Saturday, May 31, 2014

Teenage Momma

Kim was born when I was only 17 years old and I was as far away from being a responsible mother as a girl could be.  I'd rarely even babysat so I knew nothing about babies and there I was with a 9 1/2 pound baby girl whose existence lay in my hands.  Dennis had just turned 21 but was fully employed and a very responsible young man...but he knew nothing about babies, either, and came from a generation when the man of the family was only expected to bring home a paycheck and occasionally play with the children.  He didn't change diapers, feed the baby, or get up in the night for one.  I don't fault him because that was what was expected in those days.

It's nice to see that parenting style has changed and fathers now do everything except breast feed their babies.  This is a win/win/win situation for all involved.  The father gets to bond completely with his offspring, the baby has more Daddy time, and the mother gets some much needed rest.  

But my Kimmie survived and grew into one of the most wonderful women I've ever been privileged to know.  I guess she had to be strong to survive her precarious babyhood!  

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


One of my Facebook friends always seems to have the woes of the world on their shoulders and it's not only sad to see but also off-putting.  My daughter's gramma-in-law just passed away at 93 and that woman was a smiling wonder.  At 93 you can bet she had physical ailments and tragedies at times in her life but she radiated happiness and enthusiasm and, partly because of that, she was a joy to be around.  My own mother-in-law was like that, too.

Everyone suffers through bad events regularly throughout their lives but, if it's that way daily, then it just might have something to do with your attitude.  The way you respond and deal with those bad days says a lot about you.  If you're weak you'll let it diminish you but if you have just a little backbone you'll survive and flourish from the experience.

People like Lela and Ferne are inspiring to everyone around them.  We all struggle through life but the best way to win the fight is to have a positive attitude and then nothing can really defeat us.  I love my daughter, Kim's, favorite saying..."Live, Love, Laugh".  How could you fail with that kind of attitude?  

Monday, May 26, 2014

California Killings

I listened to a wise psychologist on the news this morning who explained that disturbed people would watch all the publicity this story got and want it for themselves.  That innocent people lost their lives to a deeply angry and psychotic individual wouldn't matter to them as long as they got the attention and publicity they felt they deserved.  This is egotism taken to the extreme.

I often wonder why psychotics like this don't just take their own lives instead of first taking the lives of others but, of course, suicides don't get much attention.  The answer seems to be that the public shouldn't dwell on the killer but on the victims and that seems to be what the newscasters have been doing lately.

But I'd like to know what drove the killer, who seemed to have so and feel violently cheated because he didn't have more.  He apparently never understood that his shortfalls came from his own personality.  In real life, we usually reap what we sow but maybe he either didn't know how or was unable to blend in with others.  That makes for a very lonely and angry person.

Most of us feel like that at times but most of us will never take the deadly step of striking out and hurting another person because that is something we could never do under any circumstances.  Then, is it all only in the way we choose to deal with our problems?  Or is it a physical mental illness that forces one to choose to kill?

I'm one of the many who believe that extremely violent video games and movies are a large part of the problem.  They desensitize the participants to killing and the consequences which follow violence.  Maybe the games and movies aren't as dangerous for strong minded individuals but what effect do they have on even slightly disturbed people?  Time will tell.

The first recorded instance of mental illness should prohibit that person from ever in their life purchasing or owning a gun.  Granted, there are other murder weapons available but a gun is what can cause the most damage.  The 22 year old killer in this most recent instance possessed many guns legally and he had been mentally disturbed since he was a child.  

Law makers in the United States should be ashamed that, even after Sandy Hook, they never took the correct action to put more restrictions on gun owners.  The NRA should be ashamed that they fought gun restrictions.  The rest of the citizens should be ashamed that they didn't put more pressure on their leaders to change the laws on gun control.  Stricter gun control laws can only help.

Sunday, May 25, 2014


Our bodies have such an amazing ability to heal that it's a wonder we ever die.  Other than some severe bruising and discomfort, my wrist/hand is getting better every day...and that's on a 73+ year old body.  I still have to wear the brace most of the day but it's to protect the area and not to stabilize it.

