Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Lizard in the Bedroom

I have an odd feeling that I wrote a blog about this before but here we go again.  I abhor bugs, rodents, anything alive in the house that doesn't belong here but, when in Florida, I relax my ethics just a tad.  Dead bugs give me the creeps but it's still okay if they're dead just as long as I don't dwell too long on how they actually got into the trailer.  Rodents would send me packing and heading north to Canada.  Lizards, as long as they're very small, are barely tolerated but I tell myself they eat bugs.

I saw a little lizard in my bedroom today and have no idea where it went.  I am trying to accept it's existence in the trailer because someone once told me they eat bugs.  I hope I remember correctly and I hope lizards sleep in a corner all night.

Settling In

I have to admit I had a slightly difficult time settling in here at the park when I first got here.  It looks so different, neater but emptier since the new owners spruced it up a bit by towing out a lot of the older trailers and putting down brand new rentals in their place.  Not quite as homey looking.

Being able to see Shelley more often is the biggest benefit of being here with the sunshine and warmth coming in second.  I was a little lonely, too, because so many of my good friends aren't here any more but so many are still here.  Just getting back into the familiar routine of coffee morning, Bingo, etc. and having lots of laughs with friends has gradually drawn me back in.  I've never liked change and a lot has changed with me not being here last winter so it will take a little getting used to.

Life is going on back home, too, and I'm a little sad about missing that.  But I can't be in both places at once so I'll just have to give myself a shake and be happy that all my family seems to be in a good place right now.

We had a craft sale in the clubhouse yesterday and I sold slightly more than I bought.  Then cards with wonderful souls in the evening.  I am truly blessed with the most wonderful people in my life...wish I'd always had them but better late than never.

Today the sun is shining brightly and it's wonderfully warm this morning.  I did a hand wash and hung it out on the line.  This afternoon I need to do a bit of shopping and then there's Bingo tonight.  All of this done wearing clam diggers, t-shirt and sandals on November 29th.  Life is very good!   

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

In a Moment

A tragedy can happen and a vibrant life can be lost in just one bad decision.  I made one of those thoughtless decisions the other day and lives and limbs were saved only by the grace of whoever watches over us.

I was under the assumption that there was no passing allowed on the highway at the entrance to our park so I made a potential fatal error by looking for traffic only to my left as I left the entrance and turned right and north onto the highway.

Emblazoned on my mind will always be the sight of a line of cars in the southbound lanes plus one car racing right towards me going south in the northbound lane.  There was a moment when I was aware there were 3 cars side by side on that highway and I really thought my time was up but the passing car got through somehow without hitting anyone.

As I drove on I noticed that the lines on the highway weren't both solid and that one was broken which could mean the passing car was in the right.  Now I'm not so sure and will check again,  The highway rules are that if the road has 2 center lines, one broken and one solid, there is no passing if the solid line is closest to you.

Regardless, there have been too many close calls at our entrance and exit to our park and I'll be checking both north and south every time from now on.

Update:  Right in front of our park there is only one center line and it's a broken one which means passing is allowed.  It's still better to look both ways before entering a highway even if no passing is allowed, though, because some people will pass any way.  Better safe than crippled or dead.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Shelley's In-Laws

It seems hard to believe that I first met Shelley's in-laws at her wedding to John but, then, they all lived in Florida and Dennis and I lived in Canada.  I can't remember the meeting but, knowing Carmen, it was probably filled with hugs and smiles and complete acceptance.  Juan was friendly but reserved in a gentlemanly way.  Not so now!  He's as loving as Carmen!

I know I wasn't worried about John's family but never expected how much I'd come to love them, especially Carmen and Juan who are the most genuine, loving people on earth.  Shelley is very lucky to have them for in-laws.

Yesterday I drove over to Tampa and had lunch with Shelley and John and Carmen and Juan.  John went out and got us Cuban sandwiches (my favorite) and we ate outside with a lovely view of the pool and gardens.  They were lucky to not have any damage from the hurricane but I have to say that they're neglecting the flowers that Faye and I planted.  I just have to accept it and not plant too many again.  

