Thursday, August 20, 2015

Giving Advice

Facebook did it again.  One of Aunt Acid's quotes was right on, saying that a person who gives advice isn't smarter than the person needing advice, they've just experienced more crap than they have.  That's me.

When I give advice it's only what I deeply believe in...such as not to allow anyone to mistreat us.  I also sometimes give unwanted advice to my girls who will always get the absolute truth from me whether I'm right or wrong.  They can trust what I say is what I firmly believe is for their own good.

When I had counseling for depression, I don't think the counselor had ever had depression herself but she did know how to teach me to focus and not jump to conclusions.  She taught me how to cope with life.

There are simple rules to follow:  don't accept abuse and what anyone else thinks of you doesn't matter.  Be kind to others and have self respect.  Life will never be an easy road but you're sort of forced to follow it to the very end so make it as pleasant a journey as you can.

Somehow I've gathered the best of friends around me, people I respect and enjoy.  If anyone treats me poorly, I just stay away from them.  This has happened with family, too, and is sometimes awkward but I can remain polite without being friendly and that's how I handle it.

In my younger years I would be destroyed by an unkind comment or action against me.  Now I understand it's the other person's problem and I don't have to involve myself with it.  When I encountered nastiness, I'm not hurt but more taken aback that there are people who like to hurt others.  I know who I am now.  I'm okay.  My younger self would be proud of how I've become this strong and peaceful.     

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