I'm sure that in the future humankind will discover that certain herbs will keep us from deteriorating and dying.  It's only logical that we have everything we need right here on earth and that we can have immortality if only we can figure out the secret.  I'm not sure I would want immortality but I certainly would want vigor up until my last day on earth.

On a sad note, my son-in-law's grandmother passed away yesterday and, though it's never easy to say goodbye to a much loved icon of the family, Lela lived a long life filled with love, fun, and a zest for living.  I'll always remember her as a feisty and truly beautiful lady with a smile on her face.  She leaves a painful hole in her family that can't ever be filled.  Lela was special!


Friday, May 23, 2014


The older I get, the more afraid I am of falling and I did it again last Monday.  Instead of removing the little barrier Cindy had on her deck to keep the dogs in, I stupidly decided to step over it.  I didn't even hold on to the railing!  The result was that my shoe hit the top of the barrier (a little table) and I went down like a ton of bricks.  In the split second it took to fall, I remember trying to protect my knee so I hit the ground kind of oddly.  I landed on the outside of my left leg but also hit the outside of my right hand.  It hurt something wicked but I was really more embarrassed than physically hurt.  You always feel like an idiot when you fall.

Cindy and Don felt terrible but I was convinced I hadn't broken anything so just left and drove home.  The pain continued to get worse all evening but I still thought I could manage until morning when I could go to my own doctor for a check-up.  At 1:30 A.M. I couldn't stand the pain any longer and called poor Kim to take me to the hospital.  I am blessed with 3 wonderful daughters that I can always count on but I hated getting Kim out of bed when she had to go to work in the morning.

We spent 3 hours at the hospital (1 doctor available).  After much pleading from me, the nurse gave me some pain meds before the doctor saw me.  My hand and wrist were exrayed and it turned out I'd only chipped a bone at the top of my hand just above the wrist.  It didn't need a cast, just a brace that I had from when I broke my left wrist 1 1/2 years ago.  I was so happy that it was only a chipped bone but it will still take about 6 weeks to heal and I have to mostly wear the brace for all that time.

I see a doctor at the orthopedic clinic  today to make sure all is healing as it should.

Injuries happen so fast and unexpectedly.  Now I'm even more afraid of falling but Shelley said that my bones must be pretty strong if all that happened was a chip and not a break.  I feel very lucky it wasn't worse.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Crap Happens

We can't protect ourselves completely from all the crap that might happen to us.  Often the worst crap comes out of nowhere and hits us so hard we are left reeling and aren't quite sure what the heck happened.  It's how we deal with these unexpected dramas that make the difference.

I don't deal with crap the way I used to.  Back in the day I would be devastated and crushed but today I get darned angry and fight back.  I've learned that the people who have power over us do not necessarily wield that power fairly or intelligently so their status doesn't intimidate me.  My message to anyone who truly believes they have been trodden on is to gather up your inner strength, align yourself with people who can help you, and fight back.

Sometimes the battle isn't worth fighting but sometimes it is so you'd better prepare yourself.   

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Day With Nash

Being around children adds years to our lives.  I think the combination of love, laughter, and admiration for how much they're learning is what does it.  I took care of 3 year old Nash today and now I think I'll live until at least 92.

It was just 2 summers ago that I took care of Nash and he screamed bloody murder for almost every moment he was with me.  Last year he was good but a little reticent about being left with me.  This year he happily said goodbye to his father and eagerly took my hand as I led him into my place.  This is leaps and bounds progress!

I've always thought of Nash as the quiet one, unlike Nolan who is a non-stop talker.  Well, that changed, too, and Nash has also become a non-stop talker, much of which I don't understand but most of which I do.  His speech does need some work but he's improved amazingly since last year.

Nash is a sweet, gentle little boy.  I asked for a hug and he said, "No!".  I told him I'd cry if I didn't get a hug so he came right over and hugged me and then, stepping back and looking at me with concern, said, "Are you okay now?".  Bless his little heart!

We walked up to a little playground near the apartment and he scared me with his fearless moves.  He's not wild at all but has no fear of climbing on bars that I thought too far apart for his little legs.  This is the little guy who never seems to cry when he gets hurt so I feel very protective of him.  We drove to Burger king for lunch where he ate every bit of his meal, tried to steal some of my fries, and then asked for more.  He's going to be a big boy!

