Saturday, May 03, 2014

Flowers in Waiting

I was going to take a photo of the gorgeous plants I just bought for the balcony that are presently waiting inside the patio door for warmer weather but my camera won't work.  Yesterday the printer stopped working again.  I'm okay.

The flowers are so beautiful and I couldn't resist buying them so early.  Here in southern Ontario we have to wait until at least mid May (preferably late May) to start our outside gardening but I have no patience with waiting that long.  Must be the reason I lose so many plants to the cold!  I always buy 1 full and varied hanging planter to start out but this year I bought 2 because I couldn't choose between them.  The rest of my pots will be filled with whatever catches my eye at the nursery.  I've decided to use lots of trailing plants this year and, of course, begonias and geraniums because they're so hardy to all kinds of weather. One I'll definitely buy is the sweet potato vine because the color and lushness of them among the other flowers is outstanding.

I have fewer pots to fill now that my garden will be on the apartment balcony instead of the house property but that, too, makes my life easier.  It also means I can afford to pay a bit more for the plants because I won't need as many.  I still have soil to buy to top up the pots and I just learned (after 73 3/4 years) that I should never have put garden soil in the pots.  Apparently I should have used only potting soil which is lighter and airier.  I guess I could bag the old soil up and tote it outside to get rid of it.

I love having a garden, even just a balcony garden, because it makes me smile at it's beauty every time I look at it.  It always lifts my spirits.  

Well, I tried the camera again and it's now working.  Oh, the mysteries of the computer...I wonder if the printer has miraculously started to work again.  Any way, I took a photo of the flowers and will crop it and insert it in the blog shortly.
Aren't they gorgeous!!!!

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