Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Roaches are a fact of life in Florida but, until I retired and started spending my winters here, I'd never seen one. I'm not a fan of bugs of any kind and barely tolerate them in their natural habitat...outside!

When my husband and I bought this trailer he closed up every opening he could that bugs might find their way inside but the occasional roach still managed to gain entrance once in a while. I have a "bug" man who sprays here 12 months of the year but the little buggers still appear occasionally, usually dead or dying.

Last year my friend told me that she covers her floor heat registers with foil while she 's gone over the summer and never sees a roach. I followed her example last spring before I left and, lo and behold, almost no roaches. I decided that possibly they were coming in through the heat registers during the winter months, too, so I lined the underside of the registers with a fine cloth. I haven't seen one nasty little bug since I did this but I'm a little concerned with having cloth under the registers so I purchased some aluminum screening that I'll put in it's place.

Just a thought for other southerners who might have the same problem!

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