It's been pretty hot here in Florida lately so going for a boat ride on Tampa Bay was a great idea. Shelley and John share a lease on a motor boat in Tampa with 2 other familes so they offered to take Faye, Gary, and I out yesterday.
We (Shelley, John, Jake, Buddy the dog, Faye, Gary, and me) left at noon for the marina which is only a few minutes away from their house and found the boat sitting at a dock, clean and prepared for us. The lease includes valet service...bringing the boat in and out of the huge storage building and cleaning it for use. I was a little afraid it would be tiny but it was a fair size and also had a canopy for shade. We really needed that shade because it was really hot out and the sun was strong.
John is a novice at handling the boat so he was a little nervous about his abilities but he did just fine. With the boat moving, the air cooled to a perfect temperature and John also served as our guide, explaining a lot about the bay and what surrounded it. It was odd to see so many motor boats out there but not one sailboat.
Buddy was fine when we motored slowly but when John sped up he got very nervous looking for a hole to climb into. He's an angel of a dog, so huge and gentle. I preferred a slower speed, too, but just because it's more comfortable for watching the landscape.
When we returned to the dock, there was no spot to put the boat...valet service is nice but sometimes not we went back out on the bay for a short while. When we returned, there was only a dicey spot for John to park in and he didn't think he could do it. Thankfully, one of the staff found us another spot and helped us dock the boat. John isn't afraid to ask for help when needed, thank heavens. Dennis would have attempted to park the boat on a postage stamp before admitting he couldn't do it.
We went back to Shelley's house and changed clothes and then Shelley, Faye, and I went out to look at a couple of houses Shelley and John are thinking of making an offer on. I made a point of saying it would be nice if the guest bedroom was painted white and lilac.
Then we all went out for dinner. I'm not sure of the name of the restaurant but I think it's the Collonade. Dinner was really, really good and the service matched it. My dinner with dessert and tip was about $24 so it wasn't an outrageous price for such a lovely dinner.
I had driven over to Tampa but Gary had to drive back because it was dark and I can't see to drive in the dark. We were supposed to follow Shelley and John out to the street which would send us easily on our way but somehow we followed the wrong car and got lost. I took out my trusty GPS and we finally were on our way.
It had been a lovely day spent with some of my favorite people. I don't take days like this for granted but appreciate them to the fullest.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
A Life Lesson
One of the most important lessons we learn in life is to not let someone we dislike have too great an impact on how we live our life. It's quite unwise to give an adversary that kind of power because it weakens our eyes and in theirs.
We can't help that it causes us a degree of discomfort when a person we dislike is in the near vicinity but we can choose to remain calm and collected. We can also choose to use biofeedback to lower our bloodpressure and our irritation.
There won't be too many years in your life when the world is your oyster and you love everyone. Those years have yet to arrive for me and I'm starting to think that's why we have an afterlife. In any case, you will likely always have to deal with a few people you'd rather not bother with and you really can do it with grace if you try hard enough.
Common sense tells you that if you're lucky enough to have 10 good people in your life, why would you let one nasty one ruin your day or even one minute of it? There's a T.V. program where one of the actors yells, "Serenity now!" when he's stressed. I think that might be a good mantra to repeat silently when someone is getting on our nerves. Put it all into perspective. A great percentage of your life is spent with people you enjoy so concentrate on your blessings and try to ignore your burdens.
It's easier said than done but well worth working on.
We can't help that it causes us a degree of discomfort when a person we dislike is in the near vicinity but we can choose to remain calm and collected. We can also choose to use biofeedback to lower our bloodpressure and our irritation.
There won't be too many years in your life when the world is your oyster and you love everyone. Those years have yet to arrive for me and I'm starting to think that's why we have an afterlife. In any case, you will likely always have to deal with a few people you'd rather not bother with and you really can do it with grace if you try hard enough.
Common sense tells you that if you're lucky enough to have 10 good people in your life, why would you let one nasty one ruin your day or even one minute of it? There's a T.V. program where one of the actors yells, "Serenity now!" when he's stressed. I think that might be a good mantra to repeat silently when someone is getting on our nerves. Put it all into perspective. A great percentage of your life is spent with people you enjoy so concentrate on your blessings and try to ignore your burdens.
