Thursday, May 15, 2014

Bad Tire

Well, back I went to the Nissan dealership yesterday to have my tires unrotated (I believe I've invented a whole new word).  One of the mechanics took it for a drive first and then told me my problem wasn't with the tire rotation but with one bad tire where the belt had shifted, making the tire wobbly.  I have to trust them.  

And so, today I am having 2 tires replaced because somewhere, somehow, I read that you should never replace just one tire.  I know the sound of the bad one so I'd better not hear that wop-wop or roaring sound with the new ones.  I specifically asked for quiet tires so they're putting on Michelin (spelled right?).

I always look forward to my summers because I feel rich not having to pay double lot rent for the trailer each month but my expenses so far since I got home have been pretty darned high.  I replaced the sink and taps in the kitchen and now I have to pay for 2 new tires.  And it's only May!!

Maybe I can feel rich in June.

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