Sometimes adults get themselves into pissing fights that start out with one tiny remark. Then it escalates from a molehill into a mountain that neither one can climb down from.
Children would continue building that mountain into infinity but adults usually reach a point where both are embarrassed to be where they are but are unable to accept they should never have been up there in the first place.
So is the case of two gentlemen in our park, both of whom are very nice people who let their testosterone get a little out of control.
My advice to both would be to act like the gentlemen you are, shake hands and let bygones be bygones, and then just go about your business of enjoying your well deserved winter holiday. Life is too short to waste sitting on top of that awful man-made mountain.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
She's In Rehab
After our U.S.A. dinner we were entertained by a comedian who was pretty good but we did confuse him a bit. He asked who in the audience had been married the longest and shouts of "25 years!", "40 years!", and then "60 years!" filled the air. The man who shouted out "60 years!" was by himself, sitting among a table full of his friends.
"Where is your wife?", asked the comedian.
"She's in rehab.", replied Mark.
Everyone laughed and the comedian thought Mark was just joking with him but the truth was that Charlotte really is in rehab. She had a knee replacement a couple of weeks ago and is in a rehab center until this coming Tuesday.
Not all rehab centers are for druggies.
"Where is your wife?", asked the comedian.
"She's in rehab.", replied Mark.
Everyone laughed and the comedian thought Mark was just joking with him but the truth was that Charlotte really is in rehab. She had a knee replacement a couple of weeks ago and is in a rehab center until this coming Tuesday.
Not all rehab centers are for druggies.
UCF Drunk Bus
The University of Central Florida in Orlando is going to be getting a late night bus service. You might think this is a great idea until you hear how happy some of the students are that they won't need a designated driver anymore and now they can ALL get drunk. A female student stated this with wide eyed innocence as though it was the most natural thing in the world.
I know there is a lot of boozing among university students because they are unleashed from parental control and foolish enough to believe they are now adults and capable of running their own lives. There is good reason for parents...they temper hot blooded teens from doing wild and crazy things that could ruin their lives like getting drunk too often and becoming alcoholics.
When I see those street bums, filthy clothes and vacant eyes, I often wonder what in their lives drove them to this state. Alcoholism is right there at the top of the list, I'll bet. It destroys lives, jobs, marriages, and family ties.
The young lady who is so happy to now have the "drunk bus" so she and all her friends can get drunk together is supposed to be our hope for the future. Or is she headed for rehab and unemployment instead?
I know there is a lot of boozing among university students because they are unleashed from parental control and foolish enough to believe they are now adults and capable of running their own lives. There is good reason for parents...they temper hot blooded teens from doing wild and crazy things that could ruin their lives like getting drunk too often and becoming alcoholics.
When I see those street bums, filthy clothes and vacant eyes, I often wonder what in their lives drove them to this state. Alcoholism is right there at the top of the list, I'll bet. It destroys lives, jobs, marriages, and family ties.
The young lady who is so happy to now have the "drunk bus" so she and all her friends can get drunk together is supposed to be our hope for the future. Or is she headed for rehab and unemployment instead?
Friday, January 28, 2011
Coffee for the Brave

Picture #1 shows Gerrie, Dolores, Roy (we only allowed him to come because of the parade), Peggy, Barb, and Sylvia. You'll notice an abundance of afghans and heavy coats.
Picture #2 is of one of my good buddies, Sylvia. We even shared one of the pots at Bingo tonight.
Picture #3 is of Roy and Peggy (husband and wife), and Barb. Barb and I will be room-mates at our park reunion in July. She's been warned that I snore and she's quite okay with that.
Picture #4 is of Gerrie, wife of Ron the clown, and her beloved dog, Rusty. Gerrie is a late sleeper so my new coffee time of 10 A.M. may mean she'll make it more often.
These are some of the people who bring joy into my life from November to April. I wish they all lived closer.
Park Parade

Picture #1 shows one of my good buddies, Jo, and her husband, Frank.
Picture #2 is our King and Queen of the Turds, Dick and Molly (serious competition for this title is held in March).
Picture #3 shows Mitch and Kathleen. We thought Kathleen was a hooker but she's supposed to be Mae West.
Picture #4 is Ron who is the park clown whether he's dressed as such or not. He's easily one of the nicest people in the world.
Picture #5 is of Jan who makes the best jam you ever tasted.