It's easier said than done but well worth working on.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
The Carnation

When we left a few hours later, I laid the carnation on the console beside the driver's seat and promptly forgot all about it for 2 days. It laid there in the Florida heat all that time with nothing preserving it's tender stem, no water or cover.
I finally noticed it laying there with the flower all withered up but I knew how lasting carnations are so I took it into the trailer and cut off the end of the stem and put it in a vase of water. Within a very short time the flower became lush and healthy.
This is one of the reasons that carnations are my favorite cut flowers. They're not only beautiful but they're tough.
Today is the day that my new greatgrandson, Nash, makes his entrance into the world. I haven't heard any news yet but I love this little man already. The world can be a beautiful place if you look in the right places.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Sad, Mad Story
Last year Faye and Gary rented a trailer from an acquaintance of ours. I got the key early so that I could have cable T.V. installed before Faye and Gary got down here. Simple? No.
The idiot who owned the trailer decided that 2 of his patio chairs had been replaced and then decided that I had stolen them. He never mentioned this to me but told quite a few of my friends who laughingly repeated it to me. By the time I found out, he and his wife had gone back home to Canada so I had no chance to confront him and demand an apology.
From that point, we sent e-mails back and forth which only angered me further. I could have gone to their home and raised a fuss but chose to let my anger simmer and wait until they and I were back at the trailer park this winter.
Well, they showed up in November and I spoke to the wife because she was the only one I cared about. I told her I had not taken her damn chairs and was insulted that she'd think I had. She responded by saying she knew I hadn't because she'd had a dream telling her who had taken them. She's nuts! I stayed clear of her husband and he pretty well stayed clear of me. He's very much unliked here and I felt it didn't matter whether I got an apology from an oaf like him.
Tonight I was working Bingo and he came over to me with a little gift. I politely refused it but he kept insisting until I angrily glared and told him that I definitely did not want anything he might want to give me. At that, he said, "Let's just let bygones be bygones. I never said you stole the chairs.". Well, my temper flared and I replied, "Yes you did, and after what you said, I want nothing to do with you!". He finally got the message and walked away.
Like I said, this man is an idiot and only an idiot would think he could falsely call someone a thief and then expect them to "let bygones be bygones". I'm still very angry about the whole episode even though I don't believe my reputation here suffered at all. People know me and they also know him. He's a jackass and I'm a nice, honest person. Now I'll just have to make myself let it go and not give him the satisfaction of knowing how much he upset me.
I've never had to deal with anything like this before but I think I handled it okay. I even said, "Thank you" when the jackass paid for his Bingo cards.
The idiot who owned the trailer decided that 2 of his patio chairs had been replaced and then decided that I had stolen them. He never mentioned this to me but told quite a few of my friends who laughingly repeated it to me. By the time I found out, he and his wife had gone back home to Canada so I had no chance to confront him and demand an apology.
From that point, we sent e-mails back and forth which only angered me further. I could have gone to their home and raised a fuss but chose to let my anger simmer and wait until they and I were back at the trailer park this winter.
Well, they showed up in November and I spoke to the wife because she was the only one I cared about. I told her I had not taken her damn chairs and was insulted that she'd think I had. She responded by saying she knew I hadn't because she'd had a dream telling her who had taken them. She's nuts! I stayed clear of her husband and he pretty well stayed clear of me. He's very much unliked here and I felt it didn't matter whether I got an apology from an oaf like him.
Tonight I was working Bingo and he came over to me with a little gift. I politely refused it but he kept insisting until I angrily glared and told him that I definitely did not want anything he might want to give me. At that, he said, "Let's just let bygones be bygones. I never said you stole the chairs.". Well, my temper flared and I replied, "Yes you did, and after what you said, I want nothing to do with you!". He finally got the message and walked away.
Like I said, this man is an idiot and only an idiot would think he could falsely call someone a thief and then expect them to "let bygones be bygones". I'm still very angry about the whole episode even though I don't believe my reputation here suffered at all. People know me and they also know him. He's a jackass and I'm a nice, honest person. Now I'll just have to make myself let it go and not give him the satisfaction of knowing how much he upset me.
I've never had to deal with anything like this before but I think I handled it okay. I even said, "Thank you" when the jackass paid for his Bingo cards.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Ending Funding for Planned Parenthood?
