Sunday, May 25, 2014


Our bodies have such an amazing ability to heal that it's a wonder we ever die.  Other than some severe bruising and discomfort, my wrist/hand is getting better every day...and that's on a 73+ year old body.  I still have to wear the brace most of the day but it's to protect the area and not to stabilize it.

I'm sure that in the future humankind will discover that certain herbs will keep us from deteriorating and dying.  It's only logical that we have everything we need right here on earth and that we can have immortality if only we can figure out the secret.  I'm not sure I would want immortality but I certainly would want vigor up until my last day on earth.

On a sad note, my son-in-law's grandmother passed away yesterday and, though it's never easy to say goodbye to a much loved icon of the family, Lela lived a long life filled with love, fun, and a zest for living.  I'll always remember her as a feisty and truly beautiful lady with a smile on her face.  She leaves a painful hole in her family that can't ever be filled.  Lela was special!


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