After the parade they held a little luncheon in the clubhouse but they served hot dogs which I don't like so Barb and I went to Wendy's.
I think the parade was so small this year because our new park owners very foolishly interfered with the activities committee we had in place by disbanding it and hiring their own people. Those people were not liked for very good reason and have since been fired. We were right!! The problem is that, once you change the dynamics that were working well, it's not easy to put it back on track. The residents here are still bitter about having the new couple foisted on us and most of us aren't volunteering like we did before. I don't think it will get back to the way it was before but maybe, in time, we can recoup some of the park spirit we had.
In any case, we've managed to circumvent some of the new owner's dumb ideas and we're getting along well on our own so far. If they hire someone else as an activity director we will judge them on their own merit. The last couple got our backs up by completely discounting and discarding what we'd already set up for ourselves. This is not a good way to endear yourself.
Kathleen organized today's parade, bless her little heart, even though there wasn't much enthusiasm for it. She did her best with what she had to work with and she did a good job.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
75 Isn't What It Used To Be
When I was a child in the 1940's, anyone who lived to the ripe old age of 75 was considered to be at death's door. When I was in my 30's, 75 was considered old as dirt. Now that I'm 70, I know that things just aren't what they used to be and turning 75 doesn't mean the end of life.
I know people in their 80's who tire me out. Many of these people take no medications, live a lively life, have all mental faculties, and, believe it or not, have a damned good sex life. Now, the last part is only what I hear so it's either true or wishful thinking!
Sometimes when a group of us get together and the subject of conversation turns to age, we all seem to have the same opinion of it. The years might be there but in our minds we're easily 20 years younger. Oldsters are more socially active than they were 50 years ago. We have pensions, cars, and meeting places that weren't so abundant in those days and this gives us a better standard of living. I think it would be beneficial for all middle aged people to visit a senior center and they might discover that old age isn't necessarily something to be feared. In fact, they might also discover that it's a goal worth reaching.
I joke about being an old lady but I don't feel like an old lady in my mind. It's only when I look in the mirror and am surprised at the age in my face that I realize that, yes, I am old but it doesn't matter all that much to me.
Age is just a number and a high number doesn't mean you can't live a full and enjoyable life. It only means you are a wealth of information and experience.
I know people in their 80's who tire me out. Many of these people take no medications, live a lively life, have all mental faculties, and, believe it or not, have a damned good sex life. Now, the last part is only what I hear so it's either true or wishful thinking!
Sometimes when a group of us get together and the subject of conversation turns to age, we all seem to have the same opinion of it. The years might be there but in our minds we're easily 20 years younger. Oldsters are more socially active than they were 50 years ago. We have pensions, cars, and meeting places that weren't so abundant in those days and this gives us a better standard of living. I think it would be beneficial for all middle aged people to visit a senior center and they might discover that old age isn't necessarily something to be feared. In fact, they might also discover that it's a goal worth reaching.
I joke about being an old lady but I don't feel like an old lady in my mind. It's only when I look in the mirror and am surprised at the age in my face that I realize that, yes, I am old but it doesn't matter all that much to me.
Age is just a number and a high number doesn't mean you can't live a full and enjoyable life. It only means you are a wealth of information and experience.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
I went to the dog races today and noticed that the flag in the center of the oval track was hung at half mast. No-one had to ask why. It was out of respect for the Florida police officers who lost their lives this week.
I think most of us take for granted that our police officers will always come to our aid but we usually don't consider how often they are placed in danger in every working day. Cops (and I say this in a respectful way) enter the profession because they want to make a difference. They want to help in ridding society of the bad guys and they accept that their lives are at risk in every shift they work.
Cops are a special breed. They certainly don't become cops for the money because there is no way they are paid sufficiently for the good they do. They deal with the worst of society and it often makes them cynical to a fault, unable to trust anyone except another cop.
They see an element of society that most of us will never have to contend with if we're lucky. They are stronger than we are in, oh, so many ways because they've chosen an occupation that demands stamina of body, mind, and soul, and one that sometimes costs them their lives.
When a police officer is killed in the line of duty, their fellow officers from every corner of the country (and sometimes other countries) flood the funeral in a massive symbol of support for their own. They know. They know better than anyone else what their job entails and what they stand for. There is pride, strength, and respect in their numbers. We can recognize this but we can never truly understand the depth of their feelings unless we're one of them.
