Flowering Cactus
The year we bought the trailer, one of our neighbors asked us if we wanted some of their aloe plants. I was thrilled to be able to plant something that was a true Florida perennial so we accepted a few of them. The one pictured above is the only one that lasted, though. It started out as one small little plant but it has proliferated over the years and now has many little ones that grow right around the original. For most of the year it just sits there looking "tropical" and green but during March it begins to through forth stems which reach about 3' in height. Come April, the reddish blossoms at the top open up and stay for about 2 weeks before they die off and the plant goes dormant once again. Whenever I look at this plant, memories come back to me of the nice couple who gave it to me. I guess that's what gifts always do, bring us thoughts of their generous and kindly donor. I've already chopped down and deposited all my own potted plants to the safety of the rear of the Florida room so it looks pretty bare outside. The aloe is a lovely spot of color and will probably be the last thing I notice as I drive away for home on Thursday. A winter of fun, sun, and friendship...a winter well spent but now it's time to go home.
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