or home decorating shows and I hear people say things like, "It's not us." or "We want a color to show who we are.". Puke! What they appear to be to me is shallow.
I have no garage and park in my driveway so I wonder what that says about me to the world...I've never thought about it before and really don't give a rat's behind. But if I did have a garage, it would be neatly lined with tables holding long ago discarded crafts materials. There would be room inside for my car. It would not have a chandelier.
I guess the world holds all kinds and that gives us opinionated people lots to blog about.
I believe in the past that the only thing a garage told about it's owners was whether or not they were neat. These new, outrageously decorated garages tell a different tale about their owners. Ostentatious is a word that comes to mind.
I cringe when I watch home buyers or home decorating shows and I hear people say things like, "It's not us." or "We want a color to show who we are.". Puke! What they appear to be to me is shallow.
I have no garage and park in my driveway so I wonder what that says about me to the world...I've never thought about it before and really don't give a rat's behind. But if I did have a garage, it would be neatly lined with tables holding long ago discarded crafts materials. There would be room inside for my car. It would not have a chandelier.
I guess the world holds all kinds and that gives us opinionated people lots to blog about.
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Burning the Koran
I'm very worried about the fallout if that southern nutcase preacher goes ahead with his plans to publicly burn a Koran. He seems totally unaware that his actions could cause American soldiers to lose their lives. As much as he reveres his own bible, Muslims probably feel stronger about their Koran and they would have every right to feel insulted. My hope is that they will realize that there are kooks in every religion and they don't represent the whole.
If even one soldier loses his life in Afghanistan because this idiot preacher wants to draw attention to himself by burning a Koran, it would be a travesty. I honestly can't understand his reasoning other than he seems to want to inflict a huge insult on the Muslim religion. And what good would that do? You do not elevate your own status by inflicting insults on another, you only make yourself look foolish.
If the only casualty in his actions is that he makes himself look like a fool, then it doesn't much matter what he does. But it just might matter to soldiers on the front lines in Afghanistan. We can only hope for some common sense to rule in this issue.
If even one soldier loses his life in Afghanistan because this idiot preacher wants to draw attention to himself by burning a Koran, it would be a travesty. I honestly can't understand his reasoning other than he seems to want to inflict a huge insult on the Muslim religion. And what good would that do? You do not elevate your own status by inflicting insults on another, you only make yourself look foolish.
If the only casualty in his actions is that he makes himself look like a fool, then it doesn't much matter what he does. But it just might matter to soldiers on the front lines in Afghanistan. We can only hope for some common sense to rule in this issue.
Monday, September 06, 2010
Family Dinner
Cindy had an impromptu Labor Day dinner today for some of the family and I finally got to meet her new boyfriend, Gord. He seems very nice and not ill at ease with our close knit family. That's a good thing because newcomers need to just blend in and become part of the whole. I always worry they'll feel like outsiders so it's nice when they are noticably comfortable with everyone.
Tyson and Sarah came with their 7 month old horse...I mean puppy...and it was fun to watch how Tyson has chosen to train this huge, rambunctious dog. Tyson stoops down in front of him, holds his face and stares into his eyes. Apparently this asserts dominance. I'm not sure it works because the dog kept licking Tyson and I don't think that means he's feeling dominated.
Matt was there with his girlfriend, Sandra, and she seems more and more at ease with all of us. She's kind of shy but not standoffish at all.
Nick came by himself because we were eating late and Nolan's bedtime is 7 P.M. It seems like only yesterday that Nick, Matt, and Tyson's bedtimes were the same. Now they're grown up and drinking beer. Hmmm!
Kim and I were the single ladies there but you don't really think of that when you're surrounded by family. I love every moment I'm with my family and I know the rest felt the same.
All of a sudden I realized it was getting dark and I had about a 15 minute drive home. I get night blindness, oncoming car lights really blind my vision, so I hurriedly left. The drive home was not easy for me and I feel like I'm a danger on the road. I'll have to be more aware that darkness is falling earlier now.
Anyway, home and on the computer for a few hours and then an early bedtime. Lazy Labor Day 2010.
Tyson and Sarah came with their 7 month old horse...I mean puppy...and it was fun to watch how Tyson has chosen to train this huge, rambunctious dog. Tyson stoops down in front of him, holds his face and stares into his eyes. Apparently this asserts dominance. I'm not sure it works because the dog kept licking Tyson and I don't think that means he's feeling dominated.
Matt was there with his girlfriend, Sandra, and she seems more and more at ease with all of us. She's kind of shy but not standoffish at all.
Nick came by himself because we were eating late and Nolan's bedtime is 7 P.M. It seems like only yesterday that Nick, Matt, and Tyson's bedtimes were the same. Now they're grown up and drinking beer. Hmmm!