Every time a police officer loses his or her life while protecting society, we all lose. It's up to law abiding citizens to make it clear to police officers that we appreciate them and respect them. I doubt they hear that kind of talk very often, at least not often enough.
I think most of us take for granted that our police officers will always come to our aid but we usually don't consider how often they are placed in danger in every working day. Cops (and I say this in a respectful way) enter the profession because they want to make a difference. They want to help in ridding society of the bad guys and they accept that their lives are at risk in every shift they work.
Cops are a special breed. They certainly don't become cops for the money because there is no way they are paid sufficiently for the good they do. They deal with the worst of society and it often makes them cynical to a fault, unable to trust anyone except another cop.
They see an element of society that most of us will never have to contend with if we're lucky. They are stronger than we are in, oh, so many ways because they've chosen an occupation that demands stamina of body, mind, and soul, and one that sometimes costs them their lives.
When a police officer is killed in the line of duty, their fellow officers from every corner of the country (and sometimes other countries) flood the funeral in a massive symbol of support for their own. They know. They know better than anyone else what their job entails and what they stand for. There is pride, strength, and respect in their numbers. We can recognize this but we can never truly understand the depth of their feelings unless we're one of them.
Every time a police officer loses his or her life while protecting society, we all lose. It's up to law abiding citizens to make it clear to police officers that we appreciate them and respect them. I doubt they hear that kind of talk very often, at least not often enough.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
66 For Dinner
Yesterday 66 of the residents from this park went out for dinner together. Millie arranged it all at the restaurant where we have our Sunday morning breakfast. Now, the fact that 66 people from a park where the total winter residency hovers around the 300 mark all merrily trotted off to dinner together must tell you something.
First, we have a congenial group at our park. Second, most prefer eating out to cooking their own dinners. Third, Woodsbys is one heck of a nice restaurant where the meals are reasonably priced and taste like home cooking.
Millie played hostess and made sure everyone was seated and enjoying their meals. She was in her element as mother earth, taking care of her brood. I had the ribs which were so plentiful that I took half home with me and will be my dinner for tonight, too. I doubt many were able to finish their dinner because take out boxes were in evidence all over the restaurant. We're lucky to have an establishment like this not too far from the park.
I was able to squeeze in about a 5 minute nap between dinner and our evening Rummoli game. Again, we laughed so hard at some of the banter over the game that I'm sure I added a few more years to my life. Joann is an absolute hoot and I don't think our games would be half as much fun if she wasn't there.
Thank you to the fates which brought me here!
First, we have a congenial group at our park. Second, most prefer eating out to cooking their own dinners. Third, Woodsbys is one heck of a nice restaurant where the meals are reasonably priced and taste like home cooking.
Millie played hostess and made sure everyone was seated and enjoying their meals. She was in her element as mother earth, taking care of her brood. I had the ribs which were so plentiful that I took half home with me and will be my dinner for tonight, too. I doubt many were able to finish their dinner because take out boxes were in evidence all over the restaurant. We're lucky to have an establishment like this not too far from the park.
I was able to squeeze in about a 5 minute nap between dinner and our evening Rummoli game. Again, we laughed so hard at some of the banter over the game that I'm sure I added a few more years to my life. Joann is an absolute hoot and I don't think our games would be half as much fun if she wasn't there.
Thank you to the fates which brought me here!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Breast Cancer
A friend was diagnosed with breast cancer last month and has already had a lumpectomy to remove it. Now comes the chemo and the radiation treatments...and the fear for the rest of her life that the cancer might return.
Being diagnosed with any kind of cancer is frightening but the one that women dread most is breast cancer. Mutilation from within with any other type of cancer can't be seen but if we have a breast removed, it's a constant reminder that our lives will never be the same again.
A long time ago I read up on the survival expectations of women who had a lumpectomy versus mastectomy and was relieved to see they were about the same. That meant that if I were ever to have to choose one it would be an easy decision to make. It's best to have this information beforehand because, once diagnosed, I don't think we'd be thinking too clearly.
My friend had the lumpectomy and there was no involvement in the lymph nodes but the cancer is rather large so there's a good chance she'll have to go through chemo as well as radiation. It's not going to be an easy road for her but it's one she'll have to take.
We all know people who have beat cancer but we also know of the ones who lost the battle so any diagnosis of cancer carries fear and uncertainty for the patient, their families, and their friends. And everyone is helpless to do anything except to wait and let their doctors do the best they can. Not an easy road for any of them.
