Thursday, November 23, 2017

Dictatorship One Step Closer in Canada

Be afraid.  Be very afraid.  A prestigious university like Sir Wilfred Laurier and it's supposedly well educated students vilified and threatened a teaching assistant who dared to present the words of someone who negates gender neutral teachings.  All hell broke loose in this university when the ideas of Jordan Peterson (considered controversial!!!) were aired.  The students, professors, and their supporters couldn't bear to hear that gender neutral pronouns such as "zie, zher, and they" are crap!  Now, I'm not sure anyone said they were crap but that's my opinion!

That supposedly educated people are in the process of forcing these gender neutral ideas on the rest of the country is frightening.  That no other opinions will be allowed to be heard and discussed is just as frightening.  Is this what our university students are being brainwashed to accept and, if so, what is the future of our society?

Marilee formed the same opinion the other night and it scared me.  She is one of those "well educated, forward thinking people' and she predicted a new world where gender neutral would be the norm.  I see a future where we have robotic human beings with no identity and who harm or imprison anyone who think differently than they do.  The sad thing is that I'm now fearing that day is already being staged in Canada.

I mentioned earlier how terrible it was that university students in my own city were so fearful of hearing a speaker whose opinions didn't coincide with their own that they rudely and ignorantly drowned him out so that no-one could hear him.  I had hoped this was an aberration but I now understand that this is the way the new order will force their opinions on the rest of us.  They will drown out, attack, and vilify anyone who dares to speak out against them.  We are seeing the rise of a Nazi agenda!

I harp all the time on how we MUST protect our freedom of speech but I always thought we needed protection from our politicians.  It appears the truth is that we desperately need protection from our present day universities, their professors, and their students.

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