Monday, August 31, 2015

Good Change of Plans

I usually hate any change of plans but this one isn't so bad.  The bus trip to Ottawa was cancelled because not enough people signed up for it so now Sylvia can come here before Thanksgiving...I'm very happy about that!  If I never get to Ottawa it won't be the worst thing in my life.  I would have liked to see it but it can wait.

Faye and I had the worst time trying to figure out how much she owed me because I'd paid her by cheque for the trip which also included my share of the hotel room from last Friday.  We are both great at math (at least we used to be) but couldn't get our heads around how much she owed me back.  Could it be senility closing in on us??

Luckily Sylvia hadn't gotten her plane reservations yet so now she'll be able to fly in and out of Mount Hope airport.  I can't wait to see her!  I promised I'd fly to Nova Scotia next year so we might end up making this a yearly thing.  I hope so.  She's such a dear friend.

My friends on Facebook have let us know that a few of our loved 3W people won't be coming back this year because of illness.  Since most of us are seniors, this is to be expected.  One of my favorite people is Ron because he's such a clown...a very sweet and gentle clown.  He might just have been the center of joy in the whole park but he's had a stroke which will keep him and Gerrie home from now on.

Norma phoned me today and told me that little Barb is doing fine but can't use her car any more.  Her kids must think it's not safe for her to drive.  I guess that's something like my kids insisting I not drive alone to Florida any more.  Time does go on, doesn't it?

Norma is one of the cheeriest ladies I know and we'll get together for lunch before I head south.  Lady friends are so much fun!  I wish Dennis had understood this and not felt threatened by it.  I think he thought I'd get into mischief if I went out with girlfriends.  So sad for me.  But not lady friends fill my heart with joy!

Marilee is coming from Oct.6-14 and Sylvia will be here from Sept.29-(I'm not sure) so we can all go to Niagara-on-the-Lake for the day.  I'll try not to run Sylvia ragged.  We can have some nice lazy days inbetween running the roads.

Well, now it's bedtime after a not so busy day but it's been an informative day with some good change of plans.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Carson's Wedding

Yesterday was my second wedding of the month...strange because I hadn't been to a wedding in quite a few years.  Carson and Andrew have lived their relationship the way many are doing it now.  They moved in together, had a son, bought a house, had a daughter, and then got married.  My bet is that they know each other so well now that their marriage is a permanent one.

Brent drove Mary, Faye, and me to the wedding hotel where we had our room for the night.  Sweet Brent kind of fell into the role of chauffeur and he took such good care of us...loading and unloading our luggage and even taking us to a restaurant this morning for breakfast...all without one word of complaint.  He is a treasure.

The wedding ceremony was held in an outside courtyard of the hotel and Mary and I scoffed nice seats in the shade thanks to Adam.  Faye, the gramma, was led down the aisle to her seat as the ceremony began.  I'm still in awe of the beauty of all 7 of Carson's bridesmaids...2 of which were Evann and Leah.

Carson, looking like a Vogue model, walked in with her father, Rob, and just took our breath away.  Valerie's 3 daughters are all statuesque, blonde, beautiful, and sweet young ladies.  Val, by the way, was stunning in an almost orange suit that showed her beautiful figure, too!

I couldn't see Carson on the podium because of the curtains around it but I could see Andrew.  The love and happiness on his face made me cry.  Oh, yes, another sweet thing was that Francis and Sydney were the ring bearer and flower girl and they behaved excellently.  Avry and a girl cousin were also in the wedding party and looked adorable.

Then the party!  These young ones know how to party even though the music wasn't to us old gals' taste.  Adam is one of the coolest dudes around and he even did an Irish jig.

Faye, Mary, and I finally headed to our rooms about 12:30 but the party of young ones carried on down the hall of our floor.  The slight noise didn't keep us awake and I actually slept in until almost 9:30 when Mary, dressed and ready to go, woke me up.  Faye had gone out earlier for coffee with Val.

I'm always bragging about the family I married into but I realize often that ours is not the only great family.  Carson married into a terrific family, too.  A strong family with loving and caring members can withstand any and all of what life hands us.  A strong family empowers us and comforts us.

Wedding planning is draining on all involved so Val must have been counting the minutes until it would all be over...but...Leah caught the bouquet.  Oh my! 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Transsexual Kindergarten Teacher

In Hamilton, Ontario, one of the kindergarten classes is taught by a woman who is in the process of becoming a man.  Nothing wrong with this...except...she/he is teaching 5 year olds about transsexuals, teaches sometimes as a female and sometimes as a male.  The kicker is that the Hamilton Spectator is lauding her as a great example as a kindergarten teacher!