We have a lady here in the park who had breast cancer almost 5 years ago and she's happy, healthy, and active today. She's the one we have to look to for encouragement because she gives us hope.
Being diagnosed with any kind of cancer is frightening but the one that women dread most is breast cancer. Mutilation from within with any other type of cancer can't be seen but if we have a breast removed, it's a constant reminder that our lives will never be the same again.
A long time ago I read up on the survival expectations of women who had a lumpectomy versus mastectomy and was relieved to see they were about the same. That meant that if I were ever to have to choose one it would be an easy decision to make. It's best to have this information beforehand because, once diagnosed, I don't think we'd be thinking too clearly.
My friend had the lumpectomy and there was no involvement in the lymph nodes but the cancer is rather large so there's a good chance she'll have to go through chemo as well as radiation. It's not going to be an easy road for her but it's one she'll have to take.
We all know people who have beat cancer but we also know of the ones who lost the battle so any diagnosis of cancer carries fear and uncertainty for the patient, their families, and their friends. And everyone is helpless to do anything except to wait and let their doctors do the best they can. Not an easy road for any of them.
We have a lady here in the park who had breast cancer almost 5 years ago and she's happy, healthy, and active today. She's the one we have to look to for encouragement because she gives us hope.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
I watched a program on T.V. that showed a group of teenagers absolutely destroying a model home. They smashed walls, lights, windows, toilet fixtures, etc., all in a frenzy of insane destructiveness. And they filmed it.
Not only were these kids totally out of control but they were dumb as s..t. The video they took as a souvenir was what led to their arrest. Their parents will have to pay for all damages.
Poor parents, dumb kids, and a view of the society we've created.
Vandalism is a strange thing. I've always wondered what is going on in the brain of someone who gets their kicks out of destroying something that doesn't belong to them. It's usually something that the owner has worked hard to acquire, too.
But why destroy? I would think that deep in the soul of every human being is the will to create beauty and function but vandals seem to be jealous of what others have created, either with labor or funds. I guess I answered my own question...vandals do what they do because they are jealous. No wonder they act in such a crazed fashion. Jealousy, when it sprouts, isn't a pretty emotion.
Not only were these kids totally out of control but they were dumb as s..t. The video they took as a souvenir was what led to their arrest. Their parents will have to pay for all damages.
Poor parents, dumb kids, and a view of the society we've created.
Vandalism is a strange thing. I've always wondered what is going on in the brain of someone who gets their kicks out of destroying something that doesn't belong to them. It's usually something that the owner has worked hard to acquire, too.
But why destroy? I would think that deep in the soul of every human being is the will to create beauty and function but vandals seem to be jealous of what others have created, either with labor or funds. I guess I answered my own question...vandals do what they do because they are jealous. No wonder they act in such a crazed fashion. Jealousy, when it sprouts, isn't a pretty emotion.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Music Night
On Monday nights from 7-9 P.M. a small group of amateur (sometimes professional) musicians jam in our old clubhouse to entertain anyone who cares to listen. I haven't been over there in 7 years (can't believe it's been that long) to listen because that's when Dennis was part of the jam session.
Tonight I decided to go and I'm so glad I did. There were 6 guitarists, 1 bass, and 1 harmonica...2 of the guitarists/singers were from another park and I think they were professional. The clubhouse was packed with an appreciative audience who didn't care about the odd sour note but wildly applauded the efforts of this loose group.
Joe, on bass, was the only one of the group that Dennis played with all those years ago. I remembered how much they all enjoyed each other then and it was obvious that this new goup felt the same way about each other.
One of my coffee ladies, Carole, played guitar but she also sang with quite a pretty voice. The outsiders were a husband and wife team who harmonized so well that it brought tears to your eyes. Most of the songs were old country but a few were sing alongs from the 30's and 40's. It got me wondering if that era was the end of sing along music.
I sat there among my park friends and thought how lucky I'd been to have come to this park. I thought of how much Dennis loved it here and how much he enjoyed music night. I could almost picture him sitting among that group playing his guitar...he would have been if he could have been.
They ended the session with "Amazing Grace" and everyone clapped for the performers. They'd provided us with a pleasant evening, one that I might have wasted watching garbage on T.V.
I came home, steps away, through the dark and the fog and feeling a little nostalgic. Those memories of Dennis up at the front with his beloved guitar was just a tad too much for me to take.
