We're having a 3 day patch of cooler weather, probably mid 70's, and that suits me fine for working out in the garden. The weeds have been growing faster than the plants I want so it's time to remove them.
It's also the start of a long span of rainfree days (promised, anyway) so I'm also going to drench the potted plants. We've had so much sporadic rainfall that I've seldom had to water anything myself but today's the day. I'm a little worried about when I'm away next week because there really is no rain in the forecast for a few weeks. I've asked my sweet neighbor if she'd water while I'm away if that was the case.
I plan to bunch as many potted plants as possible together in as shady an area as possible but some will just have to survive with no help at all. I hate the thought of coming home to flowering plants that have wilted beyond any chance of recovery but what will be will be. This is always a concern whether you're gone for a few days or a few weeks in the summer.
My other concern is that I'm heading to Florida in hurricane season. Right now there's one brewing in the Gulf and it should hit today or tomorrow but I haven't heard of anything behind it so maybe we'll luck out and not get blown away while we're there. It's enough that I'm worrying about suffering heat stroke by being in Florida in July.
Anyway, today I weed and that's all that's on my agenda. I'm trying to hold off cutting the lawn until Saturday because I don't want it to get too overgrown while I'm away. Pushing a lawnmower through high grass is just too difficult...I know my limits. I really enjoy keeping the outside of the house looking pretty but it's best to not let it get too far ahead of me.
I guess I've procrastinated long enough playing on the computer so now it's time to get to work.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
What Will Go Wrong?
I never knew my father but I think he might have been a Jew because his last name was Riskin and that sounds Jewish to me. In any case, it's either a joke or the truth that Jews are supposed to be worriers and that's what I am.
I've had so many crises with this house since my husband passed away five years ago... squirrels (gone), mice (gone), centipedes (mostly gone), water in the basement (followed by expensive waterproofing), broken furnace (replaced), near broken water heater (replaced), new roof, broken front door lock (fixed), falling tile in bathroom (replaced), basement reno that went horribly wrong at first (new renovator and more money spent). Just writing all that makes me tense up all over again. It seems as though I was cursed for a while and that I should sell the house and get the heck out.
So far this year, nothing has gone drastically wrong and it's making me nervous. I've taken care of all those previous problems and now I'm wondering what the fates have in store for me just around the corner. There is a slight new concern with the front steps and that could be it. My initial reno nightmare began with a family friend (no more) who convinced me that it was all right to place untreated plywood over the concrete porch and steps and then cover it with that gritty paint. Well, one step has started growing fungus so I guess the underlying plywood has gotten wet. I have no idea what to do about this but it is something I'll have to look after fairly soon. Since I'm planning on selling the house in the near future I don't want to go to the expense of replacing the porch and steps but I may have to do something about them...maybe next year. This year I'm sort of worry free but I know it's only a matter of time before I have to take action.
I don't think I've had a completely worry free day since I was a little girl. It's one of the reasons I love to watch a child at play. Some of their contentedness passes over to me and I remember once more what it's like to be a child without a worry in the world. Too bad it doesn't last!
I've had so many crises with this house since my husband passed away five years ago... squirrels (gone), mice (gone), centipedes (mostly gone), water in the basement (followed by expensive waterproofing), broken furnace (replaced), near broken water heater (replaced), new roof, broken front door lock (fixed), falling tile in bathroom (replaced), basement reno that went horribly wrong at first (new renovator and more money spent). Just writing all that makes me tense up all over again. It seems as though I was cursed for a while and that I should sell the house and get the heck out.
So far this year, nothing has gone drastically wrong and it's making me nervous. I've taken care of all those previous problems and now I'm wondering what the fates have in store for me just around the corner. There is a slight new concern with the front steps and that could be it. My initial reno nightmare began with a family friend (no more) who convinced me that it was all right to place untreated plywood over the concrete porch and steps and then cover it with that gritty paint. Well, one step has started growing fungus so I guess the underlying plywood has gotten wet. I have no idea what to do about this but it is something I'll have to look after fairly soon. Since I'm planning on selling the house in the near future I don't want to go to the expense of replacing the porch and steps but I may have to do something about them...maybe next year. This year I'm sort of worry free but I know it's only a matter of time before I have to take action.
I don't think I've had a completely worry free day since I was a little girl. It's one of the reasons I love to watch a child at play. Some of their contentedness passes over to me and I remember once more what it's like to be a child without a worry in the world. Too bad it doesn't last!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Protesters or Brain Dead Vandals?
I wasn't surprised that some of the so-called protesters at the G20 were there only to vandalize and not to demonstrate peacefully. What I don't understand is why they thought that burning police cars and breaking windows would make anyone want to support their cause, whatever the hell it was.
Apparently a lot of university students took part in the vandalizing which will have to be paid for with our tax dollars. This is money that might have been used to keep their tuition fees lower. These students will be the first to scream that it's costing them too much money to attend university.
Legitimate protesters, with normal agendas, were ignored because all the attention was on the juvenile vandals. I watched on T.V. as young men bashed in car windows and took a great deal of time demolishing a huge plate glass window. Why? What is the point other than showing that a huge crowd of idiots can't be contained by the police force trying to keep the peace?
Those who were arrested moaned and whined on T.V. that the jail cells were cold and uncomfortable. Didn't they, somewhere in their little brains, think that rioting might land them in jail?
I think the police forces (combined) did an excellent job of protecting the world leaders. Heaven forbid that one of the jackasses who rioted might have gotten through to one of them and caused physical harm. It really makes me wonder who organized the black shirts (rioters) and why because nothing good can come from what they did.
Canada is by far one of the most peaceful countries in the world and the rioters have given us a bad name. I hope we won't be judged by the actions of a few who don't have the common sense they were born with.
Apparently a lot of university students took part in the vandalizing which will have to be paid for with our tax dollars. This is money that might have been used to keep their tuition fees lower. These students will be the first to scream that it's costing them too much money to attend university.
Legitimate protesters, with normal agendas, were ignored because all the attention was on the juvenile vandals. I watched on T.V. as young men bashed in car windows and took a great deal of time demolishing a huge plate glass window. Why? What is the point other than showing that a huge crowd of idiots can't be contained by the police force trying to keep the peace?
Those who were arrested moaned and whined on T.V. that the jail cells were cold and uncomfortable. Didn't they, somewhere in their little brains, think that rioting might land them in jail?
I think the police forces (combined) did an excellent job of protecting the world leaders. Heaven forbid that one of the jackasses who rioted might have gotten through to one of them and caused physical harm. It really makes me wonder who organized the black shirts (rioters) and why because nothing good can come from what they did.
Canada is by far one of the most peaceful countries in the world and the rioters have given us a bad name. I hope we won't be judged by the actions of a few who don't have the common sense they were born with.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Relics or Treasures?
I went to a 49 1/2 birthday party for my nephew last night and, as usual, the generations split up to sit at their own tables. It makes sense, we have different things to talk about.
Larry, the 49 1/2 year old, was more than surprised by the party. His wife had a great idea and it worked. A lot of the family was there along with many of their friends and the whole party meshed quite well...until I went over to my daughter's table to talk to her.
Kim mentioned that the people at her table were the old ones (40's and 50's) and I said, "well, what the hell are we?", pointing to my table of 60's and 70's vintage. She replied that we were relics and I was shocked. Relics are sort of staid and stuffy and none of us are anything like that. I decided that we were not relics but treasures.
We've become the generation where we need to set an example for the young uns. We're here and we're dear. Love us, cater to us, and then get out of our way because were the free generation. We can spend our days as we please and most of us are enjoying this stage of our lives with great passion.
Relics? The title just doesn't fit.
Larry, the 49 1/2 year old, was more than surprised by the party. His wife had a great idea and it worked. A lot of the family was there along with many of their friends and the whole party meshed quite well...until I went over to my daughter's table to talk to her.
Kim mentioned that the people at her table were the old ones (40's and 50's) and I said, "well, what the hell are we?", pointing to my table of 60's and 70's vintage. She replied that we were relics and I was shocked. Relics are sort of staid and stuffy and none of us are anything like that. I decided that we were not relics but treasures.
We've become the generation where we need to set an example for the young uns. We're here and we're dear. Love us, cater to us, and then get out of our way because were the free generation. We can spend our days as we please and most of us are enjoying this stage of our lives with great passion.
Relics? The title just doesn't fit.
Friday, June 25, 2010
I've been sleeping so well lately that last night came as a surprise. My mind would just not turn off. I know I dozed off occasionally but it didn't last long and then I'd be tossing and turning again and again. All told, I probably got only a few hours sleep and it's apparent this morning. I'm tired and irritable. To make matters worse, the milk has soured and I can't even have a mug of coffee to perk me up.
I have a lot to do today so nap time is out of the question. There's banking, grocery shopping, picking up my passport, and lunch with Donna. Come to think of it, I could squeeze in a nap late this afternoon...and probably will. Seniors have so much "free" time that we can always find a short span to snooze if we really want to.
It must be terrible to be a working Mom who has to put in her 8 hours at a job and then come home to another 8 hours with her family which also requires every spare second of her time. Parents have to run themselves ragged without the luxury of naptime when they need it. Good parents persevere for the sake of the family, though. Bless them!
Well, I can't stop yawning but it's time for me to get busy. I'll be looking forward to late afternoon when I can snooze and snore to my heart's content.
I have a lot to do today so nap time is out of the question. There's banking, grocery shopping, picking up my passport, and lunch with Donna. Come to think of it, I could squeeze in a nap late this afternoon...and probably will. Seniors have so much "free" time that we can always find a short span to snooze if we really want to.