He had a 2 hour nap in the afternoon because I needed one, then got a little melancholy asking where his Mommy and Daddy were.  He didn't cry but mentioned them a lot.  He was very interested in the Swedish weaving afghan I was working on and asked if he could have one so I'll make some small scale ones for both him and Nolan when I finish the one I'm making now.  I told him I'd make one for him and he said he'd do it himself.  We discussed how I'd have to do it because he didn't know how but he adamantly stated he'd make his own.  Listening to him, I realized how this spoke of his character, how he'd grow up to be a man who wouldn't depend on others to do for him.  This is how you get to know your little spend precious time with them and listen to them.

Nash, you will do well in life.        

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Bad Tire

Well, back I went to the Nissan dealership yesterday to have my tires unrotated (I believe I've invented a whole new word).  One of the mechanics took it for a drive first and then told me my problem wasn't with the tire rotation but with one bad tire where the belt had shifted, making the tire wobbly.  I have to trust them.  

And so, today I am having 2 tires replaced because somewhere, somehow, I read that you should never replace just one tire.  I know the sound of the bad one so I'd better not hear that wop-wop or roaring sound with the new ones.  I specifically asked for quiet tires so they're putting on Michelin (spelled right?).

I always look forward to my summers because I feel rich not having to pay double lot rent for the trailer each month but my expenses so far since I got home have been pretty darned high.  I replaced the sink and taps in the kitchen and now I have to pay for 2 new tires.  And it's only May!!

Maybe I can feel rich in June.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Sexist Liberal Candidates

Now, I know that politicians aren't the brightest of us all but wouldn't you think that someone running for political office would take care not to publicly show his/her worst side?  It seems kind of incongruous that so many of the Liberal male candidates this season are blatantly sexist...and their leader is a woman.  I hate to think it but maybe our politicians are getting stupider.  Just look at Toronto mayor Rob Ford.  And we, the public, are equally stupid to elect these characters and give them the power to run our country. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

I'm Officially Diabetic

My blood sugar has been elevated for years but last year it took a gigantic leap to 8.3  (high normal is 6.).  I put off medication, hoping weight loss and a better diet would bring it down enough that I wouldn't have to go on Metformin but it didn't work.  Even with a 15 lb. weight loss and a slightly better diet, my blood sugar rose to 8.7 this spring so I had to accept the inevitable.  I'm diabetic and will be taking Metformin for the rest of my life.  Not the worst thing in the world, though.

My other blood counts were okay, the CLL still staying much the same and only slightly above normal.  My cholesterol is stable, too, so all is not really horrible.  If left unchecked, the high blood sugar would damage my innards so taking a couple of pills every day isn't such a bad trade-off.  I often wonder how many hidden illnesses plagued our ancestors who never went to a doctor for check-ups.  At least I have a doctor who is aware of what's going on inside me and will keep tabs on my health.  He's my new doctor (my old one retired) and he's adorable.  I get the impression he knows what he's talking about but there's no arrogance about him.  He's a very nice doctor and I'm lucky to have him, even if he does look like he's 12 years old.

Being diabetic doesn't mean I pig out on sweets because I don't crave them, thank heavens.  I've never had a decent diet until this past winter and, though better, it's not the's just not filled with desserts.  The dietition told me that carbs, not calories, are what I should count so I've been more careful all winter eliminating many carbs from my meals.  With luck, those magical 2 pills a day will keep me from kicking the bucket for years to come.


Suffering Lack of Sunshine

I had a wonderful, mainly sunny winter in Florida and thought I'd easily be able to weather a wet spring in Canada but it's getting on my nerves.  Sure, we've had a few sunny and warm days but there's been so much rain lately it's making me miserable.  Combine that with an apartment that's too warm, thanks to some stupid law that keeps the heat on well into May, and my little world is a pain in the ass today.

I'm one of those people who is strongly affected by lack of sunshine.  Looking ahead to a week of mostly rain is making me want to sleep through it all...just wake me up when the sun comes out.  There is housework and crafts I could do but there's no sunshine to spur me on.  For some people, rainy days are an excuse to work on projects but not for me.  Summer in Canada is usually beautiful with warmth and lots of sunshine so I guess I just have to be patient.  I wish I could be.