The music was nice, though.
Tonight I decided to go and I'm so glad I did. There were 6 guitarists, 1 bass, and 1 harmonica...2 of the guitarists/singers were from another park and I think they were professional. The clubhouse was packed with an appreciative audience who didn't care about the odd sour note but wildly applauded the efforts of this loose group.
Joe, on bass, was the only one of the group that Dennis played with all those years ago. I remembered how much they all enjoyed each other then and it was obvious that this new goup felt the same way about each other.
One of my coffee ladies, Carole, played guitar but she also sang with quite a pretty voice. The outsiders were a husband and wife team who harmonized so well that it brought tears to your eyes. Most of the songs were old country but a few were sing alongs from the 30's and 40's. It got me wondering if that era was the end of sing along music.
I sat there among my park friends and thought how lucky I'd been to have come to this park. I thought of how much Dennis loved it here and how much he enjoyed music night. I could almost picture him sitting among that group playing his guitar...he would have been if he could have been.
They ended the session with "Amazing Grace" and everyone clapped for the performers. They'd provided us with a pleasant evening, one that I might have wasted watching garbage on T.V.
I came home, steps away, through the dark and the fog and feeling a little nostalgic. Those memories of Dennis up at the front with his beloved guitar was just a tad too much for me to take.
The music was nice, though.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Sunday Sunday
This morning Sheila and I met 4 other people for breakfast, yakked a lot, laughed a lot. Then 4 of us went to Sam's (like Costco) and bought a few groceries.
It's warming up but still not good for the pool so I decided to stay home and read this afternoon. You just know I fell asleep. Then the phone rang and it was Joann asking me if I wanted to go shopping with her and Barb. Of course I said yes. I can nap all I want in my afterlife but today is only here once.
We did some nice discount shopping. All of us know how and where to shop to get the best value for our money and it seems I rarely pay full price for anything. Considering we don't really need anything, dollar stores and clearance stores meet much of our needs (I mean wants).
Joann talked me into buying a skull gear shift knob to sell on Ebay. It will be interesting to see if it sells or if I'll be a red hot old lady with a skull shift knob in my 10 year old Honda.
Tonight I stay home and vegetate in front of the T.V. Tomorrow we're off to the casino again. I might have a gambling problem.
It's warming up but still not good for the pool so I decided to stay home and read this afternoon. You just know I fell asleep. Then the phone rang and it was Joann asking me if I wanted to go shopping with her and Barb. Of course I said yes. I can nap all I want in my afterlife but today is only here once.
We did some nice discount shopping. All of us know how and where to shop to get the best value for our money and it seems I rarely pay full price for anything. Considering we don't really need anything, dollar stores and clearance stores meet much of our needs (I mean wants).
Joann talked me into buying a skull gear shift knob to sell on Ebay. It will be interesting to see if it sells or if I'll be a red hot old lady with a skull shift knob in my 10 year old Honda.
Tonight I stay home and vegetate in front of the T.V. Tomorrow we're off to the casino again. I might have a gambling problem.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Aunt Vida
Aunt Vida passed away today and it's left my world a little sadder. Vida wasn't my blood aunt but the aunt of my husband. I got to know her when we were first married and rented the 3rd floor of her house.
Vida always appeared very quiet and seemed to settle into the background of wherever she happened to be, content to watch from the wings. My best memory of her is her smile and her soft, musical laughter, though. Not everyone needs to be an extrovert to leave a good impression like that and Vida was far from an least in the years I knew her.
In her lifetime she gave birth to 5 children, one of whom passed away a few years back. Vida was a mother, grandmother, and greatgrandmother so her genes will live on even though she isn't with us anymore.
Vida was not a mover and a shaker in life but she was a nice lady. My hope is that she's in a better world now than the one she's left behind.
Vida always appeared very quiet and seemed to settle into the background of wherever she happened to be, content to watch from the wings. My best memory of her is her smile and her soft, musical laughter, though. Not everyone needs to be an extrovert to leave a good impression like that and Vida was far from an least in the years I knew her.
In her lifetime she gave birth to 5 children, one of whom passed away a few years back. Vida was a mother, grandmother, and greatgrandmother so her genes will live on even though she isn't with us anymore.