I can't understand why the school board...and the parents of these children...are allowing this to happen.  Are we so under the control of bleeding heart liberals that we can allow little children to be subjected to this?  Why does a 5 year old need to know about transsexuals??  Why would any parent allow their precious child to be in a classroom where the teacher comes in one day as a woman and the next as a man?  I don't even think that's what real transsexuals do!

School boards are allowing grade 2 children (7 year olds) to be taught about homosexuality.  Now we have school boards allowing a transsexual to teach 5 year olds while jumping back and forth from one sex to another.  How have we allowed this kind of aberration to take hold in our elementary schools?  Is everyone afraid of speaking up and saying this is not normal behaviour?

I have a hard time understanding transsexuals in the first place but this case seems to be even more perverted because the teacher switches gender regularly.  A 5 year old student doesn't know from day to day if their teacher is Miss or Mister.  Does anyone else think this is weird and unacceptable???

I know I'm old and rather set in my ways but I've always believed that some things are "just not right".  What that class of very young children is putting up with is "just not right"!     

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Second Hand Smoke

Once, when my husband stopped smoking, he told me that the smell of second hand smoke was nauseating to him.  He began smoking once again and failed to acknowledge that the smell of his own second hand smoke was offensive to every non-smoker around him.

I live in an apartment building and like to leave my windows and patio door open during nice weather.  One of my neighbors apparently likes to sit on their balcony and smoke.  I can be far away from any open window or door and still smell that awful smell.  I bet no smoker would believe that but it's true.

I've never smoked in my life and the longer I'm away from a smoker the more sensitive I become to the smell.  I realize I'm taking more shallow breaths to avoid breathing it in.  We shouldn't have to do that just because someone else is polluting their own lungs!

My husband liked to say that he found some perfume smells offensive...this was one of his defenses against any comments about his smoking.  I admit that a few women (and men) use colognes too liberally but, for the most part, the whiff of a subtle cologne is pleasant.  I've never smelled a pleasant cigarette or cigar.

Smoking is expensive and annoying to people who don't smoke.  Smoking is hazardous to your health and, unfortunately for the non-smokers, second hand smoke is also deadly.  I was exposed to cigarette smoke daily for almost 50 years and, so far, haven't experienced any of the side effects from it but I am only one person.  Many have and that includes children.  Donna, once a smoker, said that one of her embarrassing photos from long ago show her feeding Todd his bottle with one hand while using the other to smoke a cigarette.  Well, we didn't know any better in those days but we do now so there's no excuse for anyone to smoke around a child.

This is 2015 and the cost of a package of cigarettes is about $10 in Canada (might be more).  That's $300 a month that could be used for better purposes.  My husband smoked about 1 1/2 packs a day and he died at age 68 of esophageal cancer which can be caused by smoking.  Think about that!

Friday, August 21, 2015

The Importance of a GG

I have my greatgrandson, Nolan, overnight tonight and I, as usual, really looking forward to it.  Children, especially good children like Nolan and Nash, are a joy to have around.  Their innocence alone makes them interesting to watch and the way they learn so fast is fascinating.

I know GG's home isn't the most exciting place for the little boys to visit but it's very important for them to know their extended family well and to know how much they're loved.  The more extended family involvement, the better adjusted the child will be.  I believe that completely.

Nolan and Nash have a lot of family on both their mother's and father's side, all of whom love the boys and interact with them on a regular basis.  They are lucky children in many ways.

I get Nolan at 5 P.M. and we'll go out for dinner and then back to my apartment where he has lots of toys, including his precious Legos, to play with.  He has to be home by noon tomorrow to play his last soccer game of the season so we'll have an early lunch.  I mainly seem to eat with these boys but at least I enjoy being with them.  I only take one at a time so I can devote all of my love and attention to them.  I also believe each child needs that individual attention.

Each boy has his personal gifts...Nolan's eyes are to die for.  Nash is just so sweet, I could eat him up.  Nolan is amazingly gifted with Legos.  Nash still likes to play with toy cars and trucks that make noise.  At GG's home, they play at whatever they choose at their leisure.  T.V. shows are limited.

