Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Suffering Lack of Sunshine

I had a wonderful, mainly sunny winter in Florida and thought I'd easily be able to weather a wet spring in Canada but it's getting on my nerves.  Sure, we've had a few sunny and warm days but there's been so much rain lately it's making me miserable.  Combine that with an apartment that's too warm, thanks to some stupid law that keeps the heat on well into May, and my little world is a pain in the ass today.

I'm one of those people who is strongly affected by lack of sunshine.  Looking ahead to a week of mostly rain is making me want to sleep through it all...just wake me up when the sun comes out.  There is housework and crafts I could do but there's no sunshine to spur me on.  For some people, rainy days are an excuse to work on projects but not for me.  Summer in Canada is usually beautiful with warmth and lots of sunshine so I guess I just have to be patient.  I wish I could be.


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