Monday, May 12, 2014

Rotating Your Tires

If I'd thought about it, I would have remembered that I never had the Honda's tires rotated in the 11 years I owned the car.  I did have new tires put on it, though.

On Friday, I decided to have the tires rotated on the Nissan which I've owned for 2 years.  It wasn't too expensive and I'd decided to take extra good care of the car which will probably see me out.  Before the rotation there was some road noise but after the rotation it was deafening.  There was also a vibration felt in the steering wheel that I hadn't felt before.  I thought for certain that the dealership had wrecked my cute little car.

On Sunday, Matt drove my car and told me the noise was almost certainly the wheel bearings.  I could see dollar signs!  But when I got home and on the computer I searched the internet for info on anyone hearing extra noise after having their tires rotated.  Sure enough, it is very common and so is the vibration.  The key is that this will happen unless you have your tires rotated about every 2000 miles.  My car has about 12,000 miles on it.  Mystery solved (I hope!)

I'm having the tires returned to their original position on Wednesday and I've brazenly asked not to be charged for it.  We'll see if that request is honored, too.  I will put new tires on in the fall but I'm not ready to take on that cost just yet.

I just love all the information that is available to us on the internet!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Flowers Make Me Happy

It doesn't take much to fill my balcony with flowers but I can't imagine ever living without being surrounded by the beauty of flowers.  I'm not quite finished, though, and plan to buy a small bag of white stones to fill the spaces left between ceramic pot and plastic pot.  I was afraid the short ceramic pots wouldn't hold enough soil for the plants so I'm leaving them in the plastic ones and setting them inside the ceramic.  We'll see how they do...I may have to find a different solution later on.

There is nothing on earth that can bring you more peace than being amid masses of lushly blooming flowers and foliage.

Born Poor

I've read a lot about how poverty causes people to turn to crime.  Well, I grew up in poverty and it drove me to do better for myself.  Childhood poverty is not something that you should use as an excuse for your own poor choices in life.  The "poor me" attitude that the world owes us a living is pure crap.  You were gifted with life and the ability to make of it what you wish.

I'm not talking about the instances where children are drugged and dragged into slavery but of the children who, though suffered a deprived childhood, go forth into the world and make a success of their adulthood.  Get an education because that will be your saving grace.

I lived with my mother, sister, grandmother, and grandfather in a 2 room apartment where we shared the one bathroom with 3 other apartments.  Our little apartment was clean and my grandmother even cleaned the hallway and stairs for free (and I'll bet she also cleaned the bathroom) because she wanted a completely clean appearance to her home.  She put in a tiny flower garden out front and somehow (I don't remember a lawn mower) kept the tiny front lawn cut.  My mother worked every day in a bakery and my grandfather worked as a street cleaner for the city until he was forced to retire some time in his late 70's.

Pride in yourself means that poverty doesn't have to put you in the gutter.  Not everyone is born rich...and I honestly believe that growing up poor means you will appreciate whatever perks you achieve in the rest of your life.  Using childhood poverty as an excuse to be lazy and give up from the get go is utterly stupid.

My biggest regret is that I never got a proper education and that sits on my shoulders alone.  I hated going to school (pure laziness) so quit when I turned sixteen.  I think I knew it was a mistake at the time but did it any way.  Teens usually can't be trusted to make decisions like this on their own and no-one in my family guided me.  I've told my children and my grandchildren that one of the most important things in life is to get a good education because it will help you in every way throughout your lifetime.  Knowledge can never be taken away from you and it broadens your understanding of the world you live in.

My children and grandchildren are all college/university educated to some degree so my life is a success as far as that goes.  They'll never regret getting that education, this I know for certain.

For children living in poverty, the only good way out is to stay in school and to advance your education as far as you are able.  Rely on yourself and your own determination no matter what your background happens to be.


