Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What Americans Know About Canada

When I come to Florida for the winter I almost feel like I'm at home. At least half of my friends are American but we don't differentiate here. If you like someone they can be from Mars and they'd still be friends. But...every once in a while we Canadians discover how very little some Americans know about Canada.

The other day I went up to the pool early and got into conversation with a lady I'd never met before. I don't know if she spends the winter here or is just in for a short time. In any case, we started talking and she asked me where I was from. I told her "Ontario in Canada". She replied "I'm always amazed at how well you people speak English". What the hell????

I then told her she might be thinking of Quebec and that really threw her because she'd never heard of Quebec. I wonder if she knows there are even more countries in the world outside the U.S.A.?


Shelley said...

I wonder if she realizes British people speak English too. There are ignorant people all over the world...somehow it still surprises us! :-)

bluebird of paradise said...

don't dare mention newfoundland to her!