Mary came on Saturday to stay over until Monday and we had such a nice time. We went to the casino around 3:30 and stayed until 10:30. I lost and she won. Then we came home and yakked until 2 A.M. Don't ever wonder what women will find to talk about because we have no problem.
We slept in late on Sunday but did get up and moving before company arrived. First Faye came over, then Kim, Shelley, Nolan, and Cindy. Then Sharon and Jim arrived so we had a really nice family get-together. Of course, most of the attention was on Nolan as he played. He's so adorable that it takes my breath away.
There's not much food in my house so Mary and I ordered pizza for supper. It was the first pizza I'd had in ages and I enjoyed it to the fullest. Mary stayed up later than me...I crashed before 10 P.M. and had a lovely night's sleep, getting up early to have coffee ready when Mary woke up. She's out there now making her instant oatmeal breakfast. I'm a lousy hostess!
Today Faye is going home with Mary to stay a few days and help her in her yard. I need to go to the bank for U.S. money and to pick up maps from CAA. I can't believe I'll be out of this cold weather in just a few days!!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Can't Get Motivated
It's like my damn lip is on my mind about 23+ hours a day and I can't get myself motivated to get my house in order to leave for Florida. I don't have tons of things to do but by now I've usually got most of it done and then I can easily finish up the day before I leave...but not this year.
My lip hurt a lot today and it's very hard for me to concentrate on anything when I'm in pain. It would be nice if there was someone else in the house so I could whine for sympathy. I don't like to burden my daughters but I may have to if this stupid thing keeps hurting because I'm really getting teed off with "the lip".
You'd think I'd be feeling pretty good and pampered because I had a pedicure, manicure, leg wax, face wax, and eyebrow wax today. This was a big deal for me because my usual pampering is a pedicure once a month but today's pampering was in preparation for leaving for Florida...I do this only once a year. But I felt cheated today because it's hard to enjoy any pampering when you hurt.
I think I'd be unbearable to be around if I hurt every day. Sigh!
My lip hurt a lot today and it's very hard for me to concentrate on anything when I'm in pain. It would be nice if there was someone else in the house so I could whine for sympathy. I don't like to burden my daughters but I may have to if this stupid thing keeps hurting because I'm really getting teed off with "the lip".
You'd think I'd be feeling pretty good and pampered because I had a pedicure, manicure, leg wax, face wax, and eyebrow wax today. This was a big deal for me because my usual pampering is a pedicure once a month but today's pampering was in preparation for leaving for Florida...I do this only once a year. But I felt cheated today because it's hard to enjoy any pampering when you hurt.
I think I'd be unbearable to be around if I hurt every day. Sigh!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Feeling Kind of Off
I'm not exactly feeling sick, just tired with a bit of an upset stomach. Luckily, I have nothing pressing to do so I just stayed in my jammies and went back to bed this morning. Now it's 2:30 P.M. and I'm still in my jammies but feeling better.
It's one of those ratty days in late October where we get some rain and overcast skies. The cold dampness makes me long for Florida but I'll be there soon. Shelley and I are leaving next week. I'll stay a week at her house and then go to my trailer park where I get to socialize and have fun every day all winter long and where there is no chance of snow. They say that grandchildren are your reward for reaching old age but I think you can add Florida, too.
My lip really has started to heal now but it still looks awful. It's supposed to take another 4 weeks before it's completely healed and I can deal with that. I consider myself lucky that I got treatment and that I'm otherwise fairly healthy. I saw some pretty sad cases while I was at the cancer clinic and it made me thankful that all I was dealing with was a small, shallow skin cancer that I'd been assured was almost 100% curable. Life isn't fair and you never know what you'll have to face so you need to be thankful for what is good.
Well, I just might get dressed now because I know it will make me feel even better. Funny how staying in jammies too long almost makes you feel like an invalid and I'm not that!
It's one of those ratty days in late October where we get some rain and overcast skies. The cold dampness makes me long for Florida but I'll be there soon. Shelley and I are leaving next week. I'll stay a week at her house and then go to my trailer park where I get to socialize and have fun every day all winter long and where there is no chance of snow. They say that grandchildren are your reward for reaching old age but I think you can add Florida, too.
My lip really has started to heal now but it still looks awful. It's supposed to take another 4 weeks before it's completely healed and I can deal with that. I consider myself lucky that I got treatment and that I'm otherwise fairly healthy. I saw some pretty sad cases while I was at the cancer clinic and it made me thankful that all I was dealing with was a small, shallow skin cancer that I'd been assured was almost 100% curable. Life isn't fair and you never know what you'll have to face so you need to be thankful for what is good.
Well, I just might get dressed now because I know it will make me feel even better. Funny how staying in jammies too long almost makes you feel like an invalid and I'm not that!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
It Can Happen Anywhere
A few days ago, my Tampa daughter mentioned that she'd heard gunshots and then sirens close to her house. She said there'd been no mention in the news, though, so it couldn't have been too serious. Remember, this is Tampa in the United States where gunfire is pretty common. I snidely remarked that if anyone heard gunshots in my hometown in Canada, it would make the front pages of the newspaper because it would be such a rarity.
Well, snide and holier than thou remarks often come back to bite you in the ass and this was no exception. Shortly after, we had a drive by shooting here where a house was peppered with bullets. Yes, this is an anomaly in my hometown but it just goes to show you that gun violence is growing even here in Canada.
There can be no question that the availability of guns to criminals is what increases gun violence. If they didn't have guns, they'd use some other weapon but it would be one that had less chance to be lethal. We have been seeing more knife fights in Canada but someone attacked by a knife has a better chance of defending themselves than if the assailant had a gun.
We used to have a drug house on our street and I often worried about gunfights while they were there. When the house was finally raided, they did find guns and that's not surprising because the house was used for criminal activity. This is a quiet family neighborhood so having a drug house among us was like having a snake in the henhouse. None of us were really safe.
Toronto is a madhouse for gun violence with someone being murdered every weekend. I hate to see my town follow in the footsteps of it's larger neighbor but it is happening, even though on a smaller scale. I have never before heard of a house being shot at like this but I'm sure it will happen again in the future.
In my humble opinion, the only people who should be able to own a handgun are military and police. I even hate the idea of people owning hunting rifles because there is no need for it and to call hunting a sport is ridiculous. The poor animal being hunted has no defence against a gun.
I hate violence of any kind but I know we're a violent species who will always find some way to justify hunting and killing. It's a shame.
Well, snide and holier than thou remarks often come back to bite you in the ass and this was no exception. Shortly after, we had a drive by shooting here where a house was peppered with bullets. Yes, this is an anomaly in my hometown but it just goes to show you that gun violence is growing even here in Canada.
There can be no question that the availability of guns to criminals is what increases gun violence. If they didn't have guns, they'd use some other weapon but it would be one that had less chance to be lethal. We have been seeing more knife fights in Canada but someone attacked by a knife has a better chance of defending themselves than if the assailant had a gun.
We used to have a drug house on our street and I often worried about gunfights while they were there. When the house was finally raided, they did find guns and that's not surprising because the house was used for criminal activity. This is a quiet family neighborhood so having a drug house among us was like having a snake in the henhouse. None of us were really safe.