It must be terrible to be a working Mom who has to put in her 8 hours at a job and then come home to another 8 hours with her family which also requires every spare second of her time. Parents have to run themselves ragged without the luxury of naptime when they need it. Good parents persevere for the sake of the family, though. Bless them!
Well, I can't stop yawning but it's time for me to get busy. I'll be looking forward to late afternoon when I can snooze and snore to my heart's content.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Maine First Graders Offered Condoms
I am constantly shocked by the way our world is becoming more and more liberal to the point of destroying our morals completely. Today I read that primary schools in Maine will offer condoms to children as young as first graders (not sure if they'd use them for balloons) and ignore the wishes of parents who reject this new policy.
My first reaction was, "How dare these school boards put ideas in these little children's minds if the parents are against it?". Have we allowed school boards to become so powerful that they have more say in how our children are raised than the parents have? It might be interesting to know how many of the people on the school boards involved in this adventure are actually parents of 5 year old babies.
When did parents lose control of how long they wanted to keep their children innocent? When and how did parents allow the school boards to dictate their children's sex education? How much crap will parents put up with before they stand up and yell, "NO!".
I was very proud of the parents in Ontario who stood up to their school boards and refused to allow their young children to be taught about gay sex. It really is time that parents took control of the destiny of their own children and not allow ultra liberal teachers and school boards to make important decisions for them.
The sweet innocence of childhood is one of the most precious times in life. It's gone too soon but to lose it at age 5 is monstrous.
My first reaction was, "How dare these school boards put ideas in these little children's minds if the parents are against it?". Have we allowed school boards to become so powerful that they have more say in how our children are raised than the parents have? It might be interesting to know how many of the people on the school boards involved in this adventure are actually parents of 5 year old babies.
When did parents lose control of how long they wanted to keep their children innocent? When and how did parents allow the school boards to dictate their children's sex education? How much crap will parents put up with before they stand up and yell, "NO!".
I was very proud of the parents in Ontario who stood up to their school boards and refused to allow their young children to be taught about gay sex. It really is time that parents took control of the destiny of their own children and not allow ultra liberal teachers and school boards to make important decisions for them.
The sweet innocence of childhood is one of the most precious times in life. It's gone too soon but to lose it at age 5 is monstrous.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Quake Effect
This last earthquake started in the Ottawa area but was felt as far south as here in Hamilton, anyway. It wasn't the first time we'd had minor quakes but this one startled me a little more.
I was sitting on the sofa watching T.V. and felt the sofa sort of jump. It felt even stronger than when Kim's dog, Baker, gets under it and walks from end to end banging her sturdy little body on the underside of the sofa. My first thought was that someone was under there and my heart stopped for a second. Then the shudder occurred again and I was ready to run for the door.
It took only seconds before my wild imagination was replaced with reason and I felt a little foolish for panicking. I checked the walls of the house to make sure no cracks had occurred but all was okay.
It sort of amazes me that an earthquake (5.0) so far away would make the earth tremble right here.
I was sitting on the sofa watching T.V. and felt the sofa sort of jump. It felt even stronger than when Kim's dog, Baker, gets under it and walks from end to end banging her sturdy little body on the underside of the sofa. My first thought was that someone was under there and my heart stopped for a second. Then the shudder occurred again and I was ready to run for the door.
It took only seconds before my wild imagination was replaced with reason and I felt a little foolish for panicking. I checked the walls of the house to make sure no cracks had occurred but all was okay.
It sort of amazes me that an earthquake (5.0) so far away would make the earth tremble right here.
Gays Will Protest at G20
There are going to be so many protesters at the G20 in Toronto, all protesting for their own causes, that I'm not surprised that a gay contingent or two will be there also. The shame of it is that many will be there in freakish costume to draw attention to themselves in a way that does not represent the normal gay population.
One of the things they will be demanding is that every country in the world should accept them instead of shunning or ostracizing them because of their sexual preference. I understand them wanting unconditional acceptance but I also understand that gays will always be viewed as an aberration to some people. Seeing gays dressed in ridiculous costumes and flaunting themselves doesn't help change opinions like that. It only reinforces the prejudice. I believe if they paraded in regular street clothes, looking like normal people, they would be presenting themselves in a more natural and non threatening way. This might make people more receptive.
I read in this morning's newspaper that Ontario gays are very unhappy about the reversal of what was to be our new sex education guidelines for public schools. A gay lifestyle, sexual activity between two people of the same sex, makes it impossible for them to produce children. It seems incongruous that they should have any say in how heterosexual parents teach their children about sex. The gay community had wanted children as young as 5 years old to be taught about gay relationships and that would have been too confusing for them. I agree that sex education classes should include information about gays but not until the children are much older and able to understand that gays, who are only a small percentage of the population, should be accepted and not discriminated against.
When I was young, there seemed to be very few gay people (most still in hiding) and we were repulsed by the thought of two people of the same sex being together. Over the years I've re-educated myself and opened my mind a bit in order to realize that gays should not be harmed in any way for their lifestyle but I still believe they are not "normal". That sounds so awful in print but I'm trying to be honest about this.
Living creatures are somehow conditioned to reject that which is not the norm. I don't know if it's an ingrained obsession to insure the propogation of the species or if it's a need to propogate only the best of the species. In any case, gays who are true to their sexual nature, don't fit in with the master plan. If 100% of the population was gay the human race would disappear in one generation so they don't benefit the human race at all.
That said, I've also seen the sad effects of a sweet and wonderful gay man trying to live in a homophobic society and not able to withstand it. He committed suicide when he was in his 20's. This is so wrong and it's why I've come to the realization that gays need and deserve acceptance. I don't want the heterosexual community trying to change them but I also don't want the gay community trying to dictate to heterosexuals. We can live in peace and acceptance as long as we don't step on each other's toes.
The gay protesters we'll see at the G20 won't be representative of the gay community. In their own way, they'll be an aberration of the gay community. There really are all kinds, aren't there?
One of the things they will be demanding is that every country in the world should accept them instead of shunning or ostracizing them because of their sexual preference. I understand them wanting unconditional acceptance but I also understand that gays will always be viewed as an aberration to some people. Seeing gays dressed in ridiculous costumes and flaunting themselves doesn't help change opinions like that. It only reinforces the prejudice. I believe if they paraded in regular street clothes, looking like normal people, they would be presenting themselves in a more natural and non threatening way. This might make people more receptive.
I read in this morning's newspaper that Ontario gays are very unhappy about the reversal of what was to be our new sex education guidelines for public schools. A gay lifestyle, sexual activity between two people of the same sex, makes it impossible for them to produce children. It seems incongruous that they should have any say in how heterosexual parents teach their children about sex. The gay community had wanted children as young as 5 years old to be taught about gay relationships and that would have been too confusing for them. I agree that sex education classes should include information about gays but not until the children are much older and able to understand that gays, who are only a small percentage of the population, should be accepted and not discriminated against.
When I was young, there seemed to be very few gay people (most still in hiding) and we were repulsed by the thought of two people of the same sex being together. Over the years I've re-educated myself and opened my mind a bit in order to realize that gays should not be harmed in any way for their lifestyle but I still believe they are not "normal". That sounds so awful in print but I'm trying to be honest about this.
Living creatures are somehow conditioned to reject that which is not the norm. I don't know if it's an ingrained obsession to insure the propogation of the species or if it's a need to propogate only the best of the species. In any case, gays who are true to their sexual nature, don't fit in with the master plan. If 100% of the population was gay the human race would disappear in one generation so they don't benefit the human race at all.
That said, I've also seen the sad effects of a sweet and wonderful gay man trying to live in a homophobic society and not able to withstand it. He committed suicide when he was in his 20's. This is so wrong and it's why I've come to the realization that gays need and deserve acceptance. I don't want the heterosexual community trying to change them but I also don't want the gay community trying to dictate to heterosexuals. We can live in peace and acceptance as long as we don't step on each other's toes.
The gay protesters we'll see at the G20 won't be representative of the gay community. In their own way, they'll be an aberration of the gay community. There really are all kinds, aren't there?
Monday, June 21, 2010
Buying and Selling on Ebay
I've been both buying and selling on Ebay for quite a few years now and have had very few unpleasant experiences. Most people are honest and easy to deal with.
Something I've noticed lately is that a seller will not leave feedback until their buyer receives the item and leaves feedback for them, the seller. I understand this is a way of protecting yourself against crazy people who might leave you undeserved bad feedback but it's not a practice I follow personally.
I sell much more than I buy and my practice is to leave good feedback as soon as payment is made to me. I feel that someone who pays quickly deserves good feedback and I know I'm honest and will mail their parcel quickly and so have nothing to worry about. Most leave good feedback for me, some don't leave any, and a very slight few aren't happy with me. I have to admit that a couple were my own fault...I didn't package well enough or failed to notice a flaw in the item. These were honest mistakes on my part...it can happen.
It's the crazy ones who irritate the life out of me. People who never paid and failed to reply to any of the e-mails I sent them are the worst. I used to leave bad feedback for them and honestly say that they hadn't paid but some of these people are whacky. They sometimes respond with total lies and that sits on my feedback forever. There's no fighting back because Ebay will not remove those outrageous comments. I finally gave up and just ignore the very, very few buyers who don't pay up. They do go on my list of people I won't accepts bids from in the future, though.
I've thoroughly enjoyed Ebay for the most part. No-where else can you reach so many potential buyers and sellers and all from different countries, too. I buy and sell all over the world and it's been a great source of enjoyment for me. It's just so much fun to find that one person in Israel, Taiwan, or New Zealand likes what I'm selling enough to buy it. Most of the jewelry I buy comes from India or China and so far I've been more than happy with what I receive.
Ebay, like everything else, isn't perfect but it's a marvelous concept that's opened up the world to everyday people like me.