U.S. right wingers are becoming so anti abortion that they're now threatening to end funding for Planned Parenthood. This is like cutting off your nose to spite your face. Planned Parenthood is vitally important in teaching teens to protect themselves against pregnancy, a pregnancy that could well lead to abortion in many cases.
The fact that Planned Parenthood does advocate abortion is the root of the problem and right wingers are going to do their best to eliminate legal abortions. And you know this will only open the door to illegal abortions performed by who knows what which will cause more deaths and mutilations.
Abortion is a touchy subject. It should be a last resort approach to an unwanted pregnancy but it's important for women to use birth control to prevent the pregnancy in the first place. Planned Parenthood is an organization that provides birth control information so why would any government want to stop them?
Teens will continue to have sex no matter how much their parents or religion preaches against it so they must have the tools they need to prevent becoming pregnant when they're not ready for it.
By closing down Planned Parenthood, they are only insuring that the number of abortions and botched abortions will skyrocket. What are they thinking?
The fact that Planned Parenthood does advocate abortion is the root of the problem and right wingers are going to do their best to eliminate legal abortions. And you know this will only open the door to illegal abortions performed by who knows what which will cause more deaths and mutilations.
Abortion is a touchy subject. It should be a last resort approach to an unwanted pregnancy but it's important for women to use birth control to prevent the pregnancy in the first place. Planned Parenthood is an organization that provides birth control information so why would any government want to stop them?
Teens will continue to have sex no matter how much their parents or religion preaches against it so they must have the tools they need to prevent becoming pregnant when they're not ready for it.
By closing down Planned Parenthood, they are only insuring that the number of abortions and botched abortions will skyrocket. What are they thinking?
Monday, February 21, 2011
Drug Effects
I've always wondered what kind of effect people get from using drugs like cocaine and heroin but I would never be stupid enough to try them myself. The idea of addiction is very frightening for me and I wonder why it hasn't been for the people who have become addicted to street drugs.
I imagine they get some sort of mental rush or euphoria that lasts for a while and it's that rush they crave. I don't understand how or how qhickly their bodies become physically dependant on the drugs, though.
It's understandable that mentally deficient people would be easy targets for drug dealers but it seems that most who become addicted are of normal intelligence. Why would anyone with half a brain take these drugs the first time when they're widely known to ruin lives? Either they don't care or they believe they are too smart to suffer the same fate. It must come as quite a shock when their lives begin to come apart.
The saddest part of becoming a drug addict is what it does to their loved ones. Parents, mates, children, friends...all suffer to some degree because of the actions of the addict. Some will ultimately turn their backs on the addict because it's the only way to save their own lives. All will be losers in the end.
It used to be only alcohol that destroyed lives and families but human beings have created even worse drugs of choice for foolish people. It's possible to drink in moderation but I've never heard of anyone using cocaine or heroin in moderation. Those are truly deadly drugs and should never be toyed with.
I still wonder what kind of physical effect could be so wonderful that anyhone would continue to use the drug which will surely lead to their death.
I imagine they get some sort of mental rush or euphoria that lasts for a while and it's that rush they crave. I don't understand how or how qhickly their bodies become physically dependant on the drugs, though.
It's understandable that mentally deficient people would be easy targets for drug dealers but it seems that most who become addicted are of normal intelligence. Why would anyone with half a brain take these drugs the first time when they're widely known to ruin lives? Either they don't care or they believe they are too smart to suffer the same fate. It must come as quite a shock when their lives begin to come apart.
The saddest part of becoming a drug addict is what it does to their loved ones. Parents, mates, children, friends...all suffer to some degree because of the actions of the addict. Some will ultimately turn their backs on the addict because it's the only way to save their own lives. All will be losers in the end.
It used to be only alcohol that destroyed lives and families but human beings have created even worse drugs of choice for foolish people. It's possible to drink in moderation but I've never heard of anyone using cocaine or heroin in moderation. Those are truly deadly drugs and should never be toyed with.
I still wonder what kind of physical effect could be so wonderful that anyhone would continue to use the drug which will surely lead to their death.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
It's not an easy choice to leave your mate and the decision doesn't come fast or easily. There are usually so many extremely important things to consider...children, family, property, finances. The few people I know who made the choice to leave were torn with indecision for years, hoping to make the relationship work and dreading that it wouldn't.
