Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Banned Books

I just read a short list of books banned around the world and I thought how ridiculous it is to be so frightened of words and ideas.

I understand that blacks (I mean no disrespect in using this word. It's just that I can't keep up with the politically correct changes) don't like the fact that some of the books written years ago show them as subservient or illiterate but those stories represent the times in which they were written. To ban such books is to disregard the real lives some of their ancestors lived and that is most disrespectful.

The witches and sorcery in the Harry Potter series of books terrifies some religious people no matter that good always wins out over evil in those stories.

I don't think any book should be banned but maybe kept out of the hands of children too young to deal with them. Once a child reaches the ripe old age of 16, most of them have seen and heard more on the subject of sex, race, and brutality than anything they'll read in a good novel.

Banning books is archaic. If they're trash then we just won't read them. If they have enlightened thoughts then we'll make up our own minds to agree or disagree. To ban a book is to ban free thought and that's one freedom we should all fight to keep.

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