Carmen and I agreed there was a vibe at that house that is both welcoming and healing.  It is a special atmosphere created by Shelley and John and you can feel it.  Some people would think we're nuts but Carmen and I understand!

Carmen and Juan had to leave before me so we said our goodbyes, knowing we'd see each other soon, and then Shelley and I went up to Macy's for a little shopping before I had to leave.  Unfortunately, all i saw were designer clothes which I can't afford and don't want so I bought nothing.  Neither did Shelley who prefers Steinmart where the prices are more reasonable.

I got home before 5 and had a nap.  I still don't have proper cable T.V. but the good news was that the 3 day extravaganza of "All In The Family" was still on my indoor antenna.  Bedtime came at 9:30...early but I slept well!   

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Matthew is 31

One of the best decisions in my life was to make the effort to be very much involved in my grandchildren's lives.  There was no question that I loved them unconditionally but I used to work part-time at Sears and that sort of interfered with my grandbaby time.  I remember the day a crazy lady threw a large catalogue at me (it missed) and I thought how stupid it was to waste my life on working for very little money when I could be using that precious time with my grandchildren.  So I quite work and began living my life better.

Matthew was hell on wheels.  He wasn't a bad kid but I've never seen a busier, wilder child in my life!  His impulse control was virtually non-existent but, with all that, he could brighten up a room just by walking into it.  He always had a big smile on his face and his beautiful red hair belied the fact that he was never an angry child with a temper.  He was such a happy little boy who always seemed to be in trouble for something, though!

I've always said that, if we didn't love him so much, we would have killed him.  We also said that no-one would ever kidnap him...they'd dump him within minutes.  In any case, he was ours and we loved him.

Matt has grown into the most caring young man, one who has the biggest, kindest heart of anyone else in the family.  With age, his impulse control is much better although he did go out and buy a beautiful car he can't afford.  He works hard every day and has chosen a lovely lady for his girlfriend.  Matt has come a long way from his wild and woolly youth.

Matt, I want you to know that, even though I joke about your crazy childhood, I have always loved you with all my heart and I always will.  You might have been our burden to bear but you've blossomed into a grandson I'm very proud to have.

Happy 31st, Matt!

Friday, November 24, 2017

Friday Coffee Morning

This is my first coffee morning of the season and I'm really looking forward to it.  I have no idea how many ladies to expect because it's early in the season and also that many of my friends have left the park.  It will be a bit different this year but I'm sure the conversation will be just as interesting as ever.

It's nice that all the ladies come from different backgrounds and have arrived at different stations in life.  It's their life experiences that make our conversations so much fun.  There's also some good advice mixed in with the fun, too.

I'm hoping some new ladies will join us...all of the park ladies are invited but it seems most think this is for a select bunch of friends.  It isn't.  It's meant to be a way for park ladies to get to know each other better.

It's cool outside today (60's)with threat of rain so I've arranged the chairs in the Florida room.  It's always nicer to be outside in warm weather but that won't happen today.  I'm going to miss the familiar faces that aren't here any more...some have sold their trailers, some have moved away, and some have passed away.  I'll always remember their smiling faces and be glad I had them in my life even if it was for too short a while.

Anyway, here goes!

Update:  5 ladies showed up and we had a wonderful time, gabbing and laughing...just like old times!   

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Dictatorship One Step Closer in Canada

Be afraid.  Be very afraid.  A prestigious university like Sir Wilfred Laurier and it's supposedly well educated students vilified and threatened a teaching assistant who dared to present the words of someone who negates gender neutral teachings.  All hell broke loose in this university when the ideas of Jordan Peterson (considered controversial!!!) were aired.  The students, professors, and their supporters couldn't bear to hear that gender neutral pronouns such as "zie, zher, and they" are crap!  Now, I'm not sure anyone said they were crap but that's my opinion!

That supposedly educated people are in the process of forcing these gender neutral ideas on the rest of the country is frightening.  That no other opinions will be allowed to be heard and discussed is just as frightening.  Is this what our university students are being brainwashed to accept and, if so, what is the future of our society?

