I went out to the front of the house at 6:30 this morning to get some pictures of my spring garden for this blog. Unfortunately I can't get the pictures to come up but I'll try again later.
It looked quite pretty out there even though the tulips haven't opened yet but there is lots of promise in my garden. I made an effort when planting the tulip bulbs to plant a variety of early, mid, and late tulips. Wonder why I chose early yellow tulips when the yellow daffodils bloom at the same time?
Some of the rocks in my gardens were here when we bought the house back in 1968 but many have been lugged here from far and wide. Some of my prettiest pink rocks came from up around Bancroft. I think I like rocks in the garden because the combination of soft flowers among hard rocks appeals to my sense of esthetic beauty.
My neighbor, new at the time, gave me a nice compliment a couple of years ago. He said that my spring garden looked as though it was newly planted and cultivated. I've since assured him that all of my plantings are done with an eye to ease of maintenance and assurety of permanence.
From my computer I can see through the patio doors to the deck. I found some of the neatest planters at Home Depot one year and they sit firmly astride the deck rail, drainage holes on either side so that they don't drain onto the rail and rot the wood. Right now they're empty but I can already envision the riot of color that will fill them in another month.
Spring, as youth, is a promise of wonderful things yet to come.
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