Something I've noticed lately is that a seller will not leave feedback until their buyer receives the item and leaves feedback for them, the seller. I understand this is a way of protecting yourself against crazy people who might leave you undeserved bad feedback but it's not a practice I follow personally.
I sell much more than I buy and my practice is to leave good feedback as soon as payment is made to me. I feel that someone who pays quickly deserves good feedback and I know I'm honest and will mail their parcel quickly and so have nothing to worry about. Most leave good feedback for me, some don't leave any, and a very slight few aren't happy with me. I have to admit that a couple were my own fault...I didn't package well enough or failed to notice a flaw in the item. These were honest mistakes on my part...it can happen.
It's the crazy ones who irritate the life out of me. People who never paid and failed to reply to any of the e-mails I sent them are the worst. I used to leave bad feedback for them and honestly say that they hadn't paid but some of these people are whacky. They sometimes respond with total lies and that sits on my feedback forever. There's no fighting back because Ebay will not remove those outrageous comments. I finally gave up and just ignore the very, very few buyers who don't pay up. They do go on my list of people I won't accepts bids from in the future, though.
I've thoroughly enjoyed Ebay for the most part. No-where else can you reach so many potential buyers and sellers and all from different countries, too. I buy and sell all over the world and it's been a great source of enjoyment for me. It's just so much fun to find that one person in Israel, Taiwan, or New Zealand likes what I'm selling enough to buy it. Most of the jewelry I buy comes from India or China and so far I've been more than happy with what I receive.
Ebay, like everything else, isn't perfect but it's a marvelous concept that's opened up the world to everyday people like me.
Wrong Festival
Picture this. A gorgeous spring/summer day and 3 young men renting a canoe to paddle around the bay. During their travels they spot a festival happening in the park along the shoreline so they decide to park their canoe and take part.
My grandson and his 2 friends are in their early 20's so I'm sure they thought they'd find some good looking girls at the festival to hang out with. The three of them sauntered around until one happened to notice a banner headlining the group the festival was for. It was for gays, lesbians, and transgender people.
The 3 young men were none of those things so , very disappointed, they left.
My grandson is not homophobic. He rents an apartment from a family friend who is an openly gay man and one we love very much. His friends might have been a little more disconcerted but most young people today don't feel the revulsion for gays that earlier generations did and that's a good thing.
In any case, the boys left because they weren't about to find the kind of companionship they were seeking.
My grandson and his 2 friends are in their early 20's so I'm sure they thought they'd find some good looking girls at the festival to hang out with. The three of them sauntered around until one happened to notice a banner headlining the group the festival was for. It was for gays, lesbians, and transgender people.
The 3 young men were none of those things so , very disappointed, they left.
My grandson is not homophobic. He rents an apartment from a family friend who is an openly gay man and one we love very much. His friends might have been a little more disconcerted but most young people today don't feel the revulsion for gays that earlier generations did and that's a good thing.
In any case, the boys left because they weren't about to find the kind of companionship they were seeking.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
A Full Life
Anyone who reads my blog knows that I have a full and satisfying life but I want to take a moment and explain why that is so.
Years ago when I had depression, my life was very confined. In those days, I was unable to look beyond myself and my perceived troubles and therefore missed out on a lot of what was going on around me. There was no reaching out on my part because I felt unworthy.
I've since discovered that the secret to expanding your life is to open up to possibilities. Forget about yourself for a while and accept others for what you can offer to each other. I'm constantly astounded by how much goodness I find in other people and how trustworthy most of them are. Every new friend or even acquaintance that comes into my life enriches it in ways I could never have imagined. The more people you surround yourself with the more it takes your mind off yourself.
We'd probably all be a little bit sad if all we had to think about each day was ourselves. There are aches, pains, and unrequited love in everybody's lives but we don't need to dwell on those things. I once counseled a widow that the best way for her to drag herself out of a lonely life of woe was to start by taking part in the senior center's activities. She rejected the idea, preferring to concentrate on her solitary misery instead.
Some people live very satisfying lives even though seldom making contact with others. Those are people who are happy within themselves but most of us need companionship to be truly happy. These days I'm quite content when I'm alone but it doesn't take long before I'm out searching for more stimulation. I like talking to people and I love interesting people. Believe it or not, most people are very interesting if you give them the chance to open up.
When I was younger I never talked to strangers and kept a "hands off" aura around me. Today I yak to anyone and it's amazing to watch a stranger thaw just by making a small comment while standing in line somewhere. I think there are a lot of lonely people out there who just don't know how to make contact. Maybe all it takes is a few words to give a lift and bring a smile.
I read back over what I've written and see that my happiness began when I stopped dwelling on myself and stepped out of my shell. Since those dark days I've found a whole world of interest and possibilities that was always there just waiting for me to notice it.
Life is what you make of it.
Years ago when I had depression, my life was very confined. In those days, I was unable to look beyond myself and my perceived troubles and therefore missed out on a lot of what was going on around me. There was no reaching out on my part because I felt unworthy.
I've since discovered that the secret to expanding your life is to open up to possibilities. Forget about yourself for a while and accept others for what you can offer to each other. I'm constantly astounded by how much goodness I find in other people and how trustworthy most of them are. Every new friend or even acquaintance that comes into my life enriches it in ways I could never have imagined. The more people you surround yourself with the more it takes your mind off yourself.
We'd probably all be a little bit sad if all we had to think about each day was ourselves. There are aches, pains, and unrequited love in everybody's lives but we don't need to dwell on those things. I once counseled a widow that the best way for her to drag herself out of a lonely life of woe was to start by taking part in the senior center's activities. She rejected the idea, preferring to concentrate on her solitary misery instead.
Some people live very satisfying lives even though seldom making contact with others. Those are people who are happy within themselves but most of us need companionship to be truly happy. These days I'm quite content when I'm alone but it doesn't take long before I'm out searching for more stimulation. I like talking to people and I love interesting people. Believe it or not, most people are very interesting if you give them the chance to open up.
When I was younger I never talked to strangers and kept a "hands off" aura around me. Today I yak to anyone and it's amazing to watch a stranger thaw just by making a small comment while standing in line somewhere. I think there are a lot of lonely people out there who just don't know how to make contact. Maybe all it takes is a few words to give a lift and bring a smile.
I read back over what I've written and see that my happiness began when I stopped dwelling on myself and stepped out of my shell. Since those dark days I've found a whole world of interest and possibilities that was always there just waiting for me to notice it.
Life is what you make of it.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Yard Sale Done
I kind of like having yard sales because you get to meet such nice people. Today's sale was held with threat of rain and deadly gusty winds, a few of which nearly blew my tent away. Kim and Faye began putting up the tent while I went in the house for something and, when I went back outside, found one of our customers helping them put it up.
I had cleaned out excess dishes from my cupboards and they were the heaviest darned things to cart outside. That wore me out more than anything. It's always more tiring carting all your stuff out to the driveway than it is doing anything else. I enjoyed the people who came and took advantage of the bargains I had to offer. My sales totalled over $90 and that's more than I made with the yard sales last summer when I was selling my flea market stock. I sold some of the jewelry today, too, and that helped.
We closed up at 11 A.M. and Kim helped me pack up the car to take the leftovers to the Salvation Army store. It's nice to know that some of that good stuff is going for a good cause. I offered to buy Kim lunch at Wendy's but she declined so I went myself. I had a nice conversation with a lady (in her 80's) who works there. She'd been featured on a local T.V. program recently because of her age and the fact she planned to continue working for years to come. We don't see too much of that in Canada because of our good government health coverage. Seniors pay very little for health care, thank heavens, and there's no need for them to work to supplement it.
Now that the yard sale is over and my tummy is full, I think I'll rest my weary bones in front of the T.V. and just maybe have a little nap.
I had cleaned out excess dishes from my cupboards and they were the heaviest darned things to cart outside. That wore me out more than anything. It's always more tiring carting all your stuff out to the driveway than it is doing anything else. I enjoyed the people who came and took advantage of the bargains I had to offer. My sales totalled over $90 and that's more than I made with the yard sales last summer when I was selling my flea market stock. I sold some of the jewelry today, too, and that helped.
We closed up at 11 A.M. and Kim helped me pack up the car to take the leftovers to the Salvation Army store. It's nice to know that some of that good stuff is going for a good cause. I offered to buy Kim lunch at Wendy's but she declined so I went myself. I had a nice conversation with a lady (in her 80's) who works there. She'd been featured on a local T.V. program recently because of her age and the fact she planned to continue working for years to come. We don't see too much of that in Canada because of our good government health coverage. Seniors pay very little for health care, thank heavens, and there's no need for them to work to supplement it.
Now that the yard sale is over and my tummy is full, I think I'll rest my weary bones in front of the T.V. and just maybe have a little nap.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Eating Sensibly...-11 1/2

I try not to tell myself that a 1/2 pound loss for the week is nothing special but deep in my heart I know it is. My total weight loss since the end of February now stands at 11 1/2 pounds and I'm very happy about it.
There are 9 of us in our little group who e-mail (or are supposed to!) everyone on Friday with the week's results. Some e-mail regularly, some sporadically, and some not at all but that's okay. The ones who take the time to write are a great support to me. Without them, I would still be carrying around 11 1/2+ pounds because it's thinking about them that makes me reconsider what I eat.
I'm never going to be thin but that's not my goal. I want to be comfortable, that's all, and I'm not comfortable at this weight. My food intake has never been large but it's usually awfully high in carbs and fats. My daily activity is more gardening and housecleaning instead of exercising but I'm trying to change that. All in all, I'm taking an active and considerate part in changing how I eat where, in the past, I ate what I wanted and ignored the damage it was doing.