I have nothing but admiration for those who step out on their own after their marriage fails. Their world will never be the same but it just may be a happier one given time.
I see so many happy, contented marriages here in the senior park so they do exist. Those are the ones who weathered the marital storms together and carried on their lives as a bonded couple. I admire them, too, but they had it easy. They had a strong love for each other that held them together.
Love is ephemeral and if it happens to drift away it often is gone for good. Once gone, it is time to make the choice of how you wish to live the rest of your stay or to leave. Not an easy choice no matter which one you choose.
I have nothing but admiration for those who step out on their own after their marriage fails. Their world will never be the same but it just may be a happier one given time.
I see so many happy, contented marriages here in the senior park so they do exist. Those are the ones who weathered the marital storms together and carried on their lives as a bonded couple. I admire them, too, but they had it easy. They had a strong love for each other that held them together.
Love is ephemeral and if it happens to drift away it often is gone for good. Once gone, it is time to make the choice of how you wish to live the rest of your stay or to leave. Not an easy choice no matter which one you choose.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Pro-Choice VS Anti-Abortion
I don't necessarily believe that abortion is the right choice but I definitely believe that every woman has the right to decide for herself if she wants to have a child.
My granddaughter has posted on Facebook that an anti-abortion rally is being held at her university and she is going to be marching on the pro-choice side. How can anyone in this day and age not believe that a woman should have the right to choose?
I'm sure that the anti abortion group will be screaming obscenities and threats but I'm hoping the pro choice people will show their support for their cause with a dignified demonstration. Anti-abortionists have honest and strong feelings about their quest but they fail to understand that not everyone shares those beliefs and they have no right to demand that everyone should.
My personal beliefs go beyond abortion and I also believe that a person has the right to choose when they die. Our right to do what we wish with our own body is of utmost importance and no-one else should have sovereignty over us.
Abortion is ugly. There is no doubt that it isn't something that we should take lightly. Abortion can take a serious toll on a woman's body, sometimes making her infertile for the time when she is ready and willing to have a child. I don't believe that any pro-choice people take it lightly. They are only stating their personal convictions that a woman's body is her own and she has the right to make her choice of whether or not she will have a baby.
Until science has progressed to the point where they can provide an artificial womb for an unwanted fetus, we will have to accept that some women will choose to terminate their pregnancy.
My granddaughter has posted on Facebook that an anti-abortion rally is being held at her university and she is going to be marching on the pro-choice side. How can anyone in this day and age not believe that a woman should have the right to choose?
I'm sure that the anti abortion group will be screaming obscenities and threats but I'm hoping the pro choice people will show their support for their cause with a dignified demonstration. Anti-abortionists have honest and strong feelings about their quest but they fail to understand that not everyone shares those beliefs and they have no right to demand that everyone should.
My personal beliefs go beyond abortion and I also believe that a person has the right to choose when they die. Our right to do what we wish with our own body is of utmost importance and no-one else should have sovereignty over us.
Abortion is ugly. There is no doubt that it isn't something that we should take lightly. Abortion can take a serious toll on a woman's body, sometimes making her infertile for the time when she is ready and willing to have a child. I don't believe that any pro-choice people take it lightly. They are only stating their personal convictions that a woman's body is her own and she has the right to make her choice of whether or not she will have a baby.
Until science has progressed to the point where they can provide an artificial womb for an unwanted fetus, we will have to accept that some women will choose to terminate their pregnancy.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Women Don't Spit
I used to think that only dirty old men spit but then I noticed how often baseball players practice this digusting habit. Now I hear that Tiger Woods has been charged with spitting on the golf course. What is it with men and spitting? I have never seen a woman spit but I've cringed with disgust many times as I watched a man gob onto the sidewalk.
There can be no need for this to happen. It's why Kleenex was that we can dispose of our nasal fluids behind a soft cloud of fluffy paper where, hopefully, no-one else has to see them.
Then there are the men (usually) who blow their nose like they're trumpeting in the cavalry. Heaven forbid you are near one of these guys and don't notice that they're about to blow their nose because the sudden explosion of sound will knock you off your feet. I've never heard a woman do this, either.
