Sunday, April 08, 2007

An Evening at Downtown Disney

Tonight we went over to Downtown Disney and strolled the busy stores and streets. The place was teeming with people...couples, families, oldsters, and youngsters, all of them with their own personal life stories. I'd bet they came from every country in the world judging by the myriad languages spoken.

My friends and I ate at the Earl of Sandwich and sat on the patio watching the children run through the intermittent spurts of a large fountain, laughing joyously when they got wet. Most were on vacation in Florida and having a wonderful time enjoying something free for a change. There is no admittance charge to Downtown Disney and it's really a pleasant place to while away a few hours, especially since no auto traffic is allowed there.

We received our free piece of Giardelli chocolate (more if we go through the line twice) and then watched tourists purchasing oyster shells which promised to hold at least one pearl. They did.

We walked through the little store where all Disney merchandise was under $10. and I spotted some Disney character sippy cups, original price $12 but now 4 for $10. I bought 4 to sell on Ebay.

With such a massive crowd of people winding their way in every direction, there was no rudeness, no wildness. Everyone seemed happy to be where they were and considerate in their movements. I wonder if the lively, but innocent, strains of Disney music heard unobtrusively in the background brought out the best in us?

As darkness fell, the lights came on and Downtown Disney looked like a fairyland. We bought ice-cream and sat on a patio watching the passers-by. We chatted about our lives past and present and thoroughly enjoyed this beautiful Florida evening in such pretty and interesting surroundings.

It was an evening that made us thankful for the experience.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Last time I was there it was freeeeezzzzing cold - remember Shelley? We insisted on eating outside because it was our last night in FLA before Shelley & John took us to the airport.