Now to work on next week's weigh-in!
There are 9 of us in our little group who e-mail (or are supposed to!) everyone on Friday with the week's results. Some e-mail regularly, some sporadically, and some not at all but that's okay. The ones who take the time to write are a great support to me. Without them, I would still be carrying around 11 1/2+ pounds because it's thinking about them that makes me reconsider what I eat.
I'm never going to be thin but that's not my goal. I want to be comfortable, that's all, and I'm not comfortable at this weight. My food intake has never been large but it's usually awfully high in carbs and fats. My daily activity is more gardening and housecleaning instead of exercising but I'm trying to change that. All in all, I'm taking an active and considerate part in changing how I eat where, in the past, I ate what I wanted and ignored the damage it was doing.
Now to work on next week's weigh-in!
More Rain?
Yesterday morning I trudged through the house looking for things to put out in the yard sale and managed to fill the kitchen counters, diningroom, and part of the livingroom with stuff. Some came from the basement but I didn't even get into my craft stock. To be honest, a lot of the stuff is excess dishes, glasses, and old 8 track tapes but, still, there are more areas that could be cleared out for even another yard sale.
This morning I was shocked and worried to discover that the sunny weekend forecast just a few days ago will now be threatened with thunderstorms. I don't want to live with my house in this mess for another week...and then only hope for a sunny Saturday.
Tomorrow morning could be sunny with the rain coming later on so Kim and I are going ahead with the sale. She's not too happy about being here at 7:30 A.M. but she will. She's a good girl!
This morning I was shocked and worried to discover that the sunny weekend forecast just a few days ago will now be threatened with thunderstorms. I don't want to live with my house in this mess for another week...and then only hope for a sunny Saturday.
Tomorrow morning could be sunny with the rain coming later on so Kim and I are going ahead with the sale. She's not too happy about being here at 7:30 A.M. but she will. She's a good girl!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Having a Yard Sale
I've been trying to plan a yard sale this spring but just about every weekend had a rain forecast. It's not just me who's involved but also my daughter, Kim, who helps me put up the tent and then subs for me when I have to go inside the house for coffee or a pee. I don't mind leaving regular yard sale stuff unattended but this year I'll also be selling my jewelry and that would disappear in a wink if left out.
Selling the jewelry at a yard sale means I can sell it at half price because there's no table rental cost. Renting a table at the hospital is costing me about $135 for the day so I have to charge more for the jewelry just to make a slight profit. It's still much more fun than doing the flea market, though, and my stock takes up very little space. It's something I can continue on with even when I'm in an apartment.
I made up the yard sale signs this morning and, as a veteran yard saler, I know exactly what to put on them..."YARD SALE" and an arrow pointing toward my house. People who write all kinds of information on their signs are wasting their time because motorists don't have the time to read it as they pass by.
I got rid of most of my disposable stuff at the yard sales I had last summer but there's always more that could go. I'm really getting into this purging thing and find it very freeing.
It's going to be a nice day today so I'll cut the grass, wash the patio furniture and lounge outside as long as I can. Life is good.
Selling the jewelry at a yard sale means I can sell it at half price because there's no table rental cost. Renting a table at the hospital is costing me about $135 for the day so I have to charge more for the jewelry just to make a slight profit. It's still much more fun than doing the flea market, though, and my stock takes up very little space. It's something I can continue on with even when I'm in an apartment.
I made up the yard sale signs this morning and, as a veteran yard saler, I know exactly what to put on them..."YARD SALE" and an arrow pointing toward my house. People who write all kinds of information on their signs are wasting their time because motorists don't have the time to read it as they pass by.
I got rid of most of my disposable stuff at the yard sales I had last summer but there's always more that could go. I'm really getting into this purging thing and find it very freeing.
It's going to be a nice day today so I'll cut the grass, wash the patio furniture and lounge outside as long as I can. Life is good.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I Sweat to the Oldies
I bought 3 of Richard Simmons "Sweating to the Oldies" tapes and today was the first time I dragged myself off my butt to try one out... 46 minutes of great music and simple exercises that were easy to follow! I really did sweat, too, because it's rainy out and humid this morning but once I turned a fan on myself it wasn't so bad.
Some of the exercises required more knee movement than I'm comfortable making so I just improvised during those movements. At the end of the tape, all of the people who had been dancing/exercising with Richard were introduced and most had lost over 100 pounds. To keep people moving at that weight, Richard Simmons has come up with a terrific idea...make the music fun to follow, not to mention the fun host himself.
If ever I was going to follow an exercise regimen, this is it. I loved it but remember how lazy I am. The best I can do is the best I can do.
Some of the exercises required more knee movement than I'm comfortable making so I just improvised during those movements. At the end of the tape, all of the people who had been dancing/exercising with Richard were introduced and most had lost over 100 pounds. To keep people moving at that weight, Richard Simmons has come up with a terrific idea...make the music fun to follow, not to mention the fun host himself.
If ever I was going to follow an exercise regimen, this is it. I loved it but remember how lazy I am. The best I can do is the best I can do.
Garbage Police
Today is garbage pick-up day in my neighborhood. Last week I put out a bin full of loose pop cans and the recycling people refused to pick them up because they were loose instead of in plastic bags...so much for reducing plastic in our garbage!
So I dutifully put the cans in a separate plastic bag along with another plastic bag full of newspapers. There were 3 small cardboard boxes so I added them to the recycling bin but they're so picky about things that I'm not sure they'll take those little boxes unless they also are in plastic bags. Next they'll want us to work for free at the recycling center!
I just happened to look out the front window and saw a man with a clipboard, yellow jacket with the huge "X" on it checking out my garbage. Could we now have a garbage police force? Did my dreadful error of not putting my pop cans in a plastic bag last week mean that I'm on their hit list? Are they taking note that there was no separate bag of veggie cans which could mean they're illegally hidden in my regular gabage? They're not because I seldom cook. Are they going to inspect the inside of my regular gabage bag and discover my credit statement showing I spent a heck of a lot of money last month?
I know we have to be more careful about what goes in landfill but having garbage police is going a little too far. I'm thinking that the sanitation department just might be getting too much tax dollars if they can afford to send workers ahead of the trucks to see if our garbage is 100% legal.
Update: I just found out that the "inspector" was checking to see who deserved a gold recycling box. I must have failed the test because of those few cardboard boxes that weren't tied together because I didn't get a gold box. It's a silly (and tax dollar expensive) way of applying guilt to us losers in the neighborhood.
So I dutifully put the cans in a separate plastic bag along with another plastic bag full of newspapers. There were 3 small cardboard boxes so I added them to the recycling bin but they're so picky about things that I'm not sure they'll take those little boxes unless they also are in plastic bags. Next they'll want us to work for free at the recycling center!
I just happened to look out the front window and saw a man with a clipboard, yellow jacket with the huge "X" on it checking out my garbage. Could we now have a garbage police force? Did my dreadful error of not putting my pop cans in a plastic bag last week mean that I'm on their hit list? Are they taking note that there was no separate bag of veggie cans which could mean they're illegally hidden in my regular gabage? They're not because I seldom cook. Are they going to inspect the inside of my regular gabage bag and discover my credit statement showing I spent a heck of a lot of money last month?
I know we have to be more careful about what goes in landfill but having garbage police is going a little too far. I'm thinking that the sanitation department just might be getting too much tax dollars if they can afford to send workers ahead of the trucks to see if our garbage is 100% legal.
Update: I just found out that the "inspector" was checking to see who deserved a gold recycling box. I must have failed the test because of those few cardboard boxes that weren't tied together because I didn't get a gold box. It's a silly (and tax dollar expensive) way of applying guilt to us losers in the neighborhood.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Morning Misadventures
I'd made an appointment with Brucedale Garage where I always get my emission testing done...or so I thought. At 8:40 A.M. I drove over to the garage and discovered it wasn't Brucedale Garage but Upper Gage Garage (these are street names in my city). Now I'm wondering where the heck Brucedale Garage might be...you'd assume on Brucedale Avenue but you would be wrong. I zipped home and looked in the phone book and discovered that Brucedale Garage is on Hester Street. Okay, it was close so over I went, arriving at 9 A.M. on the dot for my appointment.
It wasn't to be because there was a huge van stuck up on the hoist and they couldn't get it down. Now I needed the emission test done before I could get the car licence sticker so I drove all the way back to Upper Gage Garage and asked if they could possibly do my car today. I must have looked pitiful because they took it in right away and within minutes I was on my way to the licencing office.
All went well with renewing my driver's licence but when the clerk examined the emission testing paperwork she said part of it was missing. So off I went back to the garage and my missing paperwork was found slipped behind the desk. Back to the licencing bureau where I was met like an old friend by the clerk who processed everything in quick order.
I felt I deserved a nice breakfast so I drove over to Zeller's to eat and shop a tiny bit. I found a cute outfit for Nolan and a cute blouse for me but not in the color I wanted. No problem, there are 2 more Zeller's stores within driving distance so I went to Zeller's #2. There I found the blouse I loved in the color I wanted but there was also another nice color so I took both. I guess I still needed to pacify myself after my wild early morning.
Back home I had only a few minutes to spare before Donna arrived to do Swedish weaving. Gradually, with the handwork and our chatter, I felt myself calming down. It had been a hectic but ultimately productive morning but doing our handwork together was a pleasant way to put the rat race behind me.
I'd been feeling so overwhelmed with the looming chores of renewing passport, driver's licence, car sticker, and health card (still to be done) in a short span of time but now most of those unpleasant chores are taken care of. I don't easily handle a large pile of what I perceive as unpleasant jobs that need to be done at the same time. I usually become so overwhelmed that I can't relax enough to get anything done. Well, my latest stressful situation is almost over. On June 25th I pick up my new passport and I'll just wander up the street a few blocks and get my new health card. I don't know why these things seemed so difficult for me to accomplish but it's still bugging me that they all happened to need doing this month!
