Four friends and I went to the Collingwood Elvis Festival this past weekend. For anyone who has never seen Elvis impersonators, it is all done in fun without making fun of Elvis himself. The impersonators come in all shapes, sizes, sexes, and ages. No-one actually looks like Elvis but they dress like he did, comb their hair (somewhat) like he did, and sing his wonderful songs with gusto. The main streets of Collingwood were filled with people sharing the same interests and enjoying them with no embarrassment. Many come dressed as Elvis and mix in with the crowds....people smile fondly as they pass by. "Blue Suede Shoes", "Suspicious Minds", "Heartbreak Hotel", and oh, so many more, played and sung everywhere we went. It's magical in a way, how almost 30 years after Elvis died he's still revered and celebrated.
We bought Elvis bracelets, wore Elvis earrings and t-shirts. We sat for hours and watched one performer after another sing the songs of a man who provided us with some of our favorite moments. We sang along until our voices gave out. We stayed up till the wee hours of the morning in our hotel room...laughing, drinking, dancing to Elvis music. At the end of 3 days filled with Elvis, we 5 Grandmothers hugged each other goodbye and promised we'd do it all over again next year!
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