Toronto is a madhouse for gun violence with someone being murdered every weekend. I hate to see my town follow in the footsteps of it's larger neighbor but it is happening, even though on a smaller scale. I have never before heard of a house being shot at like this but I'm sure it will happen again in the future.
In my humble opinion, the only people who should be able to own a handgun are military and police. I even hate the idea of people owning hunting rifles because there is no need for it and to call hunting a sport is ridiculous. The poor animal being hunted has no defence against a gun.
I hate violence of any kind but I know we're a violent species who will always find some way to justify hunting and killing. It's a shame.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Great Day
Kim and Cindy picked Shelley up at the airport and they all got to my house before 4 P.M. It's such a pleasure to see all my girls together and so obviously madly in love with each other. Shelley looked and felt good so her bout with food poisoning must be about out of her system now. She had an interesting seat mate on the plane, too, one of Bob Marley's sons.
The girls ended up going out to pick up Swiss Chalet for their dinner while their poor Momma with the big scabby lip stayed home and had a Boost. They brought dinner back for Nick who arrived after work with Natasha, Nolan, and Nash. Don, Cindy's boyfriend came over, too, so it was a merry household. We yakked and played with the babies until tiredness overtook them all and they went home. Shelley is staying at Kim's.
Shelley picked up some non-stick bandages while she was out for me to attach under my scab tonight so they'll soak up any leakage...sorry for grossing anybody out. There really isn't all that much but it keeps me awake cleaning it up.
It's so peaceful in the house now. That's one of the perks of being a Gramma/GG...the children ultimately go home with their parents. I do love seeing them, though, and enjoy every minute I'm with them.
As I watched all the loving and noisy activity around me tonight, I thought how sad and lonely it would be to never have children or grandchildren (or greatgrandchildren) in your life. I love my family and my extended family. Life has been good to me me in many ways and I know how fortunate I am. But this solitary peace and quiet is pretty nice, too.
The girls ended up going out to pick up Swiss Chalet for their dinner while their poor Momma with the big scabby lip stayed home and had a Boost. They brought dinner back for Nick who arrived after work with Natasha, Nolan, and Nash. Don, Cindy's boyfriend came over, too, so it was a merry household. We yakked and played with the babies until tiredness overtook them all and they went home. Shelley is staying at Kim's.
Shelley picked up some non-stick bandages while she was out for me to attach under my scab tonight so they'll soak up any leakage...sorry for grossing anybody out. There really isn't all that much but it keeps me awake cleaning it up.
It's so peaceful in the house now. That's one of the perks of being a Gramma/GG...the children ultimately go home with their parents. I do love seeing them, though, and enjoy every minute I'm with them.
As I watched all the loving and noisy activity around me tonight, I thought how sad and lonely it would be to never have children or grandchildren (or greatgrandchildren) in your life. I love my family and my extended family. Life has been good to me me in many ways and I know how fortunate I am. But this solitary peace and quiet is pretty nice, too.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Sick of My Kids
I'm not actually sick of my kids but I'm sick of my kids being sick. Shelley isn't really well and she's boarding 2 planes tomorrow to fly up here. Kim has a few problems and so does Cindy. I hate this!
It gives a mother the most helpless feeling when her children aren't perfectly healthy and it doesn't matter whether they're 5 or 50. I want my babies healthy, happy, and safe and I want them that way forever. If ever I could perform magic, it would be to keep them this way.
Now, none of them are seriously ill and I have that to be thankful for but I want them disgustingly healthy and sassy, the way they should be.
Well, that's enough of that or I'll really get myself all worked up.
It gives a mother the most helpless feeling when her children aren't perfectly healthy and it doesn't matter whether they're 5 or 50. I want my babies healthy, happy, and safe and I want them that way forever. If ever I could perform magic, it would be to keep them this way.
Now, none of them are seriously ill and I have that to be thankful for but I want them disgustingly healthy and sassy, the way they should be.
Well, that's enough of that or I'll really get myself all worked up.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Looking Forward
In only a few weeks, I'll be in Tampa and enjoying my daughter's hospitality in her new house. It's a fascinating property that was built in 1929 and full of character. I've become a little familiar with the area because Shelley and John had a rental there last year so I can toddle off by myself to a few of the more familiar spots, such as Walmart!
I'm even starting to get into park mode, really thinking about the group of nice friends I have there and looking forward to seeing them again. We have a lot of traditions in place such as evening card games and Sunday morning breakfast at a local restaurant. I love the socializing especially because the people I hang out with are all treasures. There are cliques, of course, but they tend to blend easily with different groups so you get a lot of variety in your everyday friendships.
My lip is still gross but it should be okay by the time I get there, maybe not perfectly healed but at least not an embarrassment. I know no-one would care one bit about it but I'm really anxious to see healthy skin again. My big floppy hat came in the mail yesterday so I'm heading to Florida with lots of coverage.
It does worry me somewhat about the upcoming cruise in January but I'll just play it by ear and try not to expose myself to too much sun. That might mean forgetting about shore tours but that's definitely not the worst thing in the world. One thing I'll miss is the blissful feeling of warm sunshine on my face. That's forever a no-no. Who would ever have thought it?
Anyway, I do have lots of things to look forward to. Life is good!
I'm even starting to get into park mode, really thinking about the group of nice friends I have there and looking forward to seeing them again. We have a lot of traditions in place such as evening card games and Sunday morning breakfast at a local restaurant. I love the socializing especially because the people I hang out with are all treasures. There are cliques, of course, but they tend to blend easily with different groups so you get a lot of variety in your everyday friendships.
My lip is still gross but it should be okay by the time I get there, maybe not perfectly healed but at least not an embarrassment. I know no-one would care one bit about it but I'm really anxious to see healthy skin again. My big floppy hat came in the mail yesterday so I'm heading to Florida with lots of coverage.
It does worry me somewhat about the upcoming cruise in January but I'll just play it by ear and try not to expose myself to too much sun. That might mean forgetting about shore tours but that's definitely not the worst thing in the world. One thing I'll miss is the blissful feeling of warm sunshine on my face. That's forever a no-no. Who would ever have thought it?
Anyway, I do have lots of things to look forward to. Life is good!
Friday, October 21, 2011
Update on the Lip
The scab is still unsightly but, lo and behold, there is one little healed spot on the edge and that is enough to give me hope that one day soon I'll be presentable for public viewing. I've asked Shelley to bring me up a nurses' mask so that I'll have something to cover up with when we drive to Florida. There's no way I can hold my bladder for the 2 day drive and will have to venture into crowded rest stops and I don't want to scare people.
The fact that there is already a healed spot, however small, already makes me think I won't even need the mask but I like to be prepared. It's kind of comforting to know I'll be leaving the country with our family nurse, too, not that I expect any problems with the lip.
A few of my Florida friends are already at the park, getting themselves settled in and beginning the "3W Lifestyle". It's nice to know I'll be there in just a few weeks and hanging out with some of the nicest people on this earth. I'll get to celebrate the American Thanksgiving, too, so that's one more chance for turkey. Because of "the lip", I couldn't really enjoy our own Thanksgiving earlier this month.
This will be a do-nothing day for me. I'll use it to do odds and ends but nothing too demanding. Hmm! Sounds like most of my days, doesn't it?