It wasn't to be because there was a huge van stuck up on the hoist and they couldn't get it down. Now I needed the emission test done before I could get the car licence sticker so I drove all the way back to Upper Gage Garage and asked if they could possibly do my car today. I must have looked pitiful because they took it in right away and within minutes I was on my way to the licencing office.
All went well with renewing my driver's licence but when the clerk examined the emission testing paperwork she said part of it was missing. So off I went back to the garage and my missing paperwork was found slipped behind the desk. Back to the licencing bureau where I was met like an old friend by the clerk who processed everything in quick order.
I felt I deserved a nice breakfast so I drove over to Zeller's to eat and shop a tiny bit. I found a cute outfit for Nolan and a cute blouse for me but not in the color I wanted. No problem, there are 2 more Zeller's stores within driving distance so I went to Zeller's #2. There I found the blouse I loved in the color I wanted but there was also another nice color so I took both. I guess I still needed to pacify myself after my wild early morning.
Back home I had only a few minutes to spare before Donna arrived to do Swedish weaving. Gradually, with the handwork and our chatter, I felt myself calming down. It had been a hectic but ultimately productive morning but doing our handwork together was a pleasant way to put the rat race behind me.
I'd been feeling so overwhelmed with the looming chores of renewing passport, driver's licence, car sticker, and health card (still to be done) in a short span of time but now most of those unpleasant chores are taken care of. I don't easily handle a large pile of what I perceive as unpleasant jobs that need to be done at the same time. I usually become so overwhelmed that I can't relax enough to get anything done. Well, my latest stressful situation is almost over. On June 25th I pick up my new passport and I'll just wander up the street a few blocks and get my new health card. I don't know why these things seemed so difficult for me to accomplish but it's still bugging me that they all happened to need doing this month!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Getting a Scope
I've been having trouble with my knee since injuring it 2 1/2 years ago doing high kicks...should have known better! Anyway, it's finally continued to bug me enough that I went to see my family doctor about it and he suggested it could be the meniscus...I think that's cartilage. I thought it was a torn ligament but it turns out I'm wrong.
My family doctor sent me to an orthopedic surgeon who finally diagnosed my problem and it is the meniscus. He said I could just live with it but if it was bothering me enough he could scope it. I think scoping is sort of cleaning out the damaged meniscus and that would pretty well be the end of my recurring pain. He first wanted to do the scope later in the fall but I told him that I leave for Florida at the end of October and would like it done and healed by the time I leave so he managed to fit me in for September 7th.
It turns out that scoping is done by cutting a small hole on either side of the knee and it's done under local anesthetic so I can watch the procedure. It's also day surgery and I'll be able to walk out after it's done. It will take about 4-5 weeks to heal and it's 80% effective. My biggest worry about this knee was that it would be a torn ligament that needed stitching up so just a scoping will be a piece of cake.
Just think, if I'd been smart enough to see my doctor soon after the injury, I wouldn't have spent 2 1/2 years with recurring pain in that knee. Usually I have more sense than to ignore pain but this one was so sporadic that it was sort of easy to brush it off. Better late than never and I learned my lesson!
My family doctor sent me to an orthopedic surgeon who finally diagnosed my problem and it is the meniscus. He said I could just live with it but if it was bothering me enough he could scope it. I think scoping is sort of cleaning out the damaged meniscus and that would pretty well be the end of my recurring pain. He first wanted to do the scope later in the fall but I told him that I leave for Florida at the end of October and would like it done and healed by the time I leave so he managed to fit me in for September 7th.
It turns out that scoping is done by cutting a small hole on either side of the knee and it's done under local anesthetic so I can watch the procedure. It's also day surgery and I'll be able to walk out after it's done. It will take about 4-5 weeks to heal and it's 80% effective. My biggest worry about this knee was that it would be a torn ligament that needed stitching up so just a scoping will be a piece of cake.
Just think, if I'd been smart enough to see my doctor soon after the injury, I wouldn't have spent 2 1/2 years with recurring pain in that knee. Usually I have more sense than to ignore pain but this one was so sporadic that it was sort of easy to brush it off. Better late than never and I learned my lesson!
BP Oil Spill
I have a lot of questions in my mind about this oil spill. Foremost is wondering what will happen if no-one is able to cap it. Will it continue to contaminate the Gulf of Mexico and surrounding shores forever? Will the beautiful Gulf of Mexico become like the Dead Sea, devoid of life?
How many billions of dollars of damage and loss of income to everyone affected will ever be repaid by BP? It seems impossible for even a rich oil company to cover the cost of what has been and will be lost.
Will the loss of all this oil cause our gas and oil prices to soar to new heights? Are we now more indebted to the Arabs to provide our gas and oil needs?
Will the states contaminated by the oil lose so much tourist revenue that they will have to cut police and firefighter jobs? Will those states become more unsafe to visit, further diminishing tourism?
But the big question is...why has the United States government not stepped in and taken charge of stopping the spill?
How many billions of dollars of damage and loss of income to everyone affected will ever be repaid by BP? It seems impossible for even a rich oil company to cover the cost of what has been and will be lost.
Will the loss of all this oil cause our gas and oil prices to soar to new heights? Are we now more indebted to the Arabs to provide our gas and oil needs?
Will the states contaminated by the oil lose so much tourist revenue that they will have to cut police and firefighter jobs? Will those states become more unsafe to visit, further diminishing tourism?
But the big question is...why has the United States government not stepped in and taken charge of stopping the spill?
Sunday, June 13, 2010
What Are We Doing?
After the incident with the two six year olds blowing kisses to each other and as much as being labeled perverts, I heard another story today that also borders on the ridiculous...sad but ridiculous.
My sister runs a day care in her home and her good husband, who is retired, helps her out occasionally with the children. He's always the chauffeur because Sharon doesn't drive. The kids love Jim because he's one of the sweetest, gentlest men on this earth.
Running a professional day care means that any adult in the home has to submit to a police check to make sure they don't pose a danger to the children in their care. This makes perfect sense and the rule should have been on the books years ago. Sharon has been running the day care for years and both her and Jim passed the check with flying colors.
The minor problem began the other day when one of the little girls was being picked up by her father after work. Jim was puttering around outside as they left and he patted the little girl on the head as she passed by, saying he'd see her the next day. Immediately she began to scream, "You touched me, you touched me!". Thank heavens her father was standing right there and saw it all so he apologized for his little girl's outburst. This didn't help poor Jim who had just had the fright of his life. What if that had happened while he was momentarily alone with the child, say in the kitchen or on the porch?
Sharon had to make a report of the incident to her superior and have the parents sign it. The parents were embarrassed by the whole thing and instantly co-operated. This child obviously doesn't know the difference between a good touch and a bad touch and this is why we're indoctrinating a whole generation of children who think any touch is bad.
Jim was so shaken by the incident that he now refuses to even help the children into their car seats. A very good and innocent man has been made to feel like a pedophile because he patted a little girl on the head. He'll never dare show any affection to a child again and it's such a loss...both to the children and to Jim.
I don't know if I've ever mentioned it in one of my blogs but a few years back I did some mentoring and the little girl was about 8 years old. I was told before our meeting that I was forbidden to touch her in any way and I agreed because that was the policy. Well, we had our first meeting and when it was time to leave I automatically gave her a little hug. She froze up like a popsicle and the worker who was monitoring the meeting gave me an equally freezing look to warn me.
I understand how careful everyone has to be when dealing with other people's children but maybe we've gone too far in some ways. A child needs to know that a stranger's pat on the head isn't necessarily a bad thing. A child also needs to know that it's not necessarily dangerous to give and accept little hugs. I know all of this is easier said than done but it's still so very sad that tokens of sincere affection will gradually disappear because we don't know how to do it without fear of molestation or being thrown in jail.
Only a generation ago our neighborhoods were filled with children playing together out on the street, walking back and forth to school, and vying for their teacher's occasional hug. Today's parents are so fearful of losing their children that they drive them everywhere they go, don't allow them to play outside, and would press charges against a teacher who hugged the child. Can it really be that we've come to this in order to keep our children safe? Are so many adults a true danger that all adults must be kept under suspicion?
Maybe it's true. Maybe it's the only way to keep our babies safe...and that doesn't say much for the human race, does it?
My sister runs a day care in her home and her good husband, who is retired, helps her out occasionally with the children. He's always the chauffeur because Sharon doesn't drive. The kids love Jim because he's one of the sweetest, gentlest men on this earth.
Running a professional day care means that any adult in the home has to submit to a police check to make sure they don't pose a danger to the children in their care. This makes perfect sense and the rule should have been on the books years ago. Sharon has been running the day care for years and both her and Jim passed the check with flying colors.
The minor problem began the other day when one of the little girls was being picked up by her father after work. Jim was puttering around outside as they left and he patted the little girl on the head as she passed by, saying he'd see her the next day. Immediately she began to scream, "You touched me, you touched me!". Thank heavens her father was standing right there and saw it all so he apologized for his little girl's outburst. This didn't help poor Jim who had just had the fright of his life. What if that had happened while he was momentarily alone with the child, say in the kitchen or on the porch?
Sharon had to make a report of the incident to her superior and have the parents sign it. The parents were embarrassed by the whole thing and instantly co-operated. This child obviously doesn't know the difference between a good touch and a bad touch and this is why we're indoctrinating a whole generation of children who think any touch is bad.
Jim was so shaken by the incident that he now refuses to even help the children into their car seats. A very good and innocent man has been made to feel like a pedophile because he patted a little girl on the head. He'll never dare show any affection to a child again and it's such a loss...both to the children and to Jim.
