Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Another Hot Day

It's another overly hot day and the air conditioning is on.  I think it's supposed to be cooler tomorrow and that will be a pleasure.  I don't plan on leaving home today!

I finished the afghan I've been working on since last winter and will probably start another one soon but not today.  Today is for lounging around and playing on the computer.  I've also stored up a few books I'd like to read...Matt says I'm hoarding them but it's really just saving for another day!

The newspaper is full of bad news and I might have to stop reading it because it always disturbs me to see how vicious some people are to others.  Just the thought of how it would feel to physically violate another human being makes me ill.

I've become more fearful for my personal safety as I've grown older.  I guess I feel more vulnerable and unable to fight off an attack...but I'd do my best!!  The other day I was in my apartment elevator and it stopped on another floor where 2 huge young men quickly stepped in.  They took me by surprise and it must have shown on my face because they immediately apologized and tried to make me feel safer.  I really wasn't afraid of them but I was expecting a slow old person to enter the elevator and not 2 quick moving young men.  They were workmen doing some repairs in the building.

In my heart, I know that most people are kind and peaceful but the newspaper and T.V. news fill my mind with doubt.  It seems like a lot of victims are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.  I've already decided that, if I'm driving alone on the highway and an unmarked cop car tries to pull me over, I'm not stopping but going to the first busy area before doing so.  Years ago, my husband and I were stopped on the highway and I truly believe the civilian dressed "cop" robbed us.  He insisted on us paying the speeding fine immediately or he would confiscate my husband's licence.  We were on our way home from a holiday in the States and only had a bit of Canadian money left but the "cop" accepted it and let us go.  I'll never know for sure but it certainly made me wonder.

Anyway, it's up to us to keep ourselves safe and not deliberately or foolishly put ourselves in danger.  I think I've survived this long because I'm a sissy.  And that's okay!   

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