Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Holy Crap, I'm 75

Dennis used to say that if he'd known he'd live as long as he did, he would have taken better care of himself.  Well, I have a few regrets, too, about how I've abused my body over the years but I'm still pretty darned happy to have reached the glorious age of 75.

If any of you younger people are wondering how it feels to be 3/4 of a century old, I'll tell you.

I feel grateful to have lived this long and to still be a happy soul!  

I rarely feel my age until I look in the mirror and then I'm shocked to see my grandmother staring back at me.  It leaves me wondering why we have to wrinkle up with age.  Other than that, it takes me a little longer to climb out of the car or a chair and I tire a bit more easily.  I have a little bit of arthritis in one finger and my knees (caused by high kicking to "New York, New York") and a sciatic nerve that bites my butt if I walk too long.  None of these quirks interfere much with my life so I'm very lucky.

What I'm truly blessed with is a loving family I'm extremely proud of and a group of friends that make me laugh.  If everyone had these two things, this would be a nicer world.

Anyway, I'm still a little shell shocked at being 75 because it sounds so old.  74 didn't bother me and I'm sure 76 won't but 75 is a milestone.  Yeah!!

I don't know how many of my babies read this blog but hopefully it will survive me and give them the opportunity to even slightly understand the character of one of their ancestors.  I'm 75 and I'm happy.  That means a lot in one's life.  

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