The fact that there is already a healed spot, however small, already makes me think I won't even need the mask but I like to be prepared. It's kind of comforting to know I'll be leaving the country with our family nurse, too, not that I expect any problems with the lip.
A few of my Florida friends are already at the park, getting themselves settled in and beginning the "3W Lifestyle". It's nice to know I'll be there in just a few weeks and hanging out with some of the nicest people on this earth. I'll get to celebrate the American Thanksgiving, too, so that's one more chance for turkey. Because of "the lip", I couldn't really enjoy our own Thanksgiving earlier this month.
This will be a do-nothing day for me. I'll use it to do odds and ends but nothing too demanding. Hmm! Sounds like most of my days, doesn't it?
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Barb and Norma came over this morning for a visit and I can't express how very much I enjoyed their company. I've recognized for a long time now how female friends are extremely important in my life because they understand me and I understand them. No man, husband or friend, can possibly identify with a woman enough to truly understand her.
I enjoy male friends, too, but it's a totally different friendship, kind of like having an exotic pet. They're interesting in their own way but you don't have a whole lot in common. I've often thought I'd like to have a feminine gay man friend because that would be a really fascinating connection.
Norma, Barb, and I had a lot of laughs and that's one of the nicest things about having good lady friends. We laugh at similar episodes in our lives and it helps to know these things didn't happen to just ourselves. We did a little male bashing, too, but that's par for the course when a group of women get together. We're united in not understanding why men behave the way they do! For instance, why would a man deliberately walk on a freshly washed floor with dirty shoes? I've never heard of a woman doing that but then she's usually the one who washed the floor in the first place. I even feel guilty walking across a just washed floor in a store or public washroom. It goes against the grain.
I think the most enjoyment I get these days is spending a few hours with lady friends and this includes my daughters and granddaughters because I consider them friends, too. We have a sisterhood that no male can ever really join, and maybe they're not even interested because we're a mystery to them, too.
Anyway, it was a fun visit that I hope will be repeated many times in the future.
I enjoy male friends, too, but it's a totally different friendship, kind of like having an exotic pet. They're interesting in their own way but you don't have a whole lot in common. I've often thought I'd like to have a feminine gay man friend because that would be a really fascinating connection.
Norma, Barb, and I had a lot of laughs and that's one of the nicest things about having good lady friends. We laugh at similar episodes in our lives and it helps to know these things didn't happen to just ourselves. We did a little male bashing, too, but that's par for the course when a group of women get together. We're united in not understanding why men behave the way they do! For instance, why would a man deliberately walk on a freshly washed floor with dirty shoes? I've never heard of a woman doing that but then she's usually the one who washed the floor in the first place. I even feel guilty walking across a just washed floor in a store or public washroom. It goes against the grain.
I think the most enjoyment I get these days is spending a few hours with lady friends and this includes my daughters and granddaughters because I consider them friends, too. We have a sisterhood that no male can ever really join, and maybe they're not even interested because we're a mystery to them, too.
Anyway, it was a fun visit that I hope will be repeated many times in the future.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
9 Year Old Designated Driver
Ever wonder why some people have such distorted views of right and wrong? Well, a little 9 year old girl who was driving her drunken father around town in the middle of the night was surprised when she was stopped by a cop and retorted, "Why did you stop me? I'm a good driver.".
Heaven only knows how this sick and selfish man has warped his little girl's thinking. Apparently they both think it's completely legal and appropriate for him to be drunk and using his 9 year old child to chauffeur him. He bragged about it on camera at a gas station they'd gone to at 3 A.M. Who taught him that this okay?
We can teach our children good morals and ethics but they also learn the wrong ones from us. They learn from watching the behaviour of their parents. When we lie or cheat, they are watching. Our transgressions can serve as their excuses for their own bad behaviour. If a father is capable of putting his child into a position like this and then being stupid enough to brag about it, what other examples has he set for her?
I had to laugh when one of his friends was interviewed and said that she wasn't happy that he was being presented in the news as a criminal because he was a good father. What???
Common sense, where art thou?
Heaven only knows how this sick and selfish man has warped his little girl's thinking. Apparently they both think it's completely legal and appropriate for him to be drunk and using his 9 year old child to chauffeur him. He bragged about it on camera at a gas station they'd gone to at 3 A.M. Who taught him that this okay?
We can teach our children good morals and ethics but they also learn the wrong ones from us. They learn from watching the behaviour of their parents. When we lie or cheat, they are watching. Our transgressions can serve as their excuses for their own bad behaviour. If a father is capable of putting his child into a position like this and then being stupid enough to brag about it, what other examples has he set for her?
I had to laugh when one of his friends was interviewed and said that she wasn't happy that he was being presented in the news as a criminal because he was a good father. What???
Common sense, where art thou?
Monday, October 17, 2011
I haven't had a lot of pain with this lip but when I do it depresses the heck out of me. The scab is really loose today but I'm trying to keep it on, especially since it hurt so horribly when some of it came off the other day. It hasn't healed underneath yet and that's why it's hurting me. I think this might require Tylenol 3 and an early bedtime. I hate this.
I had bloodwork done today and discovered I've lost 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks because I'm hardly eating. Eating hurts too much so not only am I in pain but I'm also starving to death. I need to find a solution soon or I'm going to get very, very cranky.
I had bloodwork done today and discovered I've lost 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks because I'm hardly eating. Eating hurts too much so not only am I in pain but I'm also starving to death. I need to find a solution soon or I'm going to get very, very cranky.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Designing a Life
It's possible to design your life...within reason. First you work with what you have and then decide the next step.
When I was a young girl, I was called "Patsy" and I always hated it. The year I was 12, I started a new school and decided to give my name as "Pat". Of course, it worked. Most of the kids at the school had never seen me before so they just accepted my new name as one I'd always had. Nowadays, some of my favorite relatives call me "Patsy" and I love it. Funny.
I love people. The more I have to hang around with, the better. And you know, your first impressions of someone will never be accurate because everyone seems to go around wearing their safety facade in front of strangers. It takes a little time to discover the person inside and they're usually more interesting than you'd initially thought.
Since my husband passed away, I've designed my life to suit my circumstances. Family comes first, of course, but I've developed some very nice friendships that add immensely to my life. I've learned that the more I open myself up, the more fulfilled my life is becoming.
I think it's been a long, long time since I had much control over my own life and, now that I do, I'm finding that it doesn't take a heck of a lot to make me happy. If you have peace in your life, you have the clarity of mind to choose what else to add to it to make it better. It seems I'm making some good choices because I'm a happy lady. I may have learned late in life but at least I learned.
When I was a young girl, I was called "Patsy" and I always hated it. The year I was 12, I started a new school and decided to give my name as "Pat". Of course, it worked. Most of the kids at the school had never seen me before so they just accepted my new name as one I'd always had. Nowadays, some of my favorite relatives call me "Patsy" and I love it. Funny.
I love people. The more I have to hang around with, the better. And you know, your first impressions of someone will never be accurate because everyone seems to go around wearing their safety facade in front of strangers. It takes a little time to discover the person inside and they're usually more interesting than you'd initially thought.
Since my husband passed away, I've designed my life to suit my circumstances. Family comes first, of course, but I've developed some very nice friendships that add immensely to my life. I've learned that the more I open myself up, the more fulfilled my life is becoming.