We have a little ritual where we go to the grocery store right after dinner and they buy their favorite cookies, "Bear Paws".  They have some for a snack in the evening and then the following morning but take the remainder of the package home with them to share with their brother.  Small children like rituals like this because it's something they can count on happening.

Staying overnight with GG isn't exciting but it's still important to take time to be with the little ones.  It's one more place where they know where their toys are and they know they're loved.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Giving Advice

Facebook did it again.  One of Aunt Acid's quotes was right on, saying that a person who gives advice isn't smarter than the person needing advice, they've just experienced more crap than they have.  That's me.

When I give advice it's only what I deeply believe in...such as not to allow anyone to mistreat us.  I also sometimes give unwanted advice to my girls who will always get the absolute truth from me whether I'm right or wrong.  They can trust what I say is what I firmly believe is for their own good.

When I had counseling for depression, I don't think the counselor had ever had depression herself but she did know how to teach me to focus and not jump to conclusions.  She taught me how to cope with life.

There are simple rules to follow:  don't accept abuse and what anyone else thinks of you doesn't matter.  Be kind to others and have self respect.  Life will never be an easy road but you're sort of forced to follow it to the very end so make it as pleasant a journey as you can.

Somehow I've gathered the best of friends around me, people I respect and enjoy.  If anyone treats me poorly, I just stay away from them.  This has happened with family, too, and is sometimes awkward but I can remain polite without being friendly and that's how I handle it.

In my younger years I would be destroyed by an unkind comment or action against me.  Now I understand it's the other person's problem and I don't have to involve myself with it.  When I encountered nastiness, I'm not hurt but more taken aback that there are people who like to hurt others.  I know who I am now.  I'm okay.  My younger self would be proud of how I've become this strong and peaceful.     

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Another Hot Day

It's another overly hot day and the air conditioning is on.  I think it's supposed to be cooler tomorrow and that will be a pleasure.  I don't plan on leaving home today!

I finished the afghan I've been working on since last winter and will probably start another one soon but not today.  Today is for lounging around and playing on the computer.  I've also stored up a few books I'd like to read...Matt says I'm hoarding them but it's really just saving for another day!

The newspaper is full of bad news and I might have to stop reading it because it always disturbs me to see how vicious some people are to others.  Just the thought of how it would feel to physically violate another human being makes me ill.

I've become more fearful for my personal safety as I've grown older.  I guess I feel more vulnerable and unable to fight off an attack...but I'd do my best!!  The other day I was in my apartment elevator and it stopped on another floor where 2 huge young men quickly stepped in.  They took me by surprise and it must have shown on my face because they immediately apologized and tried to make me feel safer.  I really wasn't afraid of them but I was expecting a slow old person to enter the elevator and not 2 quick moving young men.  They were workmen doing some repairs in the building.

In my heart, I know that most people are kind and peaceful but the newspaper and T.V. news fill my mind with doubt.  It seems like a lot of victims are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.  I've already decided that, if I'm driving alone on the highway and an unmarked cop car tries to pull me over, I'm not stopping but going to the first busy area before doing so.  Years ago, my husband and I were stopped on the highway and I truly believe the civilian dressed "cop" robbed us.  He insisted on us paying the speeding fine immediately or he would confiscate my husband's licence.  We were on our way home from a holiday in the States and only had a bit of Canadian money left but the "cop" accepted it and let us go.  I'll never know for sure but it certainly made me wonder.

Anyway, it's up to us to keep ourselves safe and not deliberately or foolishly put ourselves in danger.  I think I've survived this long because I'm a sissy.  And that's okay!   

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Clean Car

One other nice thing done for me by my loved ones was that Matt detailed my car on Saturday morning.  I have to say that it's the cleanest and shiniest it's ever been...looks like a new car.

When I'm at the trailer I have a hose so I can wash it myself.  I can also drag the vacuum cleaner out and plug it into the outside outlet to vacuum the inside of the car.  Here at the apartment, I have none of these simple conveniences so I take the car occasionally to a car wash.  I don't think I'll ever be satisfied with a little car wash now that I've seen how Matt's hard work made my car gleam.

Faye and I drove to Oakville today to see Sheila's apartment and then go out for fish and chips.  I absolutely love her apartment and the building but she pays almost twice what I do for rent and it shows.  I am particularly jealous of her big she says she hasn't used yet in the year she's been in the apartment.

