Nolan will get a new baby brother in March and I'm hoping something fierce that this new little boy will be somewhat near as well behaved and contented as Nolan is. I'm also hoping that Nolan will find it in his heart to be a good big brother and take his little brother under his wing.
Every time I take care of Nolan I spend most of the time laughing or giggling at his antics. He still walks around like a drunken sailor, occasionally tipping over because he doesn't watch where he's walking. He barrels right over toys on the floor so it's no wonder he takes a few tumbles. It's not the tumbles that make me laugh but the expression on Nolan's face...pure confusion about how the heck he ended up laying on the floor. He thinks about it for a moment and then pulls himself to his feet and wanders off.
I adore him and could just look at him all day. He looks so much like his father and that takes me back 25 years to when Nick was his age. I loved and love Nick just as much as I love Nolan so this little baby makes me very, very happy.
I'll be leaving for Florida in another week and be gone until April so Nolan will be a different little boy when I get back home. I'll miss all those milestones such as him finally learning how to talk. Nick promised to send videos on Facebook and I'm looking forward to that. Nolan has been around me fairly often and at my house enough now to feel comfortable here so I hope he doesn't forget it all over the winter. As with my grandchildren, I really want my greatgrandchildren to feel at home when they come to my house.
Nolan knows some very important things about my house. He knows he has a greatgrandmother who loves him; he knows where his toys are kept; he knows where the cookies are kept. When you think of it, what else is important?
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