I don't know if the "turd toss" is unique to the senior park I spend my winters at or if it's been used elsewhere. The first time I heard of such a thing, I just thought it was hilarious. I spend 6 months a year at a senior park in Florida where I have more fun than anywhere else on earth. In mid March we congregate on "Easy Street" and sign up for the great Turd Toss contest where the Turd King and the Turd Queen for the coming year will be decided by a toss of the "turd".
We have a new, unused potty sitting regally in the middle of the road...lid open. As each contestant steps up to the line (about 20 feet from the potty), they are handed a damp pantyhose wrapped bundle of cooked speghetti which they have to toss into the potty. On either side of the street are rows of interested spectators cheering on their favorite contestant...to be honest, we cheer them all on!
"Turds" fly through the air landing in, on, or far away from the potty, depending on the tossing skill of the contestant. When someone is lucky enough to land a turd directly into the potty we are ecstatic...there will be a new king or queen this year! Sometimes we have to have a "turd toss off" because of a tie and we end up congratulating the winner and consoling the loser.
At the end of the contest, the winners are draped in regal purple velvet robes and crowns and declared the new Turd King and Turd Queen for the next year. Their duties will be to lead the park parades and appear at park functions wearing their royal attire. We take this quite seriously and treat our royal couple with much respect...and more than a few giggles.
P.S. I just learned how to attach a photo to my blog. One more success story for this computer novice!!
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