While I sit and do my Swedish weaving I like to have the T.V. on so I can listen to various talk shows. One of my favorites is Maury Povitch who has some of the oddest people come on and tell the world their outrageous stories.
Lately the theme is often "who's my baby's daddy" and these segments never fail to amaze me. Being a psychology nut, I'm entranced by these women coming on national T.V. to find out who fathered their children. Some need dozens of men tested!
What I find most disturbing is how many of the men express dislike and disrespect for the women they've shared intimate moments with. Do they really think they're any better than she is?
I married very young...I was 17 and my husband was 20. We had three children all fathered by my husband...how old-fashioned!! My children never had to grow up wondering who their father was. He was the hard working guy who lived in our house and brought his paycheck home every week. He was the guy who went to their school plays and their baseball games. He was the guy who took them camping and on vacations. He was the guy who loved them and supported them. This is the kind of man a woman should choose for her "baby's daddy".
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