Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Site Meter Chipping Away At My Confidence

When I first installed the Site Meter I was blown away by the information I received from it. I could see that some of my readers came from as far away as China, Singapore, etc. and that filled my mind with wonder. How had they found me?

Well, I've learned a little more about the site meter and now I know a bit about how they found me...and how long some of them took to read the words I'd crafted. A lot of my readers took 0 seconds to read my blogs. What the hell?

My confidence level dipped a smidgeon but then I thought...that's not what counts. What does count is that I have fun doing this and if even one person likes to read it then that's the real bonus.

My topic for today is a comment on flea market shopping. I was out at my own flea market stall yesterday cleaning and redisplaying what was already there. All around me were stalls selling the remnants of days past...there isn't much you can't find at a good flea market. In some ways it's like wandering through a museum.

The flea markets I frequent in Florida seem to sell mainly brand new junk but I much prefer an old time place that sells nice, used items...not necessarily antiques. My flea market is filled to the rafters with interesting old stuff. Years before I got my own stall I used to enjoy shopping there myself. It's about 1/2 hour drive from home and I'd often spend a couple of hours browsing through the mishmash of items from yesteryear.

There's a romanticism about finding things our parents or grandparents once had in their own homes. For us oldsters, it's interesting to find the things we threw away a few years ago are now worth big bucks. I love glassware of most any kind. If it's old then that's all the better because it comes with a story.

When I'm at my own flea market I spend most of the time tidying but I still like to wander around to see what else is available. It always amazes me.

1 comment:

Shelley said...

Your site meter should remind you that your friends and family want to keep up with what's happening in your life - the foreign readers are just gravy!!

Love you and your flea market that smells of days gone by - it's a good smell! :-)