Marilee formed the same opinion the other night and it scared me.  She is one of those "well educated, forward thinking people' and she predicted a new world where gender neutral would be the norm.  I see a future where we have robotic human beings with no identity and who harm or imprison anyone who think differently than they do.  The sad thing is that I'm now fearing that day is already being staged in Canada.

I mentioned earlier how terrible it was that university students in my own city were so fearful of hearing a speaker whose opinions didn't coincide with their own that they rudely and ignorantly drowned him out so that no-one could hear him.  I had hoped this was an aberration but I now understand that this is the way the new order will force their opinions on the rest of us.  They will drown out, attack, and vilify anyone who dares to speak out against them.  We are seeing the rise of a Nazi agenda!

I harp all the time on how we MUST protect our freedom of speech but I always thought we needed protection from our politicians.  It appears the truth is that we desperately need protection from our present day universities, their professors, and their students.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


I was in deep discussion with someone recently who predicted that, in the future, everyone will be able to choose what gender they want to be called.  I think that's happening now.  I'm not sure but I think she was saying that none of us are pure male or female and it's only a matter of time when we understand this and go in the direction of what suits us best.  I may be wrong.

Now, I tend to poo poo ideas like this because I see nothing wrong with being either male or female.  It's what we are and that's that.  But I have noticed that some of the crazies in the world (a vast minority but the loudest of all) have succeeded in having our driver's licences changed to eliminate any mention of gender.  Why, I don't know.  When gender can't be determined by just looking at a person, we have a very disturbed person.  Just my opinion and I don't really care if it's politically correct or not!

We also have some crazies who say their 3 year old male child claims to be a female so they opt to dress and treat him like a female.  Will this poor child grow up to be a normal human being?  No!

I did a little research lately on the percentage of people who went through sex change surgery and wasn't surprised in the least to find that a lot of them felt they'd made a mistake and wanted it to be reversed.  A very painful and expensive mistake.  I don't frown on people who will go so far as to have gender reassignment but I can't for the life of me think they're completely sane.  Just my opinion and, believe me, I've tried to open my mind to understand these poor souls and I truly can't.  I end up feeling very sorry for them.

There is nothing wrong with living your life the way that makes you happy as long as it hurts no-one else.  Males can live as females and vice versa and no-one should criticize or harm them.  That said, people who think as I do will suspect that all their wheels aren't in alignment and judge them that way.  I'm not saying I'm right, I'm only saying that this is how many of us feel.

Just as a future employer is swayed by the dress and behaviour of a potential employee, they can obviously be swayed by appearance and some of these transgenders just don't look right.  I don't care if a cashier is a poor transition but I do care if my doctor looks strange.  It matters to me to be able to trust their judgement.  

This is why I detest the phrase "politically correct".  What it means is that, even if you believe in something with all your heart and soul, if it's not new age you have to pretend you don't feel that way.  And so, I will not even attempt to be politically correct but I will state my true thoughts and feelings.

I don't know anyone who has had a sex change so I wonder just how prevalent it is.  I've seen T.V. programs and seen what could be a transgender on the streets.  On T.V. I've seen amazing transformations of male to female with the help of surgery and make-up so we can be fooled.  I just hope they're happy.

A few years ago, Kate (Bruce) Jenner was named "Woman of the Year" and thought how ridiculous that was.  He was lauded for his bravery in exposing his sex change.  All of this tells me that our new age society is degrading at an alarming rate.  The consequences are still to come and it won't be pretty. 

Monday, November 20, 2017


Sciatica is literally a pain in the ass that can travel down your leg.  Mine hits me about once or twice a year but only for a brief time and so far it hasn't gone to my leg.  Small mercy because it hurts something a raw nerve which is what it is.

Mine started on the first day of the drive to Florida and continued for about 10 days (exceptionally long for me) and kept me from dancing at Nicole's wedding.  It's strange but the more I walked the better it got but there was a lot of sitting and that's what seems to inflame the sciatic nerve.

Once I started working at the trailer, it all but disappeared and work became easier as long as I didn't lift or move anything too heavy.  For some reason, that seemed to bring the pain right back.  