I don't know if I've ever mentioned it in one of my blogs but a few years back I did some mentoring and the little girl was about 8 years old. I was told before our meeting that I was forbidden to touch her in any way and I agreed because that was the policy. Well, we had our first meeting and when it was time to leave I automatically gave her a little hug. She froze up like a popsicle and the worker who was monitoring the meeting gave me an equally freezing look to warn me.
I understand how careful everyone has to be when dealing with other people's children but maybe we've gone too far in some ways. A child needs to know that a stranger's pat on the head isn't necessarily a bad thing. A child also needs to know that it's not necessarily dangerous to give and accept little hugs. I know all of this is easier said than done but it's still so very sad that tokens of sincere affection will gradually disappear because we don't know how to do it without fear of molestation or being thrown in jail.
Only a generation ago our neighborhoods were filled with children playing together out on the street, walking back and forth to school, and vying for their teacher's occasional hug. Today's parents are so fearful of losing their children that they drive them everywhere they go, don't allow them to play outside, and would press charges against a teacher who hugged the child. Can it really be that we've come to this in order to keep our children safe? Are so many adults a true danger that all adults must be kept under suspicion?
Maybe it's true. Maybe it's the only way to keep our babies safe...and that doesn't say much for the human race, does it?
Another New Background
I couldn't live with with the last background I chose for the blog so I've changed it to the present one. I do like change but it has to be something I'm comfortable with. I'll give this one a chance and see how long I like it.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
My Yard Sale Treasure!
Why Not Yard Sale?

At one house today there was a complete train set still in the box that looked unused and the lady offered to sell it to me for $3 but I thought Nolan was too young for it. When I expressed surprise at the price, the lady said her kids were too spoiled and had way too much stuff they never played with. Judging by what I see at yard sales, it seems like half the houses in the city are filled with kids who have way too much.
I don't yard sale as much as I used to when I had the flea market stall. Now it's just once in a while to find things to put on Ebay and toys for Nolan. With what I see at yard sales, I could fill this house with great toys and not spend $20 doing it.
The one treasure I found for myself is a gorgeous, gaudy, stained glass stand that I'll use to hang my jewelry from when I'm selling it...cost $2. Oh yes, I did get a brand new in the box creamer and sugar for myself, too...cost 50 cents.
Again I ask, why not yard sale??
Friday, June 11, 2010
New Background
Well, I've chosen a new background for my blog and it's a little daunting. I'd love to have it for a blouse but I'm not sure it isn't too garish for the blog. I guess I'll live with it for a while and see how it affects me.
My plans for today are to phone CAA and see if they have a photographer handy who can take my passport picture. If not, I'll get it done somewhere else. Then I have to take it and the passport application to my friend, Lisa, who will sign it and affirm it is a good likeness of me and that she's known me for more than 2 years.
Right after I phone CAA, I have to phone a local garage and make an appointment for my car's emissions test. That will probably be next week some time.
Then I have to drive out to Brantford and meet my grandson, Nick, for his birthday lunch. He turned 26 last Monday and he still likes to have his special birthday lunch or dinner with his Gramma. I've been doing this with all my grandchildren (except the American ones) since they were born. I catch the American ones whenever possible, though. Matt and Aeron have winter birthdays while I'm in Florida so I try to get to them before I leave.
After lunch with Nick, I'll go down to the passport office and hope to put a rush on my new passport. This is going to be a busy day but not impossible. Matt got his passport within 4 days so I'm not too worried about getting mine before July when I head down to Florida.
By the way, the milk for my morning coffee was soured so I'm going to be running caffeine free. I am woman, I am strong...even without the caffeine jolt!
Update: I got my passport picture taken at the CAA and now I'll have a passport picture showing me looking older than my mother. Lord love a duck! I met Nick for lunch and we had a lovely conversation along with our meal...I adore him! Then I drove downtown and spent more time looking for a parking spot than it took for me to go in and get my passport processed. I'll be picking it up on June 25th so that takes a big worry off my shoulders. Altogether a productive day!
My plans for today are to phone CAA and see if they have a photographer handy who can take my passport picture. If not, I'll get it done somewhere else. Then I have to take it and the passport application to my friend, Lisa, who will sign it and affirm it is a good likeness of me and that she's known me for more than 2 years.
Right after I phone CAA, I have to phone a local garage and make an appointment for my car's emissions test. That will probably be next week some time.
Then I have to drive out to Brantford and meet my grandson, Nick, for his birthday lunch. He turned 26 last Monday and he still likes to have his special birthday lunch or dinner with his Gramma. I've been doing this with all my grandchildren (except the American ones) since they were born. I catch the American ones whenever possible, though. Matt and Aeron have winter birthdays while I'm in Florida so I try to get to them before I leave.
After lunch with Nick, I'll go down to the passport office and hope to put a rush on my new passport. This is going to be a busy day but not impossible. Matt got his passport within 4 days so I'm not too worried about getting mine before July when I head down to Florida.
By the way, the milk for my morning coffee was soured so I'm going to be running caffeine free. I am woman, I am strong...even without the caffeine jolt!
Update: I got my passport picture taken at the CAA and now I'll have a passport picture showing me looking older than my mother. Lord love a duck! I met Nick for lunch and we had a lovely conversation along with our meal...I adore him! Then I drove downtown and spent more time looking for a parking spot than it took for me to go in and get my passport processed. I'll be picking it up on June 25th so that takes a big worry off my shoulders. Altogether a productive day!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
The S..T Has Hit The Fan
I was already feeling a bit harrassed because I need to get an emissions test for my car this summer before renewing the licence, renew my driver's licence, renew my health card, and renew my passport which expires in September. Now it seems that I have to rush the passport renewal because it expires less than 6 months after my July trip to Florida. First I have to get a passport photo and that's enough to really stress me right out. The last one I had taken looks suspiciously like my mother!
Why in the world does the U.S. require that a visitor's passport expire more than 6 months after their visit? I'm going for a bloody week, not months for heaven's sake. I'm certainly not a terrorist and I have not a smidgeon of interest in living in the States full time. I guess I could apply for an enhanced driver's licence instead but I know that will probably take longer to process than a passport.
It used to be so easy for Canadians to travel to the States. Our border was one of the friendliest in the world but that was before terrorists decided that Canada would make a nice jumping point into the States. I don't blame them for tightening entry restrictions but I just wish there was no need for it.
Why in the world does the U.S. require that a visitor's passport expire more than 6 months after their visit? I'm going for a bloody week, not months for heaven's sake. I'm certainly not a terrorist and I have not a smidgeon of interest in living in the States full time. I guess I could apply for an enhanced driver's licence instead but I know that will probably take longer to process than a passport.
It used to be so easy for Canadians to travel to the States. Our border was one of the friendliest in the world but that was before terrorists decided that Canada would make a nice jumping point into the States. I don't blame them for tightening entry restrictions but I just wish there was no need for it.
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
I'm Happy
This may be a common state of mind for many people but it hasn't always been for me. I'm still a little taken aback when the realization dawns on me that I'm very happy and content in my life. I'll never be able to forget the many sad, lonely, and miserable moments in my life and maybe that's for the best because it helps me appreciate these good days.
I don't know how people without good family and friends manage. The thought of being alone and without resources when you're in the depths of depression is unbearable to think about. Caring family and friends can be the balm that carries you through these bad times.
I had lunch with a good friend today and we spoke about how nice it is to have our alone times. Maybe alone times wouldn't be so welcome if we didn't have such a good social life when we choose to participate in it. We both agreed that a nice part of our social life is just hanging out together.
Mary may never know how much it meant to me that she searched me out at the casino to spend some time with me and to have lunch. I love her dearly and she's very much like a sister to me so it warms my heart that she feels the same way, too. I know I'm getting maudlin but it affects me deeply to know that people I love love me back. Now that was a difficult sentence to write grammatically and I still don't know if I got it right.
There has never been long period of time in my adulthood when I was as happy as I am now. I'm not certain why but that's the way it was. It seems as though most of my adulthood was spent being overwhelmed with the status quo but it began to change around my 50's when I was lucky enough to get counseling for my perceived problems. It makes a big difference when you are able to calmly assess any situation rather that make wild assessments. My world expanded once I was able to detach myself from immediacy.
Today I'm happy. My loved ones are safe and most are healthy. I have a bit of food in the fridge and have a list of low cost (occasional high cost) restaurants. I may not have the love of a good man in my life but I do have the love of my wonderful family and my close friends. Damn, I'm lucky!
I don't know how people without good family and friends manage. The thought of being alone and without resources when you're in the depths of depression is unbearable to think about. Caring family and friends can be the balm that carries you through these bad times.
I had lunch with a good friend today and we spoke about how nice it is to have our alone times. Maybe alone times wouldn't be so welcome if we didn't have such a good social life when we choose to participate in it. We both agreed that a nice part of our social life is just hanging out together.
Mary may never know how much it meant to me that she searched me out at the casino to spend some time with me and to have lunch. I love her dearly and she's very much like a sister to me so it warms my heart that she feels the same way, too. I know I'm getting maudlin but it affects me deeply to know that people I love love me back. Now that was a difficult sentence to write grammatically and I still don't know if I got it right.
There has never been long period of time in my adulthood when I was as happy as I am now. I'm not certain why but that's the way it was. It seems as though most of my adulthood was spent being overwhelmed with the status quo but it began to change around my 50's when I was lucky enough to get counseling for my perceived problems. It makes a big difference when you are able to calmly assess any situation rather that make wild assessments. My world expanded once I was able to detach myself from immediacy.
