Thursday, May 10, 2007

Planting Season

I had to go out yesterday to do a bit of shopping and I passed very close to a nursery I buy most of my bedding plants from. I had to stop...I just had to!

It gives me almost a sensual pleasure to walk through a nursery or a large garden. Maybe that's why I spend a lot of time there. Anyway, I walked in and got myself a cart so I must have been subconciously planning on buying more than I could carry. It's too early to plant most things but begonias and geraniums are very hardy so I knew I'd be safe with them.

Just before paying for my plants I noticed a lady leaving with a gorgeous display of snapdragons and I knew I had to have some of those, too.

Bringing my treasures home and finding the perfect spot for them brought a smile to my face that stayed all day. Now if I can only stop myself from bringing home the Impatiens too soon.

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