Thursday, November 16, 2017

Whirlwind 12 Days

Faye stayed over at my place on Friday, Nov. 3rd and we left for Florida early the next morning.  Our first day on the road we missed an exit in Detroit (of all places) and ended up taking the next exit which brought us into a not so nice neighborhood.  There happened to be a fire station right there so I went in and asked how to get back on our route.  The firemen were so polite and helpful but they seemed to know we needed more than directions so they hopped in their fire truck and led us back to the highway.  Love those firemen!

I remember most about our trip how much food we ate and how tiring it was, especially not being able to reach Tampa on the Sunday night.  We ended up going straight to the trailer on Monday morning and the vision was awful.  Paul hadn't done the powerwshing, the patio was black with mold, and the plants were overgrown as expected.  Dee had come over and done a bit of raking and sweeping but that's not her responsibility...she's just too nice.

The inside had been well cleaned by Cathi H. so that was  great but it just wore me out carting in all the stuff from the car.  Then we had to repack to leave for the wedding.

Shelley had rented a huge party house for most of the family and it was all based on games.  Each room represented some game and games were all over the house...pinball machines, karaoke, pool, chess on the floor, movie room, etc.  The place was fantastic!  The road in was pitiful...sandy, bumpy, narrow.  

The rehearsal party (snackies, desserts and drinks) were open to all from our party house plus many of the Lemaster family who put it on.  It was well done and in a lovely winery restaurant.

The wedding day started out cloudy and with spatters of rain but before the wedding the clouds cleared and their outdoor wedding was perfectly beautiful.  Nicole was a dream in her beautiful gown and Sam was, as always, the perfect gentleman groom.

The reception was, music, toasts, and the only drawback for me was that I'd developed sciatica on the way down and hurt something terrible and couldn't dance.  I think it was all the sitting because I feel much better the more I walk now.  We found out that Nash is a wild and wooly dancer...thanks to Kyle's leadership.  The party carried on back at the party house but I went to bed.  Oh yes, Shelley had also arranged for a 60 passenger bus to pick us up and take us to the wedding and then back home.  The bus driver had no idea that the entry road was so perilous and he barely made it in and then out to the wedding.  Bringing us back, he wasn't so lucky and got stuck in the sand as he was trying to leave.  He had to call in a tow truck.

Back home to the trailer, some of the powerwashing had been done but the outside still looked crappy.  Marilee came to stay until Wednesday and Faye until Thursday so we were also a little cramped in the trailer.  Also, no T>V. or internet because they are replacing the present old service.  I'm hoping to get service within a month but all I can get now is the park internet and it's not reliable.

There's so much more but I have to get ready to go out so the fun and interesting stories will come later.

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