My heart was breaking as I cuddled his tiny body and tried to make him feel safe. He'd been brought to my house by his maternal grandmother who had said he didn't need a nap but he was obviously very tired. I cuddled and cooed and soon he fell asleep, clutching me tightly with his little arms.
I cuddled and rocked him for about an hour but then made the big mistake of trying to wake him up to play. I thought he shouldn't be sleeping so long if his Gramma had said he didn't need to but we were both wrong. He was very upset, not wanting to play but just wanting to be held close. I wasn't about to deny his little arms so up he came again, cuddled in tightly against my chest, and burrowing his teary face into my neck. He cried and sobbed for a few moments before falling asleep once more. Apparently he did need a good nap because he slept for another 1/2 hour until his mother came for him.
All of a sudden we saw the real Nolan emerge from this previously unhappy baby. He looked at his Mommy and his face broke into a big grin as he struggled to reach her. There's no replacement for a mother's love, is there? He kept looking at her and smiling...all was right in his little world again and he was the normally happy child we all knew.
Daddy arrived shortly after and Nolan smiled at him but still kept close to his mother. I told them they need to visit here more often so he wouldn't feel strange when he was here. I didn't want to ever again see that look of fear on his precious face when he came into my house. I want my house to be a pleasant memory for him.
Before they left, another person came through the door and it was Kim, his paternal Gramma. She was on her way home from work but knew he was here and couldn't pass up a chance to see him...she saw him yesterday but that was almost 24 hours ago!
Nolan, my sweet baby, you are really loved a lot!
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