Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Settling In

I have to admit I had a slightly difficult time settling in here at the park when I first got here.  It looks so different, neater but emptier since the new owners spruced it up a bit by towing out a lot of the older trailers and putting down brand new rentals in their place.  Not quite as homey looking.

Being able to see Shelley more often is the biggest benefit of being here with the sunshine and warmth coming in second.  I was a little lonely, too, because so many of my good friends aren't here any more but so many are still here.  Just getting back into the familiar routine of coffee morning, Bingo, etc. and having lots of laughs with friends has gradually drawn me back in.  I've never liked change and a lot has changed with me not being here last winter so it will take a little getting used to.

Life is going on back home, too, and I'm a little sad about missing that.  But I can't be in both places at once so I'll just have to give myself a shake and be happy that all my family seems to be in a good place right now.

We had a craft sale in the clubhouse yesterday and I sold slightly more than I bought.  Then cards with wonderful souls in the evening.  I am truly blessed with the most wonderful people in my life...wish I'd always had them but better late than never.

Today the sun is shining brightly and it's wonderfully warm this morning.  I did a hand wash and hung it out on the line.  This afternoon I need to do a bit of shopping and then there's Bingo tonight.  All of this done wearing clam diggers, t-shirt and sandals on November 29th.  Life is very good!   

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