Farting is another male dominated sport. I suppose we women should consider ourselves lucky that the only male farts we have to suffer through are let go by men we live with. I don't know how they manage to let them out silently when they're out in public but they blast holes in their undies when they're home. Women don't do this. We waft.
Well, enough of this subject. It's only proven that women are superior to men but we already knew that.
There can be no need for this to happen. It's why Kleenex was that we can dispose of our nasal fluids behind a soft cloud of fluffy paper where, hopefully, no-one else has to see them.
Then there are the men (usually) who blow their nose like they're trumpeting in the cavalry. Heaven forbid you are near one of these guys and don't notice that they're about to blow their nose because the sudden explosion of sound will knock you off your feet. I've never heard a woman do this, either.
Farting is another male dominated sport. I suppose we women should consider ourselves lucky that the only male farts we have to suffer through are let go by men we live with. I don't know how they manage to let them out silently when they're out in public but they blast holes in their undies when they're home. Women don't do this. We waft.
Well, enough of this subject. It's only proven that women are superior to men but we already knew that.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Heart of Gold
I'm pretty loose with describing some people as having a heart of gold but my neighbor here in the park really fits that description perfectly.
Every Valentines Day, his immediate neighbors find a little valentine card taped to their front door, courtesy of Ron and Gerry, but left by Ron. His heart is so big and so kind that it's hard to find words to describe him.
First and foremost, he's a truly loving husband to Gerry and she's got a big enough heart of her own to let her sometimes crazy husband to run free. His front yard has a lovingly cultivated garden but in amongst the plants you might find an alligator peeping out or even Xmas ornaments in December. He has used a wildly distorted tree branch as the base for a silly little birdhouse he's outfitted with a ladder to help a bird move in. Children (and adults) love to stop in front of his house to see what silliness he's put there for their amusement.
Ron loves to play the clown or tell jokes just to make us happy. But he's not just a funnyman. He is one of the kindest people I've ever come across and I know there's a special place in heaven for him. Hopefully he and Gerry have many more years before heaven claims him but he really is a special person in this world. I've said before that Dennis used to call him a prince and that's what he is.
All of his immediate neighbors wandered outside this morning for one reason or put the gargage out, let the dog out, or just to greet the day...and all of them smiled with happiness when they saw the little card taped to their front door.
Thank you, Ron, for being you.
Every Valentines Day, his immediate neighbors find a little valentine card taped to their front door, courtesy of Ron and Gerry, but left by Ron. His heart is so big and so kind that it's hard to find words to describe him.
First and foremost, he's a truly loving husband to Gerry and she's got a big enough heart of her own to let her sometimes crazy husband to run free. His front yard has a lovingly cultivated garden but in amongst the plants you might find an alligator peeping out or even Xmas ornaments in December. He has used a wildly distorted tree branch as the base for a silly little birdhouse he's outfitted with a ladder to help a bird move in. Children (and adults) love to stop in front of his house to see what silliness he's put there for their amusement.
Ron loves to play the clown or tell jokes just to make us happy. But he's not just a funnyman. He is one of the kindest people I've ever come across and I know there's a special place in heaven for him. Hopefully he and Gerry have many more years before heaven claims him but he really is a special person in this world. I've said before that Dennis used to call him a prince and that's what he is.
All of his immediate neighbors wandered outside this morning for one reason or put the gargage out, let the dog out, or just to greet the day...and all of them smiled with happiness when they saw the little card taped to their front door.
Thank you, Ron, for being you.
Friday, February 11, 2011
I Want it All and I Want it Now
There was a song with that sentiment and now it's in a commercial on T.V. Every time I hear it I feel as though it was partly written for me. At least the me that spends 5+ months in Florida.
There is always so much going on here and I hate to miss anything (my mother-in-law was like that) so I make plans only to discover that I've already made plans for that time period. It irks me that I can't do both things and I always seem to be rushing so I can include both (or more) activities in the same day.
My mother-in-law, Ferne, was a life-loving lady who tried to fit in as much fun and experience as she could in every minute of the day. She loved being around people even though you'd sometimes hear her complain about having too much company. Minutes later she'd be on the phone inviting even more people to her house. She's no blood relation of mine but I seem to be following in her footsteps.
