Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Fat is Beautiful

I've watched a few programs lately about men who are only attracted to fat women. They explain the attraction and I have to admit their explanations make a lot of sense. There should be no shame in being fat because we are what we are.

But being grossly overweight is unhealthy. I'd love to be able to ignore that fact but there it is. Being fat is also uncomfortable at times and we often have more difficulty performing tasks.

Being chubby, on the other hand, carries much the same stigma in this world of super fitness but this I do disagree with. In my eyes, a person who is slightly overweight looks much nicer than someone who is rail thin. I've always had a weakness for men with a little paunch even though my husband had a perfectly flat stomach. Our preferences sometimes can't be explained.

I've struggled with my weight and bad eating habits for most of my adult years but a while back decided to forget about losing weight for looks and concentrate on simply eating healthier. I probably would have done better if I didn't eat out so much. Buffets are killers.

I gave up my worst cravings...potato chips and french fries...and probably saved my arteries but the weight hasn't fallen away as I'd hoped. Maybe that's because I'm terribly inactive but I do have a treadmill so now I'll make an effort to use it while I'm doing laundry.

Country music blasting from the radio, the washer and dryer doing their job, and me walking to the beat. Can't you just see it?

1 comment:

Kim said...

Maybe if you turned up the Country Music to a screaching level it would also make the drug dealer and the student frat house think about moving! Go Momma Go!!!