It was nice seeing Sheila again.  We chummed together all the time when she, Lu, and Tom had their trailer at my park in Florida.  Lu passed away 9 years ago and Tom passed away about 1 1/2 years ago.  Sheila sold the family home (she'd grown up there) and moved into an apartment.  She feels the same way I do...relieved to have the care of a house off our shoulders!

It's still unbearably hot outside so it will be another day or so before the temperatures drop to normal and I can turn this darned air conditioner off.  I miss the fresh air coming in through the windows and patio door.

Tomorrow and Thursday will be do nothing days but I'm sure I'll find something I like that needs doing.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

The Wedding

Cindy drove me out to Dyment's Farm where the wedding and reception was to be held.  I've been there before during the fall when they have pumpkins for sale and a pumpkin maze.  The kids love it.  

When we arrived, I was a little worried because I saw no-one I knew but I soon spied my ex-next door neighbors, John and Angela, so I was set for the night.  They are terrific people who are lots of fun.  There was also another ex neighbor that I had never met know, one of those people who never seem to be seen outside their house.

There were hugs for Isabel and Steve, too, and I will always treasure having those 2 for neighbors for many years.  We used to call Steve the mayor of Duncombe Dr.  because he was always outside talking and laughing or helping one of the neighbors.  Super people!

At 3 P.M. we were loaded into very clean long wagons and tractored out to the sight of the wedding which overlooked the Dundas valley.  Such a beautiful site (and sight)!  Chairs were set up for the guests but it was a little too hot to sit in the sunlight so we moved ours to the shaded area and still had a great view of the wedding.  Andrea was in a gorgeous white lace gown and Stuart was in shirt, vest, pants, and suspenders as were the groomsmen (friends since kindergarten) and the little boys, Cooper and Pierce.  This was a dressy casual wedding and one of the nicest I've attended.

Cooper and Pierce are both 3 years old and kept everyone entertained with their one time marching through the ceremony with buckets on their heads.  Meghan, almost 6, was the flower girl...her mother, Melissa, was the matron of honor.  There were also 4 bridesmaids.  Apparently the minister was a friend of the family, too, so it was a cozy family/friend wedding.

Shortly after the ceremony, we climbed back onto the wagons and were taken back to where the reception would be held.  I think there were more than 100 guests who sat or stood in a spacious open patio gabbing or drinking wine, water, or lemonaid  until the dinner was served.  5 of us scooped up the best table (next to the open space) not realizing each table had designated guests but the young ones whose table we'd scoffed politely traded off so we could remain there.  Yeah for the old folks!

Dinner was excellent but very homey.  Even corn on the cob was included but that's something I don't eat in public...too many kernels catch in my teeth and I can't stand it until I pull them out.  Home made pies were the dessert and I had the pecan, my favorite.

Then we dragged our chairs back out to the patio, yakked and watched the young ones dance.  There was even a firepit in part of the huge patio.  Once the sun went down it became a perfect summer evening...cooled down enough to be comfortable but no-one needed a sweater.

The only tears of the day was when Stuart danced with his mother, Isabel to "Riser".  Isabel has been fighting cancer for a couple of years and will begin another course of chemo on Monday.  She is a very strong woman who will beat this damn disease if anyone can.  By the way, Stuart also shaved his head in support of his Momma's hair loss due to the chemo.  I love this young man!  

Cindy, Kim, and Don arrived just before 10 P.M. (our designated time) to pick me up and drive me home.  

I've said it before and I'll always say it.  Good family ties are what is most important in our lives.  Without a good family to support us in whatever time of need arises, we are just floundering helplessly through life.  Weddings, funerals, and family reunions are all customs to remind us of our remind us that we are safe in the folds of our families.  People were never meant to travel through life without being part of a loving family and, if you look at the customs of other countries, they're all family oriented.  There is strength within the group.

My childhood family taught me nothing about the sacredness of a tight family but my in-laws did and that knowledge has been passed down through the generations since.

Watching the closeness of Isabel's family and friends last night just reinforced my belief that family is so important.  I thank the fates every day that I'm part of my own loving family.

The fates have been kind to me.    

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Life is Good

I've always had the most wonderful family one could ask for but I've also gathered about me the most wonderful friends that anyone could ask for.  I am blessed for sure.

Matt and Kelly came down for a visit this morning to pick up my car and Matt will detail it for me this afternoon.  Cindy is picking me up and taking me to Stuart and Andrea's wedding where she'll drop me off and then pick me up to take home at 10 P.M.  I can't see to drive in the dark so wouldn't be able to attend the wedding without someone driving me.

