Saturday, September 01, 2007

My Nicky Has Allergies!

My daughter informed me that my precious, beautiful little grandson has been afflicted with the dreaded hayfever gene. Of course he's not so little anymore but he's still just as beautiful as the day he was born.

Nick was one of those dream grandchildren. Being the first, he would have been forgiven any bad character he possessed but he was an angel (from a grandparent's point of view). He was so darned smart it was scary. He always behaved but sometimes it took having to give the 1-2-3 warning.

When he was a baby I loved him so much I had to control how hard I squeezed him...something like a wild gorilla with a kitten. I'd waited so long for a grandchild and I just wanted to absorb him, I guess. He'd come through the front door and my arms would automatically reach for him, forgetting all about my daughter who held him. Everyone else in the room would disappear and my eyes and thoughts were only for him.

As he grew up he remained the most wonderful child in the world. He excelled in school and developed musical talents that were essentially self taught. I went to some of his plays in high school and was amazed at his singing voice...I don't remember him singing as a child. I was terrified to find out he was going to play the drums at a school concert because he'd never had lessons. He was fabulous! This boy was capable of doing anything.

Now he's a grown man, married and getting ready to start a family of his own. And I'll have the opportunity to start all over again.

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