At one house today there was a complete train set still in the box that looked unused and the lady offered to sell it to me for $3 but I thought Nolan was too young for it. When I expressed surprise at the price, the lady said her kids were too spoiled and had way too much stuff they never played with. Judging by what I see at yard sales, it seems like half the houses in the city are filled with kids who have way too much.
I don't yard sale as much as I used to when I had the flea market stall. Now it's just once in a while to find things to put on Ebay and toys for Nolan. With what I see at yard sales, I could fill this house with great toys and not spend $20 doing it.
The one treasure I found for myself is a gorgeous, gaudy, stained glass stand that I'll use to hang my jewelry from when I'm selling it...cost $2. Oh yes, I did get a brand new in the box creamer and sugar for myself, too...cost 50 cents.
Again I ask, why not yard sale??
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