Sunday, August 09, 2015

Mid Summer

We've reached mid summer and it's very different from when I was younger.  I used to have allergies that began acting up right about this time and lasted until the end of September.  Luckily, they lessened with age until they're pretty much nonexistent now.  This is something my daughter, Kim, can look forward to in the years to come.

Mid summer also used to bring a touch of dread to my heart because I knew fall and winter were hot on it's heels.  I've never, ever enjoyed winter and I've lived in southern Ontario all of my life.  Now, though, I will only have to suffer through a little bit of cold weather before I leave for warm and sunny Florida.  It's in the back of my mind that this reprieve will end quite soon and it makes me a little sad.

July is the heart of summer but August is the farewell.  Mid summer will gradually turn into early fall and we'll be pacified for a while by the glorious reds and golds of the changing leaves.

The grey days of late fall and early winter were always the worst for me.  At least having the sunshine on fresh snow is pretty.  The grey, freezing days of winter are pure misery so I'm not looking forward to having to suffer through them.

But today it's sunny and warm and the cold days of winter are still far away.  I've reached the 3/4 century mark and I feel wonderful.  Life is good.

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