Kim and I were the single ladies there but you don't really think of that when you're surrounded by family. I love every moment I'm with my family and I know the rest felt the same.
All of a sudden I realized it was getting dark and I had about a 15 minute drive home. I get night blindness, oncoming car lights really blind my vision, so I hurriedly left. The drive home was not easy for me and I feel like I'm a danger on the road. I'll have to be more aware that darkness is falling earlier now.
Anyway, home and on the computer for a few hours and then an early bedtime. Lazy Labor Day 2010.
Still Decluttering

Sorting through the books, I discovered a few that will sell on Ebay so they're keepers for the time being. I love books. I've always had them in practically every room in the house but these days I fall asleep when I read. That means that, even if the book holds great interest for me, it's taking me ages to read one.
Because the books were scattered around the house, I can't see much in the way of freed up space but at least it's a move in the right direction. As I carried heavy boxloads down from the bedrooms, it made me think how much harder this will be to do in another 5 years when I'm 5 years older. It's best to do it now.
I still have to declutter my crafts and downsize my carnival glass but that's for another day. It's really amazing how much stuff I've gotten rid of makes me feel good to have it done.
Sunday, September 05, 2010
There are so many unfathomable aspects to religion that it's hard to choose one. I suppose I'll never understand how all of the religions preach peace and love to their fellow man but there are still very religious people who commit murder in the name of their religion.
In polygamist religions, why is it acceptable for middle aged and old men to take on so many young wives? I understand it's the old men who have the monetary means to support all those wives but why is there no thought that this is causing deprivation to the young men of their church?
In the catholic church, there have been so many children molested by their priests that it's chased previously devouted followers from that religion. How can a so-called man of god do such harm to a child?
Then there are the evangelists who put on great T.V. shows to elicit money from gullible viewers. Many of these evangelists have been shown to be con artists, taking money from poverty stricken people and using it to live lavish lifestyles.
I'm so skeptical about the honesty in religion that I can't accept that one needs to go to church and praise the church leaders in order to reach their god. I believe that if you lead your life in an honest and kind way, that should be all that any god would want from his/her people.
I'm 70 years old and am still searching for the truth in religion. It dominates everyone's everyday lives and yet churchgoers still have to rely on "faith" rather than "proof". I envy the religious because it gives them comfort but I also wonder how so many of those same people can commit terrible crimes against their fellow man. The questions are endless.
Today is Sunday and my sister is going to church. She has a strong faith that she never questions. Could it be that I question too much? Again, more questions.
In polygamist religions, why is it acceptable for middle aged and old men to take on so many young wives? I understand it's the old men who have the monetary means to support all those wives but why is there no thought that this is causing deprivation to the young men of their church?
In the catholic church, there have been so many children molested by their priests that it's chased previously devouted followers from that religion. How can a so-called man of god do such harm to a child?
Then there are the evangelists who put on great T.V. shows to elicit money from gullible viewers. Many of these evangelists have been shown to be con artists, taking money from poverty stricken people and using it to live lavish lifestyles.
I'm so skeptical about the honesty in religion that I can't accept that one needs to go to church and praise the church leaders in order to reach their god. I believe that if you lead your life in an honest and kind way, that should be all that any god would want from his/her people.
I'm 70 years old and am still searching for the truth in religion. It dominates everyone's everyday lives and yet churchgoers still have to rely on "faith" rather than "proof". I envy the religious because it gives them comfort but I also wonder how so many of those same people can commit terrible crimes against their fellow man. The questions are endless.
Today is Sunday and my sister is going to church. She has a strong faith that she never questions. Could it be that I question too much? Again, more questions.
Saturday, September 04, 2010
What's Going On With The Weather?
I've worn short sleeves, clam diggers, and sandals all summer and still felt too warmly dressed. Yesterday I packed an overnight bag to go out to Mary's so I packed similar clothing to wear today. Holy Hannah!!! I almost froze my butt off just going out the door this morning as we headed off to St. Jacobs. Thank goodness Mary had a nice warm cardigan to lend me but my feet would just have to suffer.
I wasn't sure our cardigans would keep us warm enough but we drove on up to St. Jacobs, anyway. The wind was howling and there was an excellent chance that we would see rain but we figured that would mean fewer people at the flea market and outlet buildings.
We hit some heavy rainfall and intermittent drizzle all the way up and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the lengthy lineups of cars going into the flea market. Why the heck hadn't these people stayed home? Were they crazy? Mary pointed out that we were just as crazy.
Luckily we found a nice parking spot close to one of the buildings and managed to get in without getting too wet. I'd convinced Mary we were close enough to not need our cardigans so we were pretty darned cold by the time we got inside. The wind was vicious!
