Thursday, August 06, 2015


I witnessed a spat yesterday and it left me furious.  When I look back on my own lifetime of spats with my husband, I realize most could have been brushed off instead of made much of.  We seem to let previous tiffs merge with present moment tiffs to create a huge problem out of something trivial and it's so unfair.

Children should never, ever be subjected to arguments between their parents.  It is terrifying for them even if they remain silent at the moment.  They don't understand and it causes trauma that's totally unnecessary in their little lives.  They will relive the moment and feel somehow responsible for it.

As for being the witness, it was emotionally unbearable to be unable to protect those I love because I feared making matters worse.

If anyone reading this is going through a separation or divorce, please make an effort to make it as stress free as possible especially for the children who have no choice but to be torn apart by their parent's actions.

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