My body pain is almost gone and I attribute that to the heavy suitcases I had to drag in from the car.  I'm going to try to limit what I pack in those darned suitcases but no guarantees.

It's very different for me here this year with some of my closest friends gone from the park.  Dee and Jan, to name a few, are a saving grace for me because they are good friends, too.  I'm still feeling a bit out of my element because there are so many new people here that I don't know.  The new park owners have towed out a lot of the old trailers and brought in brand new rentals and also done some much needed landscaping so the park looks nicer than ever.  

Dee, Margie, and I went to the game rooms last week after Faye left for home and we're going again today.  I have my money loss limit so, unless I win some today, I can't go back for a couple of weeks.  I did win $31 at Bingo on Friday but that money stays in my Bingo bag.

Paul finished the powerwashing and my plants are doing well but not really flourishing yet.  That will happen gradually.  I'm still going to get rid of anything I don't really need to make the trailer roomier.  Kevin is going to laminate the the flooring under the table when he has the chance but I'm not going to have all the floors done.  My time here will not be a lot of years so there's no sense in putting too much money into the place.  As long as it's clean, neat, bug free, and surrounded by pretty flowers, that's all I need.

I still haven't paid any attention to my new cell phone and I think it's because I'm nervous about tackling it.  Dee keeps wanting to show me new options on it but I stop her until I at least master the basics.  She probably thinks I'm smarter than I actually am!

It's cool today...only hitting a high of 60F. and that might be a good time to clean the patio chairs in expectation of a nice group for my Friday morning coffee.  So many have died or left the park that I'm sure I won't have a large crowd, though.

Well, time to get some work done.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Planting in November

Usually when I leave Canada for Florida, my flowers at home are dying or pulled up but this year we had an amazingly warm fall so my plants were still looking great.  That's why I just had to sneak a few over the border because it would have been a shame to throw them away.  I did cut them way down but they're doing well and starting to grow.

As soon as the patio was powerwashed, I went out and bought a few plants, not as many as I used to get because I'm downsizing.  What I did get are so pretty!  None of the geraniums I left here survived the neglect of me not being here last winter but the ferns and spider plants always survive.

I love having live plants outside.  Faye doesn't like the few artificial plants I have inside the trailer but that's what I prefer because of bugs.  They add the color I crave in my surroundings.

I'm still using the old cell phone to take photos because I'm nervous about installing the new one...that's holding all Nicole's wedding photos so I'll tackle that soon.  I'm also still not using the phone regularly or texting.  That isn't my thing!  I know it will be invaluable when I'm travelling, though.

Anyway, once the plants get a foothold and begin to flourish, the patio will be lovely.  Life is good.

Oh yes, I've decide it is best for me to keep the trailer instead of selling and long as Shelley agrees.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Electronically Challenged

I hate having to install anything but especially electronic gadgets.  Since Spectrum is installing new cable lines here in the park to give us better reception for our internet and T.V., I have no service from them and had to resort to using the park's internet but at least it's free.  Arlean came over for a visit yesterday and suggested I get one of those indoor antennas from Best Buy to use in the meantime so off I went today and bought one.  It's brand name is Mohu Leaf and it cost me $33 for it and a remote control (I can't find the one that was here).

I had no faith in myself that I'd be able to install it but darned if I didn't do it with ease.  I also had to figure out how to program the channels I'd be getting.  I get 3 perfect and 3 not so perfect.  This will do me until Spectrum hooks me up and that could take 2 weeks to infinity!

I seem to get a lot of very old sitcoms but one channel has more recent programs.  I can live with this.  There are also about 3-4 Spanish speaking channels that come in well but they're no use to me, unfortunately.  All in all, the cost is cheap and worth buying the gadget if you don't watch too much T.V.