I made plans to go to the casino on Monday with a carful of people but forgot we needed to be home by 3 P.M. to go to a dinner with heaven knows how many more people. Sorry, Joyce! The only option was to plan on leaving the park at 9:30 A.M. so we wouldn't be rushed with our gambling. I know I'm going to be very tired after that busy day but so what. I can rest when I'm back home in Canada.
Years ago my brother-in-law saw how disorganized I was and said I reminded him of his mother. I'm in good company if I can be compared in any way to that lovely lady.
There is always so much going on here and I hate to miss anything (my mother-in-law was like that) so I make plans only to discover that I've already made plans for that time period. It irks me that I can't do both things and I always seem to be rushing so I can include both (or more) activities in the same day.
My mother-in-law, Ferne, was a life-loving lady who tried to fit in as much fun and experience as she could in every minute of the day. She loved being around people even though you'd sometimes hear her complain about having too much company. Minutes later she'd be on the phone inviting even more people to her house. She's no blood relation of mine but I seem to be following in her footsteps.
I made plans to go to the casino on Monday with a carful of people but forgot we needed to be home by 3 P.M. to go to a dinner with heaven knows how many more people. Sorry, Joyce! The only option was to plan on leaving the park at 9:30 A.M. so we wouldn't be rushed with our gambling. I know I'm going to be very tired after that busy day but so what. I can rest when I'm back home in Canada.
Years ago my brother-in-law saw how disorganized I was and said I reminded him of his mother. I'm in good company if I can be compared in any way to that lovely lady.
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
Kim Has Pneumonia
I'm here in Tampa visiting with Shelley and yesterday afternoon we got the news that Kim has been hospitalized with pneumonia. My insides turned to ice as I heard that my child is sick enough to be in the hospital and I'm 1200 miles away. Thank heavens for nurse Shelley because she was able to waylay my fears and help to put a rational picture together of what was happening.
My mind has been filled with how I'll go about getting back to Canada and whether I should fly or drive. Since Shelley keeps in touch with the hospital and Kim's condition, I've now decided that I'll drive up (first it was to be tomorrow but if Kim remains stable, then I'll wait until Thursday to drive up with Shelley). We keep getting continual updates from Matt who stays close to his mother's side, god bless him, and so far it looks okay. Shelley knows the medication and the frequency so she can tell how bad Kim is and if we should be worrying.
Speaking of worrying, Kim told me not to worry. Silly woman. She's my baby and I'll worry about her until the day I die so she'll just have to put up with it.
I feel more relieved today than I did yesterday but I won't be comfortable until we see a distinct improvement. If we don't see that by Thursday, we'll be heading north.
Today I'll go back to the trailer to pack and prepare to leave. I'm thinking it will be for a 2 week trip just to make sure Kim is on the mend. Kids, they never stop worrying you, do they?
Update: I spoke to Kim at 1 P.M. and she sounds so darned good compared to the way she sounded yesterday. The antibiotics have begun to clear up her lungs, thank heavens, and it shows clearly in her voice. Now Shelley and I are hoping Kim's wonderful boss, Larry, will let her come down to Florida for a week of recuperation once she's out of the hospital. We hope!!
My mind has been filled with how I'll go about getting back to Canada and whether I should fly or drive. Since Shelley keeps in touch with the hospital and Kim's condition, I've now decided that I'll drive up (first it was to be tomorrow but if Kim remains stable, then I'll wait until Thursday to drive up with Shelley). We keep getting continual updates from Matt who stays close to his mother's side, god bless him, and so far it looks okay. Shelley knows the medication and the frequency so she can tell how bad Kim is and if we should be worrying.
Speaking of worrying, Kim told me not to worry. Silly woman. She's my baby and I'll worry about her until the day I die so she'll just have to put up with it.
I feel more relieved today than I did yesterday but I won't be comfortable until we see a distinct improvement. If we don't see that by Thursday, we'll be heading north.
Today I'll go back to the trailer to pack and prepare to leave. I'm thinking it will be for a 2 week trip just to make sure Kim is on the mend. Kids, they never stop worrying you, do they?
Update: I spoke to Kim at 1 P.M. and she sounds so darned good compared to the way she sounded yesterday. The antibiotics have begun to clear up her lungs, thank heavens, and it shows clearly in her voice. Now Shelley and I are hoping Kim's wonderful boss, Larry, will let her come down to Florida for a week of recuperation once she's out of the hospital. We hope!!
