Monday, January 28, 2008

Full to Overflowing

It's really nice that my Monday coffee morning has been such a success but today was a little overwhelming. The weather was just too chilly to sit out on the patio so we all sat inside. My trailer isn't very big but there was room for about 10 people in the livingroom.

People show up anywhere from 9 A.M. to 9:30 when the exercise class gets out. This morning seemed to bring a lot of ladies looking for a cup of coffee and fun conversation so we were pretty packed before 9:30. I was a little concerned about where anyone from the exercise class would find to sit.

My trailer is right across from the clubhouse so I saw the class as it exited. One lady who always comes to coffee was heading up my front sidewalk...but she was being followed by everyone from the exercise class!! I believe my surprised comment was "holy s...t". Because there were men in the class and also in her entourage I very quickly realized that this was a joke. My neighbor, Ron, runs the exercise class and he was gathering all these people into my little trailer.

We had a good laugh and most of them left. I made sure they knew they were all invited to any coffee time when we had it outside. At least outside we can fill the patio and spread out onto the grass if necessary.

I lied. We don't want the men because they inhibit our discussions...many of which are about them! I wouldn't seriously turn the men away but we do try to discourage them.

There's no coffee morning for the next 2 Monday's because I'm going to be away those days. When we start up again the weather should be warmer and we can do our drinking and yakking outdoors. Such fun.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Isn't Florida living great? It may be cold today but tomorrow you can just about bet it'll be warmer.