Mary found some nice tops and shoes and I found a cute pair of warm winter shoes for Nolan. Everything in the shoe store was discounted and then they took 50% off that...I think they expected small crowds on such a rotten day but the place was packed.
We drove over to another section which held indoor and outdoor flea market stalls. I have no idea how many of the outdoor vendors were still in business because there was no way I was going to brave frigid winds and rain to check them out. Mary and I went inside the building and headed straight for the food court where we bought cheese perogies with sour cream. Yummy!
After eating we wandered around the building, saw quite a few things we might like but didn't really need, and I bought 2 bottles of nail polish for $5. Then I was ready to go home. Shopping just doesn't hold a whole lot of interest for me these days because I'm still trying to downsize the stuff in my house.
We drove back and I dropped Mary off at her house, both of us stating how much we'd enjoyed our time together. She's a good friend and I always enjoy being with her because we joke all the time and have never had an argument in all the years we've known each other. It's nice being around someone like that.
When I got home, I bundled up in front of the T.V. with my good old Swedish weaving afghan and had a nap. It was hard to get warm. How could this cold, windy weather have taken over so fast? It's just too big a change in too short a time period but it's supposed to be warmer throughout the next week so I'll ignore my urge to turn on the furnace tonight and just bed down under my nice warm quilt.
Are we experiencing global warming, global cooling, or what??
I wasn't sure our cardigans would keep us warm enough but we drove on up to St. Jacobs, anyway. The wind was howling and there was an excellent chance that we would see rain but we figured that would mean fewer people at the flea market and outlet buildings.
We hit some heavy rainfall and intermittent drizzle all the way up and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the lengthy lineups of cars going into the flea market. Why the heck hadn't these people stayed home? Were they crazy? Mary pointed out that we were just as crazy.
Luckily we found a nice parking spot close to one of the buildings and managed to get in without getting too wet. I'd convinced Mary we were close enough to not need our cardigans so we were pretty darned cold by the time we got inside. The wind was vicious!
Mary found some nice tops and shoes and I found a cute pair of warm winter shoes for Nolan. Everything in the shoe store was discounted and then they took 50% off that...I think they expected small crowds on such a rotten day but the place was packed.
We drove over to another section which held indoor and outdoor flea market stalls. I have no idea how many of the outdoor vendors were still in business because there was no way I was going to brave frigid winds and rain to check them out. Mary and I went inside the building and headed straight for the food court where we bought cheese perogies with sour cream. Yummy!
After eating we wandered around the building, saw quite a few things we might like but didn't really need, and I bought 2 bottles of nail polish for $5. Then I was ready to go home. Shopping just doesn't hold a whole lot of interest for me these days because I'm still trying to downsize the stuff in my house.
We drove back and I dropped Mary off at her house, both of us stating how much we'd enjoyed our time together. She's a good friend and I always enjoy being with her because we joke all the time and have never had an argument in all the years we've known each other. It's nice being around someone like that.
When I got home, I bundled up in front of the T.V. with my good old Swedish weaving afghan and had a nap. It was hard to get warm. How could this cold, windy weather have taken over so fast? It's just too big a change in too short a time period but it's supposed to be warmer throughout the next week so I'll ignore my urge to turn on the furnace tonight and just bed down under my nice warm quilt.
Are we experiencing global warming, global cooling, or what??
Friday, September 03, 2010
Drive Carefully
I just watched the most powerful video I've ever seen in my life. It was about how quickly a car accident can happen if you are taking chances or are inattentive. The video was amazingly put together with actual action footage and some dramatic acting. It left me crying.
We forget that the cars we drive are deadly machines when they're out of control. Their sheer weight and speed can cause devastation beyond belief. Watching that video has made me more aware even though I think I'm a careful driver but we all could make a decision to be more careful, can't we?
One of my daughters (Cindy) is a fearsome driver and I have to warn her when I get into the car not to drive like a maniac. She takes after her father who also drove like that. I'll never understand how some drivers take outrageous chances that not only could cause their death but the death of other innocent people. How can saving a few minutes of driving time be worth someone's life?
I hope she watches that video. It was placed on Facebook by her friend, Lise, and then by me so I'm praying she'll watch it and learn from it.
We're all guilty of what could be considered dangerous driving at one time or another, either speeding or taking shortcuts, and my hope is that this video will be seen by enough people that it will save a few lives.
Just drive carefully and insist on it if you're a passenger, okay?
We forget that the cars we drive are deadly machines when they're out of control. Their sheer weight and speed can cause devastation beyond belief. Watching that video has made me more aware even though I think I'm a careful driver but we all could make a decision to be more careful, can't we?