Vida was not a mover and a shaker in life but she was a nice lady. My hope is that she's in a better world now than the one she's left behind.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Hair Cut
I got my hair cut near the end of October by my regular hairdresser back home...she's an expert that I trust. Since arriving in Florida I've been scared to death to go to another hairdresser because no-body compares to Marion!
My hair has continued to grow to the point I couldn't even fake a nice hairdo so yesterday I looked in the mirror and realized I couldn't go another day with that hair.
We had our first coffe morning outside in more than a month...the weather was lovely but with a rainstorm on the way for later in the day. We had a big group and I asked them if it was okay to change our day and time to Fridays at 10 P.M. The bug man is starting to come on Mondays now and I also thought that having it later would allow the day to warm up enough so we could all sit outside. Almost everyone agreed..a couple had already changed their routine to accomodate Mondays but I have no choice but to change the day.
After everyone left, Barb and I went up to a hairdresser I'd used before and found to be okay. We had to sit and wait for 1 1/2 hours, though, before she could cut my hair. She did an okay job considering I'm not sure what style I'm heading for. It was so nice to get those horribly long bangs out of my eyes and my hair looks neater now.
Then Barb and I went to Wendy's for lunch...5 nuggets, baked potato, small chocolate frosty, and small diet coke for $3.50. You can't get a bargain like that in Canada!
When I got home, Christy came over to show me a pattern one of our newbies has chosen for her Swedish weaving. It was incredibly difficult to figure out and we're going to convince the newbie to do a different pattern. That one would frustrate her to the point where she'd give up the craft.
Last night was one of my off nights where I stay home and vegetate. I need it and I enjoy it. Now I'm ready to face all the activity of another fun week in Florida.
My hair has continued to grow to the point I couldn't even fake a nice hairdo so yesterday I looked in the mirror and realized I couldn't go another day with that hair.
We had our first coffe morning outside in more than a month...the weather was lovely but with a rainstorm on the way for later in the day. We had a big group and I asked them if it was okay to change our day and time to Fridays at 10 P.M. The bug man is starting to come on Mondays now and I also thought that having it later would allow the day to warm up enough so we could all sit outside. Almost everyone agreed..a couple had already changed their routine to accomodate Mondays but I have no choice but to change the day.
After everyone left, Barb and I went up to a hairdresser I'd used before and found to be okay. We had to sit and wait for 1 1/2 hours, though, before she could cut my hair. She did an okay job considering I'm not sure what style I'm heading for. It was so nice to get those horribly long bangs out of my eyes and my hair looks neater now.
Then Barb and I went to Wendy's for lunch...5 nuggets, baked potato, small chocolate frosty, and small diet coke for $3.50. You can't get a bargain like that in Canada!
When I got home, Christy came over to show me a pattern one of our newbies has chosen for her Swedish weaving. It was incredibly difficult to figure out and we're going to convince the newbie to do a different pattern. That one would frustrate her to the point where she'd give up the craft.
Last night was one of my off nights where I stay home and vegetate. I need it and I enjoy it. Now I'm ready to face all the activity of another fun week in Florida.
Monday, January 10, 2011
When Will They Get Rid of the Guns?
I am sick to death of the way gun toting Americans say that it's not the guns that kill, it's the people who kill. If it wasn't so damned easy for people to get possession of a gun there wouldn't be so many senseless murders in this country.
The latest killing of 6 innocent people in Arizona was committed by a seriously unstable young man who, for whatever reason, was able to obtain a gun and then walk into a Walmart to buy the bullets. This is insanity for anyone to so easily be able to purchase an object capable of mass murder.
As usual, I wonder where this young man's parents were (he's 21 years old and just been kicked out of a college because of his bizarre behaviour). Were they watching him carefully and taking care that any weapons they had in their home couldn't be taken by him? Were they seeing that he had medical treatment? Did anyone related to him care enough to take care of him?
If this disturbed young man had not been able to get hold of a gun, he might have carried out his vendetta with a knife. Someone might have gotten hurt but 6 people would not have lost their lives.
People with guns can and do hurt too many people. When will the United States do more to limit the number of guns on the streets? How many more atrocities will occur before someone in power comes to their senses and bucks the NRA?
The latest killing of 6 innocent people in Arizona was committed by a seriously unstable young man who, for whatever reason, was able to obtain a gun and then walk into a Walmart to buy the bullets. This is insanity for anyone to so easily be able to purchase an object capable of mass murder.