I think it's been a long, long time since I had much control over my own life and, now that I do, I'm finding that it doesn't take a heck of a lot to make me happy. If you have peace in your life, you have the clarity of mind to choose what else to add to it to make it better. It seems I'm making some good choices because I'm a happy lady. I may have learned late in life but at least I learned.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
For the duration of my radiation treatments, my goal was to finish the 20th and final one. Immediately after reaching that goal, my new goal was to complete the 2 weeks before the healing would begin. I'm doing that now (12 days to go) and already planning on setting another new goal which will be an additional 4 weeks before the sore is completely healed.
It's good to have goals and it's also possible to have many at the same time. I often wish I could go back in time and have the sense to make university my goal. I've told all of my babies that my biggest regret in life is not getting a better education. All other regrets fade in comparison because, with a good education, life is infinitely better in every way.
I've seen a lot of wasted brainpower in my life. The best example was my husband, an absolutely brilliant man who was pushed into dropping out of school when he was only 16 years old. He did have a dream and that was to be an engineer. By not being able to pursue that goal, it changed his whole life.
Goals make us stretch our limits. Once achieved, we'll stagnate if we don't set another goal in order to grow in spirit and in knowledge. I watch a lot of talk shows on T.V. and see people who have no goals other than to get as much government aid as they can and then just make it to the end of their lives. It's such a waste of the time you're allotted.
I have a small, side goal today. I'm going to start a Swedish afghan in brilliant, happy colors to donate to a hospice in the city. It doesn't require much effort on my part but it's an honorable goal, anyway. I brought up all the wild colors of yarn that I have and also a piece of deep turquoise fabric so this one will be lots of fun to work on.
I can't imagine waking up in the morning without a few things already in place to work on. Starting a day without any goals at all would be so boring! Getting housework done isn't a fun goal but just something that needs doing so it's usually last on my list. I prefer to work towards goals where I have fun in the process.
It's good to have goals and it's also possible to have many at the same time. I often wish I could go back in time and have the sense to make university my goal. I've told all of my babies that my biggest regret in life is not getting a better education. All other regrets fade in comparison because, with a good education, life is infinitely better in every way.
I've seen a lot of wasted brainpower in my life. The best example was my husband, an absolutely brilliant man who was pushed into dropping out of school when he was only 16 years old. He did have a dream and that was to be an engineer. By not being able to pursue that goal, it changed his whole life.
Goals make us stretch our limits. Once achieved, we'll stagnate if we don't set another goal in order to grow in spirit and in knowledge. I watch a lot of talk shows on T.V. and see people who have no goals other than to get as much government aid as they can and then just make it to the end of their lives. It's such a waste of the time you're allotted.
I have a small, side goal today. I'm going to start a Swedish afghan in brilliant, happy colors to donate to a hospice in the city. It doesn't require much effort on my part but it's an honorable goal, anyway. I brought up all the wild colors of yarn that I have and also a piece of deep turquoise fabric so this one will be lots of fun to work on.
I can't imagine waking up in the morning without a few things already in place to work on. Starting a day without any goals at all would be so boring! Getting housework done isn't a fun goal but just something that needs doing so it's usually last on my list. I prefer to work towards goals where I have fun in the process.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Marilee's Afghan is Finished!

It's finished and just in time. Marilee leaves for home on Sunday so I'm hoping it will fit in her suitcase otherwise I'll have to mail it to her.
I know I've said it before but I only give these afghans to the people I love so, if you have one, you know you're loved by at least one person in this world. They usually take about 2 months to finish unless you're working on them most of the day every day so there's no way I'd do all that work and then sell one to a stranger. I get a lot of pleasure out of seeing the pattern and colors come alive and I always hope the recipients love them as much as I do.
I brought up my sewing machine and threads to pack in the car for Florida but the sewing machine isn't working right. Maybe it's time to buy a new one. It is so frustrating to try to sew on a machine that's not co-operating. I know I can buy one in Florida for much less than I'd pay here in Canada so that will be my big purchase down there this winter.
My next project will be bright turquoise fabric and a large assortment of brilliant colors for the yarns. I actually have two smaller pieces (2 yds. each) and they'll be donated to a hospice here at home when they're done. I thought that brilliant colors like that would be cheery for the patients.
Inbetween working on those smaller afghans, I want to make a regular sized one for Tyson and Sarah in purple and gold on white fabric. Those are the colors of his favorite football team, the Minnesota Vikings. I'm also going to try to do lettering (MV) on the ends.
From here on in, though, I won't be putting in so many hours on my Swedish weaving, especially when I get to Florida. My lip should be healed in a month or so and I'll be able to go out in public.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
I finished the last radiation treatment on my lip today and the scab is digging into my chin. Even with an irritation like this, I'm feeling pretty darned good because my path is on the way to recovery with just the next two weeks blocking my way. The technician told me it will be 6 weeks before the scab disappears altogether but that doesn't bother me. I'll end up going to my park in Florida with my battle scar but my friends won't mind.
I've felt healthy through the whole process and had very little discomfort, too, so I can't complain about a dumb scab, can I? I told Kim that I could hand out candy for Halloween and the kids would think I was wearing a mask. It's ugly for sure but sometimes we just have to bear with the nasty in order to reach the nice. I've kept a separate blog with pictures but it was meant for other people with skin cancer to see what happens when you are treated for it. I've resisted putting a picture of myself on this blog because it's pretty gross but I may do it soon just to show my million readers (LOL!) what I've been able to overcome.
Kim tells me I've been brave but that's not it at all. What I did was to get all the information I could and then deal with it because I had to do so. That's not bravery but common sense. I really believe that most of us can handle anything as long as we know the facts and especially if we know it's not permanent.
There were times I wanted to punch my radiologist out when he'd remind me that my skin cancer was small and shallow. As I sat there looking at him with my scabby Ubangi lip hanging there, it never felt small to me. Of course, the skin cancer itself is nowhere near the size of the scab. Another thing I didn't like was taking a picture of myself every morning. Do you realize that close-up pictures of a 71 year old woman's face shows a lot of wrinkles? I'd prefer not to see them that clearly.
I wish I hadn't developed skin cancer but I'm glad that it was treatable. I also wish I was thin and beautiful but, unfortunately, that's unattainable so I'll settle for the good in my life and be damned thankful there is so much of it.
I've felt healthy through the whole process and had very little discomfort, too, so I can't complain about a dumb scab, can I? I told Kim that I could hand out candy for Halloween and the kids would think I was wearing a mask. It's ugly for sure but sometimes we just have to bear with the nasty in order to reach the nice. I've kept a separate blog with pictures but it was meant for other people with skin cancer to see what happens when you are treated for it. I've resisted putting a picture of myself on this blog because it's pretty gross but I may do it soon just to show my million readers (LOL!) what I've been able to overcome.
Kim tells me I've been brave but that's not it at all. What I did was to get all the information I could and then deal with it because I had to do so. That's not bravery but common sense. I really believe that most of us can handle anything as long as we know the facts and especially if we know it's not permanent.
There were times I wanted to punch my radiologist out when he'd remind me that my skin cancer was small and shallow. As I sat there looking at him with my scabby Ubangi lip hanging there, it never felt small to me. Of course, the skin cancer itself is nowhere near the size of the scab. Another thing I didn't like was taking a picture of myself every morning. Do you realize that close-up pictures of a 71 year old woman's face shows a lot of wrinkles? I'd prefer not to see them that clearly.