Friday, May 09, 2014

Nigerian Abductions

The United States has sat under an umbrella of disdain for 200 years because their people once held slaves.  Today we realize that slavery still exists in many countries, including Nigeria where schoolgirls are abducted and sold.  It is frightening to know that human beings are capable of such monstrous behaviour but we see every day how beastly some of us can be.  Just watch the news and it's rife with murders, kidnapping, rapes, and incest.  It's enough to make you want to live in a different world altogether.

One of the Nigerian kidnappers said that his god told him to take the girls and sell them.  That justifies my belief that our "god" is only a reflection of ourselves, who condones whatever behaviour we choose or will always offer forgiveness when we go against social mores.  We humans can be very dangerous when we don't have a conscience to keep us in line.

One of the worst acts a human being can perform is to destroy innocence.  The predatory actions of the Nigerian kidnappers make me hope there is a hell for monsters like this.

Thursday, May 08, 2014

Computer Fixed

The computer has been acting up since I got home but I think it's partly my own fault.  I get impatient when it takes too long to load and I start clicking and that often makes it freeze up.  Yesterday it froze up between on and off, not going either way, so Kim set me up with a friend of Don's (Brent) who straightened the whole mess out.  Whewwww!

I'm an impatient person most of the time unless I gain control of it quickly.  Sitting and waiting drives me crazy because I think of all the other things I could be doing instead of waiting.  And the older we get, the more valuable our time is, right?  I want to do what I want to do right now, not sit like a log and wait for 10 minutes in front of a dead screen.  It seems I need to practice discipline and restraint when it comes to this darned compute, though, or I'll mess it up again.

Today I'm having a new sink and taps installed in the kitchen.  The owners of the building think the ones I have are just fine so they won't pay for it but it's something I want so I'm getting it.  Life is too short to go without when you don't have to.  The present sink and taps were probably installed when the building was built in the 60's or 70's so they're kind of crappy.

For the rest of the day, I'll work on the Swedish weaving afghan I'm making for my friend, Barb.  She doesn't know she's getting one so it will be a nice surprise for her when we both get to Florida in the fall.  

I like the turn my life has taken.  It's peaceful.

Monday, May 05, 2014

Non-Slip Decals

It's been a very long time since I bought those little non-slip decals you stick onto the footbed of the tub but they used to be available almost everywhere.  Not now.  I dislike the rubber mat that's in the tub now and decided it would be prettier and easier to clean if I stuck on those non-slip decals but couldn't find them anywhere.  I went to that wonderful stand-by, Ebay, and found some but they're horribly expensive (about $10 with shipping).  And most are silly little children's themes like whales and ducks.  I can get plain strips at Canadian Tire but they're boring.  I want flowers.

I'll probably have to settle for the strips but I know that once I stick them on (they're impossible to remove) I'll find exactly what I've been looking for in every store I enter.

Sunday, May 04, 2014

True Friendship

I don't know where I got this but I hope it was from a friend.

The way it is...or should be!

(none of that sissy shit)

Are ye tired of those piss weak friendship poems that always sound good but never actually come close to reality?  Well, here are a series of promises that actually speak of true will see no cute wee smiley faces on this card.  Just the stone cold truth of a great friendship.

1.   When ye are sad, I will help ye get drunk and plot revenge against the bastard who made ye sad.

2.   When ye are blue, I will try to dislodge whatever is choking ye.

3.   When ye smile, I will know ye are thinking of something that I probably want to be involved in.

4.   When ye are scared, I will shake the piss out of ye every chance I get until you're NOT!

5.   When ye are worried, I will tell ye stories about how much worse it could be until ye stop yer whining.

6.   When ye are confused, I will try to use only wee words.

7.   When ye are sick, stay the hell away from me until ye are well again.  I don't want to get whatever ye've got.

8.   When ye fall, I will laugh my effin head off at you, you clumsy arse...but I'll help you up.

9.   This is my oath, I pledge it to the end.  "Why?", ye may ask; because ye are my friend.

Friendship is like pissing in your pants.  Everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth.