Now for one little incident at the party house that was so very cute!  The dining room table was huge but close to the wall so it was a bit difficult to get to the chairs at the back of it.  Kim handed Nash his breakfast and said to him, "Under the table", so that he'd just crawl under the table to get to the back chairs.  Nash took her literally and went under the table and sat on the floor looking innocently at her for assurance.  Of course, it was a laughable moment and I hope Nash sees the humor in his innocence when he's older.  He doesn't like being laughed at.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Whirlwind 12 Days

Faye stayed over at my place on Friday, Nov. 3rd and we left for Florida early the next morning.  Our first day on the road we missed an exit in Detroit (of all places) and ended up taking the next exit which brought us into a not so nice neighborhood.  There happened to be a fire station right there so I went in and asked how to get back on our route.  The firemen were so polite and helpful but they seemed to know we needed more than directions so they hopped in their fire truck and led us back to the highway.  Love those firemen!

I remember most about our trip how much food we ate and how tiring it was, especially not being able to reach Tampa on the Sunday night.  We ended up going straight to the trailer on Monday morning and the vision was awful.  Paul hadn't done the powerwshing, the patio was black with mold, and the plants were overgrown as expected.  Dee had come over and done a bit of raking and sweeping but that's not her responsibility...she's just too nice.

The inside had been well cleaned by Cathi H. so that was  great but it just wore me out carting in all the stuff from the car.  Then we had to repack to leave for the wedding.

Shelley had rented a huge party house for most of the family and it was all based on games.  Each room represented some game and games were all over the house...pinball machines, karaoke, pool, chess on the floor, movie room, etc.  The place was fantastic!  The road in was pitiful...sandy, bumpy, narrow.  

The rehearsal party (snackies, desserts and drinks) were open to all from our party house plus many of the Lemaster family who put it on.  It was well done and in a lovely winery restaurant.

The wedding day started out cloudy and with spatters of rain but before the wedding the clouds cleared and their outdoor wedding was perfectly beautiful.  Nicole was a dream in her beautiful gown and Sam was, as always, the perfect gentleman groom.

The reception was, music, toasts, and the only drawback for me was that I'd developed sciatica on the way down and hurt something terrible and couldn't dance.  I think it was all the sitting because I feel much better the more I walk now.  We found out that Nash is a wild and wooly dancer...thanks to Kyle's leadership.  The party carried on back at the party house but I went to bed.  Oh yes, Shelley had also arranged for a 60 passenger bus to pick us up and take us to the wedding and then back home.  The bus driver had no idea that the entry road was so perilous and he barely made it in and then out to the wedding.  Bringing us back, he wasn't so lucky and got stuck in the sand as he was trying to leave.  He had to call in a tow truck.

Back home to the trailer, some of the powerwashing had been done but the outside still looked crappy.  Marilee came to stay until Wednesday and Faye until Thursday so we were also a little cramped in the trailer.  Also, no T>V. or internet because they are replacing the present old service.  I'm hoping to get service within a month but all I can get now is the park internet and it's not reliable.

There's so much more but I have to get ready to go out so the fun and interesting stories will come later.

Friday, November 03, 2017

Clean Up

When I had the house, leaving for Florida for the winter meant a monumental job of clean-up.  Leaving from my apartment is a piece of cake.  The only big item is to clean out the fridge, turn it off, and prop it open for air circulation.  When I leave tomorrow morning, I can just walk out and lock the door behind me.  I wouldn't go back to owning a house for anything in the world.

Right now I'm doing last minute laundry and will then cart my suitcase (on wheels) down to the car.  I can take the small one down when I leave to pick Faye up at 3 P.M.  Cindy is coming at noon to fix the settings on my Facebook page so I don't get myself into any more trouble there.  LOL!

It will be fun driving down with Faye.  She's fun and intelligent company and I love her like a sister!  We've got a busy week ahead...getting to the trailer and then to the party house for Nicole's wedding...but the following week will be one of relaxation.  I'm very much looking forward to spending my last long winter in Florida and hoping to be able to arrange the sale of the trailer and the 3 month rental of another one for next year.  

Times and expectations change and I no longer desire to be away from home for 5-6 months so renting in the park is a better alternative to Shelley and John paying lot rent for me for 12 months when I only want to be down there for 3 months.  They are so darned generous but I don't want to see them wasting money on me.