As usual, I wonder where this young man's parents were (he's 21 years old and just been kicked out of a college because of his bizarre behaviour). Were they watching him carefully and taking care that any weapons they had in their home couldn't be taken by him? Were they seeing that he had medical treatment? Did anyone related to him care enough to take care of him?
If this disturbed young man had not been able to get hold of a gun, he might have carried out his vendetta with a knife. Someone might have gotten hurt but 6 people would not have lost their lives.
People with guns can and do hurt too many people. When will the United States do more to limit the number of guns on the streets? How many more atrocities will occur before someone in power comes to their senses and bucks the NRA?
Friday, January 07, 2011
Bad Ebay Seller
I sell on Ebay and go out of my way to list every item as honestly and descriptive as possible. When a mistake is made, whether the item arrives damaged or not at all, I take responsibility and refund the customer because whatever happened is no fault of theirs. Now, I'm on the receiving end of a bad Ebay purchase and I'm not happy with the way the seller is handling this.
One of my camera docks died on me so I checked Ebay listings to find a replacement. My camera is an old Kodak cx4310 and the dock it needs is a Kodak Easyshare camera dock 11. I found a nice listing for exactly what I needed (dock11 for cx/dx 3000 & 4000 series, model #n137), bid on it and won the bid. I paid immediately and the dock arrived on Wednesday. My camera wouldn't fit on the darned dock because the little structures that the camera is supposed to connect to are not placed correctly.
I notified the seller and sent them a picture of my own dock (same dock, same model number) and the one they sent to me. The answer? Even though their listing stated the dock was for my camera, it was MY fault for not knowing it was the wrong one and I should just keep it and resell it on Ebay. Unbelievable.
I obviously have lots of these docks because I never want to learn how to use a new camera and not one of them has the apparatus set like this new one. It really makes me mad that a seller wouldn't honor their sale but then not everyone is as honest as I am.
I sent the seller back an e-mail telling them to re-read their listing and if no refund was forthcoming, I'd just notify Ebay to deal with it. The Ebay resolution department is quite good but I'm not expecting miracles. I'll just wait and see.
One of my camera docks died on me so I checked Ebay listings to find a replacement. My camera is an old Kodak cx4310 and the dock it needs is a Kodak Easyshare camera dock 11. I found a nice listing for exactly what I needed (dock11 for cx/dx 3000 & 4000 series, model #n137), bid on it and won the bid. I paid immediately and the dock arrived on Wednesday. My camera wouldn't fit on the darned dock because the little structures that the camera is supposed to connect to are not placed correctly.
I notified the seller and sent them a picture of my own dock (same dock, same model number) and the one they sent to me. The answer? Even though their listing stated the dock was for my camera, it was MY fault for not knowing it was the wrong one and I should just keep it and resell it on Ebay. Unbelievable.
I obviously have lots of these docks because I never want to learn how to use a new camera and not one of them has the apparatus set like this new one. It really makes me mad that a seller wouldn't honor their sale but then not everyone is as honest as I am.
I sent the seller back an e-mail telling them to re-read their listing and if no refund was forthcoming, I'd just notify Ebay to deal with it. The Ebay resolution department is quite good but I'm not expecting miracles. I'll just wait and see.
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Raining Dead Birds
I just listened to a news report that said a couple of areas in Arkansas have seen hosts of dead birds of all varieties falling out of the skies. There's only one thing that could cause that and that's contact with some sort of poisonous substance. Of course, officials are blaming fireworks and lightening but that doesn't make sense.
The government apparently is always trying to keep the citizens from panicking so they keep information from us. I think most people are like me and can handle bad news if we know we're getting all the details. If those birds died from chemical contact, then tell us that a full investigation will be started and we'll be notified of the honest results. Otherwise our little heads become filled with all sorts of diabolical scenarios.
I, for one, would absolutely love to know if alien life has ever visited earth. That wouldn't scare me at all...but some human beings scare the beejeezus out of me.
The government apparently is always trying to keep the citizens from panicking so they keep information from us. I think most people are like me and can handle bad news if we know we're getting all the details. If those birds died from chemical contact, then tell us that a full investigation will be started and we'll be notified of the honest results. Otherwise our little heads become filled with all sorts of diabolical scenarios.
I, for one, would absolutely love to know if alien life has ever visited earth. That wouldn't scare me at all...but some human beings scare the beejeezus out of me.
