Thursday, November 02, 2017


I've been a little down in the dumps lately, nothing serious...just a light shade of blue, and sort of laid off posting my usual flower photos on Facebook.  Donna posted one yesterday and it was so lovely and spirit lifting that I posted a few myself.  They help make the start of my day a happier one.

I'm 77 years old with only a few health issues, none that hurt much, so I'm maybe a happier soul than many.  My brain still functions quite well and I have a hard time keeping up with the new interests that pop into my life.  I know that one day I'll wake up and the world won't be quite as rosy but today it is.

At the craft show on Saturday I had a really good time yakking to anyone that took the time to yak.  Kim mentioned that I wasn't always so outgoing and that's true.  In my younger years I was more unsure of myself and tended to try to stay close to Dennis instead of going off on my own.  As I stepped away, I gained confidence and actually began to enjoy myself much more.  It grew from there and now I'm fine on my own.

Today is dull and rainy but I have to go out for a few things.  Tomorrow I'll do laundry and finish packing and Cindy is coming at lunchtime to make sure the settings on my Facebook don't allow strangers in.  I'll be picking up Faye around 3:30 and we'll go for an early supper because neither of us can see to drive in the dark.  Saturday we head out to Florida!  It will be lovely to see my Shelley and some sunshine again!

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