Monday, July 24, 2006

Life's Pleasures

Life is full of simple pleasures. I started thinking about it this morning after reading my sister-in-law's blog about her passion for roses. Gardening provides so many of us with an overflowing amount of pleasure but there are other things, too. Like soft, summer breezes on our face. Like the sweet sound of a child's giggle. Like the smell of the Christmas turkey merrily roasting in the oven. Like the taste of an ice-cream cone dripping down our hands in the heat of the day. I know there is evil in the world but there is also much beauty. I love to watch my grandchildren's animated faces as they tell me about their lives. I love to watch a little sprig of plant develop roots in a glass of water. Shared laughter with someone I like is pure pleasure. Waking in the morning and seeing my newly painted bedroom when my eyes first open makes me happy. Breaking even at the casino makes me feel like a winner!

I read once that happy people choose to be happy. I suffered from depression from my 20's to my 50's and my memories of that period of time is that I fed on the misery, allowing it to envelope me. Counseling saved my life and taught me that I truly did have choices. I choose to be happy and I am!

1 comment:

bluebird of paradise said...

thank you patsy rose for your kind words. i will name a rose for you . it amy be "mary rose" which is a lovely old fashioned pink rose. i love the name.(it also smells good). i'm already thinking of florida. hope i can get there this coming winter.
i love your piece this morning. you sound so happy.........