Stuart is Isabel and Steve's son, one who grew up right across the road from me when I lived in my house.  I've known Isabel since she was a young girl living across the road, too, and she has become like a 4th daughter to me.  Stuart was a wonderful little boy who is now a wonderful young man and I'm blessed to have watched that happen over the years.

I've got a few outfits laying across the bed so I can try them on and choose the best fit.  I rarely need to dress up so who knows how these outfits will look on me...they've been hanging in the closet for at least a couple of years.  My dress up clothes are generic so they don't look too outdated.  I refuse to buy an outfit I can't wear many times over.

I got my hair cut yesterday and it still looks pretty good so that's one worry off my mind.  If a woman feels her hair doesn't look good, she can't be comfortable even if dressed to the nines.

Anyway, today will be a very happy one because I'm seeing my sweet Stuart marry the love of his life, Andrea.

Monday, August 10, 2015


I do laugh a lot because I'm a pretty happy person but it's true that a natural smile or laugh gives your spirit a boost.

On the other hand, feeling down (not depression) and dragging yourself around in misery takes a toll on your body and spirit.  We all feel down at times but we can always climb out of the depths if we choose.

Since I once had depression and will never allow myself to go there again if I can help it, I really enjoy comedy, fun friends and family that make me laugh.  My greatgrandchildren do it without even trying!  I can be a sympathetic ear to anyone with a problem but I discovered I can't be around someone who is in a deep clinical depression because I can feel myself being dragged down with them.  

I did one of those tests on Facebook and it said I'm very empathetic...but I knew that.  I also have E.S.P. to a degree.  My E.S.P. has saved my life a few times but being overly empathetic has caused me a lot of tears.  I wonder if it was empathy that kept me from punching a few idiots in the nose?

But as long as my loved ones are doing okay I'll stay happy.  I know, like all of us, some of them have their personal issues but they all handle them well and don't let problems beat them up.  If our spirit is strong, we can always succeed.

Have you ever giggled to yourself because you thought of a funny moment?  I do it a lot.  I think that's okay.

Sunday, August 09, 2015

Mid Summer

We've reached mid summer and it's very different from when I was younger.  I used to have allergies that began acting up right about this time and lasted until the end of September.  Luckily, they lessened with age until they're pretty much nonexistent now.  This is something my daughter, Kim, can look forward to in the years to come.

Mid summer also used to bring a touch of dread to my heart because I knew fall and winter were hot on it's heels.  I've never, ever enjoyed winter and I've lived in southern Ontario all of my life.  Now, though, I will only have to suffer through a little bit of cold weather before I leave for warm and sunny Florida.  It's in the back of my mind that this reprieve will end quite soon and it makes me a little sad.

July is the heart of summer but August is the farewell.  Mid summer will gradually turn into early fall and we'll be pacified for a while by the glorious reds and golds of the changing leaves.

The grey days of late fall and early winter were always the worst for me.  At least having the sunshine on fresh snow is pretty.  The grey, freezing days of winter are pure misery so I'm not looking forward to having to suffer through them.

But today it's sunny and warm and the cold days of winter are still far away.  I've reached the 3/4 century mark and I feel wonderful.  Life is good.

Saturday, August 08, 2015

I'm Cute and Loveable

My friend, Monica, posted on Facebook that I'm cute and loveable.  No-one in my whole life has called me that and it got me wondering why more people don't take the time to compliment each other.  It feels so good.

Just one time my husband told me I was the prettiest woman in the room...and that was through almost 50 years of being together.  I never forgot it.  

I compliment people a lot because I know how good it feels.  We honestly don't hear enough that we're appreciated and I don't mean just for our looks.  I often told my husband that he was the smartest person I'd ever known...he didn't return the compliment, by the way.

My granddaughters are very beautiful but I've always drawn to their attention that they're also very good people because that matters most.  My daughters and grandsons are also good people and I'm extremely proud of them.  

I don't bulls..t when I compliment because that's no compliment at all.  I tell it like it is, not to ingratiate myself but to lift someones spirits with a truth about themselves.

Do yourself and someone else a favor by seeing and commenting on the good they do!


I like dollar stores, thrift shops, and yard sales.  I can usually meander through these places and come up with something I can use, maybe not for it's originally intended use.  This morning I made my coffee in the Keurig and, since my mugs are way too large, have placed one of those glass coffee pots to catch the coffee.  I had been using a small plastic measuring cup but the coffee stained it terribly and that bugged me so, while strolling through a thrift shop, I spotted this glass pot and knew it would serve my purpose.  Thankfully someone donated it to a thrift shop rather than tossing it in the trash.  One man's trash is another man's treasure!

