Thursday, February 08, 2007

A Diaper Ride Away

I've been watching with amazement the unfolding story of the ex astronaut who went after the woman who was her love rival. She wore diapers because she didn't want to stop for a pee break on her long drive. This is true dedication to the cause.

It got me thinking about to what extent we go for love. All I ever did was hang on to a bad marriage, convincing myself that what I saw with my eyes and sensed with my mind didn't exist. We're capable of convincing ourselves of what we want to believe because to accept the truth is too painful.

I saw a lady on T.V. the other day who stalks the fiance of Beyonce. She has convinced herself that she is better for him than Beyonce although she's never met the man. She is a personable lady, well maintained, but she has this blind spot that's ruining her life.

Some women (and some men) live in a physically abusive relationship because their mate is 95% gold and only goes off on them "when they push his buttons". These women believe that if they're beaten up it must be their own fault.

Hilary Clinton stuck by her man even though he cheated on her and subjected her to public humiliation to a degree unimaginable. I don't think this was the exposure she had in mind while she was planning her own political career.

Remember the California cop who couldn't sexually satisfy his wife so he procurred many, many men to do the job for him? He also hid in the closet and watched so it's possible his good deeds weren't just for his wife.

An ongoing story is the group of 13 year old girls who viciously attacked another girl who they thought was a love rival. They acted like a pack of wild animals and ended up making ridiculous fools of themselves.

Back to the astonaut...a T.V. announcer said this morning "we're all just a diaper ride away" from behaving like idiots in the name of love. I agree.