I wish I hadn't developed skin cancer but I'm glad that it was treatable. I also wish I was thin and beautiful but, unfortunately, that's unattainable so I'll settle for the good in my life and be damned thankful there is so much of it.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Marilee's Afghan
Marilee, Kyran, and Faye dropped by this morning for coffee and Marilee got to see the Swedish weaving afghan I'm making for her. It's very close to finished and I'm hoping it will be done by Sunday when she leaves for home.
These afghans are so lovely when they're finished and I always give them to people I love. It doesn't make sense for me to put in the thousands of hours needed to complete one and then sell it to strangers for peanuts. I'd much rather one of my loved ones get to enjoy it. My enjoyment is in the creation.
I told Marilee how much our little weaving group at the park in Florida help each other. There's always someone with a novel idea on how to do something a little differently and usually nicer. It doesn't matter how many afghans you've made, you can always learn some new tricks to keep your interest fresh. Donna, who comes to my house here for our Swedish weaving get-togethers, has already come up with some great ideas that I'm looking forward to implementing. All it takes is imagination and an interest in the craft.
I should be finished Marilee's afghan by Saturday so I'll post pictures then.
These afghans are so lovely when they're finished and I always give them to people I love. It doesn't make sense for me to put in the thousands of hours needed to complete one and then sell it to strangers for peanuts. I'd much rather one of my loved ones get to enjoy it. My enjoyment is in the creation.
I told Marilee how much our little weaving group at the park in Florida help each other. There's always someone with a novel idea on how to do something a little differently and usually nicer. It doesn't matter how many afghans you've made, you can always learn some new tricks to keep your interest fresh. Donna, who comes to my house here for our Swedish weaving get-togethers, has already come up with some great ideas that I'm looking forward to implementing. All it takes is imagination and an interest in the craft.
I should be finished Marilee's afghan by Saturday so I'll post pictures then.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Ready to Wind Down
I had my 18th radiation treatment today...2 to go...and requested a prescription for Tylenol 3 just in case I have another day like Sunday. I took one at about 11:15 A.M. because the scab under my lip was more than a little irritating and darned near fell asleep standing up before 1 P.M. One of the side effects of Tylenol 3 is that it makes you drowsy. I have treatment #19 tomorrow morning and I'm supposed to take a tablet before going to it but I'm slightly worried it will make it dangerous to drive. I shouldn't have any problem getting to the clinic but if I'm drowsy when I leave, Faye will bring Marilee or Kyran to pick me up and drive my car home.
Kim brought my Diet Pepsi (she says she feels like my drug pusher), dish detergent and milk after work so I'm well looked after by my wonderful family. I also had the last half of Cindy's care package for dinner tonight. I'm one lucky lady.
Mary phoned and offered to take me to the casino but I'm hibernating until this stupid thing starts to heal. The date I have in mind is October 27th and that's what keeps me going.
There is a saying that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. There's another saying that you find out who your friends are when you're in need. I am truly blessed.
Kim brought my Diet Pepsi (she says she feels like my drug pusher), dish detergent and milk after work so I'm well looked after by my wonderful family. I also had the last half of Cindy's care package for dinner tonight. I'm one lucky lady.
Mary phoned and offered to take me to the casino but I'm hibernating until this stupid thing starts to heal. The date I have in mind is October 27th and that's what keeps me going.
There is a saying that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. There's another saying that you find out who your friends are when you're in need. I am truly blessed.
Follow Your Intuition
I feel very strongly about following your intuition because it's all of your senses working to tell you something, maybe something you can't pinpoint.
A family in Florida took their boat out in rough water when they shouldn't have. 6 of the 7 passengers survived when the boat was overturned by a rogue wave. Now, the owner of the boat should have been experienced enough to know the water was too rough but so should some of his passengers. Common sense should have existed somewhere in that group.
We've had a few people drown in our bay when boaters chose to take the chance when common sense (and even weather reporters) told them it wasn't safe. Funny, but the people who drown are usually passengers on the boat and not the operator.
We once got on a very small fishing boat (I don't know how anything that small could be called a fishing boat, though) and headed out into the ocean to an island. I was terrified when I saw the size of the boat we were about to board but felt forced to go along with everyone else. It was to be a day trip to visit the family of in-laws (Gerald and Barb) and the boat captain was Barb's father.
Anyway, we clambered onto the boat and set out, me frightened the whole way knowing it wasn't safe. Well, the boat did capsize just as we got to the island but we were against massive rocks and the waves kept slamming the boat into them. The men on the boat worked to upright it and I, a non swimmer, managed to cling to the rocks just as the boat hit somewhere around me. If it had hit me I would have been crushed but luck was with me.
We met some memorable people that day but in the back of my mind was the thought that we had to get back on the boat in order to go home. I have no memory of the return trip at all so I must have zoned out in terror. We obviously made it home but I know I should have followed my instincts and refused to board in the first place. It was just by chance that the boat didn't capsize in deep water and that no-one drowned.
I think we're all fitted with radar to protect us but too often we choose to ignore the signals. My radar is relentless and often zings inside my head so loudly that I can't think. Almost every time, I heed it and the times I haven't later turned out to be dangerous ones.
Your instincts and your intuition are there for a good purpose so it's best to pay close attention to them.
A family in Florida took their boat out in rough water when they shouldn't have. 6 of the 7 passengers survived when the boat was overturned by a rogue wave. Now, the owner of the boat should have been experienced enough to know the water was too rough but so should some of his passengers. Common sense should have existed somewhere in that group.
We've had a few people drown in our bay when boaters chose to take the chance when common sense (and even weather reporters) told them it wasn't safe. Funny, but the people who drown are usually passengers on the boat and not the operator.
We once got on a very small fishing boat (I don't know how anything that small could be called a fishing boat, though) and headed out into the ocean to an island. I was terrified when I saw the size of the boat we were about to board but felt forced to go along with everyone else. It was to be a day trip to visit the family of in-laws (Gerald and Barb) and the boat captain was Barb's father.
Anyway, we clambered onto the boat and set out, me frightened the whole way knowing it wasn't safe. Well, the boat did capsize just as we got to the island but we were against massive rocks and the waves kept slamming the boat into them. The men on the boat worked to upright it and I, a non swimmer, managed to cling to the rocks just as the boat hit somewhere around me. If it had hit me I would have been crushed but luck was with me.
We met some memorable people that day but in the back of my mind was the thought that we had to get back on the boat in order to go home. I have no memory of the return trip at all so I must have zoned out in terror. We obviously made it home but I know I should have followed my instincts and refused to board in the first place. It was just by chance that the boat didn't capsize in deep water and that no-one drowned.
I think we're all fitted with radar to protect us but too often we choose to ignore the signals. My radar is relentless and often zings inside my head so loudly that I can't think. Almost every time, I heed it and the times I haven't later turned out to be dangerous ones.
Your instincts and your intuition are there for a good purpose so it's best to pay close attention to them.
