Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Another Terrorist Act

An immigrant from one of those tiny, poverty stricken countries rented a truck and drove it onto a bicycle path in New York city, murdering 8 innocent people.  He'd been very fortunate to be allowed to live in the United States for 7-8 years and this is how he showed his appreciation.  The people he murdered contributed with their taxes to any monies he was given by the government to live on while he was in the States.  

What is in the heart of these terrorists that they'll listen to a false god and turn on their benefactors like this?  What hatred do they live with every day of their life that will drive them to get into a vehicle, see regular people riding their bikes through the city, and decide to run them down?  What false religion infects their minds and teaches them it is their right to do this?

Whenever a terrorist strikes, it is against innocent people who just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and we are left with a million questions.  How can anyone believe they have the right to mow down innocent people that they don't know and have no personal grudge against?  Why does the perpetrator not see himself as the true coward he is for attacking people who have no defense against his attack?

Always questions.  Apparently he bragged about what he did from his hospital bed...he was shot by police and then humanely taken to the hospital to be cared for because we in America are humane people.  In his own country he probably would have been left to die in the streets.  Why is he unable to see the difference between the crappy country he left and the country he chose to live in and how damned lucky he was to be allowed into in the first place?

We'll be asking ourselves these questions forever because it will happen again and again and innocent people will suffer because a crazed, selfish, and cruel individual believes he has the right to destroy life.  If there is a hell, I hope he ends up there.

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