Friday, May 09, 2014

Nigerian Abductions

The United States has sat under an umbrella of disdain for 200 years because their people once held slaves.  Today we realize that slavery still exists in many countries, including Nigeria where schoolgirls are abducted and sold.  It is frightening to know that human beings are capable of such monstrous behaviour but we see every day how beastly some of us can be.  Just watch the news and it's rife with murders, kidnapping, rapes, and incest.  It's enough to make you want to live in a different world altogether.

One of the Nigerian kidnappers said that his god told him to take the girls and sell them.  That justifies my belief that our "god" is only a reflection of ourselves, who condones whatever behaviour we choose or will always offer forgiveness when we go against social mores.  We humans can be very dangerous when we don't have a conscience to keep us in line.

One of the worst acts a human being can perform is to destroy innocence.  The predatory actions of the Nigerian kidnappers make me hope there is a hell for monsters like this.

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