Sunday, October 09, 2011
No Stamina
At the best of times I don't expend any more enrgy than I have to but since I've spent most of the summer and fall so far on the sofa my energy level is seriously low. Yesterday I did about 2 hours light labor outside and nearly died from exhaustion. Any heavy lifting just tuckers me out something fierce so I stopped before lifting the 14 rail planters off the deck. They need to be placed on their sides on the patio so that they won't split during the winter. I'll save that job for another day.
I have never been physically strong and I'm also too lazy to go to a gym to build up my strength so I have no-one to blame but myself. Luckily, I don't need to possess much physical strength to get by each day but the few times it's necessary wears me out.
This isn't good but it's what it is. A sedentary life has few rewards.
I have never been physically strong and I'm also too lazy to go to a gym to build up my strength so I have no-one to blame but myself. Luckily, I don't need to possess much physical strength to get by each day but the few times it's necessary wears me out.
This isn't good but it's what it is. A sedentary life has few rewards.
Saturday, October 08, 2011
Driving Drunk
I read a Facebook message today about a 33 year old man who was killed by a drunk driver and it just makes me sick. People become incapacitated every day by alcohol or drugs and then selfishly get behind the wheel of their cars, not caring one bit that they might kill some innocent person.
I did that once. Years ago I had taken my own car down to the boat club where my husband already was and we partied with friends. I can get drunk on 1 or 2 drinks but somehow I let myself drink until I was pretty drunk. My husband and I had an argument and I got in the car, knowing I shouldn't but just wanting to get home, and stupidly/selfishly/criminally drove there.
I remember trying to be very careful but a drunk is a hazard no matter how careful they are. I was filled with guilt about what I was doing but kept going anyway. My vision was straight ahead only because I couldn't see peripherally...this must be a result of drunkenness. Can you imagine driving down the street with no peripheral vision? Insanity.
I did make it home with no accidents but that was just by chance. Knowing how utterly stupid I'd been, I swore on my grandchildren's lives that I'd never do such a thing again and I didn't. The memory will always haunt me, though, because I feel I'm much smarter than that and I do have a strong conscience. I could so easily have killed some innocent person that night and the thought makes me physically ill.
When it became the fashion for friends to select a designated driver, I thought how wonderful that was. It's just too bad that everyone who drinks and drives doesn't have a concern for others. It might help if drunk driving penalties were stricter...lose your car and spend at least 6 months in jail, regardless of whether or not it's the first offence. Some people will only play by the rules if the penalty for ignoring them is a serious one.
It's too late for the 33 year old man who had his whole life ahead of him and family and friends whose hearts are broken. A man who chose to drive drunk is still alive and kicking, probably using a public defender to try to convince the court that he had a bad childhood and shouldn't have to pay for his crime. Life isn't always fair, is it?
I did that once. Years ago I had taken my own car down to the boat club where my husband already was and we partied with friends. I can get drunk on 1 or 2 drinks but somehow I let myself drink until I was pretty drunk. My husband and I had an argument and I got in the car, knowing I shouldn't but just wanting to get home, and stupidly/selfishly/criminally drove there.
I remember trying to be very careful but a drunk is a hazard no matter how careful they are. I was filled with guilt about what I was doing but kept going anyway. My vision was straight ahead only because I couldn't see peripherally...this must be a result of drunkenness. Can you imagine driving down the street with no peripheral vision? Insanity.
I did make it home with no accidents but that was just by chance. Knowing how utterly stupid I'd been, I swore on my grandchildren's lives that I'd never do such a thing again and I didn't. The memory will always haunt me, though, because I feel I'm much smarter than that and I do have a strong conscience. I could so easily have killed some innocent person that night and the thought makes me physically ill.
When it became the fashion for friends to select a designated driver, I thought how wonderful that was. It's just too bad that everyone who drinks and drives doesn't have a concern for others. It might help if drunk driving penalties were stricter...lose your car and spend at least 6 months in jail, regardless of whether or not it's the first offence. Some people will only play by the rules if the penalty for ignoring them is a serious one.
It's too late for the 33 year old man who had his whole life ahead of him and family and friends whose hearts are broken. A man who chose to drive drunk is still alive and kicking, probably using a public defender to try to convince the court that he had a bad childhood and shouldn't have to pay for his crime. Life isn't always fair, is it?
Friday, October 07, 2011
Perfect Fall Day
It is one of those perfect fall days, warm and sunny, when I should be outside working in the garden but I've developed a fear of the sun now. I can put sunscreen on most of my face but I can't apply it to my lip yet and that scares me. So, I'll just open the doors and windows and take pleasure in the fresh air that way.
If I had to stay home over the winter and suffer through snow and cold, I'd be more upset but I know that in just 4 short weeks I'll be headed south to enjoy what I've missed out on all summer. I'm expecting to be somewhat healed by the time I leave and then will forever after need to wear sunscreen all over my face and lips. I should have been doing this all along and it's not the worst thing in the world, is it?
Kim is bringing me Diet Pepsi after work. I am sort of an addict and haven't been able to get my own for a while now because I won't go into stores or restaurants with this icky lip. I'm not worried about my looks but by grossing people out when they see me. My neighbor, Alison, works at the cancer clinic and sees me every day and when I complain about how awful I look she tells me that my beauty comes through anyway. She's so sweet and so full of sh.t but it's nice to hear comforting words like that.
Friday has become my laundry day and that's about all the work I've done so far. My next job is to clean the bathroom...that will take all of 15 minutes and then I can start working on Marilee's afghan. It's no wonder I haven't lost an ounce even with the difficulty in eating. I sit on my butt in front of the computer or T.V. for most of the day so I'm not expending much energy.
One good thing I have to say about this ordeal I'm going through is that I do have a good attitude about it in most ways because I know my healing will start in a few weeks. I see many cancer patients at the clinic who are undergoing treatment for different cancers that aren't as easy to cure as mine and I know how lucky I am. When I look back and remember how often I sunbathed or just spent hours in the sunlight but used no protection for my skin at all, I know how foolish I was. This could have been prevented if I'd taken warnings about sun exposure seriously but we all think it won't happen to us, don't we? Well, I can now speak with experience and I wouldn't want to see anyone else have to go through what I have with skin cancer. It does have an excellent cure rate but it isn't worth taking chances with sun exposure.
Use sunscreen. Don't bake yourself in the sun. A tan is nice but not if it's covered in radiation burns. No-one is invulnerable.
If I had to stay home over the winter and suffer through snow and cold, I'd be more upset but I know that in just 4 short weeks I'll be headed south to enjoy what I've missed out on all summer. I'm expecting to be somewhat healed by the time I leave and then will forever after need to wear sunscreen all over my face and lips. I should have been doing this all along and it's not the worst thing in the world, is it?
Kim is bringing me Diet Pepsi after work. I am sort of an addict and haven't been able to get my own for a while now because I won't go into stores or restaurants with this icky lip. I'm not worried about my looks but by grossing people out when they see me. My neighbor, Alison, works at the cancer clinic and sees me every day and when I complain about how awful I look she tells me that my beauty comes through anyway. She's so sweet and so full of sh.t but it's nice to hear comforting words like that.
Friday has become my laundry day and that's about all the work I've done so far. My next job is to clean the bathroom...that will take all of 15 minutes and then I can start working on Marilee's afghan. It's no wonder I haven't lost an ounce even with the difficulty in eating. I sit on my butt in front of the computer or T.V. for most of the day so I'm not expending much energy.
