Saturday, May 10, 2014

Born Poor

I've read a lot about how poverty causes people to turn to crime.  Well, I grew up in poverty and it drove me to do better for myself.  Childhood poverty is not something that you should use as an excuse for your own poor choices in life.  The "poor me" attitude that the world owes us a living is pure crap.  You were gifted with life and the ability to make of it what you wish.

I'm not talking about the instances where children are drugged and dragged into slavery but of the children who, though suffered a deprived childhood, go forth into the world and make a success of their adulthood.  Get an education because that will be your saving grace.

I lived with my mother, sister, grandmother, and grandfather in a 2 room apartment where we shared the one bathroom with 3 other apartments.  Our little apartment was clean and my grandmother even cleaned the hallway and stairs for free (and I'll bet she also cleaned the bathroom) because she wanted a completely clean appearance to her home.  She put in a tiny flower garden out front and somehow (I don't remember a lawn mower) kept the tiny front lawn cut.  My mother worked every day in a bakery and my grandfather worked as a street cleaner for the city until he was forced to retire some time in his late 70's.

Pride in yourself means that poverty doesn't have to put you in the gutter.  Not everyone is born rich...and I honestly believe that growing up poor means you will appreciate whatever perks you achieve in the rest of your life.  Using childhood poverty as an excuse to be lazy and give up from the get go is utterly stupid.

My biggest regret is that I never got a proper education and that sits on my shoulders alone.  I hated going to school (pure laziness) so quit when I turned sixteen.  I think I knew it was a mistake at the time but did it any way.  Teens usually can't be trusted to make decisions like this on their own and no-one in my family guided me.  I've told my children and my grandchildren that one of the most important things in life is to get a good education because it will help you in every way throughout your lifetime.  Knowledge can never be taken away from you and it broadens your understanding of the world you live in.

My children and grandchildren are all college/university educated to some degree so my life is a success as far as that goes.  They'll never regret getting that education, this I know for certain.

For children living in poverty, the only good way out is to stay in school and to advance your education as far as you are able.  Rely on yourself and your own determination no matter what your background happens to be.


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