One of my daughters (Cindy) is a fearsome driver and I have to warn her when I get into the car not to drive like a maniac. She takes after her father who also drove like that. I'll never understand how some drivers take outrageous chances that not only could cause their death but the death of other innocent people. How can saving a few minutes of driving time be worth someone's life?
I hope she watches that video. It was placed on Facebook by her friend, Lise, and then by me so I'm praying she'll watch it and learn from it.
We're all guilty of what could be considered dangerous driving at one time or another, either speeding or taking shortcuts, and my hope is that this video will be seen by enough people that it will save a few lives.
Just drive carefully and insist on it if you're a passenger, okay?
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Still Hot
We do have a rainstorm on the way but it's still hot enough outside to keep the air conditioning on. I love storms (not thunderstorms) as long as I'm safe and sheltered so I'm sort of looking forward to the rain. We need it.
This was a real lazy day for me. All I've done is laundry and playing on the computer. I was just short of becoming bored but Nick phoned and he's bringing Nolan over for a visit this afternoon. Now I'm thrilled to death! All I have to do is think of Nolan and it brings a smile to my face. He's a little ray of sunshine!
There's a lot behind why we are so happy to see a baby. They represent our past (genes) and our future. They are our legacy to the world that we'll leave behind some day. I marvel at this little guy and see intelligence and firm personality in his eyes. He won't stand in the shadows of life but make his way with confidence and determination. He's a lucky boy to have so many people madly in love with him.
Nolan has wonderful parents who love him and will guide him all his life so I know he will be in good hands even when I'm not here. And he's going to be a big brother next March! I think he's too young for the heavy responsibility but it will be fun to see how he handles it. I hope he's a better big brother than his father was when he was a child. Nick is a wonderful big brother now but that wasn't the case when he was a kid. He tortured poor Matthew. Nick sort of went from being a rotten big brother to being almost a father figure to Matt so things have improved over the years.
We're hoping for a baby girl but we'd welcome and adore another baby boy, too. I think I want a baby girl because they're a lot more fun to shop for. I practically drooled over the sweet little girl outfits when I was shopping for Nolan. Oh well, we'll get what we get and love them just the same.
I'm picturing Nolan's beautiful little face now and I'm smiling.
This was a real lazy day for me. All I've done is laundry and playing on the computer. I was just short of becoming bored but Nick phoned and he's bringing Nolan over for a visit this afternoon. Now I'm thrilled to death! All I have to do is think of Nolan and it brings a smile to my face. He's a little ray of sunshine!
There's a lot behind why we are so happy to see a baby. They represent our past (genes) and our future. They are our legacy to the world that we'll leave behind some day. I marvel at this little guy and see intelligence and firm personality in his eyes. He won't stand in the shadows of life but make his way with confidence and determination. He's a lucky boy to have so many people madly in love with him.
Nolan has wonderful parents who love him and will guide him all his life so I know he will be in good hands even when I'm not here. And he's going to be a big brother next March! I think he's too young for the heavy responsibility but it will be fun to see how he handles it. I hope he's a better big brother than his father was when he was a child. Nick is a wonderful big brother now but that wasn't the case when he was a kid. He tortured poor Matthew. Nick sort of went from being a rotten big brother to being almost a father figure to Matt so things have improved over the years.
We're hoping for a baby girl but we'd welcome and adore another baby boy, too. I think I want a baby girl because they're a lot more fun to shop for. I practically drooled over the sweet little girl outfits when I was shopping for Nolan. Oh well, we'll get what we get and love them just the same.
I'm picturing Nolan's beautiful little face now and I'm smiling.
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Last Hot Day...Maybe
Here I sit at my computer, looking out the patio doors to the deck and the yard beyond. The potted plants on the deck are so beautiful at this time of year, swaying wildly in the breeze that has sprung up...probably heralding the rainstorm we're supposed to have tomorrow. I wish I could open the doors and windows to feel the breeze but it's too hot and I have the air conditioning on.
I think this is the last day of 2010 that I'll need the air conditioning. We may get more semi-hot days as we slip into Fall but they won't be unbearable like it is today. It's hard to resent this hot weather when you know it's about to die away and be replaced by frigid winds in a few short months. But, inbetween this and that will be the glorious days of Fall, days with coolish breezes that make you more alert and attentive to the beauty around you...the golds and reds of Autumn, nature's way of saying, "Goodbye for now but I'll be back in the Spring.".
I think this is the last day of 2010 that I'll need the air conditioning. We may get more semi-hot days as we slip into Fall but they won't be unbearable like it is today. It's hard to resent this hot weather when you know it's about to die away and be replaced by frigid winds in a few short months. But, inbetween this and that will be the glorious days of Fall, days with coolish breezes that make you more alert and attentive to the beauty around you...the golds and reds of Autumn, nature's way of saying, "Goodbye for now but I'll be back in the Spring.".
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