Sunday, January 02, 2011
2011 New Year's Resolution
I'm not making one this year because I never keep the ones I've made for umpteen years. I ALWAYS vow to lose weight and, if any comes off at all, it's usually just a couple of pounds. That's just a drop in the bucket and I'm tired of feeling like a failure.
This year I'm going to let nature take it's course and just make some sort of effort to eat better. If it helps, so be it. If not, then it will propably be more of a certainty that I won't live to see 100.
Dieters fail more often than they succeed and I'm really sick of always feeling like I've failed me and the world because I don't lose weight. Granted, being overweight is not healthy but neither is being depressed because you've failed the test.
Age is taking care of my propensity for eating late at night. Now I can't eat after 8 P.M. or I feel sick all night long. It never used to be that way but I'm glad it is now because that's the time of day when I seem most hungry. I've always been the sort of person who eats when she's bored or upset. I'm seldom upset anymore but I do slow down about 10 P.M. and maybe get a little bored about then. Since I can't eat, I go to bed before 11 P.M. most nights. It's worked out well for me.
2011 is a new year consisting of 365 days with which to make a new you. Just try to be a better person, no matter what your size or appearance happens to be.
This year I'm going to let nature take it's course and just make some sort of effort to eat better. If it helps, so be it. If not, then it will propably be more of a certainty that I won't live to see 100.
Dieters fail more often than they succeed and I'm really sick of always feeling like I've failed me and the world because I don't lose weight. Granted, being overweight is not healthy but neither is being depressed because you've failed the test.
Age is taking care of my propensity for eating late at night. Now I can't eat after 8 P.M. or I feel sick all night long. It never used to be that way but I'm glad it is now because that's the time of day when I seem most hungry. I've always been the sort of person who eats when she's bored or upset. I'm seldom upset anymore but I do slow down about 10 P.M. and maybe get a little bored about then. Since I can't eat, I go to bed before 11 P.M. most nights. It's worked out well for me.
2011 is a new year consisting of 365 days with which to make a new you. Just try to be a better person, no matter what your size or appearance happens to be.
Saturday, January 01, 2011
Disc Jockeys
Every New Year's Eve we have a big party at the clubhouse and every year it's loads of fun...but not this year. The reason was that the disc jockey wasn't knowledgeable about his audience.
Seniors today tend to love to hear and dance to 50's, 60's, and 70's music but this guy played way too many strenuous "twists" and crappy stuff that no-one could dance to. As a disc jockey, he should have been prepared for any type of audience but he wasn't. One of the ladies went up and tried to tell him the music wasn't suitable so he slowed it right down to slow dance after slow dance and then, horrors, Dean Martin! Barb and I could take no more so we left (along with a heck of a lot of others) at 10:30.
I would think that a good disc jockey would watch his audience carefully to see what they responded to and then play a lot of that sort of music.
My favorite dance song is "Good Old Rock and Roll Music" and he did play that but not so everyone could dance to it. He got 2 people (one drunk) in the center of the floor and had about 30 more stand in a circle around them. He played the best song of the night with 30 people standing and watching a drunk stagger around. Joann, Barb, and I got up in a small section of floor near our table and danced our little hearts out.
Anyway, I've been to more boring parties in my life so it wasn't the end of the world. I'm still a happy camper and I've made it to 2011. I'm looking forward to a good year filled with family and friends.
Seniors today tend to love to hear and dance to 50's, 60's, and 70's music but this guy played way too many strenuous "twists" and crappy stuff that no-one could dance to. As a disc jockey, he should have been prepared for any type of audience but he wasn't. One of the ladies went up and tried to tell him the music wasn't suitable so he slowed it right down to slow dance after slow dance and then, horrors, Dean Martin! Barb and I could take no more so we left (along with a heck of a lot of others) at 10:30.
I would think that a good disc jockey would watch his audience carefully to see what they responded to and then play a lot of that sort of music.
My favorite dance song is "Good Old Rock and Roll Music" and he did play that but not so everyone could dance to it. He got 2 people (one drunk) in the center of the floor and had about 30 more stand in a circle around them. He played the best song of the night with 30 people standing and watching a drunk stagger around. Joann, Barb, and I got up in a small section of floor near our table and danced our little hearts out.
Anyway, I've been to more boring parties in my life so it wasn't the end of the world. I'm still a happy camper and I've made it to 2011. I'm looking forward to a good year filled with family and friends.
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