Last night Faye, Gary, Cindy, Kyle, Kim, Matt, and I went out to Valerie's house to review the 1000+ pictures taken at the party. Val's husband, Rob, organized them all so we could see them on a big screen...quite a job but very much appreciated.
It was fun reliving the few days we had in Florida but so darned much fun reliving the camaraderie seen between the families once again. Carmen is the heart of any get-together because she is extremely outgoing, leading the rest of us along to enjoy ourselves more than we would without her.
That said, I still hate pictures of myself but it does make me want to work harder at my diet.
Anyway, the evening made us laugh all over again about the silly things that happened in Florida. It also brought back a few tears in memory of the more poignant things that happened...like Jake crying when his father presented him with a medal engraved with a promise to now be able to spend more time with him. That's life. Hopefully a lot of laughter and just a few tears.
Just a note: The picture at the top of the page is of the Budweiser labels my grandson gave to me. Now, am I the only one who would think they'd make great pasties?
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