Monday, February 07, 2011
Super Bowl
Now I never would have chosen to watch the Super Bowl if I'd been by myself but Shelley and Jake are big fans. I know just enough about football to get by...I know there are 4 quarters, 4 downs, goals, field goals, and some other thing that they can get 2 points for. I can follow the game better on T.V. than at the stadium because it's easier to find the ball.
This game was exciting! I chose Green bay Packers as my choice to win because I like their colors. I never claim to be a knowledgeable fan of the sport itself.
I saw a lot of beauty of male form in the moves. I also noticed a lot of thin arms which surprised me...aren't these guys all muscular? I also noticed a lot of big male butts and wondered how those men could run but I guess they're just used for blocking.
The commercials were terrific. Too bad we probably won't see many of them again but I suppose the massive viewer volume for the Super Bowl allows advertisers to go all out in their commercials. Some were kind of icky but most were imaginative.
Today Shelley and I shop. My face cream is available with a bonus and I sell the contents of the bonus on Ebay for almost what the darned cream costs me. Not only is this a financial benefit but it's fun to see how much I end up saving.
Tonight is Jake's lacrosse game and I'm looking forward to seeing him in action. He is just about the nicest kid I know...he even opens the car door for me! I don't think any of my other wonderful grandchildren have ever done that. Dennis didn't either unless my arms were full and then he'd get into the car and push the door open for me from the inside. He could have taken some etiquette lessons from Jake!
I'm a happy camper spending easy time with some of my loved ones.
This game was exciting! I chose Green bay Packers as my choice to win because I like their colors. I never claim to be a knowledgeable fan of the sport itself.
I saw a lot of beauty of male form in the moves. I also noticed a lot of thin arms which surprised me...aren't these guys all muscular? I also noticed a lot of big male butts and wondered how those men could run but I guess they're just used for blocking.
The commercials were terrific. Too bad we probably won't see many of them again but I suppose the massive viewer volume for the Super Bowl allows advertisers to go all out in their commercials. Some were kind of icky but most were imaginative.
Today Shelley and I shop. My face cream is available with a bonus and I sell the contents of the bonus on Ebay for almost what the darned cream costs me. Not only is this a financial benefit but it's fun to see how much I end up saving.
Tonight is Jake's lacrosse game and I'm looking forward to seeing him in action. He is just about the nicest kid I know...he even opens the car door for me! I don't think any of my other wonderful grandchildren have ever done that. Dennis didn't either unless my arms were full and then he'd get into the car and push the door open for me from the inside. He could have taken some etiquette lessons from Jake!
I'm a happy camper spending easy time with some of my loved ones.
Sunday, February 06, 2011
At Shelley's
Here I sit at Shelley's computer which, by the way, is high speed and thrilling me to death after using my own AOL dial up at the trailer. It's a foggy, damp Sunday morning and my sweet little family is still sleeping. Shelley left me simple instructions on how to turn their T.V. on but I can't get it to work. This is an old story with me and I'm leaving it alone instead of screwing up the whole system by trying different buttons.
Anyway, the drive here was uneventful since I used Shelley's instructions instead of Mapquest and it took about an hour and a half. Today we're doing some shopping because the Clinique cream I use comes with the bonus starting today and I also need to visit Walmart in search of an ivory floor mat for the trailer bedroom.
This area of Tampa is really nice once you get off the main thoroughfare. Almost every house is a different style and range from maybe 30's to present day construction. These neighborhoods are well established and filled with full grown trees. It's the various style of houses that interest me, though. The one Shelley is renting is pretty new but doesn't glare as such in the old surroundings.
Last night we watched the movie, "Secretariat", and I fell in love with the beauty of horses all over again. There is something so outstanding about horses and to see them run at full gallop is breathtakingingly beautiful. I don't know why I feel so timid standing close to them but it could be just the size of them and I fear they might step on me. I do love them from a bit of a distance, though.
I let Buddy out this morning for his first pee and he took forever. I don't know how he holds it all night...I don't and had to crawl out of my nice warm bed around 5 A.M. Then I crawled back in and slept until 8 A.M.
Well, I'm here until Wednesday and I'm so happy to be spending time with my baby girl. I won't outstay my welcome because guests, like fish, start to smell after 3 days. I'll just be a little smelly when I leave on Wednesday after being here 4 days.