Well, time to post a few photos and jokes on Facebook and then pack the computer away.  Anyone desperate for my words of wisdom (LOL!) will have to wait until I'm online again November 13th. 

Thursday, November 02, 2017


I've been a little down in the dumps lately, nothing serious...just a light shade of blue, and sort of laid off posting my usual flower photos on Facebook.  Donna posted one yesterday and it was so lovely and spirit lifting that I posted a few myself.  They help make the start of my day a happier one.

I'm 77 years old with only a few health issues, none that hurt much, so I'm maybe a happier soul than many.  My brain still functions quite well and I have a hard time keeping up with the new interests that pop into my life.  I know that one day I'll wake up and the world won't be quite as rosy but today it is.

At the craft show on Saturday I had a really good time yakking to anyone that took the time to yak.  Kim mentioned that I wasn't always so outgoing and that's true.  In my younger years I was more unsure of myself and tended to try to stay close to Dennis instead of going off on my own.  As I stepped away, I gained confidence and actually began to enjoy myself much more.  It grew from there and now I'm fine on my own.

Today is dull and rainy but I have to go out for a few things.  Tomorrow I'll do laundry and finish packing and Cindy is coming at lunchtime to make sure the settings on my Facebook don't allow strangers in.  I'll be picking up Faye around 3:30 and we'll go for an early supper because neither of us can see to drive in the dark.  Saturday we head out to Florida!  It will be lovely to see my Shelley and some sunshine again!

Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Change Facebook Settings

I've noticed I get a lot of strangers commenting on my Facebook posts and it's always just puzzled me how they got there.  Apparently it has something to do with the settings and I'm dumb as a doorknob when it comes to figuring that out...I didn't even know where they were but today I had to search them out.

I'd posted a photo and comments about the recent terrorist attack in New York where a rental van was used to mow down and kill 8 people in a bike lane.  More were hurt and some critically.  I spotted a strange name in the comments where the person had typed in, "Quran, Jihad".  I wasn't sure what he was meaning so I asked and the reply was gruesome and surely came from a terrorist or terrorist in training.  I hadn't read it until I got a call from Cindy telling me to change my settings and block the guy right away.  She tried to direct me over the phone how to do it but Facebook seems to look different on different computers.  Cindy was at work so I promised to do my own research to find out how on my own.

I first found out how to block him and it's interesting to note that he had 5 or 6 Facebook accounts so I blocked them all.  Then I found my settings and changed them to friends only...I apparently didn't find them all but Arlean directed me on how to complete the changes.  I think.

I'm quite vocal about my opinions and I know that gets me into trouble every now and then but I sure don't want to have any dealings with a terrorist or someone who thinks like one.  I prefer to debate with nice people.  


Another Terrorist Act

An immigrant from one of those tiny, poverty stricken countries rented a truck and drove it onto a bicycle path in New York city, murdering 8 innocent people.  He'd been very fortunate to be allowed to live in the United States for 7-8 years and this is how he showed his appreciation.  The people he murdered contributed with their taxes to any monies he was given by the government to live on while he was in the States.  

What is in the heart of these terrorists that they'll listen to a false god and turn on their benefactors like this?  What hatred do they live with every day of their life that will drive them to get into a vehicle, see regular people riding their bikes through the city, and decide to run them down?  What false religion infects their minds and teaches them it is their right to do this?

Whenever a terrorist strikes, it is against innocent people who just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and we are left with a million questions.  How can anyone believe they have the right to mow down innocent people that they don't know and have no personal grudge against?  Why does the perpetrator not see himself as the true coward he is for attacking people who have no defense against his attack?

Always questions.  Apparently he bragged about what he did from his hospital bed...he was shot by police and then humanely taken to the hospital to be cared for because we in America are humane people.  In his own country he probably would have been left to die in the streets.  Why is he unable to see the difference between the crappy country he left and the country he chose to live in and how damned lucky he was to be allowed into in the first place?

We'll be asking ourselves these questions forever because it will happen again and again and innocent people will suffer because a crazed, selfish, and cruel individual believes he has the right to destroy life.  If there is a hell, I hope he ends up there.