We are such a wasteful society...just look at what many people put out in yard sales for pennies.  I do hate to throw something away that I know someone else can use so I send a lot to the Salvation Army.  It's an excellent charity where the CEO's don't take an exorbitant salary.  Look up the salaries of other charity CEO's and you'll see what I mean.

I've always liked to put broken pottery in my garden and plant flowers in them, too.  They look homey to me.  Dollar stores amaze me, too, with their prices being so low compared to what you'd pay for the same thing in a department store.  I used to take my grandchildren there at Christmas time to buy their choice of presents for their parents.  They loved it and it didn't cost much.

Just recently I bought building blocks and little super heroes at a thrift store for Nash and Nolan.  Pretty much every toy I have here for them came from yard sales, too.  All in excellent condition with years of play still in them.  They'll be returned to the Salvation Army when the kids outgrow them.

I don't yard sale much any more but find I'm in need/want of fancy new coffee mugs.  I can't bring myself to buy them at full price in a store so I guess I'll have to do some yard saleing soon.

You can find some lovely things to re-use and which cost very little if you just have patience.  

Thursday, August 06, 2015

75 Plus 1 Day

It's amazing how much one day can make a difference in how you're feeling about your age.  I think birthdays are maybe too strong a reminder that we're one year closer to the great beyond but give us one more day and we can shrug it all off.  My life goes on just as it did before and I'm a happy camper again.


I witnessed a spat yesterday and it left me furious.  When I look back on my own lifetime of spats with my husband, I realize most could have been brushed off instead of made much of.  We seem to let previous tiffs merge with present moment tiffs to create a huge problem out of something trivial and it's so unfair.

Children should never, ever be subjected to arguments between their parents.  It is terrifying for them even if they remain silent at the moment.  They don't understand and it causes trauma that's totally unnecessary in their little lives.  They will relive the moment and feel somehow responsible for it.

As for being the witness, it was emotionally unbearable to be unable to protect those I love because I feared making matters worse.

If anyone reading this is going through a separation or divorce, please make an effort to make it as stress free as possible especially for the children who have no choice but to be torn apart by their parent's actions.

Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Holy Crap, I'm 75

Dennis used to say that if he'd known he'd live as long as he did, he would have taken better care of himself.  Well, I have a few regrets, too, about how I've abused my body over the years but I'm still pretty darned happy to have reached the glorious age of 75.

If any of you younger people are wondering how it feels to be 3/4 of a century old, I'll tell you.

I feel grateful to have lived this long and to still be a happy soul!  

I rarely feel my age until I look in the mirror and then I'm shocked to see my grandmother staring back at me.  It leaves me wondering why we have to wrinkle up with age.  Other than that, it takes me a little longer to climb out of the car or a chair and I tire a bit more easily.  I have a little bit of arthritis in one finger and my knees (caused by high kicking to "New York, New York") and a sciatic nerve that bites my butt if I walk too long.  None of these quirks interfere much with my life so I'm very lucky.

What I'm truly blessed with is a loving family I'm extremely proud of and a group of friends that make me laugh.  If everyone had these two things, this would be a nicer world.

Anyway, I'm still a little shell shocked at being 75 because it sounds so old.  74 didn't bother me and I'm sure 76 won't but 75 is a milestone.  Yeah!!

I don't know how many of my babies read this blog but hopefully it will survive me and give them the opportunity to even slightly understand the character of one of their ancestors.  I'm 75 and I'm happy.  That means a lot in one's life.  

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Reunion Moments

Ernestine had the first mishap by sitting in a wet lawn chair and soaking her behind.  She was good natured about it, though, and laughed it off with the rest of us.

Wayne, who'd just had Mohs surgery on his ear, was slightly hurt when the wind blew a table umbrella over and it hit him on the ear.  Family photos were being taken at the time and he said it was difficult to keep smiling through the pain.  Luckily our nurse practitioner, Shelley, was there to check it out and declare it okay.

Tammy had made a huge $350 lobster stew and one of her friends over spiced it.  Tammy held herself together long enough to fix the mistake and it turned out to be one of the tastiest dishes I've ever had.

Nick fell in love with lobster rolls and may have gone bankrupt buying so many...$10 each!