Anyway, the drive here was uneventful since I used Shelley's instructions instead of Mapquest and it took about an hour and a half. Today we're doing some shopping because the Clinique cream I use comes with the bonus starting today and I also need to visit Walmart in search of an ivory floor mat for the trailer bedroom.
This area of Tampa is really nice once you get off the main thoroughfare. Almost every house is a different style and range from maybe 30's to present day construction. These neighborhoods are well established and filled with full grown trees. It's the various style of houses that interest me, though. The one Shelley is renting is pretty new but doesn't glare as such in the old surroundings.
Last night we watched the movie, "Secretariat", and I fell in love with the beauty of horses all over again. There is something so outstanding about horses and to see them run at full gallop is breathtakingingly beautiful. I don't know why I feel so timid standing close to them but it could be just the size of them and I fear they might step on me. I do love them from a bit of a distance, though.
I let Buddy out this morning for his first pee and he took forever. I don't know how he holds it all night...I don't and had to crawl out of my nice warm bed around 5 A.M. Then I crawled back in and slept until 8 A.M.
Well, I'm here until Wednesday and I'm so happy to be spending time with my baby girl. I won't outstay my welcome because guests, like fish, start to smell after 3 days. I'll just be a little smelly when I leave on Wednesday after being here 4 days.
Wednesday, February 02, 2011
Nursing Home
A friend here from the park had a knee replacement a few weeks ago and chose to go to a rehab center for 2 weeks in order to receive intense therapy. Last night 16 of us went there to have dinner with her (she's coming home tomorrow, thank heavens).
The rehab center is part of a nursing home, a beautiful building in lovely surroundings, and nothing like what I'd ever seen back home in Canada. But beautiful surroundings or not, it was still very depressing to see so many silent, wheelchairbound elderly people. I think it sort of scared me a bit because that could be my future.
Charlotte is in her early 80's and bright as a new penny. She's one of the most active ladies in the park so I wasn't surprised to see how well she'd come along since her surgery. She still needs a cane but she greeted us at the front door and walked into the cafeteria with us. She was cheery but can't wait to get home because she's bored. That's our Char!
I've only visited nursing homes a few times in my life and each time I've had that niggling feeling urging me to run the heck out of there. The places have always been clean and well run but still have that aura of death's waiting room.
That's okay if you're terminally ill and ready to meet your maker but it gives me the creeps. I was bombarded with those feelings all through dinner and the only thing that made it tolerable was that I knew Charlotte was leaving that place today and coming home where she belongs. I joked about kidnapping her and taking her home with us but I'm not sure I was joking.
The nursing home we visited yesterday was the loveliest of any I've ever seen but it was also the quietest of any I've seen. It lacked life and I think that's what disturbed me. The diningroom was huge and the patients all seemed to eat at a table by themselves and not together, talking and socializing.
I'm glad Char comes home today. She belongs here, playing the piano and enjoying happy hour!
The rehab center is part of a nursing home, a beautiful building in lovely surroundings, and nothing like what I'd ever seen back home in Canada. But beautiful surroundings or not, it was still very depressing to see so many silent, wheelchairbound elderly people. I think it sort of scared me a bit because that could be my future.
Charlotte is in her early 80's and bright as a new penny. She's one of the most active ladies in the park so I wasn't surprised to see how well she'd come along since her surgery. She still needs a cane but she greeted us at the front door and walked into the cafeteria with us. She was cheery but can't wait to get home because she's bored. That's our Char!
I've only visited nursing homes a few times in my life and each time I've had that niggling feeling urging me to run the heck out of there. The places have always been clean and well run but still have that aura of death's waiting room.
That's okay if you're terminally ill and ready to meet your maker but it gives me the creeps. I was bombarded with those feelings all through dinner and the only thing that made it tolerable was that I knew Charlotte was leaving that place today and coming home where she belongs. I joked about kidnapping her and taking her home with us but I'm not sure I was joking.
The nursing home we visited yesterday was the loveliest of any I've ever seen but it was also the quietest of any I've seen. It lacked life and I think that's what disturbed me. The diningroom was huge and the patients all seemed to eat at a table by themselves and not together, talking and socializing.
I'm glad Char comes home today. She belongs here, playing the piano and enjoying happy hour!
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