Thursday, July 26, 2007

Doctor's Report

There's a good reason why I hate to see the doctor. He's a sweetheart and will send me for the usual tests because I have high cholesterol but I hate doing it because something else too often shows up.

I got a phone call today about my recent blood tests. I knew as soon as I heard the nurse's voice that I wasn't going to be happy. She said my doctor wants me to come back in because he's not thrilled with the results from the blood tests.

"Why???!", I asked.

"Well, your sugar count is slightly elevated and the cholesterol count isn't as low as he'd like. Your tryglicerides are also too high".

Not having a clue what tryglicerides are (not even sure I'm spelling it correctly), I just wanted to know if it meant I'd have to take more medication. I detest taking any medication whatsoever and only begrudgingly accepted the fact that I needed to take Lipitor to control my cholesterol just a few years ago.

"No", she said, "He'll probably just have you see a dietician and control it with diet". "Diet" is not a nice word to hear, either.

Lately I find myself saying, "It could be worse" an awful lot. But, to tell the truth, it really could be worse, couldn't it?

1 comment:

bluebird of paradise said...

you and i are so alike! i hate it that my body betrays me. we have such fun doing all the "bad for us" stuff..........
i'm on my way to the doctors as we speak, bad knee, bad hip , fungus foot, too much sugar, too much fat ugh ugh ugh.........