Monday, November 20, 2017


Sciatica is literally a pain in the ass that can travel down your leg.  Mine hits me about once or twice a year but only for a brief time and so far it hasn't gone to my leg.  Small mercy because it hurts something a raw nerve which is what it is.

Mine started on the first day of the drive to Florida and continued for about 10 days (exceptionally long for me) and kept me from dancing at Nicole's wedding.  It's strange but the more I walked the better it got but there was a lot of sitting and that's what seems to inflame the sciatic nerve.

Once I started working at the trailer, it all but disappeared and work became easier as long as I didn't lift or move anything too heavy.  For some reason, that seemed to bring the pain right back.  

My body pain is almost gone and I attribute that to the heavy suitcases I had to drag in from the car.  I'm going to try to limit what I pack in those darned suitcases but no guarantees.

It's very different for me here this year with some of my closest friends gone from the park.  Dee and Jan, to name a few, are a saving grace for me because they are good friends, too.  I'm still feeling a bit out of my element because there are so many new people here that I don't know.  The new park owners have towed out a lot of the old trailers and brought in brand new rentals and also done some much needed landscaping so the park looks nicer than ever.  

Dee, Margie, and I went to the game rooms last week after Faye left for home and we're going again today.  I have my money loss limit so, unless I win some today, I can't go back for a couple of weeks.  I did win $31 at Bingo on Friday but that money stays in my Bingo bag.

Paul finished the powerwashing and my plants are doing well but not really flourishing yet.  That will happen gradually.  I'm still going to get rid of anything I don't really need to make the trailer roomier.  Kevin is going to laminate the the flooring under the table when he has the chance but I'm not going to have all the floors done.  My time here will not be a lot of years so there's no sense in putting too much money into the place.  As long as it's clean, neat, bug free, and surrounded by pretty flowers, that's all I need.

I still haven't paid any attention to my new cell phone and I think it's because I'm nervous about tackling it.  Dee keeps wanting to show me new options on it but I stop her until I at least master the basics.  She probably thinks I'm smarter than I actually am!

It's cool today...only hitting a high of 60F. and that might be a good time to clean the patio chairs in expectation of a nice group for my Friday morning coffee.  So many have died or left the park that I'm sure I won't have a large crowd, though.

Well, time to get some work done.

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