One good thing I have to say about this ordeal I'm going through is that I do have a good attitude about it in most ways because I know my healing will start in a few weeks. I see many cancer patients at the clinic who are undergoing treatment for different cancers that aren't as easy to cure as mine and I know how lucky I am. When I look back and remember how often I sunbathed or just spent hours in the sunlight but used no protection for my skin at all, I know how foolish I was. This could have been prevented if I'd taken warnings about sun exposure seriously but we all think it won't happen to us, don't we? Well, I can now speak with experience and I wouldn't want to see anyone else have to go through what I have with skin cancer. It does have an excellent cure rate but it isn't worth taking chances with sun exposure.
Use sunscreen. Don't bake yourself in the sun. A tan is nice but not if it's covered in radiation burns. No-one is invulnerable.
Thursday, October 06, 2011
Nick came over this morning to cut the grass and brought Nolan and Nash with him. My first thrill was hearing 2 year old Nolan rushing up the front steps as fast as his little legs could carry him and joyfully saying, "GG, GG!", over and over. He ran into my arms for a hug and then raced off to play with his toys. I'm not sure if he was so happy to be here to see me or play with those toys and I don't care. I was just very happy he was here.
Natasha brought 7 month old Nash in in his car seat. As usual, he sat there with a sweet little contented smile on his face, happy with the world. He is like a little Budha, fat and serene. He's sitting up now so I put him on the floor with some toys but he was more interested in chewing on his shoe. I can't remember when I was able to bend myself in two like that!
Nolan contentedly played with his cars, especially anything to do with "Bob the Builder". In time, Nash started rubbing his face so I cuddled him up to me and he fell asleep. Talk about heaven. There isn't much in this world that can compare with a sweet little sleeping baby nestled into you. Nash also doesn't mind sitting on your lap when he's awake and leaning back on you while he watches the antics of his energized brother. I've always wanted a real cuddler and now I have one.
Nick said something about not being my #1 interest anymore but I explained that I want to savor every moment I can with his little ones because they grow up and change so fast. Nick won't change much over the winter but Nash will be walking and talking when I get home in April and Nolan will be carrying on conversations.
I think of these babies as gifts in my old age. I always wanted to be a Gramma but I never thought ahead to the possiblity of being a Great-Gramma.
I was a little worried that Nolan would be afraid of this big old scab on my lip so I pointed it out to him and said that I had a boo-boo. Every so often, he'd look at me with a sad look on his face and say that his GG had a boo-boo. No fear, just concern. Maybe I worry too much.
Of course, I adored my Nicky being here, too. He'll never really know how strong my love is for him because he probably takes it for granted and that's the way it should be. It's unquestionable and eternal.
I had the 16th radiation treatment on my lip today and now there are only 4 to go. I finish next Thursday and will be thrilled to death to have it over. The healing won't really begin for 10-14 days after the last treatment but the end is in sight.
Natasha brought 7 month old Nash in in his car seat. As usual, he sat there with a sweet little contented smile on his face, happy with the world. He is like a little Budha, fat and serene. He's sitting up now so I put him on the floor with some toys but he was more interested in chewing on his shoe. I can't remember when I was able to bend myself in two like that!
Nolan contentedly played with his cars, especially anything to do with "Bob the Builder". In time, Nash started rubbing his face so I cuddled him up to me and he fell asleep. Talk about heaven. There isn't much in this world that can compare with a sweet little sleeping baby nestled into you. Nash also doesn't mind sitting on your lap when he's awake and leaning back on you while he watches the antics of his energized brother. I've always wanted a real cuddler and now I have one.
Nick said something about not being my #1 interest anymore but I explained that I want to savor every moment I can with his little ones because they grow up and change so fast. Nick won't change much over the winter but Nash will be walking and talking when I get home in April and Nolan will be carrying on conversations.
I think of these babies as gifts in my old age. I always wanted to be a Gramma but I never thought ahead to the possiblity of being a Great-Gramma.
I was a little worried that Nolan would be afraid of this big old scab on my lip so I pointed it out to him and said that I had a boo-boo. Every so often, he'd look at me with a sad look on his face and say that his GG had a boo-boo. No fear, just concern. Maybe I worry too much.
Of course, I adored my Nicky being here, too. He'll never really know how strong my love is for him because he probably takes it for granted and that's the way it should be. It's unquestionable and eternal.
I had the 16th radiation treatment on my lip today and now there are only 4 to go. I finish next Thursday and will be thrilled to death to have it over. The healing won't really begin for 10-14 days after the last treatment but the end is in sight.
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
A Day in the Life
Well, my car decided to die on me yesterday but I did make it to the garage. Paul, a relative of some sort who does any repairs needed on my car, was just closing up but was kind enough to put my car inside his shop and then drive me home. I fretted about that damn car all evening and it wore me out so much that I fell asleep at 8:30 and slept until 8 this morning. Stress really does wear you out.
Faye came over this morning to drive me to the clinic for my radiation lip looks ghastly and hurts...and then came back home with me for coffee. I called Paul to ask what he'd found out but had to wait for him to call me back with the results and the cost. I'd sort of thought it would be pretty cheap but it ended up costing over $400. Apparently the spark plug job I'd had done in Florida in April hadn't been done right. They'd used the wrong wires and put the distributor cap in incorrectly. I suppose I could go back to that garage and raise hell but what's the use?
Faye and Donna were over in the afternoon for our Swedish weaving so Faye drove me over to pick up the car. I'm really happy to have my cute little car back but it is getting old and now I have one more reason to trade her in next summer. I become terribly attached to my cars, though, and it will be hard to let this one go because I've had it since 2002.
My lip is hurting me almost constantly now and Tylenol has become my good friend. I've got 6 treatments to go and then I can relax and wait for it to heal. In everyone's life, a little rain must fall. It will be nice when my sunny days return.
Faye came over this morning to drive me to the clinic for my radiation lip looks ghastly and hurts...and then came back home with me for coffee. I called Paul to ask what he'd found out but had to wait for him to call me back with the results and the cost. I'd sort of thought it would be pretty cheap but it ended up costing over $400. Apparently the spark plug job I'd had done in Florida in April hadn't been done right. They'd used the wrong wires and put the distributor cap in incorrectly. I suppose I could go back to that garage and raise hell but what's the use?
Faye and Donna were over in the afternoon for our Swedish weaving so Faye drove me over to pick up the car. I'm really happy to have my cute little car back but it is getting old and now I have one more reason to trade her in next summer. I become terribly attached to my cars, though, and it will be hard to let this one go because I've had it since 2002.
My lip is hurting me almost constantly now and Tylenol has become my good friend. I've got 6 treatments to go and then I can relax and wait for it to heal. In everyone's life, a little rain must fall. It will be nice when my sunny days return.
Monday, October 03, 2011
I Don't Know What To Call This
I had my 13th of 20 radiation treatments today and my lip looks horrible. The good news is that the doctor said everything is going fine and my skin cancer was so small and shallow that it's highly unlikey that it will come back. Thank you, very much!!
Now I have an appointment with the dermatologist for my other skin problems and I can guarantee I won't be left too long in the waiting room looking like this. My dermatologist specializes in skin cancer but is also moving her business more towards cosmetic stuff like Botox and lasering. She won't want me scaring off her other patients!