Marilee and her brood stayed at the old Algonquin Hotel in St. Andrews.  Faye and I visited her there and were thrilled with the majesty of the place.

We drove by Ferne's house on Riverside Dr. and it brought back wonderful memories.  We even got inside the house that Billy and Jacky owned and that is still for sale.  It's such a grand old house but it needs too much work to renew it and, being so large, it costs too much to heat it.  I'm hoping someone will take the project on because it could be used for many purposes.

We played "washers" for the first time...and had so much fun.  By partnering us randomly we got to have fun with relatives we hadn't spent time with beforehand.

The heavens gave us clear and warm weather with only one little scare with black clouds and specks of rain.  We were lucky and we knew it!

I've missed mentioning many events but I'm tired after my 16 hour drive and need to hit the sack.  I'll add more as I remember them.  LOL!

Neilsen Family Reunion

There are all kinds of families.  Some are close and loving; some are distant and unloving.  The family I married into is spread from sea to sea but they are the most loving and wonderful people anyone could ask for in a family.  This is the family I traveled 900 miles to be part of their family reunion this past weekend.  I'm just an in-law but my children and grandchildren are all blood relatives of the Neilsen clan.  I'm thrilled even to be only an in-law in this great family.

Kim, Nick and I set out at 3 A.M. on Thursday morning to make what turned out to be  16 hour drive to St. Stephen, New Brunswick.  We had  a very good trip with no bad weather or traffic tie-ups.  We good naturedly fought the whole trip about the value of using cell phone google, GPS, or my CAA trip tiks.  It turned out that none are perfect but my trip tiks were definitely not needed or wanted (by Kim and Nick)...I still like them.

We slept well in our "Deluxe Log Cabin" (not well described, I'm afraid).  It was clean and roomy enough but we had no cold (yes, cold) water for showers on our second to last day and there were many small openings through the logs that had me worrying about rain.  Fortunately, there was none!

My niece, Tammy, and her husband, Doug, hosted the 70 or so descendants and in-laws of the Neilsens who came from Denmark to settle in New Denmark, New Brunswick.  My husband's mother, Ferne, was the second generation to arrive.  I've mentioned before how blessed I was to have Ferne for my mother-in-law and how truly blessed I am to be part of this incredibly wonderful family.

Tammy had arranged the whole reunion and most of it was centered around her beautiful home with expansive yard (hard to call it a yard when it is so huge) and pool.  There were hugs with relatives seldom seen and renewed friendships from previous reunions.  There were seniors like me, middle aged family, teen family, and babies.  It was lovely to see how the younger generations had made and maintained friendships over the years.  It made me proud that I was partly responsible for teaching my own children how important family is and how important it is to keep it together.

My Cindy and all her family drove up in the huge RV they'd rented and Shelley and all of her family made the trip up from Florida and Washington.  Another group of Neilsen descendants flew in from the U.S. west coast.  Some came in from Newfoundland and Maine.  Our group came from Ontario with the only one missing being Matt because he couldn't get the time off work.  It was simply joyous!

We chatted and ate and swam and played games.  We watched old photos on a movie screen outside in the moonlight.  We went whale watching and got to hold starfish and sea urchins.  We repeatedly kissed and hugged just out of happiness to see each other again.  We had bonfires, roasted marshmallows and hiked.  We re-united.

On our last day, our little group went out to the cemetary to visit Ferne's and Jacky's graves.  There are also other family members there but those two were the ones I wanted to spend a solemn moment with.  They are a part of my life, part of my history, and people I loved.  I hope they're somewhere out in the universe carrying on their lives...I know they're not really lying in those graves.

We spent another hour at Tim Hortons having coffee and donuts before Shelley's group had to leave for the airport.  It's never easy saying goodbye but there's a darned good chance we'll see them again this winter...especially me because I'll be spending the winter at 3W.  

St. Stephen was having a chocolate festival this week so Kim, Nick, and I finished the day watching the lumberjack events.  I must say that there are some very good looking and muscular men in that part of the country!

We left New Brunswick at 6 A.M. this morning and headed home.  There was a degree of sadness for me because this could be the very last time I'll ever see New Brunswick because I'm no young chick.  But my children, grandchildren, and greatgrandchildren are part of the Neilsen clan.  They are already firmly entwined in friendships with their blood relatives and I'm pretty sure these friendships will carry on even into generations not yet born.

Yes, this family is blessed and I am blessed to have married into it.