Monday, August 27, 2007

Update on Car Crash

Last week I wrote a blog about how a speeding car being chased by police ended up with the car crashing and killing it's two occupants. It turns out that the driver of that speeding car was driving without a licence and reached 180 kph+ (approx. 100 miles per hour) before losing control of his car and crashing. The pursuing officers are being investigated.

Does any thinking person want their police officers to ignore someone speeding like that on city streets?

I, for one, want our streets kept as safe as possible and I'm forever thankful to the police officers who put their lives on the line every day to keep my world half-way civilized. They often have to deal with the worst elements of the population, taking verbal and physical abuse for only average wages.

Instead of blaming the police for giving chase to that car, someone should be shouting loud and clear to the dissenters...the young man had no driver's licence and was driving recklessly! If he crashed and died it was by his own hand and not the fault of the police. Put the blame where it's deserved.

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