Anyway, I can handle this and it will be over soon.
Now I have an appointment with the dermatologist for my other skin problems and I can guarantee I won't be left too long in the waiting room looking like this. My dermatologist specializes in skin cancer but is also moving her business more towards cosmetic stuff like Botox and lasering. She won't want me scaring off her other patients!
Anyway, I can handle this and it will be over soon.
Sunday, October 02, 2011
Jammy Day
I did something today that I haven't done in ages...I stayed in my jammies all day. It was rainy out and I wasn't going to be leaving the house because of my icky lip so I decided to just leave my jammies on. I remember when I used to enjoy the odd time I was able to do this but I just felt kind of unkempt all day. I'm not sick so I didn't need to sleep and walking around in jammies while I made my lunch and dinner just didn't feel right.
My lip hurt a lot today so I'll ask the doctor tomorrow for a topical analgesic. There's no sense in hurting when there is help available.
I've also had the furnace on for the last couple of days because I'm afraid to get a chill and catch a cold. I can't continue the radiation treatments if I'm sick and there's no way I want to stop them before their scheduled finish on October 13th. It's supposed to start warming up again tomorrow, though, so I can turn the furnace off then. I usually don't worry at all about catching a cold because I rarely get one. About once a year is normal for me. I haven't had a cold in over a year and my goal is to at least make it to Shelley's in November before one catches up with me. It's very comforting to have a nurse in training to be a nurse practitioner in the family.
Well, I think I'll stop playing on the computer and take it easy until bedtime. LOL!
My lip hurt a lot today so I'll ask the doctor tomorrow for a topical analgesic. There's no sense in hurting when there is help available.
I've also had the furnace on for the last couple of days because I'm afraid to get a chill and catch a cold. I can't continue the radiation treatments if I'm sick and there's no way I want to stop them before their scheduled finish on October 13th. It's supposed to start warming up again tomorrow, though, so I can turn the furnace off then. I usually don't worry at all about catching a cold because I rarely get one. About once a year is normal for me. I haven't had a cold in over a year and my goal is to at least make it to Shelley's in November before one catches up with me. It's very comforting to have a nurse in training to be a nurse practitioner in the family.
Well, I think I'll stop playing on the computer and take it easy until bedtime. LOL!
I know I've been in this house for a lot of years but it's still kind of odd to find something I had no idea was there or even where it came from. I rearranged my closet (kind of a walk-in) a few years ago so the item I found must have been noticed by me then so I don't know why it surprised me to find it yesterday.
There is a large queen sized quilt still hanging in the dry cleaner's bag at one end of the closet and I moved it slightly while hanging up some clothes. Behind it was a keyboard. Now where the heck had that come from and why was it in my closet? It's at times like this that I wonder if Alzheimers (spelled right?) is setting in. How many people have a keyboard in the back of their closet??
I brought it downstairs and managed to foist it off on Cindy (but she forgot the framed print I also gave her)...she can do whatever she wants with it, even drop it off at the local Salvation Army if she chooses. I'd thought I'd gotten rid of most of the extraneous stuff I had in this house but here was a bloomin' keyboard that I had absolutely no need for! I'm sort of wondering how much more is in the house that will surprise me when I discover it.
We do accumulate too many things along the way that we might need for a moment but not a lifetime. I really do need to have another yard sale in the spring and scour this house more carefully.
There is a large queen sized quilt still hanging in the dry cleaner's bag at one end of the closet and I moved it slightly while hanging up some clothes. Behind it was a keyboard. Now where the heck had that come from and why was it in my closet? It's at times like this that I wonder if Alzheimers (spelled right?) is setting in. How many people have a keyboard in the back of their closet??
I brought it downstairs and managed to foist it off on Cindy (but she forgot the framed print I also gave her)...she can do whatever she wants with it, even drop it off at the local Salvation Army if she chooses. I'd thought I'd gotten rid of most of the extraneous stuff I had in this house but here was a bloomin' keyboard that I had absolutely no need for! I'm sort of wondering how much more is in the house that will surprise me when I discover it.
We do accumulate too many things along the way that we might need for a moment but not a lifetime. I really do need to have another yard sale in the spring and scour this house more carefully.
Saturday, October 01, 2011
Today I received another racist e-mail and it got me thinking how much racism still abounds in our world. We do tend to look askance at what we're not familiar with and I'm just as guilty in my own way. I am uncomfortable about Moslems and probably always will be unless I get to know some of them well.
I remember seeing news reports in the 1960's about "white only" restaurants, schools, and drinking fountains in the southern States and thinking how awful this must make black people feel. As far as I know, this never happened in Canada so I'd never seen it in person. I also remember seeing the photos of those very brave children, protected by police, integrating white schools while madly raving white people were held back from attacking them. I was ashamed of my own race.
There's no doubt that racism has never been wiped out and probably never will be, at least not in the next century. We imperfect humans are prejudiced against many types of people...fat, old, skinny, homely, and anything other than what is considered the norm in our tiny little circles. We are definitely narrow minded and it takes a lot to drag us out of such limited thinking. Knowledge helps so there should be a lot of emphasis in our schools placed on acceptance. A weekly class on world religions and customs should be mandatory in every school because we tend to fear what we don't understand.
We often hear of the ignorant immigrant who comes into our country and demands that we change our ways and conform to his/hers but that is rare. Most immigrants come to this country because it is better than the one they left and they're happy to be here. They want to add to our culture, not change it.
I love the diversity of culture and races which makes our country a more interesting one. It can be a struggle for many of us, including me, to understand some of our immigrants but it's worth making the attempt because we'll all benefit in the end. All I expect is that any immigrant should come here with the intention of joining us and working with us to better our country. That's what my ancestors did when they emigrated to Canada from Ireland about a hundred years ago and it should be no different today.
Well, I talk a big game but I have my own prejudices to overcome. I'm trying.
I remember seeing news reports in the 1960's about "white only" restaurants, schools, and drinking fountains in the southern States and thinking how awful this must make black people feel. As far as I know, this never happened in Canada so I'd never seen it in person. I also remember seeing the photos of those very brave children, protected by police, integrating white schools while madly raving white people were held back from attacking them. I was ashamed of my own race.
There's no doubt that racism has never been wiped out and probably never will be, at least not in the next century. We imperfect humans are prejudiced against many types of people...fat, old, skinny, homely, and anything other than what is considered the norm in our tiny little circles. We are definitely narrow minded and it takes a lot to drag us out of such limited thinking. Knowledge helps so there should be a lot of emphasis in our schools placed on acceptance. A weekly class on world religions and customs should be mandatory in every school because we tend to fear what we don't understand.
We often hear of the ignorant immigrant who comes into our country and demands that we change our ways and conform to his/hers but that is rare. Most immigrants come to this country because it is better than the one they left and they're happy to be here. They want to add to our culture, not change it.
I love the diversity of culture and races which makes our country a more interesting one. It can be a struggle for many of us, including me, to understand some of our immigrants but it's worth making the attempt because we'll all benefit in the end. All I expect is that any immigrant should come here with the intention of joining us and working with us to better our country. That's what my ancestors did when they emigrated to Canada from Ireland about a hundred years ago and it should be no different today.
Well, I talk a big game but I have my own prejudices to overcome. I'm trying.
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