Loneliness in Texting

I saw an interesting video on how social media is changing lives.  People with hundreds of "friends" they spend hours texting each day can't compare to the benefits of actually having friends you come into physical contact with on a regular basis.  I didn't need a video to tell me this because I knew it instinctively.  I've seen many, many couples or groups of people who, though together socially, are obviously ignoring each other and choosing to text someone who isn't there.  The saddest sight I ever saw was a father standing in line with his young son waiting to see Santa and, instead of chatting with his little boy, he chose to spend those precious and fleeting moments talking to someone else on his cell phone.  The little boy didn't look happy...but then his father didn't notice because he was too busy on the phone.  Talk about wasted moments!

I wonder if the younger generation is choosing the somewhat limited communication offered by social media such as texting and Facebook because it's less intense than up close and personal.  If you don't have much to say then OMG and WTF might serve your purposes.  It's superficial communication at best and, at worst, the ability to excel at personal interaction suffers.

In contrast, how pleasant it is to converse with a friend who is right next to see their reactions to what is spoken and to hear their laughter during the conversation.  There is a depth of communication there that is totally lost with texting.  LOL can't compare!  

I know I'm quite prejudiced when it comes to cell phones because I can't stand the thought of being tied to one continuously.  I like being out of range of everyone once in a while.  Cell phones will remain popular, though, until the next unique communication device is offered for sale.  I always thought that one day we'd implant newborns with receivers of some sort so they didn't need to use an actual telephone in order to contact someone.  It will happen in time, I know it!

Saturday, May 03, 2014

Flowers in Waiting

I was going to take a photo of the gorgeous plants I just bought for the balcony that are presently waiting inside the patio door for warmer weather but my camera won't work.  Yesterday the printer stopped working again.  I'm okay.

The flowers are so beautiful and I couldn't resist buying them so early.  Here in southern Ontario we have to wait until at least mid May (preferably late May) to start our outside gardening but I have no patience with waiting that long.  Must be the reason I lose so many plants to the cold!  I always buy 1 full and varied hanging planter to start out but this year I bought 2 because I couldn't choose between them.  The rest of my pots will be filled with whatever catches my eye at the nursery.  I've decided to use lots of trailing plants this year and, of course, begonias and geraniums because they're so hardy to all kinds of weather. One I'll definitely buy is the sweet potato vine because the color and lushness of them among the other flowers is outstanding.

I have fewer pots to fill now that my garden will be on the apartment balcony instead of the house property but that, too, makes my life easier.  It also means I can afford to pay a bit more for the plants because I won't need as many.  I still have soil to buy to top up the pots and I just learned (after 73 3/4 years) that I should never have put garden soil in the pots.  Apparently I should have used only potting soil which is lighter and airier.  I guess I could bag the old soil up and tote it outside to get rid of it.

I love having a garden, even just a balcony garden, because it makes me smile at it's beauty every time I look at it.  It always lifts my spirits.  

Well, I tried the camera again and it's now working.  Oh, the mysteries of the computer...I wonder if the printer has miraculously started to work again.  Any way, I took a photo of the flowers and will crop it and insert it in the blog shortly.
Aren't they gorgeous!!!!

Friday, May 02, 2014

Five Wives

This sort of show irks me beyond belief.  I haven't watched it but the concept gets my back up.  Any woman would have to have no self worth at all to share her husband, the man she supposedly loves and loves her, with other women.  It's like pre-accepting infidelity...I know this is a practice that occurs but it's also degrading for the offended spouse.

Maybe if there was a show about "My Five Husbands", I would find that interesting enough to watch (still highly offended) but it would make more biological sense.  One man cannot satisfy 5 wives but one woman could, in theory, satisfy 5 husbands. 

In truth, shows and alternative lifestyles like this are an attempt to destroy traditional marriage where one man and one woman commit to each other.  Traditions are what holds society together and it takes a very long time to change, delete, or add to established traditions.  I'm just now accepting that a gay couple can commit to one another in the same way as a heterosexual couple.  I guess it has to make sense in order for change to occur.

There are established cultures in this world where multiple wives are the norm but I'm betting that every culture such as that is always male driven, holding back their females from ever reaching equality within the culture.

I guess that's why shows about multiple wives bother me so much.  It takes ages for women of most cultures to gain more equality and it hurts to see that, in a country where there has been success in that area, there are still women who value themselves so little that they'd accept an arrangement like this.

And I'm also upset with A&E for airing this kind of crap!