Today I'm happy. My loved ones are safe and most are healthy. I have a bit of food in the fridge and have a list of low cost (occasional high cost) restaurants. I may not have the love of a good man in my life but I do have the love of my wonderful family and my close friends. Damn, I'm lucky!
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Quiet Mornings
There's something about a quiet early morning that soothes you. I've always loved those times when I was up before anyone else and the peace and quiet of a sleeping household was mine alone.
I live alone now and most of my mornings are like that, the only sounds are the hum of the refrigerator at work and the distant traffic. Lately there's been the annoying squawking of crows who have apparently nested nearby but that's only shortlived before they fly off.
When I was younger I used to love to sleep in late but now I'd hate to miss those lovely early mornings, sometimes even watching the sun rise to announce a new day. It's not as nice in the wintertime when the sun rise is later. I'm not as happy starting my day in the pitch dark.
They say that you need less sleep as you grow older and maybe that's nature's way of helping us make the most of the time we have left. I never appreciated the beauty of nature in my youth as I do now so we do learn a few things of value as we age, too.
I once knew a lady who had terminal cancer and she chose to spend her dwindling days at work in the office. If I have anything to say about it, I'd like to spend mine with my loved ones but also being outside to watch the wind rustle the leaves and the birds trilling happily as they fly from post to post. I don't know if these sights will make me any happier than they do now but that's enough.
I live alone now and most of my mornings are like that, the only sounds are the hum of the refrigerator at work and the distant traffic. Lately there's been the annoying squawking of crows who have apparently nested nearby but that's only shortlived before they fly off.
When I was younger I used to love to sleep in late but now I'd hate to miss those lovely early mornings, sometimes even watching the sun rise to announce a new day. It's not as nice in the wintertime when the sun rise is later. I'm not as happy starting my day in the pitch dark.
They say that you need less sleep as you grow older and maybe that's nature's way of helping us make the most of the time we have left. I never appreciated the beauty of nature in my youth as I do now so we do learn a few things of value as we age, too.
I once knew a lady who had terminal cancer and she chose to spend her dwindling days at work in the office. If I have anything to say about it, I'd like to spend mine with my loved ones but also being outside to watch the wind rustle the leaves and the birds trilling happily as they fly from post to post. I don't know if these sights will make me any happier than they do now but that's enough.
Monday, June 07, 2010
Good News
I got to know this lovely couple while at my trailer park in Florida. They're from Michigan and appeared to be a little younger than the rest of us but blended in really well. They're just darned nice people.
A few years ago (I'm thinking maybe 3) we got the terrible news that Tom had been diagnosed with mesothelioma, a deadly form of lung cancer, and his local doctors said it was too extensive to remove surgically. He had, in essence, been handed a death sentence.
He and his wife, Mary, refused to accept that he couldn't have surgery so they searched the country until finding a surgeon in Texas who was willing to give it a try. Tom ended up having major surgery which removed the cancer and a large part of his chest area...I don't know exactly how much was involved but do know it involved more than just the lung. Everyone was kept informed by their very close friend, Carole, by e-mail but I thought he'd never survive something like this.
Following his surgery, he had many ups and downs, some when he was just inches from death, but he survived it all. That winter he and Mary made it down to Florida and it was heartbreaking to see this once hale and hearty man reduced to a sickly looking old one. But he was still alive and smiling with his life mate, Mary, by his side.
There were repeated chemo treatments and more ups and downs where he again faced death but he beat them all. When Tom and Mary visited the Florida park last winter, Tom looked wonderful. Maybe not exactly his old self but stronger and healthier than the last time.
This year he is cancer free and on his way to Washington, D.C. to speak at a conference on mesothelioma. Mary will also speak about her role as care-giver. They both have been through so much agony these last few years, both physical and mental, but they have survived it as a loving and committed couple. I'm sure that is part of the reason Tom is cancer free today. Another reason is that they took control of finding him a surgeon who would treat him and not just let him go.
I hope and pray he'll continue to recover.
A few years ago (I'm thinking maybe 3) we got the terrible news that Tom had been diagnosed with mesothelioma, a deadly form of lung cancer, and his local doctors said it was too extensive to remove surgically. He had, in essence, been handed a death sentence.
He and his wife, Mary, refused to accept that he couldn't have surgery so they searched the country until finding a surgeon in Texas who was willing to give it a try. Tom ended up having major surgery which removed the cancer and a large part of his chest area...I don't know exactly how much was involved but do know it involved more than just the lung. Everyone was kept informed by their very close friend, Carole, by e-mail but I thought he'd never survive something like this.
Following his surgery, he had many ups and downs, some when he was just inches from death, but he survived it all. That winter he and Mary made it down to Florida and it was heartbreaking to see this once hale and hearty man reduced to a sickly looking old one. But he was still alive and smiling with his life mate, Mary, by his side.
There were repeated chemo treatments and more ups and downs where he again faced death but he beat them all. When Tom and Mary visited the Florida park last winter, Tom looked wonderful. Maybe not exactly his old self but stronger and healthier than the last time.
This year he is cancer free and on his way to Washington, D.C. to speak at a conference on mesothelioma. Mary will also speak about her role as care-giver. They both have been through so much agony these last few years, both physical and mental, but they have survived it as a loving and committed couple. I'm sure that is part of the reason Tom is cancer free today. Another reason is that they took control of finding him a surgeon who would treat him and not just let him go.
I hope and pray he'll continue to recover.
Sunday, June 06, 2010
Don't Paint Us All With The Same Brush
As I sat here web surfing I became aware of a movie on T.V. about how a bus carrying a child's hockey team was attacked in Quebec and the children booed at their game. I can't remember what year this happened but it made me feel ashamed all over again. How perfectly shameful for anyone to have attacked that bus and booed the children. We Canadians might not always agree with American politics but demonstrating against these innocent children was disgusting.
I did some research on the web and read comment after comment by Americans saying they'd never come back to Canada again after the anti-American treatment they'd been subjected to. I was again ashamed of some of my countrymen if they had made any American feel this way. We are two countries united by a loose border and we should never forget how similar the citizens of both countries are. In fact, the only difference I regularly find is that Americans are more patriotic.
Yes, we have some cultural differences but none are worth demonstrating against. We are like cousins, close but not identical, and we should behave decently when in each other's country. We should also be able to expect kindness and politeness when visiting each other's country. The idiots who attacked the boy's bus and booed them during the game should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves but I'm betting they felt like big shots. Cowards are pretty tough in a crowd!
I hope Americans understand that all Canadians aren't brutes. I know I'm always treated with respect when I'm in the States but that hasn't always been the case when I'm in Quebec.
I did some research on the web and read comment after comment by Americans saying they'd never come back to Canada again after the anti-American treatment they'd been subjected to. I was again ashamed of some of my countrymen if they had made any American feel this way. We are two countries united by a loose border and we should never forget how similar the citizens of both countries are. In fact, the only difference I regularly find is that Americans are more patriotic.
Yes, we have some cultural differences but none are worth demonstrating against. We are like cousins, close but not identical, and we should behave decently when in each other's country. We should also be able to expect kindness and politeness when visiting each other's country. The idiots who attacked the boy's bus and booed them during the game should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves but I'm betting they felt like big shots. Cowards are pretty tough in a crowd!
I hope Americans understand that all Canadians aren't brutes. I know I'm always treated with respect when I'm in the States but that hasn't always been the case when I'm in Quebec.
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Not Till Death Do Us Part
It seems to be big news that Al and Tipper Gore are getting a divorce after 40 years of marriage but I don't see why it should be. I'll bet they've stayed together this long because of his political career. They didn't just wake up the other day, look at each other and say, "I don't love you like I did yesterday so let's get a divorce".
There was quite a dialogue on my local T.V. station that marrying until death doesn't apply anymore because we're living longer. What?? The speaker seemed to think that a lifelong marriage was only good in the old days when the life expectancy was in the 40's. Now that we're living longer, we might not want to spend 20-30 post retirement years together.
The way I see it is like this...if you love or even just really like your mate and if you get along well, you'd be a damn fool to go looking elsewhere once you're in your 60's or 70's. There's something to be said about the quality of life with a companion who is also a good friend.
I know so many senior couples who have wonderful lives together and there's no telling how deep their affection is for each other. They treat each other with respect and kindness and they are very obviously committed to one another.
I know others who show a stiff coolness when they are together and there could be trouble there. To my knowledge, these couples have never seemed to be close or loving so divorce for them wouldn't be a great shock.
Sometimes couples stay together too long for a variety of reasons. Some should never have made it to their first anniversary but they continue to struggle to keep their marriage together, also for a variety of reasons. It's very difficult for couples with children to call it quits. One might be desperate to walk away but can't face the hurt they'd leave behind. These are the couples who most likely could split when they hit their 60's because, in retirement, they might just prefer to live alone than in a strained relationship.
From what I've seen, most senior couples seem to have bonded early in their marriage and become pleasant companions for each other. Caring companionship seems to be the key in building a lifelong, committed relationship in your marriage. You each can have different interests but it's the interests that you share together that bind you. When your joint interests dwindle, your bond can lesson also.
In any case, senior couples need not worry they'll unexpectedly follow in the Gore's footsteps. Either you're safe with your mate or you haven't been for a long, long time.
There was quite a dialogue on my local T.V. station that marrying until death doesn't apply anymore because we're living longer. What?? The speaker seemed to think that a lifelong marriage was only good in the old days when the life expectancy was in the 40's. Now that we're living longer, we might not want to spend 20-30 post retirement years together.
The way I see it is like this...if you love or even just really like your mate and if you get along well, you'd be a damn fool to go looking elsewhere once you're in your 60's or 70's. There's something to be said about the quality of life with a companion who is also a good friend.
