Thursday, August 27, 2015

Transsexual Kindergarten Teacher

In Hamilton, Ontario, one of the kindergarten classes is taught by a woman who is in the process of becoming a man.  Nothing wrong with this...except...she/he is teaching 5 year olds about transsexuals, teaches sometimes as a female and sometimes as a male.  The kicker is that the Hamilton Spectator is lauding her as a great example as a kindergarten teacher!

I can't understand why the school board...and the parents of these children...are allowing this to happen.  Are we so under the control of bleeding heart liberals that we can allow little children to be subjected to this?  Why does a 5 year old need to know about transsexuals??  Why would any parent allow their precious child to be in a classroom where the teacher comes in one day as a woman and the next as a man?  I don't even think that's what real transsexuals do!

School boards are allowing grade 2 children (7 year olds) to be taught about homosexuality.  Now we have school boards allowing a transsexual to teach 5 year olds while jumping back and forth from one sex to another.  How have we allowed this kind of aberration to take hold in our elementary schools?  Is everyone afraid of speaking up and saying this is not normal behaviour?

I have a hard time understanding transsexuals in the first place but this case seems to be even more perverted because the teacher switches gender regularly.  A 5 year old student doesn't know from day to day if their teacher is Miss or Mister.  Does anyone else think this is weird and unacceptable???

I know I'm old and rather set in my ways but I've always believed that some things are "just not right".  What that class of very young children is putting up with is "just not right"!     

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