Monday, May 05, 2014

Non-Slip Decals

It's been a very long time since I bought those little non-slip decals you stick onto the footbed of the tub but they used to be available almost everywhere.  Not now.  I dislike the rubber mat that's in the tub now and decided it would be prettier and easier to clean if I stuck on those non-slip decals but couldn't find them anywhere.  I went to that wonderful stand-by, Ebay, and found some but they're horribly expensive (about $10 with shipping).  And most are silly little children's themes like whales and ducks.  I can get plain strips at Canadian Tire but they're boring.  I want flowers.

I'll probably have to settle for the strips but I know that once I stick them on (they're impossible to remove) I'll find exactly what I've been looking for in every store I enter.

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