I know so many senior couples who have wonderful lives together and there's no telling how deep their affection is for each other. They treat each other with respect and kindness and they are very obviously committed to one another.
I know others who show a stiff coolness when they are together and there could be trouble there. To my knowledge, these couples have never seemed to be close or loving so divorce for them wouldn't be a great shock.
Sometimes couples stay together too long for a variety of reasons. Some should never have made it to their first anniversary but they continue to struggle to keep their marriage together, also for a variety of reasons. It's very difficult for couples with children to call it quits. One might be desperate to walk away but can't face the hurt they'd leave behind. These are the couples who most likely could split when they hit their 60's because, in retirement, they might just prefer to live alone than in a strained relationship.
From what I've seen, most senior couples seem to have bonded early in their marriage and become pleasant companions for each other. Caring companionship seems to be the key in building a lifelong, committed relationship in your marriage. You each can have different interests but it's the interests that you share together that bind you. When your joint interests dwindle, your bond can lesson also.
In any case, senior couples need not worry they'll unexpectedly follow in the Gore's footsteps. Either you're safe with your mate or you haven't been for a long, long time.
I'm Maybe Going To Exercise
I'm going to be 70 years old in a couple of months and I'm in terrible shape. I'm overweight and hurt pretty quickly when I do heavy work. Like Dennis used to say, "If I'd known I was going to live this long I'd have taken better care of myself".
I'm ever so slowly losing some of the weight but now I've decided to try exercising again. I'm very lazy and exercise is not something that will be easy for me but I've purchased 3 tapes of "Sweating to the Oldies" by Richard Simmons. I figure the music might get me motivated. They haven't arrived yet but I'll let you know how it works.
Every time I hear music, I start dancing so maybe these tapes were made for someone like me. I also love Richard Simmons and think he is a genuine kook with a big heart. I'm looking forward to dancing with him.
There's another new exercise idea that might have worked for me when I was younger...belly dancing. I've seen the program on T.V. and it looks like fun but it's aimed at younger women. Picture a fat old gal belly dancing...it just isn't pretty. I wish that program had been around years ago, though.
I love to dance and always have. If "Sweating to the Oldies" doesn't get me moving then nothing can. Here's hoping! If it works well enough I'll buy a VCR for Florida and continue exercising to them down there. But I'd better not get ahead of myself. Let's see what the next few months bring first.
I'm ever so slowly losing some of the weight but now I've decided to try exercising again. I'm very lazy and exercise is not something that will be easy for me but I've purchased 3 tapes of "Sweating to the Oldies" by Richard Simmons. I figure the music might get me motivated. They haven't arrived yet but I'll let you know how it works.
Every time I hear music, I start dancing so maybe these tapes were made for someone like me. I also love Richard Simmons and think he is a genuine kook with a big heart. I'm looking forward to dancing with him.
There's another new exercise idea that might have worked for me when I was younger...belly dancing. I've seen the program on T.V. and it looks like fun but it's aimed at younger women. Picture a fat old gal belly dancing...it just isn't pretty. I wish that program had been around years ago, though.
I love to dance and always have. If "Sweating to the Oldies" doesn't get me moving then nothing can. Here's hoping! If it works well enough I'll buy a VCR for Florida and continue exercising to them down there. But I'd better not get ahead of myself. Let's see what the next few months bring first.
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Sometimes I Need Help
I am fortunate enough to have a vast number of people in my life that I can turn to when I really need help. My family, friends, and neighbors are the best in the world. I took a chance this spring and bought one of those huge bags of garden soil knowing I'd have to ask someone to unload most of it for me. That someone turned out to be my grandson, Matt.
Matt worked all day yesterday and then came up to my house after work to shovel out half a ton of dirt and distribute it over my garden. He listened politely when I warned him not to step on any of my plants and he even cleaned the driveway and the wheel barrow (my neighbor's) when he finished. He understands fully what it means to be part of a family...we help each other in whatever is needed.
Matthew and I are very close because we've had lots and lots of contact since he was born. I babysat him and his brother often when they were little and he's almost like a son to me. Close family relationships are very important...but then anyone who reads my blogs knows how I feel about that.
I'd promised Matt that I'd take him out for dinner after he finished moving the soil but he said he'd eaten earlier. I know Matt. We went out for dinner anyway and he ate like a horse. We talked like old friends over dinner and I thought how nice this was, a young man and an old gal who could communicate so easily.
I drove him home and kissed him goodbye and we told each other "I love you". This morning he phoned me from work and asked how much a return flight from Florida would cost. He wants to drive down with me in the fall. Now isn't that precious??
Matt worked all day yesterday and then came up to my house after work to shovel out half a ton of dirt and distribute it over my garden. He listened politely when I warned him not to step on any of my plants and he even cleaned the driveway and the wheel barrow (my neighbor's) when he finished. He understands fully what it means to be part of a family...we help each other in whatever is needed.
Matthew and I are very close because we've had lots and lots of contact since he was born. I babysat him and his brother often when they were little and he's almost like a son to me. Close family relationships are very important...but then anyone who reads my blogs knows how I feel about that.
I'd promised Matt that I'd take him out for dinner after he finished moving the soil but he said he'd eaten earlier. I know Matt. We went out for dinner anyway and he ate like a horse. We talked like old friends over dinner and I thought how nice this was, a young man and an old gal who could communicate so easily.
I drove him home and kissed him goodbye and we told each other "I love you". This morning he phoned me from work and asked how much a return flight from Florida would cost. He wants to drive down with me in the fall. Now isn't that precious??
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
This Is Wrong!
There are many things happening in this crazy world that make me think the whole human race is doomed and what happened in a local school the other day proves my point.
Picture a sweet little 6 year old girl sitting across a table from a sweet little six year old boy. The teacher leaves the room for a moment and these two babies amuse themselves by blowing kisses back and forth. The teacher comes back, observes their actions and images of "sexual harassment" fill her addled brain!
How can any normal thinking person look on these precious children innocently blowing kisses across a table and see it as obscene? Is this the way our teachers are being indoctrinated, to see evil where none exists?
Remember the little 6 year old American boy who was expelled from school for giving a little girl a peck on the cheek? That fiasco wasn't the fault of one lone idiot teacher but a whole school board who had apparently lost their minds. Thanks to the media, the little boy was exonerated for his "bestial" behaviour and allowed back into the school. But at what cost to his little mind? What message was impressed into his 6 year old mind and how will that affect his life in the future. I wish his parents would sue the asses off that school board!
Back to my original harangue...the stupid teacher, enraged at what she feels is a clear case of promiscuous behaviour, leaves a message for the little girl's mother to meet her in the library when she comes to pick up her child. The mother is told that her little girl needs to be spoken to about her behaviour. The mother holds back a laugh when told what a terrible thing her baby has done. I would not have been laughing but taking my child out of that teacher's classroom for good.
I remember when teachers would hug a child. I remember when childhood friends walked hand in hand. Is this all gone because the adults (teachers and school boards) can't tell a good touch from a bad one? Is it all gone because the adults just don't want to think for themselves? To them, are all friendly actions dirty? I hate the thought of what thinking like this is doing to our children.
A teacher who would see nastiness in two little 6 year olds innocently blowing kisses to one another should not be allowed near children. This is so wrong it makes me sick.
Picture a sweet little 6 year old girl sitting across a table from a sweet little six year old boy. The teacher leaves the room for a moment and these two babies amuse themselves by blowing kisses back and forth. The teacher comes back, observes their actions and images of "sexual harassment" fill her addled brain!
How can any normal thinking person look on these precious children innocently blowing kisses across a table and see it as obscene? Is this the way our teachers are being indoctrinated, to see evil where none exists?
Remember the little 6 year old American boy who was expelled from school for giving a little girl a peck on the cheek? That fiasco wasn't the fault of one lone idiot teacher but a whole school board who had apparently lost their minds. Thanks to the media, the little boy was exonerated for his "bestial" behaviour and allowed back into the school. But at what cost to his little mind? What message was impressed into his 6 year old mind and how will that affect his life in the future. I wish his parents would sue the asses off that school board!
Back to my original harangue...the stupid teacher, enraged at what she feels is a clear case of promiscuous behaviour, leaves a message for the little girl's mother to meet her in the library when she comes to pick up her child. The mother is told that her little girl needs to be spoken to about her behaviour. The mother holds back a laugh when told what a terrible thing her baby has done. I would not have been laughing but taking my child out of that teacher's classroom for good.
I remember when teachers would hug a child. I remember when childhood friends walked hand in hand. Is this all gone because the adults (teachers and school boards) can't tell a good touch from a bad one? Is it all gone because the adults just don't want to think for themselves? To them, are all friendly actions dirty? I hate the thought of what thinking like this is doing to our children.
A teacher who would see nastiness in two little 6 year olds innocently blowing kisses to one another should not be allowed near children. This is so wrong it makes me sick.
Everything's Fresh After the Rain

This is the view out my back door this morning. We had a nice shower last night which we needed to cool down the air and it's left everything so fresh this morning. The grass and plants look so lush after a rain and you know they'll grow even faster now.
We had so darned much rain last summer and lots of rain through the winter in Florida that it's almost become a dirty word. But this one was welcome. We're supposed to get the odd rainfall this week but little or none is forecast for next week so I can live with what we do get. The plants will love it.
Note the big white planter sitting in the brass plant stand. It's not staying...I'm just trying to bring back to life a pitiful variegated impatiens to give to Faye. These are the plants we cart back and forth to Florida because you can't buy them anywhere. I brought a bunch back home with me but let them sit too long without replanting them (you have to bring them across the border without soil). Now I've got 3 sickly variegated impations. Maybe the rain will help!
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